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Monday Night Raw 4-23
What happened last night? Did Mark Henry wrestle? My tv has been messed up since last Tuesday so I missed it.
WWE RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
April 23rd 2012

Teddy Long introduces John Cena and Brock Lesnar for the contract signing, and Cena comes out first but John Laurinaitis comes out instead of Brock. He says he told Teddy that Brock wasn't here, and Teddy says John told him to come out there, but John says they will do it on Brock's terms. John says Cena shouldn't be in such a hurry to sign the contract because it may be his last night there, then he forces Teddy to remove Cena from the ring. John starts talking about People Power, but Edge interrupts him and heads down to the ring while Cena claps for him. Edge says he isn't supposed to be under contract in a few days, but he needed to come talk to Cena.

Edge says he could have done it in private, but doing it in the ring may be more effective since he came to see the real John Cena. He says he wants to see the Cena who threw him off a ladder into two tables, and they guy who threw him into the Long Island Sound. Edge says he can't lose and he needs to find the real Cena, because they love wrestling more than anything else. He says they wanted to do this since they were kids, but Brock Lesnar just wants to put money in his pocket. Edge tells Cena that he needs to wake up because it's a slap in the face to guys like the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and himself, then he screams at him to wake up. Edge says he isn't asking him, but he is telling Cena to beat Brock, then he drops the mic and leaves Cena standing in the ring.

Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi whips Jericho across the ring and punches him in the corner, then he monkey flips him and drops him with an armdrag and a dropkick, Kofi sends Jericho to the floor and attempts a suicide dive, but Jericho rolls out of the way so Kofi grabs the ropes and stays in the ring. He applies a side headlock but Jericho rakes his eyes while the ref checks on them, then Jericho knocks him down with a kick and chops him in the corner. Jericho whips him across the ring but Kofi moves so Jericho goes headfirst into the ringpost, then he falls outside and Kofi connects with a somersault dive as we go to a break.

When we get back, Kofi fights out of a headlock and gets a near fall, but Jericho comes back with an enziguiri for a two count of his own. Jericho punches Kofi in the head and taunts him before driving his knee into his back, but Kofi makes it to his feet so Jericho drops him with a bulldog. He calls for a Lionsault but Kofi rolls away and catches him with a hurricanrana for two, then he kicks Jericho a few times but he gets surprised by a clothesline. Kofi catches Jericho offguard in the corner and hits a crossbody for two, then he hits the S.O.S. for another near fall.

Kofi goes back up top and hits another crossbody then calls for a Boom Drop, but Jericho catches his legs and attempts to put him in the Walls of Jericho. Kofi breaks the hold and goes back up top but Jericho hits a Codebreaker on the way down and gets him to tap out to Walls of Jericho. He takes a mic after the bell and asks the fans if they just saw that, because he will become the WWE Champion at Extreme Rules and CM Punk knows all about 'extreme.' He says Punk's father is an extreme drunk, his sister is an extreme drug addict and Punk is an extreme failure. He says he is going to give him an extreme beating on Sunday, but he bought Punk a gift that will help him cope with losing the title.

Winner - Chris Jericho

John Laurinaitis is on his phone when Eve comes in and asks to talk to him, and he says he has an executive position that can lead to big things. Eve says the key word is 'executive' and John agrees, then Eve accepts the position and says he made a great decision, then they shake hands. Elsewhere, Josh Mathews joins CM Punk in his locker room to ask what Chris Jericho got him as a gift, and he holds up a liquor basket and says he doesn't have a use for it. He picks up a whiskey bottle and says he is saving this one to give back to Jericho, then he gives Josh the basket and tells him to get out.

R-Truth vs Lord Tensai (w/ Sakamoto)

Tensai elbows Truth in the head, and Truth rebounds with some punches and a heel kick, but Tensai knocks him down with an uppercut. He runs at Truth in the corner and comes up empty, but he turns around and knocks him down before hitting a butterfly release suplex. Tensai hits a running back splash, then he connects with a chokebomb before finishing with a claw hold slam.

Winner - Lord Tensai

Kane says Sunday is his favorite night of the year, because it's when the WWE gets extreme and that means bad things for Randy Orton. He says Orton couldn't even beat him with rules, and he knows what Orton is going through because he discovered his weakness. Kane says Orton suffered when he hit his father with a pipe, but he's not a man or the Viper because he's just a little boy crying out for the monster to go away. Kane says he's the nightmare and the monster that he will never wake up from, then Orton appears on the Titantron and says there's no turning back for Kane. Orton says he needed to repay the favor, then he shows Paul Bearer tied to a chair and tells Kane to come join the fun.

He rolls Paul into a freezer and closes the door, but Kane just laughs and says he doesn't care about his father because he always thought the devil was his father. Kane says he doesn't care what happens to Paul, and he is sorry to say that he has no intention of saving him. He sets off his pyro and leaves the ring, but Orton runs down the ramp and starts brawling with him, then he throws him headfirst into the steps. Orton pulls a pipe from underneath the ring and hits him in the ribs, then he gets a running start and sends Kane over the barricade with it. Orton rolls in the ring and calls him back, but Kane ends up running away and Orton watches Kane escape through the crowd.

Chris Jericho is walking through the hallway when Alex Riley approaches him and says he got kicked out of the locker room because CM Punk was drinking. Jericho asks if he is serious and Riley says he saw him drinking from the gift basket, then they walk over together to open the door. He looks in and sees Punk drinking out of a plastic red cup with the bottle of whiskey next to him, then Jericho slowly closes the door and shakes his head while he smiles.

Alberto Del Rio & Cody Rhodes vs Big Show & The Great Khali

Cody goes after Khali's knees, but Khali chops him and runs him off, then Cody shuffles around before tagging Alberto. He runs in and gets clotheslined, then Khali chops him in the corner and Alberto runs away as we go to a break. We get back and Big Show hits Alberto with a few clotheslines, but Ricardo distracts him long enough for Cody to send him outside and attack his leg. Big Show makes it in at the ref's nine count, but Alberto goes after Show's knee and tags Cody back in.

They use quick tags to keep him down, then Show kicks Alberto in the face and lifts Cody for a chokeslam. Cody counters and puts him in a figure four, but Show rolls over and chops him in the chest to break the hold. Big Show kicks out and knocks Cody down, then he chops Alberto and backdrops Cody while Alberto leaves with Ricardo. Cody looks to see what is going on and gets chopped in the head by Khali, then Show chokeslams him to pick up the win.

Winners - Big Show & The Great Khali

We get back from a commercial break to join Chris Jericho telling John Laurinaitis about him catching CM Punk drinking in the locker room. He tells John to strip him of the title, and John says he can't do that but Eve says she read the rulebook and no Superstar can consume alcohol within twelve hours of a show. John says he wants to avoid legal action, and Jericho tells him to find a uniformed cop to give him a sobriety test. John agrees so Jericho leaves and tells Eve she looks great, then John asks what is wrong with Teddy.

Teddy asks why he is going to embarass Punk in public, and Eve says Teddy doesn't like following rules, but John says he isn't because Teddy will do it. John says JR taught him a great lesson, and he says when you have good news you get someone else to do it. We cut to Brock Lesnar arriving in the arena and Josh Mathews tries to get a word with him, but Brock shoves him against a trailer. Brock jokingly slaps him on the face and walks away, but Josh says he was doing his job so Brock throws him through part of the set and walks away. King and Cole recap what just happened, and we see a medical team putting Josh on a backboard and checking to see if he is coherent.

Lumberjill Divas Championship Match
Nikki Bella (w/ Brie Bella) vs Beth Phoenix

Beth shoves Nikki and tells her to bring it, then she throws her across the ring but Nikki comes back with a dropkick. Nikki hits a monkey flip, then Beth rams her shoulder into her and bodyslams her from the top turnbuckle. Beth chokes her on the middle rope then jumps on her neck, and follows it with a backbreaker for a two count. Beth puts her in an inverted full nelson, but Nikki frees herself and throws some elbows. She avoids a Glam Slam and gets a near fall, then she runs at Beth but she gets thrown out to the floor. Beth goes outside to get her and twists her ankle, then Brie gets in her face and all of the Divas start fighting. The ref asks if she can continue and Beth says she is fine, but Nikki surprises her from behind and rolls her up to win the title.

Winner and NEW Divas Champion - Nikki Bella
Teddy Long is in CM Punk's locker room to tell him about a field sobriety test, but Punk says it doesn't matter because he is straight edge. Punk says he is insulted because he is sober, but he slurs his words and falls over while he flips out and throws a chair against a wall. Teddy goes to the ring with some police officers, but Jericho comes out and says he is imcompitent so he wants to make sure things go right. Jericho says he wants to be there when he strips Punk of his title so he can hand it to him personally, then Teddy says if he does fail, Punk will lose his title.

Punk makes his way out and stumbles, then he hands a police officer a microphone while he gets in the ring and he tells Teddy this whole thing is ridiculous. Teddy says it's what has to happen, then the officer tells him to recite the alphabet backwards and Punk says no one can do it drunk or sober. The officer asks him to walk the red line in the ring if he can't recite the alphabet, then Jericho screams at him to do it while Punk says he has seen this on 'Cops.' Punk does the karate kid pose and stumbles around, then he tells Jericho to shut up while he attempts to walk across one more time. He stumbles again so Jericho orders Teddy to strip him of the title, and Teddy asks the officer what his opinion is.

The officer says Punk is drunk and Teddy tells him to leave, and Jericho gloats about Punk being drunk while Teddy asks for the title. Punk looks at his title while Jericho screams at him, then he hands it to Teddy and Jericho tells him to hand it over right now. Punk stops him and asks for one more chance, and Jericho says he is embarrassing himself but Punk attempts to recite the alphabet backwards again. He gets through it all while moonwalking and Flair strutting, then he gets to 'A' and hits Jericho in the head with the mic. Punk beats the hell out of him and Jericho tries running, but Punk catches him and throws him into the ring steps. He continues to hit Jericho until he finally gets away, and Teddy hands Punk his title while John Laurinaitis and Eve watch backstage.
Sheamus vs Mark Henry (w/ Daniel Bryan as Special Guest Referee)

Sheamus punches Bryan in the head then gets thrown in the corner, but Sheamus powers back with some punches until Bryan pulls him way. Bryan dares him to hit him and continues to taunt him, then Henry surprises him from behind with a clothesline and Bryan fast counts the fall. Bryan throws his ref's shirt at Sheamus and leaves, but Sheamus goes after him and throws him into the barricade before rolling him inside. Sheamus drops Henry with a Brogue Kick, but Bryan kicks him in the face and puts him in the LeBell Lock before leaving. Matt Striker catches up with Sheamus backstage and asks him what he thinks about his match, and Sheamus says Bryan hid behind a referee's shirt like a cowardly snake. Sheamus says they all know what happened to the snakes in Ireland, so he thinks Bryan had better start praying.

Winner - Mark Henry

Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes) vs Zack Ryder & Santino Marella

Zack puts Epico in an armbar then hits a flapjack, and follows it with an elbow smash and a Broski Boot. Zack calls for a Rough Ryder but Rosa gets on the apron, then Primo pulls Epico outside and Zack goes after them. Primo throws him into the ringpost then he tags in and kicks Zack in the back, and puts him in a headlock but Zack breaks the hold. He gets a near fall but Primo goes back to a headlock, then he kicks him in the back and hits a bodyslam. Zack rolls away from a springboard moonsault and tags out, then Santino punches Primo a few times and hiptosses him. He hits a diving headbutt and calls for the Cobra, but Epico runs at him so Zack backdrops him outside then Santino ducks an attack by Primo and hits the Cobra for the win.

Winners - Zack Ryder & Santino Marella

Kane is shown looking for Paul Bearer backstage, and he opens the freezer and wheels him out then tears the duct tape off of his mouth. Paul is overjoyed to see Kane and asks if he will save him, and Kane says that is right, then he pushes him back in the freezer and closes the door. Elsewhere, Primo & Epico are arguing backstage about losing their match when Abraham Washington approaches them. He says it is not fair that their entrance was during a commercial, and he hands them his card and tells them to think about it.

Brodus Clay & Hornswoggle (w/ Cameron & Naomi) vs Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Dolph says he wants to face Hornswoggle so Brodus tags him in, then Dolph gets on his knees and Hornswoggle knocks him down with a dropkick. Dolph gets back up and kicks him on the mat, then he stomps him but Hornswoggle comes back with a headscissors takedown. Brodus tags in and he headbutts Dolph then drops Swagger with a T-Bone suplex, but Vickie jumps in the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Vickie screams at Brodus, but Naomi and Cameron get behind her so Vickie plays nice and tries to dance and put on Brodus' hat. She does the pterodactyl and goofs around, but Hornswoggle bites her butt and sends her running while they continue to dance in the ring.

Winners (by disqualification) - Brodus Clay & Hornswoggle

John Laurinaitis and Brock Lesnar come out for the contract signing and wait for Cena, but he never comes out and Brock says he must be too scared. Brock says he wants to talk about his tardiness earlier in the night, and he tells John to sit down and listen because he needs some changes. He says there is supposed to be a match on Sunday, but he isn't happy so he is telling John to make some changes before he signs anything. Brock gives John a copy of his demands, and he says he's not the naive farmboy he used to be so he needs changes to be the face of the company. Brock says anything John does needs to be run by him, and he wants Vince McMahon's private jet as his transportation to and from each show he is at.

He says he likes beating people up, and he got to do that when he arrived, but he doesn't like people and he doesn't like stupid people. Brock says he will show up when he wants because he won't be a puppet, and he won't get fined like Sheamus because John is going to pay him more money. Brock says the match won't happen until his demands are met, and the fans start a 'you suck' chant but he says it doesn't bother him. He says if he is going to be the star, he needs the show to be called 'Monday Night Raw Starring Brock Lesnar', then he tells John to make him happy. Brock asks if he agrees and John shakes on it, then Brock makes him repeat it into the mic before signing the contract.

John Cena finally appears at the top of the stage wearing his old chain, and he walks to the ring while Brock reclines back in the office chair. Cena wraps the chain around his fist and Brock puts his fists up, but Cena approaches the table and looks at the contract. Brock stands up and watches Cena pick up the pen, then he asks what's wrong and tells him to sign the contract, but he says he likes the vibe he is getting. He says he knows Cena is scared and he is the reason for him losing last week, and he is responsible for him feeling scared now. Cena signs the contract and throws it at him, then Brock tips the table over and tosses his mic at him, but they stay at a standoff. Brock leaves the ring and warns him off, then he backs up the ramp while Cena watches as RAW comes to and end.
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