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Pikeville 54 Northern Pulaski 46 (KBA State Final Four)
The Panthers advance to the KBA Middle School State Championship.

Pikeville will face Holmes in the Championship.

We meet again Mr. Booher.

Hail Pikeville!
A new way to cheat to a championship game. Pikeville might win a state title but I don't think they will be greeted with open arms when they come home cause the coaches, parents and even players will know that title was tainted and they won it with someone who transferred from Johns Creek the week before. So hail to the champs way to teach our young gentlemen about morals and doing the right thing. I'd say think of all the teams who was in the tourney doing the right thing and are going to be disappointed because someone had to cheat to beat them its just sad and I'm sure all of eastern ky is ashamed of Pikeville for this unjustice they are doing....
holler_cat72 Wrote:A new way to cheat to a championship game. Pikeville might win a state title but I don't think they will be greeted with open arms when they come home cause the coaches, parents and even players will know that title was tainted and they won it with someone who transferred from Johns Creek the week before. So hail to the champs way to teach our young gentlemen about morals and doing the right thing. I'd say think of all the teams who was in the tourney doing the right thing and are going to be disappointed because someone had to cheat to beat them its just sad and I'm sure all of eastern ky is ashamed of Pikeville for this unjustice they are doing....

Alright. Everyone has voiced their opinions in every Pikeville thread on here. We get it. Stop ruining every thread. There are plenty of others that have the discussion in them. You are beating a dead horse. Just keep it to the two threads already going and do your complaining there. Jesus freaking Christ.
You apparently know that they are doing wrong so quit defending them. You do wrong you should pay and I hope some justice comes out of this and how can you say they deserve it using a player who was playing Johns Creek in the Pike Co. Tourney a week ago.
Panther Thunder Wrote:The Panthers advance to the KBA Middle School State Championship.

Pikeville will face Holmes in the Championship.

We meet again Mr. Booher.

Hail Pikeville!
Congrats young Panthers, on a very worthy achievement. No matter what happens, we are proud of YOU for playing the games and giving your best. Ignore the chatter from the other folks and focus on reaching for the stars.

As to "hollercat", get a life, like Panther Thunder suggests, and keep your discussion on the other threads. You can simply say "congrats, guys" on these threads and voice your opinion on the others. You are effectively berating children for your opinions (not yet proven, if ever) about the actions of adults.
holler_cat72 Wrote:You apparently know that they are doing wrong so quit defending them. You do wrong you should pay and I hope some justice comes out of this and how can you say they deserve it using a player who was playing Johns Creek in the Pike Co. Tourney a week ago.
I have not said anything has been done wrong, because I, like you, DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS.

All I have said is that I do not believe any individual should be permitted to play for multiple teams in a season. THAT IS MY OPINION.

The rules, however, do permit this practice if it is done in accordance. No one knows yet if a rule has been broken, and if it has then the consequences will be faced after due process. What you are unable to see is that you are convicting someone before due process (Innocent until proven guilty). I am guilty of having done this in the past as well and learned from it. There is no sense in beating a dead horse of something that will not be finalized for a matter of weeks I would assume. Just step back and ignore your feelings for PHS and the adults there and congratulate a group of kids that are going out and accomplishing goals that they as players have been told to go get.

I am not defending anything as I know no facts. What I am defending is just celebrating the accomplishments of a school in my community just as anyone would do in their area. If, in fact, there is wrong doing, the PHS faithful will have no problem admitting it. To this point, nothing has been solidified, so why not just enjoy the ride for these guys that have worked their butts off to get this far?

Forgive me if I am not cynically criticizing everything under the sun in 6 different threads all day every day. I just do not see the enjoyment in consistently being negative? In the end, everything will be resolved. Just give it time.
I agree with what Pikeville_Thunder has said... they are innocent until proven guilty... If they can feel good about winning like this then so be it... I don't have a connection to any team... and i love basketball... Congrats to the Panthers... While Smith has made them better and may help them to a Championship... Pikeville was still good without them... Good job Panthers...
I'm hearing DQ for Pikeville
Congrats to the Panthers for making this far.. just don't know how the victories thus far can be as sweet as those that probalby could have been won using their own players insteading inflating the team just for this one tournament.
If the KBA allows this travesty to take place, and obviously they are or they would have not allowed them to participate, then this tournament is just another aau tournament where you put together the best players you can find. Shame on the KBA for not following their own set of rules and shame is on Pikeville for having poor moral standards.
Someone else needs to host state, KBA has struggled with all three tournaments. Hoops and Basketball Academy are both nice facilities. The KBA facility is nice but they need to hire someone to run the tournaments. Bracket and roster

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