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Goodell: NFL 'considering eliminating' Pro Bowl
Last Sunday's Pro Bowl was a sloppily-played joke of a game that was ripped by fans and the media. Aaron Rodgers came out and said some of his NFC teammates should be "embarrassed" by the way they played. LeSean McCoy told us that he was "one of those guys" who didn't try.

Which may explain Roger Goodell said on Sunday morning that the NFL is "considering eliminating" the Pro Bowl.

"I really didn't think that was the kind of football that we want to be demonstrating for our fans," Goodell said on Mike and Mike Sunday morning. "And you heard it from the fans. The fans were actively booing in the stands. They didn't like what they were seeing."

At the very least, Goodell said, something's going to change or the game will go away.

"We're either going to have to improve the quality of what we're doing in the Pro Bowl or consider other changes or even considering eliminating the game if that's the kind of quality game we're going to provide," Goodell said. "I know players love to be in Hawaii but we have to start with the quality of what we're doing.

"If the fans are responding negatively to what we're doing, we better listen. And that was my message."

Say whatever you want about Goodell (and if you're a Steelers fan, you'll probably say a lot), but the guy knows how to make the game of football more popular. If getting rid of the Pro Bowl does that, then Goodell won't hesitate to do so.

To be honest i woulnt miss it.
There either needs to be more at stake in the game for players to want to play an win or it just needs to be one away with.

Also, playing it the week BEFORE the SB is stupi. If your gonna play it play it a month after the SB so that the SB teams' players can play.
^I think that is the key. The timing of the game is awful.
I think they should keep it, but like RIUTG said, make it worth more..
I have not watched it in 10 years. Get rid of it altogether. The players have just gone through a grueling season, their hearts are not in it. Why put a guy out on the field who rightfully so, is going to do everything he can to protect himself. I don't want my star on the field, playing in a game that "means something" for an extra game. Screw it. Give them a bonus for making the "All Pro" team, but get rid of this meaningless game that does not need a meaning!
^ I agree with dusty, get rid of the game. Give the players a bonus and a trip to Hawaii and relax.
I for one love the Pro Bowl game. I enjoy seeing a mixture of great players on the same team. However, over the years I have always said that the game needs to mean something. What that is I do not know as the SB is played at neutral sites.
They need to move it till abt a month after the super bowl or atleast a couple weeks so all can be a part of it, they need to make it actually worth the players time for playing so make it interesting maybe do something like MLB and let the winner of the game have home field advantage for the superbowl or just something besides a trip and some money, not like they need the money and they can go on the trip theirselves, and maybe let the fans vote every single position like the MLB and NBA not just based on stats or the name of the person. Just an idea but i like the pro bowl it just needs to change and quick!!!!
The way the Pro Bowl is right now, I don't watch it because it does not interest me! I think they need to make several adjustments in order to make it more attractive. For starters, it needs to moved to after the Super Bowl so that everyone that was voted in can play. I think they should also make it a weekend and not just a game. They should have a skills challenge similar to the NBA that includes an accuracy challenge for Quarterbacks, kicking challenge, have some type of team challenge that includes a QB, WR, RB, and perhaps a LB and DL. You can also have a celebrity flag football game or something similar to that, hell put some celebrities in pads and let them go at it!! Also, keep it in the main 48 instead of Hawaii so that it is more accessible to fans. I would change the location of the Pro Bowl every year. Now, if all those changes were made, I would watch it every year and I think it would get better ratings as well.
It's about time, get rid of this meaningless game!

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