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Do you think a Referee should ref a game within the district he graduated from?
Do you think a referee should ref a district game in which he graduated from another school within that same district?

For example, a 15th region referee graduated from Johnson Central, who is in the 57th district. The ref then referee's a district game between two other teams from the 57th district, let's say Magoffin Co. and Paintsville.

Let's here what everyone thinks on this one?
yes i think they should be able too.
I'd say as hard as it is to find people to ref now a days it would be hard to disallow this even if it was an issue.
Maybe you should ask a question such as, Do you think a kid that has hit 6-7 three pointers on us already, be double teamed or denied the basketball?
I'm fine with it. I just think they should try and keep them from officiating games at there Alma Mater. But, no one should question these guys integrity.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I don't think it matters because its hard to find refs anymore that will call a game both ways. There's not enough good officials out there
Now, let's take into consideration that the 57th District has 5 teams and is one of the toughest district's to make it to the regional tournament. The district also seeds in the district tournament....
Do you think a referee could help with the outcome or seeding if it's going to help his former school????
D It Up...

This is not talking about a particular game.....There's possibly a thread already started about a game....
#1) There are not enough refs for that to be an option.
#2) If they tried to make that an option a lot of refs would quit and new ones would be hard to come by. Giving up an entire evening to drive out of the district, get cussed, be disrespected, and get a check for 45 bucks.....
it isn't worth it.
diamondthehacker Wrote:D It Up...

This is not talking about a particular game.....There's possibly a thread already started about a game....

If you think that the official in question had bias to the outcome of this game, then why not for, in favor of the place he works at? I can assure you Mike Hall did not care who won a match up of teams that were 3-10 and 9-7.
I have refereed basketball and umpired baseball in both high school and college and at the present time, there are not enough of people that they can limit a person from calling games in a district in which they played in...However, I do know that our assigning secretaries are doing their best to not allow folks to referee or umpire games in which involves a school in which they graduated from...
The records don't seem to matter alot other than how they stand at the end of the season in the district seeding......

Any ideas what or how the district standings are now?????
I do not think an individual should coach a sport and then officiate another. And that goes for any sport, etc...

I just think the chance that feelings can carry over even if an individual is a stand-up guy.
I do understand the sign of secretaries would or are trying their best to keep this from happening......
Exactly, how many 15th region games were there last night.....Going by the high school score board there were a total of 3 regional games....
Do you think they could have found another referee that could have kept this from happening?
I think so.....
^JCHS 3-1...........left to play (LCHS, SCHS, @MCHS, @PHS)
MCHS 3-1...........(SCHS, @LCHS, JCHS, @SCHS)
SCHS 2-1...........(@MCHS, @JCHS, PHS, MCHS, @LCHS)
PHS 2-3...........(@SCHS, LCHS, JCHS)
LCHS 0-4...........(@JCHS, MCHS, @PHS, SCHS)

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
diamondthehacker Wrote:I do understand the sign of secretaries would or are trying their best to keep this from happening......
Exactly, how many 15th region games were there last night.....Going by the high school score board there were a total of 3 regional games....
Do you think they could have found another referee that could have kept this from happening?
I think so.....

4 Girl's games in Region.
4 Boy's games in Region.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
diamondthehacker Wrote:The records don't seem to matter alot other than how they stand at the end of the season in the district seeding......

Any ideas what or how the district standings are now?????

LC-0 and whatever

After next Friday, the district will be pretty well set. SC plays JC and MC next week.
D IT UP Wrote:JC-3-1
LC-0 and whatever

After next Friday, the district will be pretty well set. SC plays JC and MC next week.

Starting on the 24th...(SCHS) 5 of their 6 games are District games.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
A couple of those games involved 15th region teams going to other regions.....which would have that region officials...I'm guessing..
diamondthehacker Wrote:A couple of those games involved 15th region teams going to other regions.....which would have that region officials...I'm guessing..

I don't know about that! Perry brought their own the other night to SCHS...LOL! Maybe SCHS needs to take a couple of ours with them when they go

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I know there's alot of games still left for the district teams and most can determine their own fate......
No matter what district or region, I still think that a ref shouldn't referee game within the district he or she graduated from. No matter what sport...
I heard something about that but I also heard that SC do get to take the officials when they play them the next time.....I don't know about that...
^ That should be interesting.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Contract was drawn up that way.

Conflict of interest should be considered by the individual and the assigning secretary when determining who they can call for.
I have coached one sport and called another. I think a separation can be made by the individual, but the other officials can not separate the two sometimes.
We have had the bus driver for the visiting team, bring them to the game ,get off the bus change into ref uniform and ref the game. This was a varsity game. The excuse that there is not enough refs to go around ,is just a excuse. If your going to sign up to do the job then do the job right.
I think we should let fans ref the games. Let one fan from each team call the game. When ever there is a disagreement on a call between the two "refs". Then all the kids should be made to leave the gym area, and they ( the refs) could fight it out at midcourt. When the fight is over the the winning ref gets to make the call and the kids can be brought back into the gym to finish the game. I bet attendance would soar at the games.
I think if an official has any contact with a school then he shouldnt be able to ref for that team. IE a kid going to that school, or a kid haveing graduated from that school. But if he graduated from a school that is in district with the others there is no problem. As long as there is no possible reason he would be affiliated with those schools.
im not a fan of officials officiating a game that involves their Alma mater unless one of the other officials school is the other team. but it would be hard to keep an eye on it
In a perfect world an assigning secretary would have 100 guys to choose from. More thought goes into assignments then just who's available. They have to look at who the two schools playing have scratched. Then look at the 2 schools ratings of the refs. Then they have to look at the skill levels. You cant send 3 rookies to do a big varsity game. So they have to do a good job making sure the crew is balanced. Then they have to look at who they can send where, if a ref graduated from that school. Because face it most often then not a ref is reffing in the area he lives and probably is from. Its not like guys from buckhorn are signing up to call in pikeville and vice versus.
So when you have all that to look at every single night for 4-5 games with girls and boys i just dont think its fair to add in they arent allowed to call a game that they graduated from the same area in. That just is nit picky. And you wouldnt have enough refs especially quality refs to cover everything. The guys assigning the games have a tough job. I wouldnt want to do it.
I think coaches should use their "blackball" options wisely. In the 16th Region, let's just say that some referees are particular favorites of some schools. Obviously, there is a reason why this is true. Coaches need to be aware of these situations, which are actually obvious to many, and to act accordingly.

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