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U.S. Marines urinating on bodies
What say you? I'm not one way or the other, just wondering what everyone thinks.

Quote:Washington (CNN) -- A number of websites including TMZ and YouTube posted a video Wednesday showing four men dressed in U.S. Marine Corps combat gear urinating on the apparently dead bodies of three men sprawled on the ground in front of them.
One of the men says, "Have a great day, buddy." A voice asks, "You got it on the video?" to which another voice responds, "Yeah." Another jokes, "Golden, like a shower."
It was not clear who shot or posted the 39-second video, who the people pictured in it were or where it was shot.
A senior Marine Corps official who has examined the video said the Marines are carrying 30-caliber sniper rifles and wearing helmets issued to members of Marine Corps sniper teams. The helmets are designed with a shorter front and sides so that snipers can place rifles and scopes near their faces.
The official, who said an investigating officer was expected to be named shortly, added that the desecration of a body by U.S. troops could be considered a potential war crime.
"We recently became aware of an inappropriate video on a public website that appears to involve members of our military," International Security Assistance Force spokesman Col. Gary Kolb said from Kabul, Afghanistan. "We will not speculate on the details but will take all necessary actions to determine the facts."
He said an investigation was under way but would not comment on the video's authenticity. The faces of the bodies are not identifiable.
"While we have not yet verified the origin or authenticity of this video, the actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps," said U.S.M.C. Media Officer Kendra Hardesty. "This matter will be fully investigated and those responsible will be held accountable for their actions. We are in the process of verifying what unit these Marines are with right now and as soon as we have more information, we will let you know."
"Regardless of the circumstances or who is in the video, this is egregious, disgusting behavior," said DOD spokesman Capt. John Kirby. "It's hideous. It turned my stomach."

When you kill the guys responsible for emplacing IEDs that have blown your guys up for a few months, and the guys that have been trying to kill you, then tell me what your emotions are...(Not specifically talking to you TRV, or anyone else)

This is wrong and stupid, these guys know better than to tape this and then put it on Youtube. I'm not condoning this, but you really have to try and put yourself in their positions in that they had just killed guys that would like nothing more than to cut their heads off.

All this does is give the Taliban another recruiting tool, and gives those dumbass people that think we're all baby killers something else to hate us for.

Also, don't know why the guy would call the weapon a .30's an M40, most people know it as the Remington 700. And those guys look like Scout-Snipers from their gear, regular Marine grunts are issued much crappier plate carriers and helmets.
Quote:US Marine Corps probes 'Taliban desecration' video

The US Marine Corps has pledged to fully investigate the online video
The US military has said it is investigating a video that appears to show a group of Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters.

The Marine Corps said the actions portrayed in the clip, which was posted online but has not yet been verified, were not consistent with its values.

The footage shows four men in military fatigues appearing to urinate on three apparently lifeless men.

A man's voice is heard saying: "Have a nice day, buddy."

The men lying on the ground have brown skin, bare feet and are dressed in loose-fitting outfits. One appears to be covered in blood.

The origin of the video is not known, nor is it clear who posted it online.

The purported servicemen appear to be aware that they are being filmed.

Pentagon spokesman Capt John Kirby said in a statement: "We are deeply troubled by the video. Whoever it is, and whatever the circumstances - which we know is under investigation - it is egregious behaviour and unacceptable for a member of the military."

Marine Corps headquarters at the Pentagon said in a statement: "The actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps. This matter will be fully investigated.''

The Council on American-Islamic Relations said the video, if verified, showed behaviour that was totally unbecoming of US military personnel.

"We condemn this apparent desecration of the dead as a violation of our nation's military regulations and of international laws of war prohibiting such disgusting and immoral actions,'' the group wrote in a letter faxed to Defence Secretary Leon Panetta.

In a separate case, the US military has been prosecuting five soldiers from the Army's 5th Stryker Brigade who are accused of killing Afghan civilians during their deployment in Kandahar province in 2010.

The US has about 20,000 Marines deployed in Afghanistan, based mostly in Kandahar and Helmand provinces. In total, about 90,000 US troops are on the ground in Afghanistan.

The US and its partners in Afghanistan have said they plan to hand over security of the country and withdraw combat troops by the end of 2014.
While it may seem harsh, i dont care what our troops do to any enemies.
They sure as hell dont give us courtesy by wishing us death and blowing up shit.
This will be blown up, but my only question is...why are these damn AMERICAN websites even posting this shit? TMZ should stick to there stupid celeberity kardashian ass pics and youtube is user submitted retard stuff.

Maybe they just had to take a leak and couldnt hold it...
killing is good...urinating is bad.
Got it.
War is ugly...Very ugly. Let's move on.
"Ain't war hell!?"
Dumb move by these young Marines - especially the part where they posted video to Youtube. I would be fine with dumping a few pounds of bacon on the bodies and posting some images anonymously but making yourself into the star of a video that could end your career is not very bright. Our military has become very politicized over the past few years and booting out "corpse" men for not being PC enough is what the Obama administration sees as progress.

^^Exactly, to the article. lol, ya know what some stinky bullshit is? I remember in 2004 when those Blackwater guys were killed, pulled out of their trucks and hung from a know what people criticized? Not the pretty much ENTIRE city of Fallujah that did it to them...they criticized the dead guys for not being in uparmored trucks.

The failed First Battle of Fallujah in April 2004 is never mentioned..which the above incident and the killing and mutilation of 5 U.S. soldiers caused. Hell, the U.S. PUBLIC is the reason it failed, public "outrage" over the U.S. and civilian casualties caused our admin to pull back out of Fallujah, and then have to go back in in November 2004. 29 U.S. troops were killed in the first battle...95 were killed in the 2nd.

But no...won't hear anything about the things our enemy's do. Just what those evil American's do.

Pissing on dead Taliban is wrong.
[Image: http://www.operation-support-our-troops....8ed812.jpg]But this guy, SPC Kevin Graham, a great husband and stepfather, had his life taken by these guys. He was like my big brother. There's quite a few more I could post, but this guy was like a brother. If I had been lucky enough to be the one that got to kill the guys that killed Kevin, I really don't think I could restrain myself to only pissing on them.

The last thing you'll ever see me do is criticize us for doing something as small as this, compared to what they've done. I would eat my soldiers alive if they tried to piss on the guys we just shot, but you can believe it would ONLY be because of keeping them out of trouble and from crossing that line, not out of respect for dead Talibs.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Dumb move by these young Marines - especially the part where they posted video to Youtube. I would be fine with dumping a few pounds of bacon on the bodies and posting some images anonymously but making yourself into the star of a video that could end your career is not very bright. Our military has become very politicized over the past few years and booting out "corpse" men for not being PC enough is what the Obama administration sees as progress.
Are you even capable of posting one single post in the political threads, without blaming Obama? This is a military issue, and will be handled by the military. Any administration would have to smooth this over, just because of who we are. They are trying to end this war, and this image doesn't help with making peace in this region, and getting us out of there. Just exactly would what you expect any President to say?
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you even capable of posting one single post in the political threads, without blaming Obama? This is a military issue, and will be handled by the military. Any administration would have to smooth this over, just because of who we are. They are trying to end this war, and this image doesn't help with making peace in this region, and getting us out of there. Just exactly would what you expect any President to say?
You don't seem to be able to not respond to any criticism of Obama without attacking the messenger. He is the current Commander and Chief and the policies of his administration will determine the fate of the urinating corpsmen when their identities are discovered. The social engineering and political correctness of the Obama administration is unprecedented. I don't expect these guys to be treated fairly by the administration that has euphemistically described the Fort Hood terrorist attack as an incident of workplace violence.
In no way do I condone our guys urinating on the dead Taliban soldiers. They displayed very bad judgement by videoing it. Nor do I condone the likes of Hillary & Leon acting as if they're on a head hunt before they even know if the video is legit. IMO they should quietly investigate, and if they find out it is legit, discipline (rank them down) and protect those involved. We ask/train these young men to be brutal killers and then go nuts when a body gets pissed on. Who gives a rat's rectum what the Taliban thinks? NOTHING will change how they feel about Americans.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:In no way do I condone our guys urinating on the dead Taliban soldiers. They displayed very bad judgement by videoing it. Nor do I condone the likes of Hillary & Leon acting as if they're on a head hunt before they even know if the video is legit. IMO they should quietly investigate, and if they find out it is legit, discipline (rank them down) and protect those involved. We ask/train these young men to be brutal killers and then go nuts when a body gets pissed on. Who gives a rat's rectum what the Taliban thinks? NOTHING will change how they feel about Americans.
The JAG Corp of each branch of the military have a comprehensive military justice system in place and it has been in place since George Washington was president. There is no reason for anybody in Washington to be involved with the process of investigating the incident (assuming that it was not staged) or with pursuing charges against those involved. That is the job of the Accuseds' chain of command.
In my opinion, they should receive punishment under a Field Grade Article 15..NOT Court Martial. A Field Grade Art 15 stays with you your entire career..and they would lose rank and pay. A court martial is unnecessary.
vundy33 Wrote:In my opinion, they should receive punishment under a Field Grade Article 15..NOT Court Martial. A Field Grade Art 15 stays with you your entire career..and they would lose rank and pay. A court martial is unnecessary.
Exactly. :Thumbs: I don't know the rules, but that doesn't seem like a court martial offense to me.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:In no way do I condone our guys urinating on the dead Taliban soldiers. They displayed very bad judgement by videoing it. Nor do I condone the likes of Hillary & Leon acting as if they're on a head hunt before they even know if the video is legit. IMO they should quietly investigate, and if they find out it is legit, discipline (rank them down) and protect those involved. We ask/train these young men to be brutal killers and then go nuts when a body gets pissed on. Who gives a rat's rectum what the Taliban thinks? NOTHING will change how they feel about Americans.

Great post. IMO a loss of rank should be the worst that they receive, but sadly they will probably get a court martial and dishonorable discharge.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you even able of posting one single post in the political threads, without blaming Obama? This is a military issue, and will be handled by the military. Any administration would have to smooth this over, just because of who we are. They are trying to end this war, and this image doesn't help with making peace in this region, and getting us out of there. Just exactly would what you expect any President to say?

The best I remember, one of the first things Obama did when he became President was to apologize to the Muslim world that the United States even exists. That sure didn't seem to make any of them love us any better, did it?

I dont know about everyone else on here but I am sick and tired of the United States apologizing to a world that wants nothing more than to kill every single one of us for no other reason than just because we breath air. It doesn't matter what our pretender to be of a President says or does, they will still hate us and want to kill us, and they always will. I cant for the life of me figure out why some out there cant get this through their thick skulls. I could care less what this idiot in the pulpit has to say or what he thinks he has to defend. I am not ashamed of what this country used to stand for. I dont condone what these soldiers did, probably nothing there to be proud of, but I am also not going to condem them either. Walk in these guys shoes for a while and then see what might lead them to do what they do. There is absolutely nothing IMO to smooth over. War is war. I seem to remember in Somalia those people tying our dead soldiers bodies to the back of vehicles and dragging them through the streets.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:In no way do I condone our guys urinating on the dead Taliban soldiers. They displayed very bad judgement by videoing it. Nor do I condone the likes of Hillary & Leon acting as if they're on a head hunt before they even know if the video is legit. IMO they should quietly investigate, and if they find out it is legit, discipline (rank them down) and protect those involved. We ask/train these young men to be brutal killers and then go nuts when a body gets pissed on. Who gives a rat's rectum what the Taliban thinks? NOTHING will change how they feel about Americans.
A top ranked member of the military had already told them that it indeed seemed to be a real video, with real US soldiers.
Bob Seger Wrote:The best I remember, one of the first things Obama did when he became President was to apologize to the Muslim world that the United States even exists. That sure didn't seem to make any of them love us any better, did it?

I dont know about everyone else on here but I am sick and tired of the United States apologizing to a world that wants nothing more than to kill every single one of us for no other reason than just because we breath air. It doesn't matter what our pretender to be of a President says or does, they will still hate us and want to kill us, and they always will. I cant for the life of me figure out why some out there cant get this through their thick skulls. I could care less what this idiot in the pulpit has to say or what he thinks he has to defend. I am not ashamed of what this country used to stand for. I dont condone what these soldiers did, probably nothing there to be proud of, but I am also not going to condem them either. Walk in these guys shoes for a while and then see what might lead them to do what they do. There is absolutely nothing IMO to smooth over. War is war. I seem to remember in Somalia those people tying our dead soldiers bodies to the back of vehicles and dragging them through the streets.

Agreed pretty much 100%.

Also, don't worry about these guys getting a dishonorable discharge, that's not going to happen. I really hope they get Article 15's and they don't get court-martial'd my opinion, the Administration (especially SecDef Panetta and Sec of State Clinton) went to far in criticizing these guys. It's bullshit that they unleash on these guys like it's the worst thing in the world, but all they can say about AQ and the Taliban is that they "condemn" whatever they do. That's it.
Bob Seger Wrote:The best I remember, one of the first things Obama did when he became President was to apologize to the Muslim world that the United States even exists. That sure didn't seem to make any of them love us any better, did it?

I dont know about everyone else on here but I am sick and tired of the United States apologizing to a world that wants nothing more than to kill every single one of us for no other reason than just because we breath air. It doesn't matter what our pretender to be of a President says or does, they will still hate us and want to kill us, and they always will. I cant for the life of me figure out why some out there cant get this through their thick skulls. I could care less what this idiot in the pulpit has to say or what he thinks he has to defend. I am not ashamed of what this country used to stand for. I dont condone what these soldiers did, probably nothing there to be proud of, but I am also not going to condem them either. Walk in these guys shoes for a while and then see what might lead them to do what they do. There is absolutely nothing IMO to smooth over. War is war. I seem to remember in Somalia those people tying our dead soldiers bodies to the back of vehicles and dragging them through the streets.
You know that this is BS, so why even post it?
TheRealVille Wrote:You know that this is BS, so why even post it?

That's pretty much what he did. What's BS about that?
Bob Seger Wrote:That's pretty much what he did. What's BS about that?

Quote:apologize to the Muslim world that the United States even exists.
This is what's BS. :lame:
If they drop bombs on us we should at least be able to piss on there dead corpses.
well I guess it could have been worst. They could have been dropping a deuce on them
TheRealVille Wrote:This is what's BS. :lame:
How? What he did basicly amounted to pretty much that, didn't it?
vundy33 Wrote:Agreed pretty much 100%.

Also, don't worry about these guys getting a dishonorable discharge, that's not going to happen. I really hope they get Article 15's and they don't get court-martial'd my opinion, the Administration (especially SecDef Panetta and Sec of State Clinton) went to far in criticizing these guys. It's bullshit that they unleash on these guys like it's the worst thing in the world, but all they can say about AQ and the Taliban is that they "condemn" whatever they do. That's it.

Sad thing is, the administration dont care and prolly like seeing it, but they have to do this in order to keep everyone happy and the image of we are better than that. I know if i was president or Sec of state id laugh while saying were really sorry, but pee happens.
vundy33 Wrote:Agreed pretty much 100%.

Also, don't worry about these guys getting a dishonorable discharge, that's not going to happen. I really hope they get Article 15's and they don't get court-martial'd my opinion, the Administration (especially SecDef Panetta and Sec of State Clinton) went to far in criticizing these guys. It's bullshit that they unleash on these guys like it's the worst thing in the world, but all they can say about AQ and the Taliban is that they "condemn" whatever they do. That's it.

This is the way of things with people like Leon and Hillary. In their minds we're demonstrating to the arab nations and to the world, for that matter, that we are a good and decent people. Ever ready to wade in and severely punish American troops for any perceived indescresion which may seem offensive to our sworn enemies. They can murder Americans by the thousands using suicide bombers and by flying hijacked airliners full of innocent civilians into skyscrapers filled with innocent civilians. We, on the other hand, are bound by a rediculously high standard to be nothing if not gracious with them in return.

The extemist adherents of Jihad don't give a flip what we think, much less if we are gracious with them. The only way they would be happy with America is if they can kill us all. We give them money, equip entire militaries and then train them, bring them over here by the bizillion to educate them and set them up in business, how much is enough? This isn't failure to communicate our true intentions. They don't CARE what our true intentions are. America is the "Great Satan" to them.

This is demonstrative of the naivity which characterizes the liberal mindset. Nancy Pelosi actually thought she had settled the age old dispute in the Middle East when she had newly ascended to the speakership. In her mind she brokered the 'deal of the century' between PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the nation of Israel. All liberals think human depravity is due only to a lack of education, or an unhappy childhood. Of course, the truth was Mr Arafat laughed at Pelosi and made open mockery of her in his sphere of influence and, literally nothing came of her efforts. We can't seem to understand the rest of the world doesn't think like we do. Just sittting down and reasoning with folks doesn't always work. As a matter of fact, history teaches the unfortunate opposite to be true.

I favor the approach Theodore Roosevelt suggested we take, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" That's what got us free and that has kept us free. When we get too far away from this principle, as we are starting to do now by giving our sovereignty up for membership in some ill-advised league of nations, we will fall.
Imagine what would have happened to these Marines if they died by enemy fire. They would have been dragged, kicked around, crapped on, and maybe even fed to vultures. It may have been disrespectful, but I have no problems with what they did.
toussaints Wrote:Imagine what would have happened to these Marines if they died by enemy fire. They would have been dragged, kicked around, crapped on, and maybe even fed to vultures. It may have been disrespectful, but I have no problems with what they did.

Or maybe they could've been posted on the internet getting their heads hacked off.

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