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Teen wants confession tossed
COVINGTON — Stacey Spencer wants his murder confession thrown out of court because he didn’t know the word attorney was a synonym for lawyer when he was read his Miranda rights.

The 18-year-old testified Thursday in Kenton Circuit Court that he did not understand he had a legal right to remain silent and ask for an attorney. Instead, he admitted to shooting Clayton Meyer, 22, of Covington in January 2011 on Patton Street near the intersection of Garrard. Spencer even went to the scene and re-enacted the crime for detectives.

He was 17 when he is accused of the fatal shooting, but he is being tried as an adult. He faces up to life in prison if found guilty of robbery and murder.

Spencer was arrested several weeks after the homicide as he walked to Holmes High School where he was junior. He said he was a “C” student but admitted to taking special education classes for reading and math. When Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders later characterized those classes as “remedial,” Spencer said he also did not know the meaning of that word.

Sanders question how Spencer did not know he had a legal right to council after the teenager admitted under cross examination to regularly watching the reality TV show “Cops.” The show often features suspects being arrested and read their Miranda rights, Sanders said.

Instead of asking for a lawyer, Spencer asked for his mother, Penny Fox. Spencer then refused to answer questions until his mother arrived. In the video-taped confession, Fox is seen pleading with her son to cooperate with detectives.

Spencer’s public defender, John Delaney, argued that Fox should have had time alone with Spencer to discuss his legal rights. While it was not referenced during the suppression hearing, Fox did have time alone with her son. A secret camera in the interrogation room captured mother and son discussing getting rid of the gun used in the killing. (The weapon has never been recovered.)

In a portion of the tape played during the suppression hearing, Fox can also be heard telling her son she did not want him to turn out like his father.
This cat has to be stupid (for killing another)but he can't be as stupid as he is trying to make people believe.
This is another case of a teen that let his surroundings get deep into his head. Sadly, it's becoming a trend in Covington. What ever happened to just playing ball down at John G, Glenn O, and the hole?
desperate act by a criminal, come on he knew his rights, he probably could have stated them from memory as most Americans can. It's especially funny/sad that one of his favorite shows is "cops"
Are things really this bad in Covington or is it just a certain area where things are so bad?
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Are things really this bad in Covington or is it just a certain area where things are so bad?

there a couple spots in Covington that has seen violent crime increase in a 2 year span. We always had idiots, but they were violent.
Who failed this dumbass

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