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Desales\Green Co. (Updates)
Should be a descent game, but Green is favored by 2-3 TD's in my opinion.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

0-0 End 1st.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Desales drives to the GC 1 and fumbles. GC ball @ the 3. Still 0-0 in the 2nd.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Desales drives and turns it over again in the endzone. GC dodges another threat. Score is tied @ 0-0 @ half.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

0-0 @ half. Desales has moved the ball inside the 5 twice and turned it over both times. Green is moving the ball, but 20-20, nothing inside that.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Desales scores out of the half. 7-0 Desales 3rd.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Green Co. answers with a score of their own. 7-7 3rd.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Desales scored quickly. 14-7 Desales 3rd.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Green turns the ball over. Desales has all the momentum. 14-7 Desales 3rd.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

14-7 Desales to start the 4th
Twitter: @tc_analytics

21-7 Desales 4th
Twitter: @tc_analytics

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