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Pike County Central 53, Prestonsburg 7
Congrats to the Hawks and wtf Prestonsburg. Probably the worst beatdown P'burg has had in many years.
Ouch, and Danville coming to town next week? Looking like a long offseason for P'burg fans.
^ Ouch is right. I figured PCC, but I didn't think by this margin
LOL..Wow, what has happened to Pburg?
RoShamBo Wrote:Ouch, and Danville coming to town next week? Looking like a long offseason for P'burg fans.

After the season they've had some may be looking forward to an end.
Congrats to the HAWKS Great game for the seniors what an awesome group of young men, been watching some of you for 10 years hate to see it coiming to an end.I will miss u all next year.Make a good run in the playoffs.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
congrats Hawks
What the hell has happen in P-Burg?

Congrats PCC.
Wow, very disappointing season for the Blackcats! PCC made a statement from the beat down last week.
Stardust Wrote:^ Ouch is right. I figured PCC, but I didn't think by this margin

You weren't the only one!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Prestonsburg I think really struggled with the weather, it was very cold/wet & muddy, which I believe caused several overthrown balls and dropped passes.

Pike Central showed up to make a statement coming over the crushing loss to Belfry, and they proved a point that they are a legit team to take seriously come playoff time, cause P-Burg is no joke of a team and to crush them the way they did was incredible.

Goodluck to P-Burg in the playoffs, I know you guys got a tough game with of luck.
What has happened in Prestonsburg?!! This has to be one of the worst losses that the Blackcats have ever had to a mountain team!
Coach Chapman show any sportsmanship since he was on the winning end of this one?:yawn:
Big Don Wrote:Coach Chapman show any sportsmanship since he was on the winning end of this one?:yawn:

Yes, both teams shook hands.
Big Don Wrote:Coach Chapman show any sportsmanship since he was on the winning end of this one?:yawn:

You still post after your SV/Pikeville prediction?
J-Rod, I know what you're trying to say, but it just doesn't make sense. Pike Central had to play in the same weather and on the same field. I don't think it was the weather/field so much as it may have just been a lack of focus. Is it possible the Blackcats don't have the mental strength to deal with the adversity they have had this year? Very uncharacteristic Blackcat season. Wish them well and hope it is just an aberration. Congrats to Pike Central, this score really surprised me, I caught the second half of this game after the Pikeville-Shelby Valley game ended, very low turnout due to the nasty weather.
What the hell.
In response to Jetpilots comment to Don:

Jet: sleeps in a van down by the river. Predicitions are :flush:!
Yes love seeing P.C.C. win.
Big Don Wrote:Jet: sleeps in a van down by the river. Predicitions are :flush:!

??? haha Confusedinglepar are you serious
First, congratulations to Pike Central on a great win.

I never, in my wildest dreams, thought PCC would win by so large a margin. I have seen both play this season and, again, I am surprised.

I read one post that mentioned that Prestonsburg was hampered by a wet field, but PCC was on that same field, so I don't think that was the problem.

I appears that this is one of the poorer years for the Black Cats, but unfortunately those things happen occasionally, and one just moves on and prepares for next season.
Don't really know what to say, but I wouldn't blame this loss on the conditions. It's been a wet all season and Prestonsburg has practiced in it, that's no excuse.

Congrats Hawks!
Im not gonna use the weather as an excuse for this loss, as I predicted PCC would walk away with this one. However I was there and Crisp did seem to have a really hard time with the wet ball.. He missed open recievers the entire first half, passes was either in the dirt or way over the heads of his guys. That being said, it did cause problems for PCC in the first half as well, many dropped passes, and missed recievers.

Pburg was trailing at half time 20-7 and seemed to have never came out in the second half. This team just flat out gave up and didnt play.

Congrads to Pike Central
Wow. Pburg just flat out sucks this year. The best thing that can happen is some of these kids graduate. They don't have the toughness to be football players.
Congrats to the Hawks.
congrats pike central, and for pburg wow the wheels have really fallen off the wagon. Gotta regroup and try and have a good run in the playoffs
Weather conditions is not the problem. The problem is the team. They have no heart. It doesnt seem to bother them win or lose. You have 4-5 players on the whole team that seem like there actually trying each game rather than just going thru the motions. The rest need a major gut check.
Looks like it will be a short post season for the Blackcat Faithful.
I guess we could look at the bright side. We will not have to do any traveling, as the first game is at home. Sad
I have followed Blackcat Football for a few years now & have seen teams with less talent accomplish alot more.
This is a Prestonsburg team full of players who shine in the typical football "measurables": such as bench press, forty time, height, weight, etc.

However, they absolutely fail in the football "immeasurables" of heart, desire, aggressiveness, will to win, enthusiasm, attitude, etc.

People will spend years wondering just how a team full of players so talented could accomplish so little on the football field this year, but the reality is this: you either HAVE the immeasurables or you don't. It is all but impossible to coach a kid to have heart and the will to win if those attributes are not in him already. Coaches can help motivate, help aggressiveness, build on enthusiasm, but ONLY if those attributes are already present in some degree.

I have never seen a team lie down like this team has this year.

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