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Can a Republican get elected without fraud &
It took 30 seconds of that video to be perfectly clear that it was made by an illiterate loon for other illiterate loons. A new low, even by your standards RV.
The video is a great example of why there are no successful liberal talk shows in this country. When liberals are not spreading disinformation, they are spreading misinformation. I am not sure which is worse false information spread deliberately or false information spread out of ignorance and paranoia, but liberals have all the bases covered.
jetpilot Wrote:It took 30 seconds of that video to be perfectly clear that it was made by an illiterate loon for other illiterate loons. A new low, even by your standards RV.
Sheesh, Thom Hartman, What next wisdom from Ed Schultz?:eyeroll:

What else is there to say but ditto, JP.

Do you ever really read or listen to what you post when you start these threads RV? If you do, do you really even understand them?
Show where he lied Jetpilot, before you say it's a new low. Whether liberal or conservative matters not, if they tell it like it is.
Tricky Dick did manage to get himself in a bind which resulted in his resignation. Let's just concentrate on something most people can actually remember, Florida. In the presidential election between Geo W. and Al Gore, the vote was close in Florida. I remember when literally hundreds of lawyers decended on Florida, (including and especially Chicago political strongman Bill Daley) along with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. Not surprisingly, the slander and charges of disenfranchised voters, discrimination and racial bias, began to fly that very next day. Here is an excerpt from an article pulled off

The Daley Chronicle
Bill Daley has worked as a "fixer" for high-profile bosses in business, politics and the federal government

August 1993
Having helped deliver Illinois to candidate Bill Clinton in the 1992 election, he is tapped by the President to overcome House Democratic and union resistance to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Nafta passes in November 1993 by a 34-vote margin with the support of 102 Democrats and 132 Republicans.

He becomes Secretary of Commerce in the second Clinton Administration and helps push legislation that clears the way for China's entry into the World Trade Organization.

June 2000
Trailing by 25 points in the polls, Al Gore hires Daley to chair his faltering Presidential campaign. Daley also helps manage the Florida recount for Gore, who later says he might have won the election had Daley joined the campaign earlier.

What a resume!
One would think that if Al Gore & company really believed they had just had an election ripped out of their hands by those ILLEGITIMATE republicans that Mr Gore might have mentioned the matter here but, instead he laments having been too slow to get Bill Daley on board.
I can't believe that you people still think I care too awful much about politics. What I do like, is that I can get your panties all bunched up in a hurry. :Thumbs:
I think that most of us understand where your are coming from, RV. It's probably why people question whether you even read or watch the junk that you link to yourself. It's also why that when you do choose to debate issues you are on the losing end so often. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that most of us understand where your are coming from, RV. It's probably why people question whether you even read or watch the junk that you link to yourself. It's also why that when you do choose to debate issues you are on the losing end so often. :biggrin:
I don't debate. What you perceive to be me "on the losing end", might just be part of my getting you guys fired up. LOL. But, if ypou will pay attention, some of what that guy said, came from a couple of ex Presidents libraries.
^Nixon doesn't surprize me much. Your point is taken but, the seriousness of our present situation at the federal level should have you cariing about politics a lot right now. Especially if the predictions of doom regarding pensions and retirement savings accounts of all kinds come to pass as a result of the US Senate sitting on their hands and not dealing with the debt ceiling impasse. Which, is the culmanation of trying to run this country for over 800 days now without a budget. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, (the twins of anti-logic), have done more harm to America than the WWII Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan could have hoped to accomplish against the US in their wildest dreams. In 2006 Harry Reid made a statement to the country saying "most Americans understand raising the debt ceiling would do more harm to America" then he turns around this July and says "We must raise the debt ceiling or seniors won't get their checks, and military" I admit he is long way from eloquent but, his meaning and contradiction are clearly set forth in these statements. If a liberal's lips are moving, they're lying.

Here is historical account of Barack Obama's political rise, taken from Widipedia.

Nominating petition challenges

On December 26, 1995—the last day to file challenges (THAT WAY POLITICAL OPPONENTS DIDN"T HAVE TIME TO FILE A REBUTTAL CHALLENGE AGAINST OBAMA) —Barack Obama supporter Ron Davis filed objections to the legitimacy of the nominating petitions of state Sen. Palmer, and to those of Askia, Ewell and Lynch; a week later hearings began to determine whether their names would be on the ballot for the March 19 primary election.[27][28] Also challenging their rivals nominating petitions were: U.S. Senate candidate Dick Durbin,[29] and locally, two-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, nine-term incumbent state Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, incumbent 4th Ward Democratic committeeman Toni Preckwinkle, all three 5th Ward Republican committeeman candidates, and three of twelve Cook County Court Fifth Subcircuit judgeship candidates.[27]

The January 10, 1996 Hyde Park Herald reported that after conducting checks the previous week, the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners' initial findings indicated that all four would-be opponents of Obama, including incumbent state Sen. Palmer, may not have the required number of valid nominating petition signatures.[30] On January 13, Obama received the endorsement of the Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization (IVI-IPO).[31]

On January 17, 1996—thirty days after her surprise announcement that she was running for re-election—Palmer announced she was withdrawing her bid for re-election because she was left with only 561 valid signatures on her nominating petitions, 196 short of the required 757 valid signatures needed to earn a place on the ballot after almost two-thirds of the 1,580 signatures on her nominating petitions were found to be invalid.[28][32]

The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners had previously sustained an objection to the nominating petitions of Lynch because of insufficient valid signatures, and subsequently sustained objections to the nominating petitions of Askia—who was left with only 688 valid signatures on his nominating petitions, 69 short of the required 757 valid signatures after almost two-thirds of the 1,899 signatures on his nominating petitions were found to be invalid, and Ewell—who was left with only 671 valid signatures on his nominating petitions, 86 short of the required 757 valid signatures after almost half of the 1,286 signatures on his nominating petitions were found to be invalid.[28][32] Lynch and Ewell, in separate federal lawsuits, unsuccessfully sued the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners seeking to reverse its decision to remove their names from the ballot.[28][33]

Primary and general elections

In the March 19, 1996 primary election, Obama, running unopposed on the ballot, received 16,279 votes in winning the Democratic nomination for state Senator for the 13th District.[34] The citywide turnout of 35% was a then record low for a presidential primary election in Chicago and down from 56% in 1992.[35]

It has been suggested over and over again since his meteoric rise to the White House that Obama used creative methods, with the help of power brokers in Chicago to rise above his political foes. Obviously, the case could be made that his presidency is illegitimate using the above cited facts. It just depends on what side of the argument you want to line up on.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't debate. What you perceive to be me "on the losing end", might just be part of my getting you guys fired up. LOL. But, if ypou will pay attention, some of what that guy said, came from a couple of ex Presidents libraries.
I vividly recall the Democrats acknowledging that there was no evidence that either Reagan or Bush was involved in any "October Surprise" involving the Iranian hostages but still insisting that a special prosecutor was needed because of the "seriousness of the allegations." What you posted was nonsense and if you only did so to get other members "fired up," then you probably qualify as a troll who is not worthy of engaging in debate. If you want to start threads simply for their shock value, don't be surprised if most of us simply begin ignoring such nonsense.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I vividly recall the Democrats acknowledging that there was no evidence that either Reagan or Bush was involved in any "October Surprise" involving the Iranian hostages but still insisting that a special prosecutor was needed because of the "seriousness of the allegations." What you posted was nonsense and if you only did so to get other members "fired up," then you probably qualify as a troll who is not worthy of engaging in debate. If you want to start threads simply for their shock value, don't be surprised if most of us simply begin ignoring such nonsense.
It's nonsense in your point of view, but not in a factual sense. After looking up "October surprise, I found this article interesting on both sides of the aisle.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's nonsense in your point of view, but not in a factual sense. After looking up "October surprise, I found this article interesting on both sides of the aisle.
Democrats held large majorities in both houses of Congress and hated Ronald Reagan. Had there been a shred of evidence to support the liberals' crazy conspiracy theories, Reagan would have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office. Fortunately for Reagan, the Democratic Party was still home to many patriotic statesmen who share little in common with today's rumor-mongering socialists that control the party's upper echelon.

If you want to discuss political scandals, delve into the details of the Fast and Furious project that Eric Holder and the DOJ is diligently trying to cover up. An operation where our own federal government encouraged gun dealers to sell weapons illegally to Mexican drug cartels, which in turn were used to kill scores of Mexican citizens and at least one US Border Patrol agent should be the lead story on the network news every day until Obama's Justice Department stops stonewalling and answers the questions that Congress has demanded.

Are you interested in real political shenanigans involving current day real, live elected officials or are you just part of the Democrats' attempt to divert attention away from the horrendous job that Barack Obama and his administration are doing in almost every area?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Democrats held large majorities in both houses of Congress and hated Ronald Reagan. Had there been a shred of evidence to support the liberals' crazy conspiracy theories, Reagan would have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office. Fortunately for Reagan, the Democratic Party was still home to many patriotic statesmen who share little in common with today's rumor-mongering socialists that control the party's upper echelon.

If you want to discuss political scandals, delve into the details of the Fast and Furious project that Eric Holder and the DOJ is diligently trying to cover up. An operation where our own federal government encouraged gun dealers to sell weapons illegally to Mexican drug cartels, which in turn were used to kill scores of Mexican citizens and at least one US Border Patrol agent should be the lead story on the network news every day until Obama's Justice Department stops stonewalling and answers the questions that Congress has demanded.

Are you interested in real political shenanigans involving current day real, live elected officials or are you just part of the Democrats' attempt to divert attention away from the horrendous job that Barack Obama and his administration are doing in almost every area?
Lighten up up, you Repubs are for continued pollution of our air and The Dems are "spending to much". Either way we doom mankind.
We are 4th in the most pollution states in the US, right behind Ohio being 1st, all due to coal burning and chemical plants. PA and WV are right there with us.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I vividly recall the Democrats acknowledging that there was no evidence that either Reagan or Bush was involved in any "October Surprise" involving the Iranian hostages but still insisting that a special prosecutor was needed because of the "seriousness of the allegations." What you posted was nonsense and if you only did so to get other members "fired up," then you probably qualify as a troll who is not worthy of engaging in debate. If you want to start threads simply for their shock value, don't be surprised if most of us simply begin ignoring such nonsense.
Do you honestly think I care what the "conservative trolls" on this forum think of me? I'm here to have fun, they are here for a political agenda.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you honestly think I care what the "conservative trolls" on this forum think of me? I'm here to have fun, they are here for a political agenda.
Apparently, it is difficult for trolls to come to grips with their pathetic role as a mere nuisance in the world of online posting.

I am not arrogant enough to presume what the motives are for other conservative members who post here. I can only say that I am here to voice my displeasure with the Marxist that you helped put into the White House. That, and to shoot down the nonsense that the clown's few remaining supporters might post here to defend his assault on our laws and economic system.

I don't expect to change the minds of hard core liberals like you, but I hope that information that I post might help a fence-sitter or two, who may be struggling in the Obama economy to eke out a living, to understand that what happens here in Washington can have a huge impact on their career prospects.

Having relegated yourself to the role of a lowly troll, it is hard for me to fathom how you expect to have fun here but that kind of analysis falls outside of my fields of expertise. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Apparently, it is difficult for trolls to come to grips with their pathetic role as a mere nuisance in the world of online posting.

I am not arrogant enough to presume what the motives are for other conservative members who post here. I can only say that I am here to voice my displeasure with the Marxist that you helped put into the White House. That, and to shoot down the nonsense that the clown's few remaining supporters might post here to defend his assault on our laws and economic system.

I don't expect to change the minds of hard core liberals like you, but I hope that information that I post might help a fence-sitter or two, who may be struggling in the Obama economy to eke out a living, to understand that what happens here in Washington can have a huge impact on their career prospects.

Having relegated yourself to the role of a lowly troll, it is hard for me to fathom how you expect to have fun here but that kind of analysis falls outside of my fields of expertise. :biggrin:
The "they" was you and your cohorts.
TheRealVille Wrote:The "they" was you and your cohorts.

Please feel free to include me on the list of cohorts and conservative trolls.

I might be able to manage a little compassion for the liberal faith if I could see any example in history of any of your doctrines that were successful. At the begining of WWII Hitler's henchmen organized book burning rallies in Nurmemberg and Frankfurt, because conventional wisdom, (the wisdom of recorded history) was rejected for the alter-reality of Hitler's psychotic visions. We however, don't have any excuse to ignore the failings of progressive liberalism as recorded in the historical records of this and other nations but, people still choose to be willfully ignorant of the truth.

I don't get it, is it a feeling or what? Or, is it like Billy Preston's song say's "Will it go round in circles, I've got a song it ain't got no moral, let the bad guy every once in a while."
^ I should have typed "Let the bad guy win, every once in a while"

Chaulk that typo up to the perils of trying to post from your cell phone.

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