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Casey Anthony Trial
anyone watching it? If so do you think she's guilty or not?

anyone been seeing how she's acted during the whole trial? someone mentions something about Caylee, she sits there stone faced but if her names mentioned she starts boo hooing and what not. Yesterday when her dad was testifying he started crying his eyes out and she just sit there and smiled about it.

If she's guilty (Which I believe she is) I hope she get's everything in the book thrown at her.

Stupid piece of shit woman who killed her own little 2 year old daughter
Though I won't pass judgement on her guilt, she sure seems to have done enough to make one believe she is guilty.
I think she's guilty from everything presented at the trial..the defense is arguing that she Caylee drowned and that the family purposely kept it quiet, so she'll get probably a 1st degree Manslaughter charge and some others if she's innocent of murder.

But, I think she's going to be found guilty. Hopefully.
^ I agree with you vundy. I think she is found guilty of Manslaughter and winds up with 20 Years
Does anyone other than me think it's a little tasteless to have all the notifications asking you to text who you think will testify next, or text your verdict for the case?
Stardust Wrote:^ I agree with you vundy. I think she is found guilty of Manslaughter and winds up with 20 Years
It would be a shame if it is indeed manslaughter and not murder. I have thought form the time the girl went missing that Casey did it. She has never showed any emotion that she misses the child.

zaga_fan Wrote:Does anyone other than me think it's a little tasteless to have all the notifications asking you to text who you think will testify next, or text your verdict for the case?
Yes it is. It is not a friggin game show.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Simple solution. Take Casey, her mom, her dad, and her brother, shoot them, and kill them. Eradicate them from this earth in which they do not belong.
^ I believe in the death penalty, but to me, death is the EASY way out. I would rather lock them up for life so that they have a lifetime of suffering. Ending their life without ever suffering the pain is not real punishment!
Stardust Wrote:^ I believe in the death penalty, but to me, death is the EASY way out. I would rather lock them up for life so that they have a lifetime of suffering. Ending their life without ever suffering the pain is not real punishment!
I agree with you to a point. The only problem I have with that is knowing they would never get their due. I worked in a supermax prison, and all they would do with any of these high-profile cases is stick them in a protective custody pod/block with other people thats killed, raped or abused children. I agree that death is the easy way out. I vote we torture them though. My blood boils everytime I see that bitch's face, along with her family. Feed them to hungry hogs for all I care, but dont let them spend the rest of their worthless lives wasting taxpayers money by getting showers, cable tv, three meals a day and free medical...
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I agree with you to a point. The only problem I have with that is knowing they would never get their due. I worked in a supermax prison, and all they would do with any of these high-profile cases is stick them in a protective custody pod/block with other people thats killed, raped or abused children. I agree that death is the easy way out. I vote we torture them though. My blood boils everytime I see that bitch's face, along with her family. Feed them to hungry hogs for all I care, but dont let them spend the rest of their worthless lives wasting taxpayers money by getting showers, cable tv, three meals a day and free medical...

I see your point TH, and it's very valid. If they were in general population, it would be more justified. If it's made easy on them, then the only thing they have is guilt, and it's that guilt that I want them to feel for a very long time. Thus, I do believe living with NO freedoms for the rest of their life and reliving what they did for all of those years is their due.
the Judge gave the case to the Jury this morning.
Casey has been cleared in her Daughter's Death but convicted of providing false information
She'll walk....
she's been in prison this whole time and she's already served enough time to cover those charges.
I think that's how it works.
No one made me think she did it.... I say go after her dad...
zaga_fan Wrote:She'll walk....
she's been in prison this whole time and she's already served enough time to cover those charges.
I think that's how it works.

She Walks! I expected Manslaughter, but WOW!
I find it hilarious that so many experts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.. could do the job that the Lawyers from the state of Florida could. And that is prove it. There was no proof. A lot of circumstantial stuff that for sure does not look good on her part, but no evidence that was sufficient to tell who killed her. All I see is a bunch of people saying a child was killed, etc... Yes, but by who is still unknown even if a lot of stuff points towards one person.

"Better one hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man be condemned."
Keep in mind that, if a jury arrives at a verdict, it finds the accused guilty or not guilty. The jury does not find the accused to be innocent. Finding one not guilty is not finding that person innocent. Casey Anthony was not found to be innocent.

The prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt to all twelve jurors. The defense is required to prove nothing. That is how our system works- highly imperfect but no one has found anything that works better.

These distinctions are often misunderstood by the public at large. Nonetheless, they are at the heart of the process.
Bottom line is that in our justice system you simply have to have some cold hard facts.
There was no DNA evidence, no eye-witnesses, and the accused didn't even testify.
All we have is that a child died, her mom's a liar, she likes to party, someone said that something smells bad, and someone searched something on a computer but someone else said they did it and gave a reason.

My gut tells me that she did it, but if my gut sent people to the electric chair there would be a lot of people in trouble.
Another failure of the American public education system. There is no reasonable doubt that the child is dead and the mother was responsible. Most cases are decided based on circumstantial evidence, which is often more reliable than eye-witness accounts anyway.
Bitch better hope she dont get a flat tire on my street.
zaga_fan Wrote:Bottom line is that in our justice system you simply have to have some cold hard facts.
There was no DNA evidence, no eye-witnesses, and the accused didn't even testify.
All we have is that a child died, her mom's a liar, she likes to party, someone said that something smells bad, and someone searched something on a computer but someone else said they did it and gave a reason.

My gut tells me that she did it, but if my gut sent people to the electric chair there would be a lot of people in trouble.

Nicely put. Opinions are opinions, everyone has one. Theres not a bone in my body that thinks shes "not guilty", but I guess at the end of the day, only her and God know what truly happen to that little girl. She will absolutely stand before the big man herself one day though and be judged, this mess will be accounted for, and justice will then be served.
Casey beat the system, just as OJ did. It's unfortunate and easy to convict her in the court of public opinion. But, whether we like our justice system or not, I would not trade it for any other 3rd world nation!
All we can do is pray for em.
CandyKane Wrote:All we can do is pray for em.
And hope that somebody kills her.
How in the hell are they gonna count her time already served when it had nothing to do with this murder trial. She was serving time for check fraud according to Nancy Grace on tuesday. If thats true, they should not have given her credit for time served, that's a bunch of horse $h*t
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Redneck Wrote:How in the hell are they gonna count her time already served when it had nothing to do with this murder trial. She was serving time for check fraud according to Nancy Grace on tuesday. If thats true, they should not have given her credit for time served, that's a bunch of horse $h*t

Rule #1) Never listen to Nancy Grace
zaga_fan Wrote:Rule #1) Never listen to Nancy Grace

It's true, stole her "friends" credit card, 14 counts of check fraud.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
TheRealVille Wrote:And hope that somebody kills her.
While justice should be served for whoever did that to that little girl, i find it soooooo funny that these complete retard morons like nancy grace and jane mitchell and that dude on hLn have been covering this garbage for three years and have done nothing but destroy this case and have personally made me sick and tired of seeing it for this long as well as many other americans im sure.
I honestly believe that had these idiots not done this and shoved it everybodys face then i believe they would have found her guilty no matter what.
I vote that these people along with the absoloutly hiddeous susan moss woman they have on there sometimes be barred from all televisions lol.
Now nobody will ever know what happened to that little girl....

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