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Are you right or left handed?
I am left handed.

I do everything left handed. Throw like a girl right handed.
I am right handed but I can do things left. I can shoot basketball left, eat, kind of write, I deal cards left handed ALWAYS, but I rely on my right the most.
thetribe Wrote:I am right handed but I can do things left. I can shoot basketball left, eat, kind of write, I deal cards left handed ALWAYS, but I rely on my right the most.

That sounds exactly like me...except for the basketball thing (I can't shoot with either hand):Geek:
im right handed but i drive, and dribble a basketball better with my left. I can write with both hands so maybe you should add both to the poll.
right.. I can do a few things with my left hand... but not much
Dang, am I the only one?
Right. My two grandfathers and brother are left handed!!
Right handed but can still do basic things with my left
Right, but I can bowl left handled and thats about it with my left hand...
I can't hardly do anything with my left hand.
My dad is left handed but can shoot basketball better with his right.
Im right handed but i shoot my gun left and i shoot pool left......
iam right handed, but i play golf left handed, and i putt right handed lol Tongue
never heard of that before frankee
Ive heard of a right hander playing golf left handed but also puttin left
kinda unique......I wish i was good at golf
Im a pretty good bowler with a 195 average but golf just isnt my thing i dont guess
football05 Wrote:never heard of that before frankee
Ive heard of a right hander playing golf left handed but also puttin left
kinda unique......I wish i was good at golf
Im a pretty good bowler with a 195 average but golf just isnt my thing i dont guess

i kno man, i kinda like bein unique lol, alot different than everyone, i remember at regions this year, noone could believe that i played left handed and putted right lol kinda weird, i also bowl, me and my friends usually bowl every weekend
I write left handed, but shoot ball, throw and everything else right handed.
Right handed here. I taught myself to shoot free throws left handed in later years just to see if I could, using the same mechanics as I do right handed and it worked.
frankee where do u bowl?
right i can't do anything left handed
football05 Wrote:frankee where do u bowl?

over in paintsville, sparetime lanes, its in downtown paintsville
and you??
I am both handed i can do any thing with either hand
Right handed but I could always shoot with either hand in basketball and bat right or left in baseball. For the most part though im a rightie
right handed
but i can use both hands about the same
anything sports related i tend to do like a left handed person except for shootin a basketball
but anythin like writing, drawing, u kno, i do with my right
I'm right Handed.
Right. The only thing I can do with my left is dribble a basketball...
i bowl in prestonsburg

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