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The Bus Stops In Detroit
i think he just annouced it after the game when he said the bus is at its last stop.....
Bettis announced this was his last game. He played to win a championship and he got it tonight. I will miss the Bus
Had a nice career can't blame him for going out on top.
"CatDawg" Wrote:Had a nice career can't blame him for going out on top.
Sure can't congrat to the steelers and The Bus
Retires as the NFL's 5th all-time leading rusher behind:
1. Emmitt Smith
2. Walter Payton
3. Barry Sanders
4. Curtis Martin (active)
5. Jerome Bettis

He's had a great career and retired on top of the mountain. Congrats Bus
Bus 36 was a great Steeler. Fans in Steeler Nation will miss him.
he was a great player and model for all pro athletes
Right on VV, a great role model and the ultimate unselfish team player.
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:he was a great player and model for all pro athletes
He is and was a great player. I am so glad to see him go, but I am a <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urnConfusedchemas-microsoft-com:officeConfusedmarttags" /><st1:place>Bengal</st1:place>’s fan. LOL

The BUS has been parked. good luck in retirment.
Very smart decision to go out on top,I was so glad to see him win yesterday really the only reason I watched some of the game.
im glad he finally got his super bowl
The Bus Was A Great Role Model As Well As A Great Player. The Game Won't Be The Same Without Him. Maybe He Can Come Back As A Coach And Teach The Rookies A Thing Or Two About Good Sportsmanship And Good Playing.
the bus was and still is a beast

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