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who in the 14th can dunk?
any players able to throw it down in the 14th? ive seen adams from powell throw it down in warm ups. any one else?
george cambell can throw it down
Robert smith from owsley can slam it...Never seen him dunk in a game but he tears down the rim in warmups
It seems to be every one is bragging about warm up dunks...................theres a pretty good amount that can do it in warm ups there is not many that can do it in a game.........Why not name the thread who can dunk in warm ups....
There is hardly any player that can dunk in an actual game. There are quite a few in the 14th that have the size to dunk but lack the jumping and athletisism to dunk it. For example the Collins kid from June Buchanan. He is about 6'7-6'8. He should be able to tear the rim off yet he lacks the athletisism to dunk it. Same goes with Owsley County's Kevin Riley. He is 6'6, being the tallest on the team yet he can't dunk "proficiently".

As for some I have seen dunk, Robert Smith and Trey Congleton from Owsley can dunk. Congleton is still developing and getting closer. Smith on the other hand could dunk in a game but I honestly think he doesn't want to. He can tear it off left and right during warm-ups. Anything from reverse to maybe a 180.

As far as an actual game, I have only seen one if I remember correctly. And I don't quite remember who it was...
Robert Smith and Trey Congelton can dunk it but wont do it in a game. Kevin Riley from Owsley can jump and pull the rim but cant slam the ball into it. He could if he worked out with his legs more often!
ive seen a few tall ppl that could;t dunk which made me mad cause all that height waste devon adams from pikevill will be able to dunk in the game in a year or 2 if he works on his legs but yeah just because your tall does;t mean u can dunk it....i think the reason shorter ppl can dunk it is because there short and they try at it harder which they develop there calf muscles...
Micheal Lindon can dunk form KCC. If you watch him in a game he can get his head above the rim and just wont put it down.
Yeah, it seems to me shorter people can dunk easier. For example, this no longer counts but last year in the 14th Region, Jerry Terry could dunk. He never tried in a game but he was only about 5'10 so that goes to show that smaller guys can dunk it.

Also about Kevin Riley, he "could" dunk. He just needs to learn how. He can get up there just that he loses the bal midair and doesn't "slam" it down in. In fact he just lets go of it...
"OU_Bruiser" Wrote:ive seen a few tall ppl that could;t dunk which made me mad cause all that height waste devon adams from pikevill will be able to dunk in the game in a year or 2 if he works on his legs but yeah just because your tall does;t mean u can dunk it....i think the reason shorter ppl can dunk it is because there short and they try at it harder which they develop there calf muscles...
Sorry to tell ya Bruiser, but big Dev already dunked in a game on the 27th... so I guess that year or two got here early...
what i meant was consistantly not in a jv game
Durell Olinger can easy
Eli Warren(L.C.C.) is the best in the region without a doubt!
Cavanaugh Trent is the best dunker to EVER play in the 14th when he was at Dilce Combs in the early 90's. He can still throw it down!
Dallas Campbell of PCC dunks every game with authority.....
man, i miss those old dilce combs teams, yeah Cavanaugh was an awesome dunker, but as for now, ill have to say Eli Warren too
"PLAYBOY5" Wrote:Cavanaugh Trent is the best dunker to EVER play in the 14th when he was at Dilce Combs in the early 90's. He can still throw it down!
Ive seen the Smith kid from Owsley get his hand way above the rim and just lay it in. This is after taking somebody to the rack... The Fetters kid from Lee can also dunk easily. I havent seen him get an opurtunity yet to get a slam.
lmao yes dallas campbell really has hops.....but neways Zach Gay can really throw it down easily
You know, use too, it was nothing to see a kid dunk it, and in warm ups it seemed like 2-3 kids could dunk off of every team. Now you are lucky to see 5 out of a region!
Last years senior, Jerry Terry from Owsley, was a very great athlete, and not to be very tall he could still dunk the ball. Kevin Riley from Owsley has the height, but just doesn't have the athletic ability and will power.
"twinhoops44" Wrote:Last years senior, Jerry Terry from Owsley, was a very great athlete, and not to be very tall he could still dunk the ball. Kevin Riley from Owsley has the height, but just doesn't have the athletic ability and will power.
I think they're referring to who can dunk in a game situation. I don't ever remember Jerry Terry dunking during a game. Robert Smith had about 4 dunks during games in his sophomore season, but he hasn't had any this year.
Howard and Kilburn from Jackson I've seen dunk it during warmups...:thumb:
I really don't know about threads like this. Can you imagine a similar question about the 11th region? The answer would be well over 100.Smile Same for the Louisville regions.
But this isn't Lexington or Louisville.
Caleb Fetters from Lee can throw one down. He has threw one off the back board in warm-ups and threw it down. Caleb Fetters can flat out throw one down. Robert Smith from Owlsey can throw one down too. I've seen him in warm-ups before. Cody Gilbert from Wofle can throw one down too.
May I Ask Why Does Everyone Always Do That.....start A Thread About Dunking An Then Some Jealuos Person Comes In An Says Who Cares About Warm Up Lets See If They Can Do It In The Came...let Me Ask All You People That Do That Could You Dunk In High School Warm Ups Or In The Game........can You Now......if You Could Was You Under 6 Foot Dunking Like You Was About 6'5? If Not Shut Up
"ONLOOKER" Wrote:May I Ask Why Does Everyone Always Do That.....start A Thread About Dunking An Then Some Jealuos Person Comes In An Says Who Cares About Warm Up Lets See If They Can Do It In The Came...let Me Ask All You People That Do That Could You Dunk In High School Warm Ups Or In The Game........can You Now......if You Could Was You Under 6 Foot Dunking Like You Was About 6'5? If Not Shut Up
How bout you calm down there is nothing big about dunking in warm ups you don;t accomplish anything i can see people localy just dunking it but if u can dunk in a game u get mad props.....
"ONLOOKER" Wrote:May I Ask Why Does Everyone Always Do That.....start A Thread About Dunking An Then Some Jealuos Person Comes In An Says Who Cares About Warm Up Lets See If They Can Do It In The Came...let Me Ask All You People That Do That Could You Dunk In High School Warm Ups Or In The Game........can You Now......if You Could Was You Under 6 Foot Dunking Like You Was About 6'5? If Not Shut Up

I don't see anything wrong with what was said. We all know that it is much more difficult in a game setting. I know of many players that were able to do it during the warm up but had no chance in a game situation.
Dunking in an actual game also poses a threat to becomming injured. Just one small intentional foul could hurt you pretty bad if you're trying to dunk "in game".
And I have seen it many times, lol. NOT GOOD!

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