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Prayers for Strikeout King
guys and girls i need all the prayers i can get, my itotic cousin just tried to burn down my house. when he don't take his meds he talks out of his mind and everything, i just need all the prayers i can get. I'm a nervous wreck right now The Firemen just left, they said it looked suspecious and we know he was the one that done it cause he called my mammaw asking where my mom and I was at and she said that my mom was in the back bedroom of her house and that I was over here in this house and he still tried to set it on fire so i have to stay up all night and watch it

I'll pray for you buddy.
WOW! You have my prayers bud.
Prayers are going up for you buddy!! For sure!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Hope everything is alright SK.
How is everything this morning Strikeout King?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
MisterPerfect Wrote:How is everything this morning Strikeout King?

everything seems calm this morning, I stayed up all night last night, he tried this morning to say that it wasn't him and he tried not to get my mom to go get an EPO against him, then he's like it was my dad (Strikeout Kings Dad) because my mom is taking him to court over child support but its either the state or the county that's taking him to court over child support. We're still waiting for the Fire Marshall to come and look at it, and if he rules that its arson then they will file criminal charges and issue a warrant for his arrest.

Thanks Again Everyone
Holy Cow!....That's awful!...prayers for you and your family hun!...hope he gets some help and leaves you all alone!
Filthy Animal Wrote:Holy Cow!....That's awful!...prayers for you and your family hun!...hope he gets some help and leaves you all alone!

he's my cousin. he is skitsofrenia. when he don't take his meds, he talks out of his mind. he's threatened my 85 year old grandmother and everything. he won't go to the hospital (VA) even tho he needs too.
My prayers & thoughts are with you buddy.
Strikeout King Wrote:he's my cousin. he is skitsofrenia. when he don't take his meds, he talks out of his mind. he's threatened my 85 year old grandmother and everything. he won't go to the hospital (VA) even tho he needs too.

my prayers are with you brother, in refrence to the statement above IF he is arrested and refuses treatment the court may order him to an institution in which he (not matter age) would be in the states custody.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:my prayers are with you brother, in refrence to the statement above IF he is arrested and refuses treatment the court may order him to an institution in which he (not matter age) would be in the states custody.

That's what needs to happen man. I have alot of family members that don't care much for him and he's brought it on himself. His little girl, I believe she's either in Kidagarden or 1st grade and she won't have anything to do with him cause she knows how he is. my mammaw has tried to get him to go to the hospital I don't know how many times and he wouldn't go, then there was couple times that he did go and check his self in. He got this way overseas (very gruesome stories that happened to him) there pretty gross and creepy
I hope everything works out for you.
Strikeout King Wrote:That's what needs to happen man. I have alot of family members that don't care much for him and he's brought it on himself. His little girl, I believe she's either in Kidagarden or 1st grade and she won't have anything to do with him cause she knows how he is. my mammaw has tried to get him to go to the hospital I don't know how many times and he wouldn't go, then there was couple times that he did go and check his self in. He got this way overseas (very gruesome stories that happened to him) there pretty gross and creepy

well man i hope everything works out for you and your family.
Thanks Everyone.

We're suppose to go tomorrow and get a copy of the paperwork that the firemen took down last night, then we have to wait for the Fire Marshall to call us to take down some more info and schedule him to come up and expect it., it was set from the ground up and the ground is too wet for the fire to start its self so that tells me plus everyone here that it was set and we know who set it cause he's the only one that had a reason
Sorry to hear about this Strikeout King. Praying for you and all of your family.
One of the Firemen, is coming back up to take pics of it for the Investigator.
Prayers with ya Bud.... Hope all works out for you.... If you need anything, you know all of us here at your BGR family will do anything to help ya!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
You don't need prayers, you need to kick the crap out of him, or have him put in jail or committed. I hope you get everything worked out.
^ prayers would help alot. The Firemen (Don't know his name) said that he was gonna take the pics that he took (which he took 28 pics) back to the station put them on the computer and the Investigator would get them and look at them and that he would be in town on monday and that he would contact us and talk to us and to schedule a visit for him to come up and expect it.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't need prayers, you need to kick the crap out of him, or have him put in jail or committed. I hope you get everything worked out.
On the other hand, I will pray for you Strikeout, BUT I would still beat him senseless, if not for trying to burn down your house, but because of everything else he does. If he keeps getting away with this stuff, he'll keep trying crap. You'd be surprise at what a real good ***-whoopin' does to cool somebody down.
I Wonder how many years he will get, after the The investigator looks at it and says its arson and attempted murder (my mammaw clearly told him i was over here and he still lit it)??
^years i dont know about, however he would be sentenced to a mental hospital probably for a very long time if hes a skitzo like you said.
If it was him i wouldnt cut him any slack, mental or not hes a threat to anyone who would come in contact with him.
My prayers are with you friend, and i hope it all works out.
Strikeout King, if you need anything. Just send me a p.m. buddy. I'm still praying for you and your family.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Man, I'm sorry to hear that! My thoughts and prayers are with you! If you need to talk or if you need anything just text me.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Agreed.
On the other hand, I will pray for you Strikeout, BUT I would still beat him senseless, if not for trying to burn down your house, but because of everything else he does. If he keeps getting away with this stuff, he'll keep trying crap. You'd be surprise at what a real good ***-whoopin' does to cool somebody down.

I agree 100%.

How is everything going?
^ Everything is going fine. he hasn't been up here since this happened. he swears up and down that he didn't do it, but your not gonna show up at your granny's house at midnight, ask where Me and my mom's at, ask my uncle for gas (Which my uncle didn't let him get) if you don't have intentions of doing something. he done those 2 things, then left and less than 10 minutes later the bottom of my house was on fire, so i had to get water crawl underneath there and threw water on it and put it out. Even the firemen said that it looked suspicious. The State Fire Marshall will be here in town tomorrow, he's suppose to contact us and get more information, I don't know if he will be at my house monday or not, I'm assuming he will be. He needs to be locked away in a mental hospital for the rest of his life cause he's not safe for anyone
SK, do you guys have proof that he did it? My thoughts and prayers
Stardust Wrote:SK, do you guys have proof that he did it? My thoughts and prayers

he's the only one that had a reason to do it, he's offered to do it before (Uncles have heard him state that) he's even tried to get me to do it and I wouldn't do it. when he left that night he was gone about 10 minutes, that was enough time for him to go to my neighbors (No house, just a building there), park his car sneak back over here sit it on fire then go back to his car and leave. he says it was my dad because he thinks my mom is taking him to court over child support when it's the state that's taking him to court and how would he know if my dad done it, do it if he wasn't there? plus my dad isn't gonna put is own kid life in danger like that. it started from the ground up, the electrical wires were cold and not touched.
Strikeout King Wrote:he's the only one that had a reason to do it, he's offered to do it before (Uncles have heard him state that) he's even tried to get me to do it and I wouldn't do it. when he left that night he was gone about 10 minutes, that was enough time for him to go to my neighbors (No house, just a building there), park his car sneak back over here sit it on fire then go back to his car and leave. he says it was my dad because he thinks my mom is taking him to court over child support when it's the state that's taking him to court and how would he know if my dad done it, do it if he wasn't there? plus my dad isn't gonna put is own kid life in danger like that. it started from the ground up, the electrical wires were cold and not touched.

Lord help you.

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