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New transfer to Shelby Valley (RUMOR)
I've heard from a very reliable source, that Dakotah Newsome is transferring from south floyd to shelby valley. 6'2 and 185. Believe this kid will help Valley alot.
pumatime Wrote:I've heard from a very reliable source, that Dakotah Newsome is transferring from south floyd to shelby valley. 6'2 and 185. Believe this kid will help Valley alot.

Have also heard this.

He's actually around 5'10-11 170lbs.

But I've also heard he's going other places as well.

Good Luck to the kid, if he does decide to leave. Wherever that may be.
This would make SV's Basketball and Football team very good next year. The kid is a streaky shooter. If he is going to transfer, he needs to do it, so the transition wont be so bad.
Just heard he's been liftin weights with the team and hasnt been missing school alot or anything.
I guess this rumor is busted!
yes, he has been lifting with the team, but he has mentioned they've only had like 10 kids come and lift. iv'e seen where he's said he's seriously considering coming to valley, and probably will.
When do you think he will make his decision?
pumatime Wrote:yes, he has been lifting with the team, but he has mentioned they've only had like 10 kids come and lift. iv'e seen where he's said he's seriously considering coming to valley, and probably will.

Most of the kids do play baseball, and some lift on there own time, due to other circumstances.

I've also heard he was going back home. So take that as you may.

Another thing, why hasn't a mod included "Rumor" in the title, because it is done in every other thread like this.
pumatime Wrote:yes, he has been lifting with the team, but he has mentioned they've only had like 10 kids come and lift. iv'e seen where he's said he's seriously considering coming to valley, and probably will.

Alot of kids say there "seriously considering" this and that. "Probably Will" usually follows that statement.

If someone is "seriously considering" something, the words "probably will", should never follow.
What grade is he in?
He will be a senior. I will tell you a little about him. If he stays at SF he and Little will have to carry the load on offense and defense. He is as good player and could help any team out.
Just curious. Not doubting or anything negative. But! Why is he "considering" different schools? Parents moving; getting a divorce. Going back home; job potential? Does anyone know?
Foxtrot Wrote:Just curious. Not doubting or anything negative. But! Why is he "considering" different schools? Parents moving; getting a divorce. Going back home; job potential? Does anyone know?

That was my question.

He can consider all the moves he wants but doesn't it have to be approved by the KHSAA to be eligible to play next year? (i.e. see Dunn case) :eyeroll:
I am gonna put these rumors to rest....He is going to South Floyd next year!!!!!!

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