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11-18-2005, 11:45 AM
Well let me tell you something. I was talking about Perry County Central, not Pike Central anyways. Get it right. And East Ridge returns 4 seniors this year and 3 juniors that very well have the potential to win the district as well as region if they may. And as for region last year, East Ridge was probably devistated because of the District loss against Valley that was HUGE upset. I don't know what team you are for, but you need to get your facts straight. We know you must be from Pike Central obviously. Maybe if they didn't have their players quitting every other game, they would actually win something.
11-18-2005, 11:49 AM
Well the only thing that I have to tell you is that East Ridge is alot better than what you are saying I don't have a clue who you are and quite frankly I really don't care, but I think that you need to look at East Ridges schedule, they are looking at a pretty tough one. And as for Playing Push over teams we only schedule them because we don't have any one else to schedule because either we have themon our schedule or they can't fit us on there schedule. BUDDY you need to get your information from some other source.. Sorry Outkast.....
11-18-2005, 11:56 AM
"champ321" Wrote:Well let me tell you something. I was talking about Perry County Central, not Pike Central anyways. Get it right. And East Ridge returns 4 seniors this year and 3 juniors that very well have the potential to win the district as well as region if they may. And as for region last year, East Ridge was probably devistated because of the District loss against Valley that was HUGE upset. I don't know what team you are for, but you need to get your facts straight. We know you must be from Pike Central obviously. Maybe if they didn't have their players quitting every other game, they would actually win something.So you're saying Belfry only beat them in region last year because they were devastated because of the district loss to Valley? If they wanted to win, they should have put that behind them and won, they just got defeated by a better team in Belfry.
11-18-2005, 02:40 PM
11-18-2005, 02:43 PM
No those girls where just upset because of how dirty they got done in there district tournament.... They could beat BELFRY anyday.. I think that you need to start looking and watching how those girls are playing,....
11-18-2005, 04:10 PM
"BALLER_50" Wrote:No those girls where just upset because of how dirty they got done in there district tournament.... They could beat BELFRY anyday.. I think that you need to start looking and watching how those girls are playing,....
If they beat any team in the preseason top five this year, I will be the first to say that I was wrong. But I doubt, that ER could beat Magoffin, Belfry, Pike Central, Johnson Central, or Paintsville on their best day, let alone anyday. Of course that is just my opinion.
11-19-2005, 03:36 PM
Sorry that i didnt know that you was speaking of Perry Central. But any who i was speaking to an EAST RIDGE player just today and they actually told me quote unquote "We are decent but NOT regional championship material."
So im sure that if a player is saying this then your just an eye in the stands that apparently does not know what he/she is talking about. Yes i am from Pike Central but i dont go around praising them like people you Ridgers do. I'll admit Pike Central is going to struggle and my prediction is they will not win district but will probley be in the regional final. Will Central struggle all year NO due to when Lowe is eligable again they will finaly come together. Talking to Lowe at Hawk night she was upset at what she did and said it wasnt right she as well ran TWO MILES so she could play at HAWK NIGHT with the rest of her team mates. The team is beggining to gel and i think you can tell that when you score 61 points in 10 minutes. East Ridge will be in the regional tournament and quite possibly will win district. But regional tournament champs is slightly beyond of thought, EVEN by the girls. You all talk about attitudes and a player from East RIdge said that they have a couple of girls with BAD BAD BAD attitudes. So look at it from both sides to people at East Ridge they do no wrong they are quite possibly "SAINTS" in your eyes. Oh and about district last year im sorry but i dont see how you get cheated when you lose by double digits that argument isn't very good and im going to agree with Pheonix Belfry was a 5 times beter team and if you say they werent then you are WAY TO BIASED.
So im sure that if a player is saying this then your just an eye in the stands that apparently does not know what he/she is talking about. Yes i am from Pike Central but i dont go around praising them like people you Ridgers do. I'll admit Pike Central is going to struggle and my prediction is they will not win district but will probley be in the regional final. Will Central struggle all year NO due to when Lowe is eligable again they will finaly come together. Talking to Lowe at Hawk night she was upset at what she did and said it wasnt right she as well ran TWO MILES so she could play at HAWK NIGHT with the rest of her team mates. The team is beggining to gel and i think you can tell that when you score 61 points in 10 minutes. East Ridge will be in the regional tournament and quite possibly will win district. But regional tournament champs is slightly beyond of thought, EVEN by the girls. You all talk about attitudes and a player from East RIdge said that they have a couple of girls with BAD BAD BAD attitudes. So look at it from both sides to people at East Ridge they do no wrong they are quite possibly "SAINTS" in your eyes. Oh and about district last year im sorry but i dont see how you get cheated when you lose by double digits that argument isn't very good and im going to agree with Pheonix Belfry was a 5 times beter team and if you say they werent then you are WAY TO BIASED.
11-19-2005, 03:38 PM
Oh and another thing... Im sorry that i forgot to get into Lexington teams tournaments that you have to have some type of GREAT talent in their eyes.
11-19-2005, 09:35 PM
Guys, please keep the fighting down.
This thread is for opinions for the top in the 15th and why but posting arguements isn't going to solve anything.
The ER fans that are posting here in this thread are already starting to make East Ridge look bad. No need to make a scene like this.
I am from East Ridge myself and I have been a member of this site for nearly a year. I am a mod but I too have an opinion. I think that East Ridge will have talent. Will they win district? Maybe. Will they win region? No.
Our girls have talent, heart, and size but I think that they are outmatched when compared to other teams. I love my team as much as all of you other Warrior fans do but I am realistic about things and not biased towards them. I wish them the best of luck but I just don't see it happening for them. Would I love to be wrong and see them take home a title, sure, but we will just have to wait and see.
See the first page for my rankings if needed.
And please do not make me have to keep an eye on this thread due to a few people taking their statements too far.
This thread is for opinions for the top in the 15th and why but posting arguements isn't going to solve anything.
The ER fans that are posting here in this thread are already starting to make East Ridge look bad. No need to make a scene like this.
I am from East Ridge myself and I have been a member of this site for nearly a year. I am a mod but I too have an opinion. I think that East Ridge will have talent. Will they win district? Maybe. Will they win region? No.
Our girls have talent, heart, and size but I think that they are outmatched when compared to other teams. I love my team as much as all of you other Warrior fans do but I am realistic about things and not biased towards them. I wish them the best of luck but I just don't see it happening for them. Would I love to be wrong and see them take home a title, sure, but we will just have to wait and see.
See the first page for my rankings if needed.
And please do not make me have to keep an eye on this thread due to a few people taking their statements too far.
11-20-2005, 12:40 AM
Well I would like to know who this player is, because obviously she is a bench warmer and just jealous. And as for attitudes, you have to have a attitude on the court.
11-20-2005, 06:34 PM
Thank you The Tribe finaly someone on this thread from ER that is rational about it all i aplaud you...
Well then i have a question to your statement Champ then why do you bash P. Lowe and the rest of the Hawks for having an attitude you have just contridicted your self. Actually from what she has told me is that she is going to get alot of playing time this season. (refering to the player from ER)
But that is my last post on this whole mess if ER does win region i will admit i was wrong i just dont see it happening Good Luck to ER and the rest of the 15th Region.
Well then i have a question to your statement Champ then why do you bash P. Lowe and the rest of the Hawks for having an attitude you have just contridicted your self. Actually from what she has told me is that she is going to get alot of playing time this season. (refering to the player from ER)
But that is my last post on this whole mess if ER does win region i will admit i was wrong i just dont see it happening Good Luck to ER and the rest of the 15th Region.
11-20-2005, 08:23 PM
Well 15th, I do try to be realistic. I have confidence in my team but I know how much size, talent, and heart these girls have. I applaud them for going to practice and working hard to try to better themselves. I do however know that I am not confident saying that they will win region. I don't like to be wrong espically when I know the right answer and I will be the first to admit that I don't think that my team will win. They should have a decent season and we do have a decent team but in all honesty you can ask players and I have btw how the team is going and if they think that they will win district or something like that. They will as well as I tell you that district is a possibly whereas regionals tournament is an iffy situation. I would love to see our girls have a wonderful season and be one of the top in the region but I do recognize that there ARE better teams than mine out there.
Pike Central has alot of talent and young talent at that to work with.
Paintsville will have a good team.
Belfry is consistant is producing good sports teams.
I know the entire ER team personally and I love those girls to death, most are good friends of mine, but just because I go to school there I am not partial towards them or biased in anyway.
Thanks for calming the arguement down. I appreciate that.
East Ridge fans, please keep in mind that you ARE representing your school. People think so low of us anyway, please do not give them further reason. Don't get an attitude here. Support your team, stand by them regardless, just do not fight and make an ass of yourself and the school you represent. Be respectful of other's opinions as everyone is entitled to one. Thank you.
Pike Central has alot of talent and young talent at that to work with.
Paintsville will have a good team.
Belfry is consistant is producing good sports teams.
I know the entire ER team personally and I love those girls to death, most are good friends of mine, but just because I go to school there I am not partial towards them or biased in anyway.
Thanks for calming the arguement down. I appreciate that.
East Ridge fans, please keep in mind that you ARE representing your school. People think so low of us anyway, please do not give them further reason. Don't get an attitude here. Support your team, stand by them regardless, just do not fight and make an ass of yourself and the school you represent. Be respectful of other's opinions as everyone is entitled to one. Thank you.
11-20-2005, 08:53 PM
Your opinion IMO Tribe is very respected...
11-20-2005, 09:02 PM
I wasn't bashing or whatever anyone. I just think it is immature for them to all quit just because of a coaching change. Get over it.
11-20-2005, 09:03 PM
And of course the ER player would tell YOU that.
11-20-2005, 09:26 PM
The only thing that I have to say is that the players that are telling you SLAMMABAMMA THAT East ridge is not Regional Material or has some girls with bad bad bad attitudes well they better watch it because I know a few seniors from there and they sure will get there self in trouble by them.. I am sorry but when it comes to two or three of them senior i wouldn't say a word to not mentioning any of the names. East Ridge has all of the talent in the world...
11-20-2005, 09:32 PM
The only that I now have to say to you The Tribe is that East Ridge can win Regional if they try hard enough if I were you I wouldn't be putting my team down that bad.. You now are acting as if you have faith in another school..
11-20-2005, 09:34 PM
Yes!! I am a East Ridge fan, but I also am a fan from all of the surronding schools, adn i am not giving them a bad outlook I am just saying that the other schools need to have work. East Ridge also needs work but the other teams needs more..
11-20-2005, 10:47 PM
Yes I agree with The selections of the top girl's basketball teams in the 15th region. Here are my top 5.
1. Magoffin County
2. Belfry
3. East Ridge
4. Pike Central?
5. Johnson Central
I think everbody is over rating Paintsville, this is girl's Basketball. Watch out for Courtney Conley of East Ridge. She had an outstanding season last season and she has lost weight and is in the best shape of her career and she is starting to get a lot of attention from division 1 college programs. Don't forget about the big girl Hogaston and the little redhead Yates from East Ridge
1. Magoffin County
2. Belfry
3. East Ridge
4. Pike Central?
5. Johnson Central
I think everbody is over rating Paintsville, this is girl's Basketball. Watch out for Courtney Conley of East Ridge. She had an outstanding season last season and she has lost weight and is in the best shape of her career and she is starting to get a lot of attention from division 1 college programs. Don't forget about the big girl Hogaston and the little redhead Yates from East Ridge
11-21-2005, 12:52 AM
We shall see. Looks like 2 good players got run off because they didn't like what was going down up on the hill. It's a mans world. Women should coach women...Butcher is a wanna be winner. Putting a young person in with no experience over someone who did a super job. Let's just hush up about it and see how far he gets. Central was in the finals last season and won it before that. Still have Ratliff and K. Lowe and Paige. They will be luck it the make it to the region. Phelps will beat Central. Good luck anyway hawk fan. If Phelps don't get them we will again.
I'll go a step further and say East Ridge will beat them like they did this summer.
You've heard the say..a man can't do a womans job. For sure in this case.

I'll go a step further and say East Ridge will beat them like they did this summer.
You've heard the say..a man can't do a womans job. For sure in this case.
"15thRegionSlamaBamma" Wrote:Hey buddy i was saying ME putting that at 5TH is low considering the talent they are bringing back...
and Tussey NEVER once benched any one that had an attitude...
Any coach in this region could take a team that Central has to a regional Final...
11-21-2005, 10:11 AM
and Baller you are prob one of those seniors arent you... Next week Hulk we can see two of those match ups East Ridge and Belfry will ahve the chance to pLay Central...
11-21-2005, 10:54 AM
"BALLER_50" Wrote:The only that I now have to say to you The Tribe is that East Ridge can win Regional if they try hard enough if I were you I wouldn't be putting my team down that bad.. You now are acting as if you have faith in another school..
I want to see our girls win region, but I know that they will have to work harder than what they are. Their practices are tough but even the girls don't have faith enough to say that they will win region.
I'm not putting my team don't. I support them 100% and want them to win every game possible BUT I am realistic in my predictions.
I don't support any team like I do my Warriors thank you.
11-21-2005, 12:45 PM
What about Betsy Laynes Girls?
11-21-2005, 02:52 PM
As a matter of fact SLAMMABAMMA I am not one of those seniors.. I don't even go to school at East Ridge I am just a fan..
11-21-2005, 02:54 PM
We shall see. Looks like 2 good players got run off because they didn't like what was going down up on the hill. It's a mans world. Women should coach women...Butcher is a wanna be winner. Putting a young person in with no experience over someone who did a super job. Let's just hush up about it and see how far he gets. Central was in the finals last season and won it before that. Still have Ratliff and K. Lowe and Paige. They will be luck it the make it to the region. Phelps will beat Central. Good luck anyway hawk fan. If Phelps don't get them we will again.
I'll go a step further and say East Ridge will beat them like they did this summer.
You've heard the say..a man can't do a womans job. For sure in this case.
Originally Posted by 15thRegionSlamaBamma
Hey buddy i was saying ME putting that at 5TH is low considering the talent they are bringing back...
and Tussey NEVER once benched any one that had an attitude...
Any coach in this region could take a team that Central has to a regional Final...
I have a question what do you mean two of the player got run off???
I'll go a step further and say East Ridge will beat them like they did this summer.
You've heard the say..a man can't do a womans job. For sure in this case.
Originally Posted by 15thRegionSlamaBamma
Hey buddy i was saying ME putting that at 5TH is low considering the talent they are bringing back...
and Tussey NEVER once benched any one that had an attitude...
Any coach in this region could take a team that Central has to a regional Final...
I have a question what do you mean two of the player got run off???
11-21-2005, 02:56 PM
11-21-2005, 02:58 PM
Well THE TRIBE I think that you just need to specify yourself next time.. You might need to talk to more girls other than 1 or 2..!!!
11-21-2005, 03:04 PM
"BALLER_50" Wrote:I have a question what do you mean two of the player got run off???
I'm guessing he's referring to AD Sloane and Kim Coleman, they aren't playing for Pike Central anymore. But that's just my guess.
11-21-2005, 03:08 PM
Well i didn't know that where are they going to school now?? Did they move to Phelps!!
11-21-2005, 04:47 PM
East Ridge and Belfry are playing in the Lady Hawks Tip-Off Classic Baller that is what i was refering to when telling you that both Belfry and East Ridge will have the chance to play Pike Central.
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