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Greenup County Job
Any timetable for a new coach? Candidates?
Interviews this weekend I believe.
Tim Parks from JBS has emerged as a potential candidate. Along with Randy Ward and Jeff Nickell.
Tim would do a great job, he is a great motivator and gets a lot out of his kids. He done a great job at JBS this past year with the talent that he had.
Six names that are being considered: Randy Ward, Tim Parks, Jeff Nickell, Steve Dodd, Shayne Carey, and Jim Bob Hicks.
Ive been told by a source close to the situation that any coaches that are not considered football friendly are being cut from consideration. That kinda makes sense with Dunaway and Wright being football guys. Look for Parks from JB to be the lead dog in the hunt. Im hearing that he and Copley are buds.
It boggles my mind that Ward and Hicks are even being CONSIDERED.
It boggles mine that u have football people choosing the basketball coach. Only in Greenup County. If football doesnt make it now it flat out never will. No more excuses from the pigskin crew. And the basketball parents just sit back, bend over, and take it. I love it!!
Ah, if you have to bend over to take it, there's plenty of ice for you.
hahaha Ur right. I hear the Iceman is in Ward's corner. That makes two strikes against Ward. Iceman and football killer. The General already made his last stand in the Greenhouse. Wont be no return for him.

So to sum up basketball at Greenup. The football program is picking the new coach, the baseball team runs the feeder program, and they go thru coaches like a poop thru a goose. I can see why the big time coaches are fighting to get this job hahahaha.
shhhh......don't ruin it jakelegg. the more people they pee off the more The more drive down Ram Blvd. I would take Ward back if i were them. Basketball in the greenhouse has not been the same since the little general left. They used to packem in down there. He was also fun to watch coach.
Sorry bout that ram but u better hope to keep the transplant that u got already before u hope to get some more in from the county. Darius is trying his best to jump that sinking ship. Fact is that Raceland is not getting any love from the Greenup kids.
tim would do a great job their because he really supports other sports and would work well with copley and the baseball coach. coach parks has always talked about how success in one sport helps lead to success in other sports look, often talkes about how trinity football has helped lead to success in basketball also.
Does this Parks have any experience?
U comparing GC athletics to Trinity is too funny brother. Parks may be a great guy but he hasnt navigated the hallways of Greenup baby. The portal to **** is somewhere close to Lloyd. Parks being labeled Copley's boy already. He better strap in tight cuz the honeymoon is over and he aint even been hired yet Smile
Hey I forgot the big time AD at Greenup, Mr Chris " i love the Justices" Ailster. He is a football coach too. Or at least a former one. So that makes the top three men on the committee football coaches. TOO FUNNY
Here is a great question: Do you think Dunaway is just inept at what he is doing or do you think that Dunaway just thinks the basketball parents of Greenup are just that stupid as to let the football program dictate who the basketball program hires?????

This is a great question that needs to be answered!
The only person for this job, other than Tim Fraley, is Randy Ward. Hicks was dropped from consideration due to the "Ward Rule" which was established by the Board of Edu. X number of years ago. Ward is the only one that can handle the politics and parents in Greenup County. Parks would be eaten alive. Too young, not enough experience at the varsity level and a friend of the flailing football program are not a plus. Even Rose Hill drilled this bunch at the middle school two years in a row. Tell you anything about football?

Enough about football.

Ward is the only person that should be considered for the basketball job. By the way,JLeg, I don't know where you get your information, but the "Iceman" despises Ward's style of play. No way he is in Ward's corner.
Im telling you the Iceman and the General have broke bread. Mended fences. Im pretty sure that the General told the Icemand that Vince was the best player ever at GC and that he could make Reece a chip off the old iceblock hahaha
I'm telling you right now no matter who the coach is he better not sell out to any parent or grandparent for that matter, that was a reason I think Ward survived 20 years as coach at good ol' GCHS. Maybe he deserves a medal for that alone, I don't think that you can find anyone who'll be able to do that ever again. Honestly this I believe is the last chance for GC to get the basketball program back to where it belongs, of course no one has ever considered the leadership of making the best decisions.
jakelegg Wrote:Im telling you the Iceman and the General have broke bread. Mended fences. Im pretty sure that the General told the Icemand that Vince was the best player ever at GC and that he could make Reece a chip off the old iceblock hahaha
Jake is rollin' now boys.
Iceman is for Hicks. That shows how much you guys know. And I hate to tell you guys but there are other people involved in the hiring process. Including a former b-ball player.
Iceman would love to have Hicks thats fo sure BUT old JB is coverered under the Ward clause. Anyone fired cannot be rehired for the same job. Its BOE policy and has not been changed. The General has been honey lovin the Iceman and the cold war is over. They are now on the same team.
The "former ball player" has found out that he is not the power player that he thought he was or is. He is just for show. No real power. The real power in this is the football program. They have went all in on this one.
Im told too that a committee member has been getting threatening phone calls at her house due to the job opening and has told the football coach that she is off the committee.
Ward Rule: Can't be rehired for three years....
And that leaves JB out. Not been three full years. Cant count basketball seasons. Calendar years brother.
Steve Dodd may be the man at GC.
why can't we all just go to hooters and settle this already?
I like the honey bque wings with a side of cleavage
That is what got all this started in the first place. LOL
I'm w you on the wings and cleavage.:argue:
I heard they were looking at a guy that is already a teacher at GCHS.
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