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Knott Central's Dave Fraley Resigns
Duke barely beat Butler-- A mid major with just over 4000 students.
BTW they are National Champions. If you think you can get up for every team and play your best every night then you probably have never coached before. Winning ugly is still winning. Winning barely is still winning. Winning when your shots are not falling and holding teams in the 50's is still winning.
SV barely beat BL, lost to PCC etc. BTW they are State Champions. How many in the 14th and 15th would love to have their problems. For that matter how about any region or state.

As for KCC, I have seen alot of really good teams get to Rupp and fall short of expectations because of the fact that there has been a long span of time between appearances. SV took other teams to the state that could have won more games but you can get caught up in the atmosphere and be overwhelmed by the stars in the stands and the cameras in your face.
jrfan Wrote:WHAT A JOKE!!!!! You were however lucky enough to draw the weakest team in the state tourney other than yourself and you couldn't win that one... Lets see how the mighty 14 region champs did outside their protective shell of the 14th region (52 pt loss to a Senaca team with an 8-8 district record, or Henry Clay 16-17 on the season) And PCC boasts about beating SV.. Just a strong arguement as to how corrupt it really is in the 14th IMO...

Gimme a break
The "Corrupt" 14th Region:devilflam
Nothing corrupt about a region that has the longest current state title drought
This isn't unexpected.
Too bad Fraley doesn't stay though. Knott has plenty of pieces to work with next season.
zaga_fan Wrote:Gimme a break
The "Corrupt" 14th Region:devilflam
Nothing corrupt about a region that has the longest current state title drought

That is because the state tournament has not been held at the Punkin Palace.
HeGotGame Wrote:If it was not for Amburgey Knott would be back to back 14th region champs. No one was sad to see him obviously a dog could take them to state but Amburgey could not.

Nah, The year before Perry was a better team than KCC.[yuck]..I don't care who the coach was. **** KCC almost got beat out again by Perry in the finals just this past season..A **** of a lot weaker PCC team than Amburgey got to coach against. Confusedhh:
Some of you KCC fans live in a dream world.

You didn't win because Fraley was a better coach, you won because this PCC team went ice cold and Cox got hot.

Those shots he hit wasn't because some magic coaching from Fraley...................
^Agreed. Fraleys coaching didn't win Knott region. They were the most talented team and got a few breaks.
Those breaks showed at the state tourney too, they couldn't even beat the worst team in the whole tourney.
This is sad.

These boys WON the 14th region, because they were the most talented team in the 14th region. If it's because Perry went cold and choked well that still means Knott was the better team. That's what talented teams do..they don't bend under pressure, they make things happen.

If we live in a dream world, well it's a world where our team wins games when it matters.

3 words. Get Over It.
HeGotGame Wrote:This is sad.

These boys WON the 14th region, because they were the most talented team in the 14th region. If it's because Perry went cold and choked well that still means Knott was the better team. That's what talented teams do..they don't bend under pressure, they make things happen.

If we live in a dream world, well it's a world where our team wins games when it matters.

3 words. Get Over It.

Didn't say Knott wasn't the most talented team. Just sayn Fraleys coaching didn't win them region.
And I agree with you.

It was not your post I was replying to.
HeGotGame Wrote:This is sad.

These boys WON the 14th region, because they were the most talented team in the 14th region. If it's because Perry went cold and choked well that still means Knott was the better team. That's what talented teams do..they don't bend under pressure, they make things happen.

If we live in a dream world, well it's a world where our team wins games when it matters.

3 words. Get Over It.

I agree but the people who are critical of the 15th Region need to get over it. Shelby Valley is the state champions and they are the best team in the state. There is no way to prove otherwise. The last team in the 14th region to win a state title is Carr Creek and that was in the fifties.
TALENT is why they won the 14th region! Fraley was a great coach but he wasnt the reason they won the region! Cox got hot
Thanks coach Fraley. True fans of KCC know just how hard a job you and your staff faced, and you handled it with class. Glad that you chose to be a patriot and we will miss you. And now we all are on board with coach king. Go KCC!

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