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New statement by John Wall
This was supposively on ESPN

John wall said he'd, "Rather get his degree then go to the NBA, get hurt, and not have anything to back him up."

Hmmmm things are going to get very very interesting in the next few weeks, but what angers me the most if that Cal is trying to persuade him to enter the draft...i say let the boy do what he wants along with the others, leave em along Cal.

I hope this isnt just some made up bs, i hope thats a true statement =)
just searched everything possible and im not finding anything on this...IF it was true it would be all over the place by now...this needs to be labled as a rumor for now until there is some validation to the quote
The only things that I have read are that he didn't think that college would be this much fun and he is still undecided. I also so read that he is already over a year and a half into his degree so i guess there is a good chance he might stay another year to finish it but who knows right now. I hope he stays but we will have to wait and see.
its on facebook..and supposively yea:Thumbs::moon::popcorn:
Yeah, I seen it on "PTI", "Sportscenter", "Jim Rome", and "Around The Horn", safe to say its a rumor floating around anyways. But this raises a better question John Wall or Brandon Knight? Might be the question Calipari is asking himself..
We can hope.
the#1Balla Wrote:its on facebook..and supposively yea:Thumbs::moon::popcorn:

I'm sure you mean supposedly. Anyhow, I wouldn't take too much crede into anything posted on Facebook as being credible. If this was said on ESPN, it would be on the trailer at the bottom of the scrolling screen, this would be big news to college basketball fans, not just UK.

Finally, the statement makes zero sense to me. Virtually all first round draft picks who have been drafted in the past 10 years who have not completed college have a guarenteed college fund. This is a little known fact that the greatest basketball player in my generation, Michael Jordan started when he was drafted by the Bulls. When the Wizards drafted Kwame Brown out of HS, Jordan influenced the Wizards to pre-fund a full college tuition. Ever sense, that is part of almost all first round picks.

So, there is NO WAY Wall passes up the MEGA, let me repeat myself, MEGGGGAAAA $$$$$ that a lottery pick gives him, plus guarenteed college funding, because he's afraid he will get hurt in the NBA and have nothing to fall back on.

Lebron James, another HS player drafted whom had the guarenteed college-funding, used him money and has not only a Bacehlors degree, he is a summer away from completing his Masters. So, NBA players who make mega bucks, still finish their college.

So, I take no stock that Wall would seriously make the decision because he wants his degree. Now, if he wants to come back because he loves the college life, that would be a different story, but it won't have anything to do with him fearing he can't get his education paid for.
Stardust Wrote:I'm sure you mean supposedly. Anyhow, I wouldn't take too much crede into anything posted on Facebook as being credible. If this was said on ESPN, it would be on the trailer at the bottom of the scrolling screen, this would be big news to college basketball fans, not just UK.

Finally, the statement makes zero sense to me. Virtually all first round draft picks who have been drafted in the past 10 years who have not completed college have a guarenteed college fund. This is a little known fact that the greatest basketball player in my generation, Michael Jordan started when he was drafted by the Bulls. When the Wizards drafted Kwame Brown out of HS, Jordan influenced the Wizards to pre-fund a full college tuition. Ever sense, that is part of almost all first round picks.

So, there is NO WAY Wall passes up the MEGA, let me repeat myself, MEGGGGAAAA $$$$$ that a lottery pick gives him, plus guarenteed college funding, because he's afraid he will get hurt in the NBA and have nothing to fall back on.

Lebron James, another HS player drafted whom had the guarenteed college-funding, used him money and has not only a Bacehlors degree, he is a summer away from completing his Masters. So, NBA players who make mega bucks, still finish their college.

So, I take no stock that Wall would seriously make the decision because he wants his degree. Now, if he wants to come back because he loves the college life, that would be a different story, but it won't have anything to do with him fearing he can't get his education paid for.

great post:thanks:
I'm not the only one that seen it then :Thumbs:
Anyone know what Lebron's degree is in? That's kinda interesting. What about Kwame?
Stardust Wrote:I'm sure you mean supposedly. Anyhow, I wouldn't take too much crede into anything posted on Facebook as being credible. If this was said on ESPN, it would be on the trailer at the bottom of the scrolling screen, this would be big news to college basketball fans, not just UK.

Finally, the statement makes zero sense to me. Virtually all first round draft picks who have been drafted in the past 10 years who have not completed college have a guarenteed college fund. This is a little known fact that the greatest basketball player in my generation, Michael Jordan started when he was drafted by the Bulls. When the Wizards drafted Kwame Brown out of HS, Jordan influenced the Wizards to pre-fund a full college tuition. Ever sense, that is part of almost all first round picks.

So, there is NO WAY Wall passes up the MEGA, let me repeat myself, MEGGGGAAAA $$$$$ that a lottery pick gives him, plus guarenteed college funding, because he's afraid he will get hurt in the NBA and have nothing to fall back on.

Lebron James, another HS player drafted whom had the guarenteed college-funding, used him money and has not only a Bacehlors degree, he is a summer away from completing his Masters. So, NBA players who make mega bucks, still finish their college.

So, I take no stock that Wall would seriously make the decision because he wants his degree. Now, if he wants to come back because he loves the college life, that would be a different story, but it won't have anything to do with him fearing he can't get his education paid for.

on top of this most professional athletes have some type of insurance claim just in case they are injuried...On top of that the players unions normally fight on behalf of athletes if they have a carrier ending injury to have help with education and other perks to help them throughout their lifes from there...In addition any francise would keep him around in some position to assist in publicity...
He's gone. Accept it, end of story.

It's not that he or any of the other players want to leave Kentucky, because they want to stay. It's when they hear about the x-million amount of dollars they are going to get for just signing a simple contract and being a lottery pick, they won't be able to resist it.

I applaud each of them for declaring for the next level.
I don't believe this statement occured either.
Stardust Wrote:I'm sure you mean supposedly. Anyhow, I wouldn't take too much crede into anything posted on Facebook as being credible. If this was said on ESPN, it would be on the trailer at the bottom of the scrolling screen, this would be big news to college basketball fans, not just UK.

Finally, the statement makes zero sense to me. Virtually all first round draft picks who have been drafted in the past 10 years who have not completed college have a guarenteed college fund. This is a little known fact that the greatest basketball player in my generation, Michael Jordan started when he was drafted by the Bulls. When the Wizards drafted Kwame Brown out of HS, Jordan influenced the Wizards to pre-fund a full college tuition. Ever sense, that is part of almost all first round picks.

So, there is NO WAY Wall passes up the MEGA, let me repeat myself, MEGGGGAAAA $$$$$ that a lottery pick gives him, plus guarenteed college funding, because he's afraid he will get hurt in the NBA and have nothing to fall back on.

Lebron James, another HS player drafted whom had the guarenteed college-funding, used him money and has not only a Bacehlors degree, he is a summer away from completing his Masters. So, NBA players who make mega bucks, still finish their college.

So, I take no stock that Wall would seriously make the decision because he wants his degree. Now, if he wants to come back because he loves the college life, that would be a different story, but it won't have anything to do with him fearing he can't get his education paid for.

idk, i would prolly have 2nd thoughts about playing for the nets too. wall is used to winning. not hoping every game that he can get a first win. hahahah.
Wall is 10 times better than Knight! Did you watch him play in the Mcdonals AA game? He never passes and cant hit anything!
Wall is alot better than knight in every aspect except shooting! Wall will be top 2 draft [ick next year...He will not be at UK next season
Wall is not coming back, I am about 99% sure of this. IF however by some chance he does come back, would Knight come as well?
RavenBoy Wrote:Wall is 10 times better than Knight! Did you watch him play in the Mcdonals AA game? He never passes and cant hit anything!

Bad game. This can ball. And its an allstar game.
Dumb post, he's gone... So is cousins.
If Wall comes back and the world dont end, All the others players would come back as well!
Wall coming back would be the equilvalent of Carmelo Anthony deciding to give it one more go. He is dead set to be a star and I know that he really wants to have a back up and a plan for after sports but this oportunity is too good for this young man to pass up. He did his part in the grand scheme of things at UK and is a legend in one year, now it is time for his hard work to pay off for his family.
thats good but what about patterson and cousins

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