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A Walk Down Memory Lane
While watching this video, I thought of all the libs out there, complaining about how our beloved president is being treated or verbally attacked I should say.

Let's take a walk down memory lane.
Great video, Old School! Americans have short memories but thanks to cheap camera phones and camcorders, those memories may be refreshed from time to time. Just think of the nutjobs who did not make the cut. The New Black Panther Party intimidating voters at the poll, the Cold Pink wackos, and the Peace Mom and her commie entourage.
[nomedia=""]YouTube- George W. Bush tries to answer a very simple question...[/nomedia]
Where were the liberals then? Why weren't they calling them redneck racists?

What is the difference between a Bush-Hitler sign and an Obama-Mao sign?

What about that last guy saying they would have to come out and kill somebody? Again, where were the liberals?
ryanblue1424 Wrote:Where were the liberals then? Why weren't they calling them redneck racists?

What is the difference between a Bush-Hitler sign and an Obama-Mao sign?

What about that last guy saying they would have to come out and kill somebody? Again, where were the liberals?

On this forum, I said then that it was not helpful (or accurate) to keep making the "Bush = Hitler" statements and that stuff like that hindered debate. There is no difference between Bush/Hitler...Obama/Mao inflammatory rhetoric. It's a common logical fallacy, as old as debate itself. Of course, Bush is white. Obama is not (with certain allowances here for Kimball's mixed race percentages). Surely one does not have to explain that does make a difference to some in the land of cotton. "Look away, look away, look away... one of 'em's President now."
thecavemaster Wrote:On this forum, I said then that it was not helpful (or accurate) to keep making the "Bush = Hitler" statements and that stuff like that hindered debate. There is no difference between Bush/Hitler...Obama/Mao inflammatory rhetoric. It's a common logical fallacy, as old as debate itself. Of course, Bush is white. Obama is not (with certain allowances here for Kimball's mixed race percentages). Surely one does not have to explain that does make a difference to some in the land of cotton. "Look away, look away, look away... one of 'em's President now."

How do you figure that?

Allowances for my percentages????

Black Dad (50%) + White Mom(50%) = what?

Evidently you have revolutionized the world of mathmatics.

If you dont care, explain it to me in detail, Square Peg.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:How do you figure that?

Allowances for my percentages????

Black Dad (50%) + White Mom(50%) = what?

Evidently you have revolutionized the world of mathmatics.

If you dont care, explain it to me in detail, Square Peg.

The Cherokee said in olden time that if a person have a bit of Cherokee in them and want to be Cherokee, they be Cherokee. Bottom line? Barack Obama identifies himself as an African American and, for good and ill, was treated as such. That's good enough for me, Kimball. Period. Isn't your slanted rhetoric attempting to suggest that Barack Obama is somehow not really even all that black or something of the sort, in color by percentages theory?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:How do you figure that?

Allowances for my percentages????

Black Dad (50%) + White Mom(50%) = what?

Evidently you have revolutionized the world of mathmatics.

If you dont care, explain it to me in detail, Square Peg.
Actually, Obama may very well be less black than white. At the risk of being labeled a "birther," there must be a reason that Obama has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep his original birth certificate and school records out of the public domain. What is he willing to spend so much money hiding? I have not a clue but I suspect that it is not his place of birth that is being cloaked.

Compared to every other president (and presidential candidate) in recent history, we know very little about Obama's personal history. Bush, Kerry, and Gore all released their SAT scores, school transcripts, and military records for example. Obama? Nothing. His personal background is the least transparent for a US president in modern history.
thecavemaster Wrote:The Cherokee said in olden time that if a person have a bit of Cherokee in them and want to be Cherokee, they be Cherokee. Bottom line? Barack Obama identifies himself as an African American and, for good and ill, was treated as such. That's good enough for me, Kimball. Period. Isn't your slanted rhetoric attempting to suggest that Barack Obama is somehow not really even all that black or something of the sort, in color by percentages theory?
Then I guess since I have a little Cherokee blood in me, I could call myself Cherokee as well. Reckon I can get those cheap cigarettes at the reservation too?

I dont care what he calls himself, and I dont care what the wise old injun says. He is no more black than he is white. There's your bottom line. Your free to worship at his feet, whatever he is. I suggest that he "identifies" himself as to being whatever he does to gain any sort of an advantage he can garner. If he calls himself white, he and his cronies cant play the old race card on everything can they?

But then again "that's good enough for you" because you are one of his blind adoring sheep, and evidently you'll follow a fool anywhere.

I asked you once to go into detail on your revolutionary mathematical determinations. Surely you are not going to dodge that one are you? Tell me how being 50% of one thing and 50% of another thing makes you 100% of one of the two factors? Kinda hurry, I'm getting real anxious to hear this one. This, no doubt, has to equal or top Einstein's Theory of Relativity!!!
Looks like ol' Square Peg has either gone night night, or has headed for the post office to start formation of "the line", tomorrow being check day and all. Either way, looks like he's not going to answer the questions.

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