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(2) West Virginia 73 - (1) Kentucky 66 (NCAA - Elite Eight)
Jesus Christ! what is wrong with you people.

If a team wins a championship, Who gets the credit? The star player!

Why is it this is cals fault.
The refs were horrible, both ways. But in all honesty, WVU didn't win this game, UK handed it to them. They didnt show up to play and it cost them. The only thing about the coaching I will say is Huggins does seem to be a smarter coach, at least he called a timeout when UK made a mini run, Cal won't call one to save his ***. UK quit going inside and relied on the 3 too much. The only player that played was Wall. The defense was horrible as was the shooting all around. But all that matters is WVU won the game and UK didn't, thats just the way it goes. As for the UK women winning it all, thats a laugh, they will lose to Nebraska. maybe if all the players come back, we can win it next year. Congrats UK on a great season,two sure beats the **** out of the last years we had under that other coach.
if Kentucky got most of the calls there way then why does it look like this

Free Throws - Attempts

West Virginia 23-34

Kentucky 16-29
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:The refs were horrible, both ways. But in all honesty, WVU didn't win this game, UK handed it to them. They didnt show up to play and it cost them. The only thing about the coaching I will say is Huggins does seem to be a smarter coach, at least he called a timeout when UK made a mini run, Cal won't call one to save his ***. UK quit going inside and relied on the 3 too much. The only player that played was Wall. The defense was horrible as was the shooting all around. But all that matters is WVU won the game and UK didn't, thats just the way it goes. As for the UK women winning it all, thats a laugh, they will lose to Nebraska. maybe if all the players come back, we can win it next year. Congrats UK on a great season,two sure beats the **** out of the last years we had under that other coach.

29-34 isn't a big gap SOK. No more of a spread than that, and you can blame the difference on desperation fouls at the end.
TheRealVille Wrote:29-34 isn't a big gap SOK.

what erks me is all those little cheap calls.
Cats didn't couldn't buy a 3 and still kept trying to shoot them. Cal won't teach them how to shoot free throws, that is all his fault. wvu was pulling 3's out of their ***. (Seriously, no 2 pt. fg's in the entire first half and you still win the game!?!?! How is that possible???)
INCREDIBLY, I mean INCREDIBLY lazy defense in the second half! Uk handed the game over and I'm not really sure why they wanted to do that. It was over as soon as the second half started. Good season Cats. I'm gonna miss ya Cats!
Unbelievable the way people turn on a coach after a loss like this
Great season for the Cats. I am very disappointed right now but UK gave it a good run and put us back competing for championships were we belong. WVU earned this win. They did what they had to do to win. The 1-3-1 gave us fits and really slowed our offense. WVU also forced us into to many turnovers. Overall WVU just gutted it out with hustle and defense. Congrats to the Mountaineers and good luck in Indy.
Brooks4Prez Wrote:Unbelievable the way people turn on a coach after a loss like this

who all is turning on him?
Kentucky versus Georgetown NCAA Tournament 1984 Kentucky shoots 25 percent from the floor. This game made me think of Sam Bowie saying in an interview that he always jokes with Patrick Ewing that he is wearing his ring. Maybe Wall will someday say that to Da'Shon Butler. WVU may be the favorite to win the whole thing now.
Kentucky was hurt by two things tonight....Youth and Inexperience.
Brooks4Prez Wrote:Unbelievable the way people turn on a coach after a loss like this

i am with and even some on the players,there not true fans, just like i love Belfry, but you cant win them all,this is a much better year than we have had..
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:Kentucky was hurt by two things tonight....Youth and Inexperience.

they wash hurt by WV making nothing but 3 in the 1st half,lol
Brooks4Prez Wrote:Unbelievable the way people turn on a coach after a loss like this
Nobody turning against him, he just didn't coach the way he should have. Huggins beat him. He didn't get them in the paint when they couldn't hit a barn from outside and he didn't press when they didn't have a ball handler in the game. And yes, there were lots of freshman mistakes also. I'll be there rooting for Cal as long as he keeps up the good work, but tonight he got out coached.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Jesus Christ! what is wrong with you people.

If a team wins a championship, Who gets the credit? The star player!

Why is it this is cals fault.
Cal is on record as saying that they do not spend time in practice teaching free throw shooting. The Cats were a very young team. Was their three-point shooting or free throw shooting better at the end of the season than at the beginning of the season or was the problem there the entire season?

If you are a poor three point shooting team but have the talent to dominate inside, then you do not need to be taking 31 three point shots in a game.

With its starting point guard out for the season, and with Kentucky having two of most talented guards in the country, West Virginia committed only 12 turnovers and Kentucky turned the ball over 16 times.

Kentucky began and ended the season as the most talented team in the country. Kentucky ended the season looking like a talented young team without much experience. That is a reflection of coaching.

I have enjoyed watching Kentucky this season more than I have for quite a few years but I wonder how likely it is that a freshman dominated team like this one will ever win a title. I hope that Calipari is able to build teams with a little better blend of raw talent and experience in the future.

The team that wins the title this season will have far less talent than the Wildcats and that is a shame. I hope that some of this years NBA bound players decide to return for UK next season and pick up some more experience.
could John Wall do what he did to Demarcus Cousins? tell him he committed to Duke just to see how he would react then tell him he committed to UK.

this is what is says:

"Today was a great day at the Carrier Dome. The media was brought together for what is usually a pointless exercise, the pre-game press conference but today was actually interesting. Because of the format, 30 minute breakout sessions with each player individually, a lot of the guys opened up and were very interesting to talk to. Some highlights:

For my money, John Wall stole the show. The kid was swarmed with media and at one point had Andy Katz, Jeff Goodman, **** Weiss, Rick Reilly and Dan Wetzel all surrounding him. Yet he handled each question well and gave all the right answers. A couple of quotes:

— When asked about trying to suppress his ego when coming to Kentucky. “This whole thing isnt about me. Coach Calipari is a big time Coach. Patrick Patterson was here and is a big time player. Kentucky is a big time program, like an NBA program. I was just trying to fit in, not run the show.”

— When asked about his teammates, he said about Cousins “he doesnt ever stop talking, no matter what we are doing. He is a big goof ball but I love him like a brother.”

— He also told a story about when he committed to Kentucky. After committing to Kentucky, he texted Cousins and told him he was going to Duke. Cousins immediately called back and said, “you have got to be kidding. You are going to Duke?” Wall said he sounded upset and he made him wait before telling him, “nah you know I wouldnt do that.”
cuppett777 Wrote:i am with and even some on the players,there not true fans, just like i love Belfry, but you cant win them all,this is a much better year than we have had..
So, true fans aren't allowed to say their coach got outcoached?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Cal is on record as saying that they do not spend time in practice teaching free throw shooting. The Cats were a very young team. Was their three-point shooting or free throw shooting better at the end of the season than at the beginning of the season or was the problem there the entire season?

If you are a poor three point shooting team but have the talent to dominate inside, then you do not need to be taking 31 three point shots in a game.

With its starting point guard out for the season, and with Kentucky having two of most talented guards in the country, West Virginia committed only 12 turnovers and Kentucky turned the ball over 16 times.

Kentucky began and ended the season as the most talented team in the country. Kentucky ended the season looking like a talented young team without much experience. That is a reflection of coaching.

I have enjoyed watching Kentucky this season more than I have for quite a few years but I wonder how likely it is that a freshman dominated team like this one will ever win a title. I hope that Calipari is able to build teams with a little better blend of raw talent and experience in the future.

The team that wins the title this season will have far less talent than the Wildcats and that is a shame. I hope that some of this years NBA bound players decide to return for UK next season and pick up some more experience.
:worthy: 100% right.
TheRealVille Wrote:Nobody turning against him, he just didn't coach the way he should have. Huggins beat him. He didn't get them in the paint when they couldn't hit a barn from outside and he didn't press when they didn't have a ball handler in the game. And yes, there were lots of freshman mistakes also.
:Thumbs: It is probably unfair for people to expect a team dominated by freshmen to play like juniors and seniors but I don't see Calipari ever putting an experienced team on the floor. That is the flip side of being a very successful recruiter.

Like you, I expected UK to exploit its depth and athleticism by pressing WVU the entire game. The 'Neers should have been too tired to hit a 3 by the end of the first half.
Had Huggy landed in Morgantown a year earlier, Patterson would have probably been in Morgantown. John Beilein was run through the ringer for not getting Patterson. Beilein said that Patterson did not fit his style of offense.
Congrats to Wvu. they were the better team today, great year for the Cats.
wildcats fan Wrote:thanks, and we will see you next year.

Sure hope so!
No reason on earth that WVU and Kentucky cannot play each other home and home every year in both basketball and football.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:No reason on earth that WVU and Kentucky cannot play each other home and home every year in both basketball and football.

i'd like to see it happen.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:No reason on earth that WVU and Kentucky cannot play each other home and home every year in both basketball and football.

With Kentucky having to play Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina every year it would be tough to imagine them having a good shot at a bowl right now if they had to play WVU, especially in Morgantown.
This wasn't Huggies win at all. He did a good job and stayed out of the game in the first half. WVU had problems out of the gate all year and tonight they found their missing three game. It kept them in it early. In the second half WVU just out played UK. Still not Huggies game. He had some players really step up when needed. UK's free throws finally caught up with them. The refs were horrible. Not to the point that they caused anyone the game. But i like a game where both teams are able to play more. The refs were bad from a veiwers stand point not from determining the game. The lost was deffinately not Cals fault either. Who would have thought WVU would have came out shooting like that. How can you have your guys ready to guard a complete unknown who averaged around 3 points a game. This is why its madness.
Quote:How exactly did huggins out coach calipari?

The coach is required to make shots for the players?
Quote:Congrats UK on an outstanding year!!!! It was just WVU's night.
IMO no ciach outcoached the other and it wasnt the refs or the players fault....the ball just wouldnt roll UK's way tonight...good game by both UK and WVU...thanks for the comment ImagineThat....hopefully we will meet up with WVU next year..go UK
i could possibly result to hurting myself until next season. this is garbage. i for one, will be more than happy to see john wall,eric bledsoe,and daniel orton try the nba. Wall made a guy that averages 2.2pts per game, and a season high of 8, score 15+ pts. and hardly any of his shots were contested. thats pathetic. bledsoe, wow, the guy cant live with himself if he doesn't turn it over at least 3 times a game. he cant stand up. he cant shoot. he is good for nothing. and onto orton, he is the weakest big man i have ever seen. what goes through your mind to make you want to jump up and block a shot that someone shoots from 15ft that is clearly on its way down? i honestly hope they go. wall is good for nothing but getting his stats and doing his retarded dances. he will be the best fit to be a nba player. plays no defense and can make a few highlights.

pathetic performance from the cats.
greenstuff22 Wrote:i could possibly result to hurting myself until next season. this is garbage. i for one, will be more than happy to see john wall,eric bledsoe,and daniel orton try the nba. Wall made a guy that averages 2.2pts per game, and a season high of 8, score 15+ pts. and hardly any of his shots were contested. thats pathetic. bledsoe, wow, the guy cant live with himself if he doesn't turn it over at least 3 times a game. he cant stand up. he cant shoot. he is good for nothing. and onto orton, he is the weakest big man i have ever seen. what goes through your mind to make you want to jump up and block a shot that someone shoots from 15ft that is clearly on its way down? i honestly hope they go. wall is good for nothing but getting his stats and doing his retarded dances. he will be the best fit to be a nba player. plays no defense and can make a few highlights.

pathetic performance from the cats.
Man you got to be kidding me... I am mad too but come on.

UK played lights out defense in the first half and still trailed by two because WVU was hitting form all over outside. Almost everyone of those threes had a hand in their face.
Onto the second half WVU played with more momentum and UK just could not hit a shot so we got beat.

Fact is if WVU actually plays like WVU in the first half UK would have been up at least 10 and won the game. And you would not have made that post.

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