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Knott Co. Central hires Jay Cobb
Knott Co. Central hires former Somerset head coach Jay Cobb.

Congrats to Mr. Cobb and KCC!
Great Hire.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Any word on who might be on his staff? I've heard he is definitely bringing one with him and possibly three.
Good luck
Very good hire for KCC.
Any word on who might be on his staff? I've heard he is definitely bringing one with him and possibly three.

I was at the press conference today and I heard that Cobb was trying to bring in a top notch offensive coordinator and was planning on bringing in at least three assistant coaches from outside of Knott County.

The thing that I was wondering is who would come to Knott County from outsiede ?
What a great hire! Congrats KCC and welcome back Coach Cobb! We look forward to the new era of KCC football. Good luck!
Great hire for KCC.
i told you all
Wow. This is a huge hire for Knott County. I can't wait to see what he builds in the next few years.
If a coach is committed to seeing the well being of a student athlete and to see a program rise about the norm then it doesn't matter who comes from the outside, it can only be for the best!
Was he at Knott once before? What was his record if he was at Knott?
redstorm Wrote:Was he at Knott once before? What was his record if he was at Knott?

Yes 1993-1997
1-9 5-5 8-2 8-3 3-8

4 straight Playoffs

Very Successful tenure at KCC
wonder why he went from somerset to knott?
Home run for KCC
cuppett777 Wrote:wonder why he went from somerset to knott?
Jay resigned at Somerset 11 days prior to this past season. He stayed on at the school as a teacher. He said all along that he wanted to coach again this coming season. As far as asst coaches that he may bring in, rumor is that Kevin Sloan maybe joining him from the SHS Staff. I don't see any others leaving SHS to follow him. Jay has a lot of connections around the state and I'm sure he will have a fine staff by the time the season is ready to go.
Good Luck Jay, nothing but the best wishes from me!!!!
Must have a bunch of open teaching positions in Knott Co.
Congratulations to Cobb and good luck to KCC.
Jumper Dad Wrote:Jay resigned at Somerset 11 days prior to this past season. He stayed on at the school as a teacher. He said all along that he wanted to coach again this coming season. As far as asst coaches that he may bring in, rumor is that Kevin Sloan maybe joining him from the SHS Staff. I don't see any others leaving SHS to follow him. Jay has a lot of connections around the state and I'm sure he will have a fine staff by the time the season is ready to go.

i know he did that,but if he wanted to coach again why didnt he stay @ somerset is what i am asking?
Got his bluff called by new boss.
I don't think Coach Slone will be coming back. From what I understand is that his job is in Somerset and he also owns a house there also. It would be great to see Coach Slone here again but I doubt he will be able to comute 2 and a half hours. I have heard Tom Searcy will be on staff though.
This is huge for the program!!!!

Welcome back Coach (and Sarah) Cobb!
pay now Wrote:I have heard Tom Searcy will be on staff though.

That is confirmed. Talked to him and he said he was on the way. Already had his schedule worked out. Great addition to the staff and to the school. He is very knowledgable in the TV classes he will be teaching.
Looking forward to Coach rebuilding the program. Coach Cobb has built and rebuilt several programs already and know he loves doing it. And he loves to win. And he can beat you day in, day out, with less talent then the team he is playing.

Want to reply to earlier post about Somerset 1st year principal calling Coach Cobb's bluff----obviously Coach Cobb doesnt bluff---especially when the players safety is in play. Somerset would not provide the safety equipment or even ice or water for their own team in summer practice---until Coach stood up for them. And it was only after Coach resigned in protest and the school thought they had incurred liability---which they did, that they provided their own players with the basic safety items that most schools take for granted. Made Somerset look poor. Somerset's loss, is Knott's gain. What parent doesnt want a coach that cares enough about his players to put himself in harms way.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:That is confirmed. Talked to him and he said he was on the way. Already had his schedule worked out. Great addition to the staff and to the school. He is very knowledgable in the TV classes he will be teaching.

Searcy will be a good addition. During his conference I seen a few Knott grads that had played back in the 90's I believe with him. Hopefully Knott can put together another good program with Coach Cobb
64black&gold Wrote:Got his bluff called by new boss.

ok thanks didnt never hear why he quit in the 1st place.
They should have several asst. coaches this year.
Any idea on what offense they will run?

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