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North Carolina reaches 2,000 wins
UNC finaly claimed their 2,000 win last night againts Miami, making them the second team to reach 2,000 wins.
Kentucky was first, and Kansas will be looking to be third, as they face Kansas State tonight, A win tonight will make their 2,000 win , they have 1,999 wins so far!

Bout time, isn't it lol.
here's the story!,225438
Second is just the first loser! Go Big Blue!
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:Second is just the first loser! Go Big Blue!

Yeah, 2nd doesn't have the staying power and excitement that 1st does!
leecoukfan Wrote:Yeah, 2nd doesn't have the staying power and excitement that 1st does!

It's still a big accomplishment but is just doesn't mean as much if you were not the first to do it. Just imagine how KU feels! lol
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:It's still a big accomplishment but is just doesn't mean as much if you were not the first to do it. Just imagine how KU feels! lol

agree lol..
its about time.
KU did it in the same night as UNC. Big
Amun-Ra Wrote:KU did it in the same night as UNC. Big

KU done one night after UNC.
Sorry thought it was same night.
I hear crickets
Didn't know anything about it until I saw this thread.
I believe KU has 1998 wins, according to sportscenter at 12pm today they had 1997. I added he KSU win on there.
Give UNC and Kansas both credit. I don't like either one, but they have been model programs for the NCAA. I would still rather be a Kentucky fan!!!!!....Go 'Cats.
It finally happened!
Congrats to UNC! and KU when you make it to 2000...What is the difference in the years the program has been around???was it the same seasons or not? Also I thought UNC would made it quicker than this but apparently not
Bout dang time!!! UK was getting a lil lonely on that 2000th win plateau!! Congrats to the Tar Holes!!! Go cats!
lol...glad to see them move up to that
^ New sig theVille!! Very nice. I want you to make sure you have one of Elisha Justice next year. He will be the only player I will ever root for at UL.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:^ New sig theVille!! Very nice. I want you to make sure you have one of Elisha Justice next year. He will be the only player I will ever root for at UL.

ok that works...Yeah i just figured that out..I think you have to have 3000 post to have that ability lol
theVILLE Wrote:ok that works...Yeah i just figured that out..I think you have to have 3000 post to have that ability lol

Wow That is pretty cool. I didnt know that! I thought it was just something I never really knew how to do.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:Wow That is pretty cool. I didnt know that! I thought it was just something I never really knew how to do.

Go to your PM's and look on the left it should say edit signature below the edit avatar thing
Who is next to reach 2000!
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Bout **** teams now with 2,000...we all know who is the greatest anyway
WHo done it in the shortest period???
^ Are you talking about how much time it took to get to 2000? UNC did it in 7 less years than UK.

UK basketball began in 1903, while UNC Basketball Program started in 1910.
Stardust Wrote:^ Are you talking about how much time it took to get to 2000? UNC did it in 7 less years than UK.

UK basketball began in 1903, while UNC Basketball Program started in 1910.

Yelp thats what i was asking...What about kansas though...So UK had 7 more years and UNC still almost beat them to it...Not taking anything from UNC or UK both are great programs, but both sides have an argument to be a top program
theVILLE Wrote:Yelp thats what i was asking...What about kansas though...So UK had 7 more years and UNC still almost beat them to it...Not taking anything from UNC or UK both are great programs, but both sides have an argument to be a top program

If you look at records, dont ask how it has happened, but UNC has still played more games than UK even having less years of basketball. So it evens out.
^thats amazing at how they done that?I wasnt taking anything away from UK and there 2000 wins though..because my team is along way off...but it rlly doesnt make since how unc got more games
Bleacher_Creature_10 Wrote:Second is just the first loser! Go Big Blue!


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