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What coach's will be staying or going from the 15th?
Anyone know anything?
I've heard some things but i don't want to post anything just yet.
i heard roger harless from Sheldon Clark is getting fired because he wont play the superattendents son
personally i think harless is a horrible coach and wouldnt care to see him get fired for the right reasons. but not for a reason like this.. first time in 6 year sc has been in the region that shouldnt get nobody fired!!
Any danger of Booher trying to get a higher profile job? Or is he content to stay and sink after the kids that made him graduate? Don't Attack Valley fans....... I feel I asked an honest question, have never seen him make an adjustment, what happens next year when he will no doubt have to ?
letthebighogroot Wrote:Any danger of Booher trying to get a higher profile job? Or is he content to stay and sink after the kids that made him graduate? Don't Attack Valley fans....... I feel I asked an honest question, have never seen him make an adjustment, what happens next year when he will no doubt have to ?

No one really knows if he will be back next year. He has given no indication that I know of. Everyone knows next year will be a few steps down from the previous years . . . no matter who the coach is. However, SV has the talent coming up to be really good again in the next 3 or 4 years.
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:No one really knows if he will be back next year. He has given no indication that I know of. Everyone knows next year will be a few steps down from the previous years . . . no matter who the coach is. However, SV has the talent coming up to be really good again in the next 3 or 4 years.

I think he should stay, everyone has a few years down every now and then, But from what I hear Valley has some good kids coming up in a few years.
CardinalAlum Wrote:I think he should stay, everyone has a few years down every now and then, But from what I hear Valley has some good kids coming up in a few years.

I hope he stays as well. Personally, I feel that Coach Booher doesn't get enough credit because this team is so talented. It takes a good coach to keep a good team focused and to have good chemistry. Several of SV's players could be the best player on another team in the region so I think he has done a good job keeping them playing as a team and sharing the ball so well. The boys deserved a lot of credit as well because of their hard work and unselfishness.
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:I hope he stays as well. Personally, I feel that Coach Booher doesn't get enough credit because this team is so talented. It takes a good coach to keep a good team focused and to have good chemistry. Several of SV's players could be the best player on another team in the region so I think he has done a good job keeping them playing as a team and sharing the ball so well. The boys deserved a lot of credit as well because of their hard work and unselfishness.
You make several good points in your post. I wish the best for Coach Booher as well.
I as well would like to know if Booher stays or go. Valley will be down a couple of years, but all great teams have a down year once in a while. I've herd after this year that he would be looking for a coaching job down in Lexington, but these are just rumors. I for one, hope he does stay!!
I think Booher is an excellent coach too, and ur right, he doesn't get enough credit. Yes, we all know he has the one of the most talented teams in the state, but sometimes that is one of the most difficult teams to coach. U have to keep them focused, playing together, and keep them from getting jealous of one another. A lot of teams with that much talent would falter b/c of jealousy, but he has managed to keep them together!
My quess is that Booher will abandon ship, and he might show up somewhere else in the 15th.
If Booher were to leave, any chance Greg Newsome takes over as head coach or do they look another direction?

I for one am split on if Booher goes or not. I know the program will be down a few years, but the talent coming from the middle schools in the next few years is going to be scary for the rest of the 15th.
I personally think Booher leaves. Also hearing some RUMORS around the Phelps community that Clay Campbell has decided to retire. Anyone else hearing this?
imo i think he would go to a school down in the lexington/louisville area. why go to somewhere else in the 15th. I just dont think he would do that. if that was the case, i think i would stick at Shelby Valley.
NYY10 Wrote:imo i think he would go to a school down in the lexington/louisville area. why go to somewhere else in the 15th. I just dont think he would do that. if that was the case, i think i would stick at Shelby Valley.

He might not even be coaching next year.
letthebighogroot Wrote:Any danger of Booher trying to get a higher profile job? Or is he content to stay and sink after the kids that made him graduate? Don't Attack Valley fans....... I feel I asked an honest question, have never seen him make an adjustment, what happens next year when he will no doubt have to ?

I think, as long as nothing major comes along, Booher will stay. IMO, I think he has done as excellent job while he has been at Valley. The talent level drops after this class, but they will only drop as far as being one of the top 2-3 teams in the region. When these seniors started as freshman, they weren't dominating teams as they are now, but they were competitive. Whether Booher stays or goes, it won't be because this talented group leaves, he was here before the talent showed up. Just to add, besides being a good coach, he is every bit of a good person.
lets not go there!! I FOR ONE KNOW MORE THAN YOU THINK!!! Every since he has been there,talent has been there.That is the only reason he wanted the Valley job!!! If not he would have stayd at Belfry.He has done a good job but I hope he stays also.Good luck to him and the wildcats!!!
What about Paintsville? Bill Mike has been lurking around at the games as of late. Anybody?
From what I have heard is that Roger Harless will be fired as soon as the Cards lose their final game.
If Booher does decide to leave Shelby Valley, he must be commended on the job that he has done. Being an outsider and keeping this team together and having the run that Shelby Valley has had under his regime is outstanding.

As many of us have forgotten to mention, sometimes it is much harder to coach a team that has talent than one that does not....I'm sure behind the scenes Booher has had to rely on his staff to get through the tough times.

Give credit to Robert and Greg Newsome and the staff at Shelby Valley. Ron Johnson has played an MVP role in this programs success...

Good luck to Valley in the regionals and Hopefully, the 15th can come home with another State title...
Creeker Wrote:What about Paintsville? Bill Mike has been lurking around at the games as of late. Anybody?

keep on dreaming
i have seen bill mike at every p ville game i have watched since he retired. nothing new
If he does in fact leave, watch for Booher to leave and take a higher job, but not the type you would expect. And a coach from outside Valley and inside the region to take over, bringing along some talent with him. Just sayin'.
Panther Thunder Wrote:If he does in fact leave, watch for Booher to leave and take a higher job, but not the type you would expect.

I have heard about the possibility of a career change...

Panther Thunder Wrote:And a coach from outside Valley and inside the region to take over, bringing along some talent with him. Just sayin'.

If you are referring to Raymond Justice, I've heard that he is interested, but there is no way it will happen. Not sure how solid that is though...
Booher to North Hardin maybe?
PC_You_Know Wrote:If Booher were to leave, any chance Greg Newsome takes over as head coach or do they look another direction?

I for one am split on if Booher goes or not. I know the program will be down a few years, but the talent coming from the middle schools in the next few years is going to be scary for the rest of the 15th.

Why would you say the talent is scary for the rest of the 15th? Last I heard Fedscreek won the county middleschool tourney, and betsy lane won and has prolly the most talented team Ive seen at that level in the 15h
BlueChip1 Wrote:Why would you say the talent is scary for the rest of the 15th? Last I heard Fedscreek won the county middleschool tourney, and betsy lane won and has prolly the most talented team Ive seen at that level in the 15h

Cool. Virgie always won Middle School Football titles but Valley was mediocre in Football, your logic doesn't work here.

Dorton and Virgie combine to make Valley, and both were very good teams this year. Virgie is bringing some good guards up, as is Dorton, and the Belter boy from Dorton is already close to if not 7'0 tall. You can't teach height and 7'0 in this area is rare, Valley will be very good again in a few years.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Cool. Virgie always won Middle School Football titles but Valley was mediocre in Football, your logic doesn't work here.

Dorton and Virgie combine to make Valley, and both were very good teams this year. Virgie is bringing some good guards up, as is Dorton, and the Belter boy from Dorton is already close to if not 7'0 tall. You can't teach height and 7'0 in this area is rare, Valley will be very good again in a few years.

?????? What are you talking about, read the statement you wrote,, your logic and mine are the same, i think, idk.., so your saying cause the football team was mediocre the bball team will be as well or bball will be good inspite of the football failings,, im confused bout your argument. At the the height thing tho no you cant teach hieght or hard work for that matter, im just saying who the best was in the younger groups this year and that in no way are east ridge and betsy lane gonna be scared of the talent at valley (whose feeder schools were also good this year) cause as of now they are, by the tourneys they won, the most talented in that age group!! And I dont remember dorton ever being good at football or having a feild, or a team for that matter so that may contribute to the mediocre football teams.
When it comes to football, Valley doesnt have more than one feeder school so to say, both kids from Virgie and Dorton play on the same middle school football team. It was the same many years ago when kids from Robinson Creek (which was K-8 at the time) played on Virgie's junior high football team.
I heard Beltner from Dorton is being recruited by a big time school down state is this a remurs
of course I allso heard the big kid from Feds Creek is transferring to Valley

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