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Animal Planet- I shouldn't be alive.
anybody watch this show while it was on. I believe now, they cancelled the show, which was stupid because I loved it.

Has anybody else watched it before, if so, what did you all think about it?
I loved that show
yea so do I, was even thinking bout gettin them on dvd. but that cancelled it Sad lol
NYY10 Wrote:anybody watch this show while it was on. I believe now, they cancelled the show, which was stupid because I loved it.

Has anybody else watched it before, if so, what did you all think about it?

I watched an episode yeaterday or the day before about the guy and girl lost up in the mountains. They came across the campsite of another hiker that died there.
TheRealVille Wrote:I watched an episode yeaterday or the day before about the guy and girl lost up in the mountains. They came across the campsite of another hiker that died there.

yea I saw it to lol..
i seen the one where the mountain lion almost ripped the old guy apart.
I watch it everytime I see it on TV.
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**


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