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Kentucky/Tennessee Updates
1st Half 15:05 Left


Kentucky 4

Tennessee 8
1st 13:50

Kentucky 4

Tennessee 13

Timeout UK
1st Half 11:22

Tennessee 18

Kentucky 4

Wall Fouled

TV Timeout
1st Half 10:15

Tennessee 20

Kentucky 10

Wall - 4 Points 0/3 FG
1st Half 7:41

Tennessee 27

Kentucky 16

TV Timeout
Gotta be honest here, UK can't shoot today, but the refs definitely aren't helping them.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Gotta be honest here, UK can't shoot today, but the refs definitely aren't helping them.

agreed 100 % and Orton don't need to be taking 3's.
1st Half 7:12

Tennessee 27

Kentucky 18
1st Half 6:05

Tennessee 29

Kentucky 18

Tennessee Timeout
1st Half 4:43

Tennessee 31

Kentucky 22
Last foul on Cousins was all ball
1st Half 3:39

Tennessee 33

Kentucky 22

Seems like every time UK Scores, Tennessee answers right back
1st Half 2:28

Tennessee 36

Kentucky 25
1st Half 1:28

Tennessee 39

Kentucky 27

Tennessee 40

Kentucky 29
Kentuckys needs to hit some shots and we will be right back in it. Protect the basket, dont allow the easy layups.

And i see why vanderbilt shot 42 free throws against these guys.
2nd Half 17:56

Tennessee 44

Kentucky 31
this is insanse. cousins is getting killed in there. hacked 3 times on that bull crap before they got a block on him,
2nd Half 14:51

Tennessee 49

Kentucky 35

Kentucky Gets Mugged By Tennessee and No Fouls Are Called, All UK Does is Look At Tennessee and they get called for all kinds of fouls
seriously? wtf.
This game is being called different on both sides of the floor. I see why Kansas was beat at Tennessee. UT has been called for a lot of fouls, I can't deny that, but the refs are letting the UT players foul UK 3 or 4 times before they even call a foul. UK should have already shot 30 FT's by now.
This is ridiculous. Kentucky isn't gonna get a call. They are gonna need a miracle to pull this one out. Great play by Wall just now too.
2nd Half 12:40

Tennessee 54

Kentucky 42
Refs starting to make up for the first half now.
John Wall?
2nd Half 11:34

Tennessee 54

Kentucky 44

Wall Shooting Free Throw After TV Timeout

Tennessee - Cameron Tatum Technical Foul - 4 Personal Fouls
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he is gonna be the number 1 pick in the draft.
A bucket here is big.
why wasn't UK allowed to shoot that Technical Free Throws on That Technical Foul That Was Called On Tennessee's Cameron Tatum???
Nice dunk by Patterson

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