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Pikeville's Coach: Bart Williams
I think he should be given at least another year, but I haven't watched much Pikeville basketball the last couple of years. He knows basketball though, and I believe given time he will prove to be a great coach.
OffTheHook Wrote:HYPOCRITE! You start this thread questioning him and now you say "There's no reason Pikeville should boot him." ???? HYPOCRITE!!!!

People thought the Panthers had no shot this season and they play pretty darn good IMO! And some of you are crying that this one and that one won't play for him.....well....waaaaaah! Same goes at every school! IF a kid can't handle discipline....they don't need to be there. All they do is hurt the rest of the team, who shows respect and trust in their coach.
Coach Williams has done a fine job at Pikeville. He has produced some good ball players and some even BETTER young men!
This is one person who is not in Pike Co. who supports you Coach Williams. Stick to your guns and run your team coach..those kids will never forget you!

I usually don't agree :yikes:with you OTH but you are so correct! I know two programs that would love to have his knowledge and heart and be part of their programs. He takes mediocre talent every year and competes with almost every team in the region. I hope you guys keep trying to run him off and maybe he can come home and contribute were he is appreciated. We will find a place on our bench for him. :Thumbs:
fred taylor Wrote:Does it really matter what kind of talent Bart Williams has? If he would have had Shelby Valley the past 3 years they would have fell apart some would have quit or transfered. The truth is the kids do not have any respect for him,he has lost respect from all the players and the kids don't trust him. They are more talent walking the halls of pikeville than on the team that love basketball but will not play because of Bart. Maybe this will open the eyes of the administration and they will take heed to all the complaints they have had on him and make a change.

You obviously don't have a clue or any basketball knowledge! This sounds like an angry parent to me!:argue: Maybe you can run him off so your son can get more playing time, then complain when your the worst team in the region!:Thumbs:
buster Wrote:You have no ideal what you are talking about what has he done at Pikeville what has he won find any kids that enjoy playing for him you need to find out the facts about this program I would post them but they would be deleted before anyone could read them

I think OTH knows a little more than you think. We have been around Bart are whole life and we know exactly what type of person and coach he is. As I said before, run him off! We have plenty of room down here for a great coach and most important a great person. Keep it up and you guys will have the basketball program exactly where you put the football program!:please:
Eagle Eye Wrote:You obviously don't have a clue or any basketball knowledge! This sounds like an angry parent to me!:argue: Maybe you can run him off so your son can get more playing time, then complain when your the worst team in the region!:Thumbs:
No doubt about it that there is an axe to grind with him. I have no clue who he is as a poster, and I'm sure I know him as a real person as he knows me on here (Even though most on here do anyway). If I could say one thing to those people that are on here just to blatantly attack him, I don't know who you are on here, but if you are soley on here to negative post about Coach Williams and attack his position as a basketball coach, then man up and say who you are. Anyone with any amount of character can get on here and hide behind a username and say what that want, but a real man would man up and stand by their opinion with their name. My opinions on here are not to meant to offend anyone, but they are my personal beliefs and most individuals on this site and its readers know who I am. When it comes to a subject such as a person's job, if you think he should be replaced, fine. But do it with class, and if you won't at least do it without hiding behind a username.
I think Pikeville had a pretty solid year. Sure it would have been nice to advance further, but John Calipari couldn't have gotten this group past Shelby Valley. I can tell you for a fact that you won't find a classier guy than Bart Williams to take this program. I would say that the people complaining won't be in the bleachers to even worry about it after their kids or family members are done playing there. I guarantee that administration don't have to worry about Bart Williams character. As stated above there are plenty of places that would be glad to have him.
Some colleges coaches will tell you that if you coach somewhere for a long time you are bound to be fired at some point. But this is high school where the coach is a teacher and a coach. This is his/her community and their career that is being tossed around on this forum. If the worst thing that happens to your child is that Bart Williams and others like him are working with your children then maybe you should be say thanks instead of throwing stones. He is not losing on purpose and if his program needs changing then it is up to the administration to do so. This kind of thread only hurts a program.
I love the line in the movie Hoosiers when the crowd is chanting for a player who chose not to play and the coach takes the microphone and says this is our team. The boys walking the hallway would play if they loved the game. They are only using Coach Bart Williams as an excuse not to play. Same things were said about Kevin Garris and Dave Thomas about payers not coming out because of the coach.
Eagle Eye Wrote:I think OTH knows a little more than you think. We have been around Bart are whole life and we know exactly what type of person and coach he is. As I said before, run him off! We have plenty of room down here for a great coach and most important a great person. Keep it up and you guys will have the basketball program exactly where you put the football program!:please:

how soon can you take him we can help pack FYI football has districy many times how many has he won
hypersport Wrote:Some colleges coaches will tell you that if you coach somewhere for a long time you are bound to be fired at some point. But this is high school where the coach is a teacher and a coach. This is his/her community and their career that is being tossed around on this forum. If the worst thing that happens to your child is that Bart Williams and others like him are working with your children then maybe you should be say thanks instead of throwing stones. He is not losing on purpose and if his program needs changing then it is up to the administration to do so. This kind of thread only hurts a program.
I love the line in the movie Hoosiers when the crowd is chanting for a player who chose not to play and the coach takes the microphone and says this is our team. The boys walking the hallway would play if they loved the game. They are only using Coach Bart Williams as an excuse not to play. Same things were said about Kevin Garris and Dave Thomas about payers not coming out because of the coach.
Ahh! I love that movie too! The crowd cheering, "We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!" But didn't Jimmy end up playing for the team and they win the Indiana State Championship?
bring back David Thomas and Chase Gibson! Wink
Bart is a fine young coach. You all should find someone else to pick on. If he could play and shoot it for them, they would be much better. A coach can only prepare his team, he can't play for them. You can't win the Ky Derby with a mule.....
What has Bart accomplished at pikeville? He can't even get to the Regionals.
When was the last time in Pikeville history under any Coach that they went 3 years without going to the regional tournament?

And talent wise he had more talent this year than any other team in the region except SV.

I'm sure some of the kids like playing for him but they are just as many don't like playing for him as do like playing for him.

2 out of his starting 5 this year has quit before the first 2 off his bench has quit before i know of at least 2 more on the team has quit. look who all has quit in the past danial harmon,devon adams just to name a few. look at the kids that played and now won't play clark keene,randy maynard,josh tackett,reese ward etc. WHY!!!!! this should tell the administration something
fred taylor Wrote:What has Bart accomplished at pikeville? He can't even get to the Regionals.
When was the last time in Pikeville history under any Coach that they went 3 years without going to the regional tournament?

And talent wise he had more talent this year than any other team in the region except SV.

I'm sure some of the kids like playing for him but they are just as many don't like playing for him as do like playing for him.

2 out of his starting 5 this year has quit before the first 2 off his bench has quit before i know of at least 2 more on the team has quit. look who all has quit in the past danial harmon,devon adams just to name a few. look at the kids that played and now won't play clark keene,randy maynard,josh tackett,reese ward etc. WHY!!!!! this should tell the administration something
Harmon- Couldn't take playing 3 sports at a level he was (Liked baseball and football more, dropped basketball)
Deven Adams- Wanted to get more exposure, Not even his decision
Clark Keene- Wants to focus on baseball
Randy Maynard- Baseball, Football dropped basketball- Not a Basketball player anyway.
Josh Tackett- Doesn't like basketball. Simple as that.
Reese Ward- You are grasping like never before! He has posted his support on here for Coach Williams..... wait for it... WAS INELIGIBLE!!!!!

You also reference Pikeville not making it to region as if Pikeville has been some powerhouse. 2 regional titles in 40 years doesn't do much to support that. So with this information you expect Coach Williams to:

A.) Make people load their schedule with 3 sports even if they don't want to.
2.) Force them to love basketball.
D.) Play ineligible players to make you happy.

Like I said before, since you are closely following the program and being so critical of the job he is doing, tell us who you are. If you can so openly criticize, it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm sure you would like someone to start a thread about what a joke you are at whatever it is that you do. And repeatedly demand you be fired.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Harmon- Couldn't take playing 3 sports at a level he was (Liked baseball and football more, dropped basketball)
Deven Adams- Wanted to get more exposure, Not even his decision
Clark Keene- Wants to focus on baseball
Randy Maynard- Baseball, Football dropped basketball- Not a Basketball player anyway.
Josh Tackett- Doesn't like basketball. Simple as that.
Reese Ward- You are grasping like never before! He has posted his support on here for Coach Williams..... wait for it... WAS INELIGIBLE!!!!!

You also reference Pikeville not making it to region as if Pikeville has been some powerhouse. 2 regional titles in 40 years doesn't do much to support that. So with this information you expect Coach Williams to:

A.) Make people load their schedule with 3 sports even if they don't want to.
2.) Force them to love basketball.
D.) Play ineligible players to make you happy.

Like I said before, since you are closely following the program and being so critical of the job he is doing, tell us who you are. If you can so openly criticize, it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm sure you would like someone to start a thread about what a joke you are at whatever it is that you do. And repeatedly demand you be fired.

No Regional appearances in 3 years except when everyone got in. Then lost in first round of that.

A great coach should be defined not by wins and losses but DOES YOUR TEAM GET BETTER AS THE SEASON GOES ON. The answer has been a resounding NO the last few years. I could care less if he gets fired but he has done nothing special at Pikeville.

There has been a trend and I dont think it is his lack of knowledge, but every year CHEMISTRY diminishes as the season progresses. Maybe it is his inability to recognize that you cant motivate every player by being negative. Some players need positive reinforcement to flourish, others can take the negative and use that as motivation.
Bart will get fired. Thats what happens when you only play who Billy Rowe tells you to play instead of putting your best 5 on the court like Bart did his first 2 years at Pikeville. To go ahead and clarify I dont have a child playing on the team and I dont have a personal axe to grind. Those are just the facts.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Harmon- Couldn't take playing 3 sports at a level he was (Liked baseball and football more, dropped basketball)
Deven Adams- Wanted to get more exposure, Not even his decision
Clark Keene- Wants to focus on baseball
Randy Maynard- Baseball, Football dropped basketball- Not a Basketball player anyway.
Josh Tackett- Doesn't like basketball. Simple as that.
Reese Ward- You are grasping like never before! He has posted his support on here for Coach Williams..... wait for it... WAS INELIGIBLE!!!!!

You also reference Pikeville not making it to region as if Pikeville has been some powerhouse. 2 regional titles in 40 years doesn't do much to support that. So with this information you expect Coach Williams to:

A.) Make people load their schedule with 3 sports even if they don't want to.
2.) Force them to love basketball.
D.) Play ineligible players to make you happy.

Like I said before, since you are closely following the program and being so critical of the job he is doing, tell us who you are. If you can so openly criticize, it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm sure you would like someone to start a thread about what a joke you are at whatever it is that you do. And repeatedly demand you be fired.

GREAT POST!!!!! Coaches get way too much blame for things out of their control. I hope Bart is coaching for a long time.
He's a good coach with some good schemes to keep his team in games. But all too often in these times it's "What have you done for me lately?", rather than "He's a promising coach". Bart may not have much longer at Pikeville to get things going before they give him the boot, but I'd hate to see him go.
Brian Milam Wrote:GREAT POST!!!!! Coaches get way too much blame for things out of their control. I hope Bart is coaching for a long time.
Come on Brian! You know good coaches finds ways to get those players out and finds ways to control those situations, There's much more to being a coach than X's and O's. Bil Mike Runyon was probably the best at getting his players to find that cohesion.:dontthink
The HOT SEAT is :devilflam

Coach Williams days are numbered...
It is not the x's and o's as much as the Jimmy's and Joe's that make a winner.
Any coach in the region would be 26 - 4 with SV where few would be 19-9 with Pikeville.
hypersport Wrote:It is not the x's and o's as much as the Jimmy's and Joe's that make a winner.
Any coach in the region would be 26 - 4 with SV where few would be 19-9 with Pikeville.

I take exception to this. Those kids at SV have had excellent coaching at all levels. Pikeville doesnt put the emphasis on sports the way they used to. SV is 26-4 because they deserve it and yes Booher has done a great job blending talent. Talented teams are hard to develop chemistry and Booher and the Newsome dad's have done a great job at this. Both Newsomes and Varney would have been studs on any other team in the region and they accepted there roles, sounds like good parents and coaches to me.
For all of you so called Pikeville "know it all":

Pikeville 1999-200 to 2004-2005
Record 72-96 1 Dist. Championship and 1 Dist. Runner-up. 1 Region R-up and 1 Reg-semi.
**4 straight trips of being beat out in the 1st rd of district (When it was double eliminat.)
**5 straight seasons with a loosing record!!!


Pikeville 2006-2010 Bart Williams Era
Record 83-60 1 Dist. Championship and 1 Dist. R-up. 1 Region R-up.
**4 Straight WINNING SEASONS!!!! With probably the least talent in PIKE CO.
Play in the same district as the team that has won the region seems like every year this decade.

SO yeah, I say let him go too? NOT!!!!
SV has had a lot of great coaching for a long time. They have played together for so long that it's like they are one unit. Wow, what a novel idea. An actual team concept. Anyway back to the thread. There are several schools that would love to have Bart as a coach. Johnson Central is one. Yes they have a coach, but there are always rumblings about the inner turmoil down there and who knows how long McKenzie will be there. The bigger problem to me is who is actually running the show at Pikeville. They have a lot of good people in place in Royce and Kevin; people who have a lot of athletic and academic experience. However, when it comes to coaching, what kind of outside influences are really controlling the athletic program. I know of several good people who were on the committee that hired Ben Howard. Having good people does not always mean the situation is going to work out. Warning signs were everywhere with that hire and looking back through 20/20 eyes, it was obviously a risk that was not worth taking. If Bart gets fired, which i personally hope he does not, I hope there is extra special care in who would be the new coach. My solution would be that if you keep Bart, he has full control over the team, case closed. If he does not want that, or cannot live up to that, then maybe Pikeville is not the place for him to be. If a new coach is hired, they need a no-nonsense coach who plays the best players, gets the best talent out for the team, and let's no parent influence or give the appearance that they are running the team or influencing the decisions that Bart and his staff should be making. Another thing. I hear all the time about all the talent walking the halls at Pikeville that just won't come out for football or basketball. It may be there, but the talent pool at Pikeville is no where what it once was. A previous poster said they need Chase Gibson back. Yep, that would be a good start, but there are no Chase Gibsons at Pikeville now. Expectations at Pikeville are as high as any school around, and with their history they should be. However, no coach wins at the level that Pikeville wants to win without talent. Sure, coaching can make players better, but talent wins out just about every time. Next year, with what Pikeville has coming back,and the way the 15th region is looking now,(not that it will stay that way) Pikeville could be a legitimate favorite to win the crown, or at least be a strong contender. Do you want to make a change now, or wait it out a couple of more years? This question can only be answered by the powers that be at Pikeville High School. Also, IMO, if Pikeville does not institute a hold back rule, they will not be able to compete fairly with other schools. This has caught up with them. Pikeville has always prided itself academically and that is a noble undertaking. However, athletics plays a great role in the overall development of kids. Some are not great students and may end up being better athletically than academically. A kid receiving a few hundred or a thousand dollars to some schools to play sports might be a big help. The county schools can hold back and it gives some of their athletes another year to physically mature before high school.
Another reason that all this is such a big deal is that the regional tournament is in your back yard. Pikeville always brings a great crowd to the region and for the third straight year their fans won't be there.
These threads need to be closed as soon as they are started. It hurts the reputations of Rivals and people.

This stuff should not be tollerated unless they want to have a forum specifically for this where you have to show your identity.
Hustle Wrote:Come on Brian! You know good coaches finds ways to get those players out and finds ways to control those situations, There's much more to being a coach than X's and O's. Bil Mike Runyon was probably the best at getting his players to find that cohesion.:dontthink

You are exactly right. Good coaches do find ways to get things going in a positive direction. However, all I said in the previous post was that coaches get way too much blame. Many times, I think coaches get way too much credit. All coaches have bad seasons. Bill Mike's 2000 Paintsville team was a squad that did not gel and then lost to JC in the district opener. To quote JD Vanhoose after Paintsville beat Valley in the 2008 semi-finals, "Finally!" If you remember, Paintville of 2006 and 2007 was being griped at because they didn't win enough. Bill Mike was unjustly being criticized for their post-season disappointments. I don't want anyone to think I am picking on Coach Runyon's teams because I am not. BMR is, other than Bobby Keith, my favorite coach since coming to the mountains. There are a lot of coaches who just get a string of tough luck. Kevin Spurlock lost to PCC three straight years before finally beating the Commodores in the 2006 district. In year #4 at Hazard, Spurlock won a regional.
Sometimes things just don't go right, but I do hope Bart gets an opportunity to turn things around. There are some people who are decision makers that don't realize every aspect of every situation. There are also others who are influenced by the $$$ people and that is certainly not fair.
Brian Milam Wrote:You are exactly right. Good coaches do find ways to get things going in a positive direction. However, all I said in the previous post was that coaches get way too much blame. Many times, I think coaches get way too much credit. All coaches have bad seasons. Bill Mike's 2000 Paintsville team was a squad that did not gel and then lost to JC in the district opener. To quote JD Vanhoose after Paintsville beat Valley in the 2008 semi-finals, "Finally!" If you remember, Paintville of 2006 and 2007 was being griped at because they didn't win enough. Bill Mike was unjustly being criticized for their post-season disappointments. I don't want anyone to think I am picking on Coach Runyon's teams because I am not. BMR is, other than Bobby Keith, my favorite coach since coming to the mountains. There are a lot of coaches who just get a string of tough luck. Kevin Spurlock lost to PCC three straight years before finally beating the Commodores in the 2006 district. In year #4 at Hazard, Spurlock won a regional.
Sometimes things just don't go right, but I do hope Bart gets an opportunity to turn things around. There are some people who are decision makers that don't realize every aspect of every situation. There are also others who are influenced by the $$$ people and that is certainly not fair.
I don't want you to think I'm disagreeing with what your saying. Did you get a chance to watch the Pikeville/ER game? Pikeville played good the first half. ER played decent. Pikeville went in the locker room with a 9 point lead. Ended up getting beat by 4. A 13 point swing! Now, in tournament play, that can happen. In this instance they were outcoached, period. Attacking the rim on offense, instead of firing it up after 1 pass, that's on the coach.

None of us can argue with what BMR did, while running the show at Paintsville.

Personally I felt like Pikeville had the second best group of players in the region, notice I didn't say team. I think a padded schedule was their demise in the district tournament. I feel like their coach wanted a 20 win season and that was his major goal. I realize most coaches would love to get 20 wins out of a schedule, but there have been several teams that did well in the regional tournament with 14-15 wins during regular season play. Tougher competition during the season would have had them better prepared come tournament time. It just seems to me that a lot of self promotional type stuff went on during the season and now there's not much to show for it. I may be the only one that sees it this way, I don't know! It seems like every year there's always some sort of turmoil surrounding Pikeville's basketball team.

I've said it before, it's not always X's and O's. For example, I felt like the best athlete in their school (Taylor Ratliff) sat the bench all year,yet during Football dominated on the field, their coaches found a way to get him on the field. He may be a hard kid to deal with, but to me, those kinds of kids usually do have a certain edge to them and a good coach has to find ways to get that kind of kid on the floor. Since someone brought SV into the thread, Shelby Valley has the same kind of kid in Cody Varney, doesn't always do things or act the way you would like, but his athleticism shines when he's on the floor and SV's coaches make it work for them. It just seems to me that Coach Williams would just soon not have kids like that and only deal with players that take less effort to coach. Demarcus Cousins at UK, I'll bet he's not an easy kid to deal with as a coach! LOL
billie rowe is basically the head coach. i mean his youngest son played the whole every game. yeah he can shoot alright but i dont think he can handle being a PG leader

play the kids who are better!!!!
mullinstiger55 Wrote:billie rowe is basically the head coach. i mean his youngest son played the whole every game. yeah he can shoot alright but i dont think he can handle being a PG leader

play the kids who are better!!!!
Just stop posting if this is the best you can do. Ethan played NONE until the latter third of the season and he rotated in and out when he was hot. Quit posting garbage like this.
mullinstiger55 Wrote:billie rowe is basically the head coach. i mean his youngest son played the whole every game. yeah he can shoot alright but i dont think he can handle being a PG leader

play the kids who are better!!!!

What else would you expect from a Mullins Tiger :moon:

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