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I got a 20 on my ACT is that good, Bad, or UGLY
well I got a 20 on my ACT
English 17
Math 16
Reading 22
Science 23
Composite 20
I will proabably take the test agian sometime in early febuary. Any study or extra practice I could do to get a better score

that's good cheem... you get a pretty nice amount of kees money for a 20 lol
20 is a good score.
18 is the national average.
To apply for scholarships, most schools start accepting scores in the 21-36 range....
Now that you know what the test is like it will be easier to get a better score next time, just remember if you are applying for colleges, look at the deadline for admission application because some have to have their applications turned in before some of the ACT test dates roll around.

I get my score back in like 2 weeks and I KNOW that you did better than me.
Congrats Cheem.
I got a schloarship at Pikeville with a score of 20
That's a good score ... congrats
That's cool Cats Fan, most colleges have different levels of scholarships and Pikeville College is pretty good at getting alot of people to go to school there.
EKU, UK, UT, and other schools have higher scores that they would like to see but where there is a will, there is a way and you can get into almost any college you want somehow.

Are you preparing to take your law school admission test anytime soon?
I got a 20 also... you can get a lot of schloarships at PCC with a 20..
Awesome, I need some lol
BUT I won't be getting a 20 anytime soon.
i got a 24 when i took it math 27 english 28 i just christmas treed the science and i don't remember the rreading score
20 is really good though
i also went to pikeville college for a semester when did you go cats fan
Congrats Nice score!!
My friend's goal was a 29 and he got it with his October test.
i wanted to take it till i got a 28 but the coal mines don't require act scores lol.
That is very true.
QQ is THE MAN with a big ol' 36 on it.
I know a girl at school that got a 31 as a sophomore her first time, people like that make me sad. Sad

ACT shouldn't mean as much as it does. I know a teacher at my school that got a 16 on the ACT the first time that she took it and didn't take it anymore, went to EKU, and is now a special needs reading teacher...A guy that is a Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science teacher got a 20 on it...It doesn't measure anything. Some people could not even take the test and go on to be doctors with the brain power if schools didn't require scores like they do.
I got a 29.

Woops I hit the 2 instead of a 1. Smile I really just got a 19 and was proud.
UK accepts freshman with a 20...19 and under gets you a ticket to Lex Community College.
I took it twice, 29 the first time 31 the second.
35 was my highest in reading and 34 in English.
My first time I got a 19 and a 17 the 2nd time. i took in it october and I have no clue what I got so...
For a scholarship at UK you have to get a 24 or above.
Last year I took it and got a 30 but for some reason I can just do the stuff they ask like it all makes sense to me in my head... and taking geometry really helped for the math- that was all it was except for like 4 problems
i got a 29 and my little brother got a 30.. that pissed me off so i'm goin to go take it again just to try to beat his score..
Okay I feel pretty stupid
DTfan Wrote:Okay I feel pretty stupid

Your telling me, I think they make you take the test to early, I don't even rember getting up that mourning, I forgot where I was going when I was halfway to school that morning. It was 7:30 I walked, I went ot a gas station and bought a pack of gum it was 7:50, I still hadn't rembered where I what I was doing. Then all of a sudden I relised I had to take a test. :ChairHit: I don't comprehend things to early, you start the test before school even starts.

oh well I'm taking it agian in febuary just got to send them my $29 bucks again.

God Bless America Confusedalute:
Tell me about it...I've taken in 3 times now, luckily I actually got to sleep later this last time because I was already in Prestonsburg...I didn't fall asleep during the test like I had before but I still don't think I did as good as what I first thought. Every day that goes and I don't get my scores and I have people tell me what they got and stuff it makes me feel even worse becasue I keep thinking that my scores were to bad to even put on paper I don't want to take it again but I NEED to get at least a 21 before I graduate and if I don't get it this time I honestly don't think I will get it. If I have to retest I'll do it in Febuary.
lol i was hungover when i took mine
In order to get a full scholarship to Eastern I think you need atleast a 25. I got a 22 and I'm a former Governor's Scholar so I got a partial scholarship...which is better than nothing. I think I may take it again to try for the 25! I know I can bring my scores up. I got a 24 in English, 19 in Math, 23 in Science, and 23 in Reading.
Still waiting to get the paper that says that I got a big ol' 14. lol
I am too tribe...or at least a paper that says "Your scores were too low to put on paper"
To the ATTN Of: Lindsay XXXXXX
We are sorry that your scores were lower than we can possibly measure with our rubric. We here at the ACT organization appreciate your time and effort. Please try again soon.

That's what mine will say but it'll have

"Because we feel sorry that you are so dumb we have already taken the pleasure of registering you for the next test date available in your area with all fees paid"

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