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The politicization of Meet the Press
I really miss Tim Russert this morning. I rarely watch Meet the Press any more since Russert died but I watched as much as I could stand today. The politicization of what was once a great Sunday morning talk show has been sad to watch.

Not content with giving Russert's job to left wing hack David Gregory, this morning's show also featured Rachel Maddow. For balance, NBC invited self-proclaimed conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks to appear. (Brooks has been among Sarah Palin's harshest critics and actively supported Obama's campaign but he insists that he is a conservative.)

I have no problem with liberals hosting Sunday morning talk shows if they can forget their political preferences long enough to do their jobs. Russert was a liberal but he was a journalist first and he was fair to all guests, regardless of their political positions. David Gregory is nothing but an Obama/Reid/Pelosi shill. Meet the Press has gone from the best to the worst of the Sunday morning shows, IMO.

What does everybody else think of the Sunday morning shows and MTP in particular?
Meet the Press is still the most watched Sunday interview show, but since Gregory took over, the ratings lead over the ABC and CBS offerings has steadily declined. If Gregory continues to put the left wing kooks from MSNBC on the show, it is only a matter of time before it sinks to #3.

"Left wing hack"? Hoot? Ah, when thou dost aim thy arrows of the hypocrisy charge, check the wind, dear Brother, check the wind.
thecavemaster Wrote:"Left wing hack"? Hoot? Ah, when thou dost aim thy arrows of the hypocrisy charge, check the wind, dear Brother, check the wind.
Do you have anything substantive to add, CM, or is this just another thread where absence of any intelligent contribution you simply open and close with ad hominem attacks? David Gregory is an Obama fan who is incapable of wearing the hat of a fair minded journalist.

With Maddow's appearance on MTP this morning, can Olbermann and Chrissy be far behind?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you have anything substantive to add, CM, or is this just another thread where absence of any intelligent contribution you simply open and close with ad hominem attacks? David Gregory is an Obama fan who is incapable of wearing the hat of a fair minded journalist.

With Maddow's appearance on MTP this morning, can Olbermann and Chrissy be far behind?

Apparently, Hoot, you're allowed to throw around "hack" but others aren't. Is that about it? I think any "fair minded" person can pretty well see what kind of "hat" you wear.
thecavemaster Wrote:Apparently, Hoot, you're allowed to throw around "hack" but others aren't. Is that about it? I think any "fair minded" person can pretty well see what kind of "hat" you wear.
I have praised Tim Russert here and in other forums and he was a liberal and a life long Democrat but he was no party hack. Russert would never have invited the clowns from MSNBC to participate in a serious round table discussion. NBC has been infected by the partisan hackery that has been present at MSNBC since its inception.

Can you read a line graph? If so, take a look at the ratings graph that I posted from the Huffington Post above. If I am mistaken about Gregory, then what is your explanation for the sharp decline in MTP's ratings since Gregory took over the show?

Anybody can sit at a keyboard and make anonymous insults to other posters, although it is a cowardly thing to do (and you are not particularly good at it either), but can you make a cogent argument in response to an OP?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have praised Tim Russert here and in other forums and he was a liberal and a life long Democrat but he was no party hack. Russert would never have invited the clowns from MSNBC to participate in a serious round table discussion. NBC has been infected by the partisan hackery that has been present at MSNBC since its inception.

Can you read a line graph? If so, take a look at the ratings graph that I posted from the Huffington Post above. If I am mistaken about Gregory, then what is your explanation for the sharp decline in MTP's ratings since Gregory took over the show?

Anybody can sit at a keyboard and make anonymous insults to other posters, although it is a cowardly thing to do (and you are not particularly good at it either), but can you make a cogent argument in response to an OP?

Yes, Hoot, anybody can do it. I would suggest that Russert's absence explains much, just as, god forbid, anything were to happen to Bill O'Reilly, his ratings would suffer were he no longer the main "factor" of "The Factor." We don't have to stay anonymous, Hoot. I'm more than willing to PM you pertinent information, if that's what you desire.
thecavemaster Wrote:Yes, Hoot, anybody can do it. I would suggest that Russert's absence explains much, just as, god forbid, anything were to happen to Bill O'Reilly, his ratings would suffer were he no longer the main "factor" of "The Factor." We don't have to stay anonymous, Hoot. I'm more than willing to PM you pertinent information, if that's what you desire.
My comment about your cowardly personal attacks was not a request for your personal information. That would be against the rules and it would also be foolish of me to believe anything you might divulge about yourself in a PM.

As for O'Relly, I wish that he would retire. FNC's ratings would not miss a beat. Even with a bad time slot, Glenn Beck occasionally beats O'Reilly and IMO, Laura Ingraham would do a much better job hosting a show in his spot. John Stossel might be an even better choice to replace him.

I do not like O'Reilly's show myself, but given the alternatives on CNN and MSNBC, I sometimes watch O'Reilly when I am not watching a reruns of House or Bones.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My comment about your cowardly personal attacks was not a request for your personal information. That would be against the rules and it would also be foolish of me to believe anything you might divulge about yourself in a PM.

As for O'Relly, I wish that he would retire. FNC's ratings would not miss a beat. Even with a bad time slot, Glenn Beck occasionally beats O'Reilly and IMO, Laura Ingraham would do a much better job hosting a show in his spot. John Stossel might be an even better choice to replace him.

I do not like O'Reilly's show myself, but given the alternatives on CNN and MSNBC, I sometimes watch O'Reilly when I am not watching a reruns of House or Bones.

The ratings decline of MEET THE PRESS has most all to do with Russert's absence.
thecavemaster Wrote:The ratings decline of MEET THE PRESS has most all to do with Russert's absence.
I agree. The question is, what is different about David Gregory's performance than Tim Russert's performance. MTP has had many hosts over the years and retained its popularity. Do you watch Meet the Press? If so, do you deny that the show has become politicized since Russert died?

Otherwise, how do you explain the presence of Maddow on the show this morning and the attempt to pass off David Brooks, an Obama supporter, as a representative conservative. Does that strike you as fair and balanced?

Russert was widely respected and had the clout to keep GE from poisoning his show with the likes of Olbermann, Matthews, Maddow, et al. - Gregory seems to either have no such objections or else he is powerless to fight the red tide.
I used to watch the whole show when Tim Russert was host. He was a very professional host - you would not know he actually worked for Speaker Tip O'Neil and Senator Patrick Moynahan. He always had an equal balance of viewpoints and opinions on his show. I like Chris Wallace because he, like Tim Russert, balances out his show with people of differing opinions, parties, and backgrounds. I can only stand about 5 minutes of Maddow.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My comment about your cowardly personal attacks was not a request for your personal information. That would be against the rules and it would also be foolish of me to believe anything you might divulge about yourself in a PM.
As for O'Relly, I wish that he would retire. FNC's ratings would not miss a beat. Even with a bad time slot, Glenn Beck occasionally beats O'Reilly and IMO, Laura Ingraham would do a much better job hosting a show in his spot. John Stossel might be an even better choice to replace him.

I do not like O'Reilly's show myself, but given the alternatives on CNN and MSNBC, I sometimes watch O'Reilly when I am not watching a reruns of House or Bones.
Oh, I've gotten some of those in the past Hoot. I doubt that you would care much for them. They rarely have anything do with a debatable subject, unless of course your debating about graphic details of what he's gonna do to your wife. I'll just bet his mail box has overflowed with Valentine Day cards all week. A bigga bigga hunk of love, is he.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Oh, I've gotten some of those in the past Hoot. I doubt that you would care much for them. They rarely have anything do with a debatable subject, unless of course your debating about graphic details of what he's gonna do to your wife. I'll just bet his mail box has overflowed with Valentine Day cards all week. A bigga bigga hunk of love, is he.

Ah, Kimball, I'll be darned if I don't find this kinda touchin'... You guys remind me of bullies on the playground that whimper to the teacher when your bluff gets called.
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Kimball, I'll be darned if I don't find this kinda touchin'... You guys remind me of bullies on the playground that whimper to the teacher when your bluff gets called.

And that would apply here how?:confused:

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