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Magoffin County
these girls are awesome to be so young. half of the high school team played babe ruth and they won state this year, they competed at nationals and made it pretty far. im a big fan and i can not wait until the season starts.
Babe Ruth league and 57th dist are totally different and this team won't make it out of the Dist. again this year. :biggrin:
I don't know why people think babe ruth is special... babe ruth is the bottom of all organizations when it comes to softball... now nothing wrong and glad the girls played during the off season... but guys babe ruth is bad fastpitch.. sorry but it's just the truth...But keeps those girls working every day....
Sounds like someone that hasn't watched very much Babe Ruth Softball.It is very good and very competitive.The state tournament was very good last year.Magoffin co worked very hard and earned their State championship last year.It as competitive if not more competitive than the Little League softball.I am always glad to compete against the Magoffin County teams in softball.
I have been around alot of travel ball .... asa, asa/usa, nsa, usssa, isf, babe ruth - been around it for about 15 years now. So I have seen alot of travel ball... plus alot of high school ball... don't get me wrong glad the girls played, glad they worked during the summer hope they have fantastic year. Just that Babe Ruth is no way in the same league talent level as the other divisions. The girls may be competitive within the other teams of Babe Ruth but going against other travel ball teams that play other divisions maybe a different story.. noticed I said maybe ... again nothing against the girls.. glad they played somewhere...
Coach9 Wrote:Babe Ruth league and 57th dist are totally different and this team won't make it out of the Dist. again this year. :biggrin:
Yes Coach9, they are very much different, in Babe Ruth these girls competed in the 16U Division and in the 57th District they will have a full squad not just a few. Now, that we cleared that, just who do you think besides Lawrence County is going to prevent MC from getting out of the 57th District. I really don't see JC, Paintsville or SC causing them to much trouble this year.
outsidein Wrote:I don't know why people think babe ruth is special... babe ruth is the bottom of all organizations when it comes to softball... now nothing wrong and glad the girls played during the off season... but guys babe ruth is bad fastpitch.. sorry but it's just the truth...But keeps those girls working every day....
Babe Ruth Softball is not at the bottom of all organizations, it may not be at the level of travel ball but it is not as you say. Babe Ruth Softball is in its building years in East Ky and is growing every year with more communities coming in each year. Magoffin County represented East Ky at a high level when they won their 16U Division State Championship and traveled to Louisville to Compete in the National Regional where they won 1 and lost 2 and faced teams as good as most travel teams that you would see in that age group. Teams from Wisconsin,Ohio,Indiana, Michigan, and some more.
Easton.... I'm glad you think that way maybe more girls will start playing summerball and it will improve. But no bad feelings but it is at the bottom of competition not matter if teams came from MI, IL, IN where ever. Babe Ruth is't there. Sorry but keep them working.
outsidein Wrote:Easton.... I'm glad you think that way maybe more girls will start playing summerball and it will improve. But no bad feelings but it is at the bottom of competition not matter if teams came from MI, IL, IN where ever. Babe Ruth is't there. Sorry but keep them working.
No bad feelings here, just stating my opinion as you and neither your or my opinion is factual just opinions.
I agree that travel ball competition is usually better, however, I do not know of much travel softball in eastern kentucky. I know some of the girls may play in huntington or ashland, but those teams do not have all one schools players. So, in eastern kentucky babe ruth is the standard. If I am wrong tell me the travel teams from the high schools and where they played I would love to know this information. Going to KC Diamond don't count.
kai Wrote:I agree that travel ball competition is usually better, however, I do not know of much travel softball in eastern kentucky. I know some of the girls may play in huntington or ashland, but those teams do not have all one schools players. So, in eastern kentucky babe ruth is the standard. If I am wrong tell me the travel teams from the high schools and where they played I would love to know this information. Going to KC Diamond don't count.
The Championship Fastpitch travel team is Paul Blazers team, also Russell has a summer travel team. Of course these teams are usually coached by a different coach than the Varsity coach because of KHSAA regs. Varsity baseball has done this for years and practically plays year round. Of course these teams usually have 500.00 team fee's which most can not afford. As long as you are playing somewhere you are gaining experience and there is no substitute for individual practice, drills and conditioning.
I figured Ashland had some teams, but this has not spilled over to eastern kentucky yet, or at least not to my knowledge. I know baseball has done it becuase my sons have been traveling for the last 5 years. However, softball has not caught up yet. There needs to be more travel type tourneys in eastern and northeastern kentucky, this would help to promote the growth of travel softball teams in the area.
Kai you have a good point... But what's bad is most of your eastern ky players will not play all summer long and you can't find people around that area that know the game. Just because you play slow pitch you don't know fastpitch just because you know baseball you don't know fastpitch. It's hard to find coaches that know the game in that area and what's bad is that there are some good players in eastern ky they just need the right people teaching the game. You have some good teams out of West Virginia.. well a couple....Kai I agree there needs to be tournaments there.... But it is so hard to get parents and young ladies to put the work in for a travel team. These young ladies ahve to work very hard to be compete at a high level of travel ball... It can be done though....
oh just a note: nothing bad - love eastern ky.... I think there are some great people and great athletes... just want fastpitch to become better and for the girls who love fastpitch to have a chance to be noticed.... it's a great game and it takes a great young lady to play the game.. but now it's not easy and it takes more than working once a week and couple of months out of the year to improve. Also people need to study and learn the game... go to coaches clinics... oh yea good luck Magoffin county this coming year... the original thread was Magoffin co. and we end up on eastern ky?? lol
I agree on all counts. What I am seeing is an upswing of interest which I hope will lead to more teams and more informed coaches. However, dedication and more to the point parent dedication to getting their kids to games, practices, and off-season training is something that concerns me also.
Kai you and I think alike...... and you are so right....parent dedication is sooooooooo important..... thank you.... parents have got to step up....
kai Wrote:I agree on all counts. What I am seeing is an upswing of interest which I hope will lead to more teams and more informed coaches. However, dedication and more to the point parent dedication to getting their kids to games, practices, and off-season training is something that concerns me also.
Most parents in eastern Ky do well to afford gas back and forth to work. Playing top level travel ball is very expensive. For example my daughter played for a team that all 12 players were from different states and each player flew to tournaments. We played in Colorado, Montreal, Texas, Florida, etc. With that being said the Boyd County Optimists have developed a very competitive league program that is very reasonable. I would recommend it to any fastpitch player interested in improving their game. I have been a fastpitch player & coach for 30 years and Ky as a whole and east Ky for sure is just now catching up to the rest of the U.S. in fastpitch.
dang Dawg you have been around .... how long have you coached fastpitch??? Did daughter player in the Sparkler or Firworks??? Who did she play for??? Mens fastpitch who did you play for?? We might know some of the same people.. what college does your daughter play for?? Yea Ashland is improving for sure. Dave Miller has a good thing going on up there. Has Tony and Adam giving instructions and I see alot of good things coming out of there... but there are alot of West Virginia girls going there... Yea you are right but you can play good travel ball and not play that far away. TN has some tournaments and Ohio has some good stuff...Ky well some day maybe.... Eastern Ky is way behind but it can get better if people want to make it better.. You have to want to.... They have some pretty good basketball there and that's because the Want is there... But you have to play good teams and work to be good... if you keep playing in bad reckball then you will never get better and if you have coaches that don't know fastpitch you will never get better... but good point Dawg.. you are right...But I do have to say never seen the Boyd league.. I usually hit the travel ball circuit...
My fastpitch days go back to military. We have done some PerfectGame softball, Carolina Cardinals, Georgia Rockers, WV Dusters, Mystic's we have played on as many as 4 teams in one season. You are right on though about other states. If the powers that be would recognize the economic impact of a quality tourney there would be more tourney's. Tony Ellis runs the Optimist league and it is all fastpitch all the time. Great training ground lot of east Ky players, So. Ohio & WV and he usually hosts 3 or 4 good tourney's that are a treat for this area. On the coaching side I coach defense and baserunning and have for about 10 years. I work mainly with the 16's & 18's,help with a few college camps and I do several coaching clinic's for youth coaches. There are enough good players in the Tri-state that some good travel ball could be played right here. I always thought a big fastpitch tourney during Summer Motion in Ashland would be good.
There could be some good tourn. in the area... I have heard Miller at Cf is going to build a large field complex and looking to get some tournaments in there...and you are right there can be money made... New several girls from Ky played for Dusters.... Sparks, Ladaynia, couple girls from Montgomery Co. - also some girls from the rockers but been several years ago though.. Have you ever seen Kobata teach defense... pretty good old boy and i get tickled how up front and hard nose he is to the girls.. 4 teams one season and ASA and coaches released her.. shoot that's pretty tough.. sometimes they can be prety hard. What college camps have you done???
The main point here to all the girls and parents that love fastpitch is that there are tons of resources out there. For example Howard Kobata offers video's for 40-50 bucks that are great learning tools, Dot Richardson has great insight on the mental part of the game, Ralph and Karen Weekly offer super drills and expert advice on slapping. My advice to all players and parents is have fun with it. A player must remember that no matter how fast they are there is always somebody a step faster, you can only be the best YOU can be. In order to do that it takes education [on and off the field], conditioning, proper nutrition, lots of practice and drills. If you hate going to practice your heart is not in it. A player who loves the game looks forward to practice. If you plan on going to college let me tell you that a lot of colleges can not get players so there is a college that will not only let you play but will pay for some or all of your education. You need to start making a list of colleges in your freshmen year based not on softball but your vocational goals. IT IS NOT ABOUT THE SOFTBALL IT IS ABOUT THE EDUCATION! You are trading your ability to play sofball for their ability to give you a degree. In other words if you want to be a teacher look at all the schools that offer teaching degrees, see which ones have softball teams, see what kind of recruiting class in your grad year[are they going to need 1 player or 6], what positions etc. Then pick your schools and most importantly if they offer a camp go to it. The single best way to get recruited is to attend a college camp and have 1 on 1 time with a coach.
Good post ... shoot can't argue with anything on what you said... lol ... Karen actually handles the speed and slapping... just messin .. but you are absolutely 100% correct
need to rethink the johnson central my friends. they got a pitcher thats great to say the least and a catcher that adverages 4 rbi's a game. Not that Magoffin Co isnt good but Johnson Central is not someone to underestimate.
What is Magoffin County's record so far? Have they played any tough teams?
As a matter of fact, that would be JC 13, MC 2.
Easton1 Wrote:Yes Coach9, they are very much different, in Babe Ruth these girls competed in the 16U Division and in the 57th District they will have a full squad not just a few. Now, that we cleared that, just who do you think besides Lawrence County is going to prevent MC from getting out of the 57th District. I really don't see JC, Paintsville or SC causing them to much trouble this year.

Maybe they think differently after tonight. Clearly there is no question.
Central played good, but I would not say clearly if I was you, this game was very much in question till the 7th inning blunders by MC, I don't see them doing that very often. See ya next time.
3 - 2 going into the 7th, game was closer than the score indicates.
Easton1 Wrote:Central played good, but I would not say clearly if I was you, this game was very much in question till the 7th inning blunders by MC, I don't see them doing that very often. See ya next time.

And next time JC will have home advantage.

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