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President Obama's administration looking into legality of BCS
The Obama administration is considering several steps that would review the legality of the controversial Bowl Championship Series, the Justice Department said in a letter Friday to a senator who had asked for an antitrust review.

In the letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch, obtained by The Associated Press, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote that the Justice Department is reviewing Hatch's request and other materials to determine whether to open an investigation into whether the BCS violates antitrust laws.

"Importantly, and in addition, the administration also is exploring other options that might be available to address concerns with the college football postseason," Weich wrote, including asking the Federal Trade Commission to review the legality of the BCS under consumer protection laws.

Several lawmakers and many critics want the BCS to switch to a playoff system, rather than the ratings system it uses to determine the teams that play in the championship game.

"The administration shares your belief that the current lack of a college football national championship playoff with respect to the highest division of college football ... raises important questions affecting millions of fans, colleges and universities, players and other interested parties," Weich wrote.

Weich made note of the fact that President Barack Obama, before he was sworn in, had stated his preference for a playoff system. In 2008, Obama said he was going to "to throw my weight around a little bit" to nudge college football toward a playoff system, a point that Hatch stressed when he urged Obama last fall to ask the department to investigate the BCS.

[ame=""]President Obama's administration looking into legality of BCS - Kentucky Sports Forum - BlueGrassRivals[/ame]
Are you serious? As a fan of the BCS, leave it alone! Is this the most important thing on his agenda?? An investigation? Seriously?? Jeez I CANNOT WAIT until this piece of **** is out of Washington!
A dream happening when the Tide goes to Washington to meet your president.

Obama- "Yo yo yo Coach Saban. Congrats on an awesome year, ya herre'?
Saban- "**** you".
This is great news. One of my least favorite US Senators, best friend of the late Teddy Kennedy, and one of my least favorite presidents teaming up to waste my tax dollars on something that is absolutely none of the federal government's business. What way will they think of next to waste the taxpayers' time and money on? If Brigham Young had wanted to build a top tier football program, he would not have led the Mormons to the Utah desert.

Obama fiddles while the heartland burns, with Orin Hatch singing the lyrics.
I'm sure that Cavemaster is just bursting with pride right now.
nothing better to do in DC?
nky Wrote:nothing better to do in DC?

Obviously - lol
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Are you serious? As a fan of the BCS, leave it alone! Is this the most important thing on his agenda?? An investigation? Seriously?? Jeez I CANNOT WAIT until this piece of **** is out of Washington!

Keeps his administration from having to answer about the economy, security or the help in Haiti
Sorry this is not a waste of time or money.

It is one of the most followed events in the country. Every year billions upon billions of dollars are spent and made on college football.

It provides good tax revenue for states, cities, and the federal govt.
It is important that these assets be protected. Lets not act like since Obama is going to appoint a few low level people in the AG's office to look into this, that it will take up everyone's time.
Beetle01 Wrote:Sorry this is not a waste of time or money.

It is one of the most followed events in the country. Every year billions upon billions of dollars are spent and made on college football.

It provides good tax revenue for states, cities, and the federal govt.
It is important that these assets be protected. Lets not act like since Obama is going to appoint a few low level people in the AG's office to look into this, that it will take up everyone's time.
The best way to "protect these assets" is for the federal government to mind their own business and let the NCAA continue to allow billions of dollars to be spent and made on college football.

If Hatch wants to hold public hearings on something people care about, let him hold public hearings on the Congressional junket to Copenhagen, where Nancy Pelosi and her entourage paid up to $2,200 a day just for hotel rooms. THAT is the federal government's business, wasting taxpayers' money.

There is no need to look for new ways to waste money like holding public hearings on the BCS and make no mistake about it, the only reason for looking into the BCS is to hold public hearings where politicians do most of the talking.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I'm sure that Cavemaster is just bursting with pride right now.

Ah, Dearest Kemba, no, no you never drag me in... now do you? Well, your inconsistency is certainly consistent. I do worry 'bout your memory though.
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Dearest Kemba, no, no you never drag me in... now do you? Well, your inconsistency is certainly consistent. I do worry 'bout your memory though.

I have not forgotten this question. Apparently you have though.

Based on the Secret Services statement is Ronald Kessler's claims false?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I have not forgotten this question. Apparently you have though.

Based on the Secret Services statement is Ronald Kessler's claims false?

Let me remind you that a person not answering according to your needs is not the same as a person not answering.
thecavemaster Wrote:Let me remind you that a person not answering according to your needs is not the same as a person not answering.

It could also mean that one could be so massively ego driven, as to completely avoid the issue, hoping that it goes away too. Is that possible?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:It could also mean that one could be so massively ego driven, as to completely avoid the issue, hoping that it goes away too. Is that possible?

I would not think that debating issues on BGR would flatter or disflatter anyone's ego. At least let's hope not. The question was answered, just not to your satisfaction...your psychological assessments notwithstanding.
thecavemaster Wrote:I would not think that debating issues on BGR would flatter or disflatter anyone's ego. At least let's hope not. The question was answered, just not to your satisfaction...your psychological assessments notwithstanding.

Yet so it has seemed, lest one would not have had to be hounded continuosly just to get a response to the question, with an honest unspun answer. Dont kid yourself CM, you didn't answer anything. I know it, you know it, and everyone else knows it.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Yet so it has seemed, lest one would not have had to be hounded continuosly just to get a response to the question, with an honest unspun answer. Dont kid yourself CM, you didn't answer anything. I know it, you know it, and everyone else knows it.

Look, my Kemba brother, you may fancy yourself a Johnson County legend and take deep offense if anyone suggests you don't have a picture in a gym, but it appears your ego is large enough for the both of us. "I'm a big time business man. I'm responsible for AAU in Johnson County. Me and my son been to the Sweet 16." Come on, man. Who are YOU kidding? I answered the question, but you didn't like my answer because I wouldn't crawl into the little "parse the words" trap you were feebly trying to set.
thecavemaster Wrote:
Look, my Kemba brother, you may fancy yourself a Johnson County legend and take deep offense if anyone suggests you don't have a picture in a gym, but it appears your ego is large enough for the both of us. "I'm a big time business man. I'm responsible for AAU in Johnson County. Me and my son been to the Sweet 16." Come on, man. Who are YOU kidding? I answered the question, but you didn't like my answer because I wouldn't crawl into the little "parse the words" trap you were feebly trying to set.
LOL. Well now, come on man yourself. Is that the best you've got? Man your really grasping for just anything here, I see. I do find it flattering you taking the time to do a personal post search though. I feel quite honored that you took the time. Wanna bring my wife back up too? That's kinda how you operate, aint it? lol!!! Lets talk about the pertinent parts of the discussion at hand. You just didn't want to admit you were wrong, and that you got your hand called on the matter.:biggrin:

And as far as a feeble spider's trap that you are insinuating. A trap was not necessary for that. You were "transparent" all along. The only person kidding themselves was/is you.:lmao:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:LOL. Well now, come on man yourself. Is that the best you've got? Man your really grasping for just anything here, I see. Wanna bring my wife back up? That's kinda how you operate, aint it? lol!!! Lets talk about the pertinent parts of the discussion at hand. You just didn't want to admit you were wrong, and that you got your hand called on the matter.:biggrin:

And as far as a feeble spider's trap that you are insinuating. A trap was not necessary for that. You were "transparent" all along. The only person kidding themselves was/is you.:lmao:
Ah, Kemba, now there's a good lad. I posted nothing you haven't posted yourself about yourself. I cited Kessler. But, then, you know that. Kessler hasn't recanted his source. Thus, I haven't recanted Kessler. Plain enough, isn't it? Kemba?
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Kemba, now there's a good lad. I posted nothing you haven't posted yourself about yourself. I cited Kessler. But, then, you know that. Kessler hasn't recanted his source. Thus, I haven't recanted Kessler. Plain enough, isn't it? Kemba?

Even though the Secret Service said he was lying. Baaaa!!!!!!!! Baaaa!!!!!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Even though the Secret Service said he was lying. Baaaa!!!!!!!! Baaaa!!!!!!!

Let's see, someone in an official capacity denies a leak. Yes, yes, Kemba, that is unusual.
thecavemaster Wrote:Let's see, someone in an official capacity denies a leak. Yes, yes, Kemba, that is unusual.

You have facts and evidence on that too? Nah, nothing more than just a hopeful prayer!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:You have facts and evidence on that too? Nah, nothing more than just a hopeful prayer!!

Ah, Kemba, has it come to this? That we must "cite city" even information the sane do not dispute?
thecavemaster Wrote:Ah, Kemba, has it come to this? That we must "cite city" even information the sane do not dispute?

Your the one that's claiming the coverup. Just be able to back it up, if your going to claim it. But you cant do that, can you?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Your the one that's claiming the coverup. Just be able to back it up, if your going to claim it. But you cant do that, can you?

Richard Nixon denied any knowledge of the Watergate break-in. By your theory, his denial is definitive.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The best way to "protect these assets" is for the federal government to mind their own business and let the NCAA continue to allow billions of dollars to be spent and made on college football.

If Hatch wants to hold public hearings on something people care about, let him hold public hearings on the Congressional junket to Copenhagen, where Nancy Pelosi and her entourage paid up to $2,200 a day just for hotel rooms. THAT is the federal government's business, wasting taxpayers' money.

There is no need to look for new ways to waste money like holding public hearings on the BCS and make no mistake about it, the only reason for looking into the BCS is to hold public hearings where politicians do most of the talking.

The NCAA has shown its ineptitude so many times, how can anyone trust them to do anything right. They are one of the worst organizations in the country. Sometimes I wonder if its just a bunch of monkeys sitting around a table throwing poop at a list of decisions and whichever it hits, thats the decision that they make.

Its an organization that operates with no oversight on anything they do or any rulings they pass. IMO there should be a federal committee that oversees their actions and rulings.
Beetle01 Wrote:The NCAA has shown its ineptitude so many times, how can anyone trust them to do anything right. They are one of the worst organizations in the country. Sometimes I wonder if its just a bunch of monkeys sitting around a table throwing poop at a list of decisions and whichever it hits, thats the decision that they make.

Its an organization that operates with no oversight on anything they do or any rulings they pass. IMO there should be a federal committee that oversees their actions and rulings.
So what? Every problem in this country should not and cannot be handled by the federal government. We can no longer afford for Congress to hold dog and pony shows where blowhard politicians use up most of the time allotted for hearings to grandstand for the cameras.

The federal government has no business meddling in college sports. Whatever problems exist can be handled by the courts. If schools, athletes, or coaches have a grievance against the NCAA, then let them file suit. This country has enough problems without Congress making a federal case out of the absence of a college football playoff system.

How many things does this bloated federal government need to screw up before people will catch on to the fact that the federal government's specialty is screwing things up?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So what? Every problem in this country should not and cannot be handled by the federal government. We can no longer afford for Congress to hold dog and pony shows where blowhard politicians use up most of the time allotted for hearings to grandstand for the cameras.

The federal government has no business meddling in college sports. Whatever problems exist can be handled by the courts. If schools, athletes, or coaches have a grievance against the NCAA, then let them file suit. This country has enough problems without Congress making a federal case out of the absence of a college football playoff system.

How many things does this bloated federal government need to screw up before people will catch on to the fact that the federal government's specialty is screwing things up?

Perhaps a group of concerned citizens on a cruise with Alan Keyes can persuade the NCAA to have a playoff, of course, it'll have to wait until Keyes discourses on how Obama can't be impeached because he's not really President since he's not a US citizen.
thecavemaster Wrote:Perhaps a group of concerned citizens on a cruise with Alan Keyes can persuade the NCAA to have a playoff, of course, it'll have to wait until Keyes discourses on how Obama can't be impeached because he's not really President since he's not a US citizen.
Why bother to make your post responses when they are, in fact, non-responsive and irrelevant to the posts to which you refer?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So what? Every problem in this country should not and cannot be handled by the federal government. We can no longer afford for Congress to hold dog and pony shows where blowhard politicians use up most of the time allotted for hearings to grandstand for the cameras.

The federal government has no business meddling in college sports. Whatever problems exist can be handled by the courts. If schools, athletes, or coaches have a grievance against the NCAA, then let them file suit. This country has enough problems without Congress making a federal case out of the absence of a college football playoff system.

How many things does this bloated federal government need to screw up before people will catch on to the fact that the federal government's specialty is screwing things up?

If anything the govt most definitely has a role in college sports. This is a group of tens of thousands of Americans who are ruled over by an organization without oversight, free to make whatever decisions they wish, fair or unfair because nothing can be done to them.

Student athletes are citizens also, and if our govt believes that there is an organization breaking the law they have every right, and the responsibility to look into it. How much federal money is given to colleges and universities each year?

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