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Crotch bomber was interrogated for a grand total of 50 minutes!
The Obama administration's negligent handling of captured terrorists will likely prove deadly for many Americans before he leaves office in 2012. According to Robert Gibbs, in an interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday, FBI agents got all of the information that they could possibly gotten from the Underwear Bomber, despite questioning for only 50 minutes.

After the FBI read Abdulmutallab his rights, Abdulmutallab decided to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights.

Does anybody not in the Obama Administration really believe that foreign terrorists should be arrested and prosecuted in federal court by the Justice Department? Or do you believe that terrorists, like the spies of WW II, should receive a quick trial by a military tribunal, followed by a quick execution upon conviction?

[INDENT]Abdulmutallab interrogated for less than an hour; White House defends handling of terrorist case

The White House is not disputing a report that FBI agents questioned accused Northwest Airlines bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for just 50 minutes before deciding to grant him the right to remain silent and provide him with a court-appointed lawyer -- a decision that led Abdulmutallab to stop talking and provide no more information.

The news came in an Associated Press reconstruction of Abdulmutallab's first hours in custody. The AP reported that Abdulmutallab "repeatedly made incriminating statements" to U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents who originally took him into custody. Then Abdulmutallab made more statements to doctors who were treating him for burns and other injuries. Only later did FBI agents interview him -- a session that lasted, according to the Associated Press, for "about 50 minutes." Before beginning the questioning, the AP continues, "the FBI agents decided not to give him his Miranda warnings informing him of his right to remain silent" -- apparently relying on an exception to Miranda that allows questioning about imminent threats.

After that, Abdulmutallab went into surgery. It was four hours before he was available for more questioning. By that time, the Justice Department in Washington had intervened. A new set of agents read Abdulmutallab the Miranda warning, telling him he had the right to remain silent -- and thereafter, Abdulmutallab remained silent.[/INDENT]
Richard Reid, aka the "Shoe Bomber," was tried and convicted in US federal court, given a life sentence without parole, and now sits in a super maximum security prison in the United States. Reid's offense occurred December 21, 2001. Unfair and imbalanced Right Wing Flirty Party: at least do a little comparative study before posting.
thecavemaster Wrote:Richard Reid, aka the "Shoe Bomber," was tried and convicted in US federal court, given a life sentence without parole, and now sits in a super maximum security prison in the United States. Reid's offense occurred December 21, 2001. Unfair and imbalanced Right Wing Flirty Party: at least do a little comparative study before posting.
Once again, you are guilty of assuming that 1) everybody who opposes Obama is a Republican, and 2) everybody who opposes Obama agrees with everything that Bush did. You are wrong on both counts and you are wrong in jumping to these conclusions repeatedly. Do you have another play in your playbook?

Do you think that a 50 minute FBI interrogation of an Al Qaeda operative was adequate. Do you believe Obama's mouthpiece, Baghdad Bob Gibbs when he claims that interrogators got all of the information possible from the crotch bomber?
thecavemaster Wrote:Richard Reid, aka the "Shoe Bomber," was tried and convicted in US federal court, given a life sentence without parole, and now sits in a super maximum security prison in the United States. Reid's offense occurred December 21, 2001. Unfair and imbalanced Right Wing Flirty Party: at least do a little comparative study before posting.

We should learn from past mistakes. Just because a mistake was made in 2001, doesn't mean it's ok to make the same mistake today. Did this guy spill his gut during the 50 minute interrogation? We may never know or we may know only after it's to late.

Myself, I would rather error on the side of caution as not.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Obama administration's negligent handling of captured terrorists will likely prove deadly for many Americans before he leaves office in 2012. According to Robert Gibbs, in an interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday, FBI agents got all of the information that they could possibly gotten from the Underwear Bomber, despite questioning for only 50 minutes.

After the FBI read Abdulmutallab his rights, Abdulmutallab decided to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights.

Does anybody not in the Obama Administration really believe that foreign terrorists should be arrested and prosecuted in federal court by the Justice Department? Or do you believe that terrorists, like the spies of WW II, should receive a quick trial by a military tribunal, followed by a quick execution upon conviction?
[INDENT]Abdulmutallab interrogated for less than an hour; White House defends handling of terrorist case

The White House is not disputing a report that FBI agents questioned accused Northwest Airlines bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for just 50 minutes before deciding to grant him the right to remain silent and provide him with a court-appointed lawyer -- a decision that led Abdulmutallab to stop talking and provide no more information.

The news came in an Associated Press reconstruction of Abdulmutallab's first hours in custody. The AP reported that Abdulmutallab "repeatedly made incriminating statements" to U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents who originally took him into custody. Then Abdulmutallab made more statements to doctors who were treating him for burns and other injuries. Only later did FBI agents interview him -- a session that lasted, according to the Associated Press, for "about 50 minutes." Before beginning the questioning, the AP continues, "the FBI agents decided not to give him his Miranda warnings informing him of his right to remain silent" -- apparently relying on an exception to Miranda that allows questioning about imminent threats.

After that, Abdulmutallab went into surgery. It was four hours before he was available for more questioning. By that time, the Justice Department in Washington had intervened. A new set of agents read Abdulmutallab the Miranda warning, telling him he had the right to remain silent -- and thereafter, Abdulmutallab remained silent.

It seems like it would take this guy longer than 50 minutes to tell how he boarded the plane and how he planned to detonate the bomb. Let alone who he was working with.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Once again, you are guilty of assuming that 1) everybody who opposes Obama is a Republican, and 2) everybody who opposes Obama agrees with everything that Bush did. You are wrong on both counts and you are wrong in jumping to these conclusions repeatedly. Do you have another play in your playbook?

Do you think that a 50 minute FBI interrogation of an Al Qaeda operative was adequate. Do you believe Obama's mouthpiece, Baghdad Bob Gibbs when he claims that interrogators got all of the information possible from the crotch bomber?

I was about to say the same thing. Just because I don't agree with Obama doesn't mean I'm a.) racist and b.) a fan of Bush. I didn't vote for Bush the first time however I do respect the job he did with national security during such a tough time. However I didn't agree with his liberal spending. I agree with Obama on one issue only, education. His handling of the military has made me sick. More soldiers are being deployed with less training and with less help to look after their families.
Matman Wrote::Thumbs:
I was about to say the same thing. Just because I don't agree with Obama doesn't mean I'm a.) racist and b.) a fan of Bush. I didn't vote for Bush the first time however I do respect the job he did with national security during such a tough time. However I didn't agree with his liberal spending. I agree with Obama on one issue only, education. His handling of the military has made me sick. More soldiers are being deployed with less training and with less help to look after their families.
:Thumbs: Exactly. Obama's approval ratings are no longer being buoyed by the fears of American independents worried about being tagged unfairly as racists. I voted for Bush over Gore because I always considered Gore a liar and an ignoramus on environmental issues. I believe that Gore has become filthy rich proving me correct. I voted for Bush over Kerry because I used to be a C-CPAN junkie and I knew that he has always been one of the laziest and most arrogant members of the US Senate.

However, I was never happy that Republicans did not manage to nominate a better candidate than Bush. A president should be able to speak without mangling the language (although I think Bush is a fairly intelligent man) and a president should be able to speak to a small room full of people without a teleprompter (Obama is also a fairly smart guy but not as smart as he seems t think).

Democrats should be very worried about Obama's apparent reluctance to brand enemies, such as Islamic terrorists, as enemies. Rumors are swirling that the administration is considering opening high level communication channels with the Taliban leadership. If this country gets hit with another major attack on Obama's watch, it could destroy the Democratic Party for decades.
No, my Flirty Party Puddin's... has the "shoe bomber" blown anything up? compromised national security? threatened the very existence of the American way of life? Why, no, we're all still over at Walmart or Mall of America shopping. No, the "shoe bomber" was charged, went to trial, heard verdict and now sits in a super max... all without becoming the very torture happy, rights denying fanatics that aim there hatred at us. We have, of course, done unto them as we might wish they would do unto us, not repaid and eye for an eye until everyone was blind. Of course, applied Christianity don't really appear to be you dude's gig.
Here is what former Director of the CIA, Michael V. Hayden, thinks about the comedy of errors surrounding the handling of the crotch bomber.

Quote:[INDENT]Obama admnistration takes several wrong paths in dealing with terrorism

In the war on terrorism, this country faces an enemy whose theory of warfare ends the hard-won distinction in modern thought between combatant and noncombatant. In doing that for which we have created government -- ensuring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- how can we be adequately aggressive to ensure the first value, without unduly threatening the other two? This is hard. And people don't have to be lazy or stupid to get it wrong.

We got it wrong in Detroit on Christmas Day. We allowed an enemy combatant the protections of our Constitution before we had adequately interrogated him. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is not "an isolated extremist." He is the tip of the spear of a complex al-Qaeda plot to kill Americans in our homeland.

In the 50 minutes the FBI had to question him, agents reportedly got actionable intelligence. Good. But were there any experts on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the room (other than Abdulmutallab)? Was there anyone intimately familiar with any National Security Agency raw traffic to, from or about the captured terrorist? Did they have a list or photos of suspected recruits?

When questioning its detainees, the CIA routinely turns the information provided over to its experts for verification and recommendations for follow-up. The responses of these experts -- "Press him more on this, he knows the details" or "First time we've heard that" -- helps set up more detailed questioning.

None of that happened in Detroit. In fact, we ensured that it wouldn't. After the first session, the FBI Mirandized Abdulmutallab and -- to preserve a potential prosecution -- sent in a "clean team" of agents who could have no knowledge of what Abdulmutallab had provided before he was given his constitutional warnings. As has been widely reported, Abdulmutallab then exercised his right to remain silent.[/INDENT]

If an American president wanted to fail in the war on Islamic terror, this is the kind of thing that he would have done. The mishandling of Abdulmutallab goes far beyond the normal, run of the mill incompetence that is on regular display at the White House these days.
thecavemaster Wrote:No, my Flirty Party Puddin's... has the "shoe bomber" blown anything up? compromised national security? threatened the very existence of the American way of life? Why, no, we're all still over at Walmart or Mall of America shopping. No, the "shoe bomber" was charged, went to trial, heard verdict and now sits in a super max... all without becoming the very torture happy, rights denying fanatics that aim there hatred at us. We have, of course, done unto them as we might wish they would do unto us, not repaid and eye for an eye until everyone was blind. Of course, applied Christianity don't really appear to be you dude's gig.

Uh, since you seem to make issues out of these trivial sort of things, I'll just remind you that it should be "their". See if we can do better next time, OK?
Mr.Kimball Wrote::thatsfunn

Uh, since you seem to make issues out of these trivial sort of things, I'll just remind you that it should be "their". See if we can do better next time, OK?
thecavemaster Wrote:No, my Flirty Party Puddin's... has the "shoe bomber" blown anything up? c[capitalization error]ompromised national security? t[capitalization error]hreatened the very existence of the American way of life? Why, no, we're all still over at Walmart or Mall of America shopping. No, the "shoe bomber" was charged, went to trial, heard [missing "the" or "the jury's"] verdict and now sits in a super max... all without becoming the very torture happy, rights denying fanatics that aim there hatred at us. We have, of course, done unto them as we might wish they would do unto us, not repaid and eye for an eye until everyone was blind. Of course, applied Christianity don't [should be "doesn't"] really appear to be you [should be "your"]dude's gig.
Who has time to correct CM's grammar with all of the factual errors in his post that demand attention? :biggrin:
hoot gibson Wrote:who has time to correct cm's grammar with all of the factual errors in his post that demand attention? :biggrin:

Here's the truth: President W. Bush got a pass from the Right Wing Flirty Party. President Obama gets called "soft" on terror. You guys are as partisan as James Carville on the other side. Your howls of protest notwithstanding.

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