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Athletic drug testing in affect
what does everyone think about this new policy, and is floyd county the only county doing this?TongueoliceLig
I think it should be mandatory
Couldn't agree more CTD. And not just for those playing sports. Everyone in school should have to take a test.
I agree CD.
nothing better for all schools.
I dont think it should be mandatory, but I think if they are reasons to suspect that someone in the school system is using, that includes, coaches, teachers, principals or whoever. Then they should be tested, and if they refuse, off the team or lose there job. But as far as being tested just to be able to play, I think that is a violation of basic rights and shouldnt be allowed.
Looks like Prestonsburg will be without a few players now. Smile Smile Smile JK
i think that this drug test is a great idea...
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:I dont think it should be mandatory, but I think if they are reasons to suspect that someone in the school system is using, that includes, coaches, teachers, principals or whoever. Then they should be tested, and if they refuse, off the team or lose there job. But as far as being tested just to be able to play, I think that is a violation of basic rights and shouldnt be allowed.

You need to do some research on what your rights are.
When it comes to testing its simple if you dont want to be tested don't play.
what do they have to hide.
From what I saw on the televised board meeting and have heard from a few teacher who are friends of mine.
It's a blind draw with around 60 percent being tested.
i for one think this is much needed. I know that if you drive and are impaired then you are taking not only your life in your hands but others as well.
If a teacher coach or player is doing or dealing I hope they throw the book at them.
There is no discrimination in the blind draw process if your number comes up and you are hot then guess what superstar your playing days end for 6 weeks. if you are a teacher your career ends and lets face it if a teacher is who is suposed to be shaping the live of our kids is high or dealing than if I had my way he or she would never set foot on school grounds again. It kills me when liberals start bellyaching about rights. perhaps thats what wrong with our educational system today.
They are to worried about kids and parents spouting off about rights rather than doing the right thing!
First off, YES you should be tested. I mean people get tested in the work place all the time.

And to answer your other question, Pikeville has been doing drug-testing ever since I was in high school..5+ years...and Pike County started last year I believe.
its a good thing that these test have went into affect.....i would hate to see athletes or anyone to be suspended from school or athletic events
"Doc Holliday" Wrote:You need to do some research on what your rights are.
When it comes to testing its simple if you dont want to be tested don't play.
what do they have to hide.
From what I saw on the televised board meeting and have heard from a few teacher who are friends of mine.
It's a blind draw with around 60 percent being tested.
i for one think this is much needed. I know that if you drive and are impaired then you are taking not only your life in your hands but others as well.
If a teacher coach or player is doing or dealing I hope they throw the book at them.
There is no discrimination in the blind draw process if your number comes up and you are hot then guess what superstar your playing days end for 6 weeks. if you are a teacher your career ends and lets face it if a teacher is who is suposed to be shaping the live of our kids is high or dealing than if I had my way he or she would never set foot on school grounds again. It kills me when liberals start bellyaching about rights. perhaps thats what wrong with our educational system today.
They are to worried about kids and parents spouting off about rights rather than doing the right thing!

Lets see, we have a right against searches.... so when drug testing is done, they search your body for drugs... and yes, driving impaired takes other peoples lives in your hands. But I dont think that playing basketball does, unless it was Shaq driving the lane, then yea, he could kill someone by hitting them. As far as me bing a liberal, nope, I just belive in the rights that the constitution gave us. Also, remember the reason we can bellyache like you say is because people before us fought for that right. If you would have served in the armed forces you might take your basic rights more serious than just something to fall back on when someone says something you dont like. I still stand behind what I said earlier, if there is reasonable suspision, then yes, you should get checked.... if not, there isnt any reason for it to be done. Are 60% of the teachers and principals and coaches going to be tested also? Think about the money that is going to be spend on the test. Does our school systems have that much extra money to throw around that could be used on other things instead?
I think that the tests should be mandatory.
All students at East Ridge that participates in any sports or other extra curricular activities such as band, choir, anything like that can be tested at random along with students drivers...
If you do anything at school you have to have the paper signed that submits your number into the random drawing for drug testing.
I think that all athletes should be tested on a monthly basis and never know when the testing is going to be. I think that the drivers also should because they are endangered their lives and the lives of others everytime that they get behind the wheel.
If you have nothing to hide, why worry about being tested?
I am willing to get tested daily if others were to to ensure my safety and the safety of my peers.
Drugs are bad in the nation, state, community, and school. Wiping the problem out completely would make me happy but since that is not going to happen we need to take all the precautions that we can to get them away from myself, my friends, and everyone else that is possibly willing.
If you take drugs, do them on your own time and ruin your life in the privacy of your own home. Don't bring them to my school and do them and sell them. Don't ruin the atmosphere and do jeopardize whether or not I get to live to make it home each evening.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Lets see, we have a right against searches.... so when drug testing is done, they search your body for drugs... and yes, driving impaired takes other peoples lives in your hands. But I dont think that playing basketball does, unless it was Shaq driving the lane, then yea, he could kill someone by hitting them. As far as me bing a liberal, nope, I just belive in the rights that the constitution gave us. Also, remember the reason we can bellyache like you say is because people before us fought for that right. If you would have served in the armed forces you might take your basic rights more serious than just something to fall back on when someone says something you dont like. I still stand behind what I said earlier, if there is reasonable suspision, then yes, you should get checked.... if not, there isnt any reason for it to be done. Are 60% of the teachers and principals and coaches going to be tested also? Think about the money that is going to be spend on the test. Does our school systems have that much extra money to throw around that could be used on other things instead?

School teams represent your school and if your students are on drugs and playing sports then it is a reflection of your peers and administration because they are allowed to walk the halls under the influence of God knows what.

Reasonable suspiscion should be checked as well but in schools, athletes are treated differently because everyone wants the best players to be able to play as much as possible. Principals and vice principals or other people of authority aren't going to pull the point guard from the team the day before a district game so they don't even bother to check them.

All teachers should be subjected to the testing too.

And personally I would rather do without a new computer or VCR in order to keep people off from drugs and from driving and etc. in order to SAVE MY LIFE!
Its in effect at Paintsville too... I think at our school, If you are an athlete and/or drive to school, its a mandatory drug test, other than that its random...essentially ours will test everyone in the school...and I know at The Ville' if you don't turn your slip in to be drug tested and you are an athlete you are not allowed to play until its signed...
Well, I got tested to drive a school bus. I dont have anything to hide. But by driving the bus I put other peoples lives in my hands. I still think that just because someone plays sports means they should be tested. The only way to keep it from being biased would be to test every teacher, principal, student, cook and parents coming to pick there kids up from school. But to seperate people out in the school just because they want to play sports, be in the band, or anything like that is basically wrong. To be a bus driver, everyone has to take them. So if they are going to make student/athletes take them, and they are supposed to be students first, athletes second, why not test every student? But to seperate people to test just because they want to do the extra activities in school is biased against them.
we are beoing tested ta South Floyd is 60% of the student body sports such as boy's and girls basketball baseball softball football volleyball acedimic team student council beta club forensics and every extra caricular activity is being tested so ppl that isnt involved in activities basicly dont have to worry bout being tested b/c there is more than 60% that playe's some sort of sport or does something else..all teachers at SF r being tested...
Ok, what if someone who was wanting to participate in sports or the band was a Jehovah Witness, American Indian, or Mormon and where it is against there religion to have body fluids such as blood, saliva, or even urine to be taken to be tested. Should that person have his or her name withdrawn from the draw? Or is the KHSAA willing to go to court if that happened? If the school offers programs for students, then they make requirements that are against some religious beliefs, then should that student suffer because of what they belive in? I am sure the KHSAA wont ever say if you belive in God that you can not play sports. This is basically the same thing. It is against some students religion to do be tested. I am not saying they are at SF, SV, Paintsville, or any other school in the area. But this is a state wide thing. I am sure somewhere in the state that a student wont be allowed to play because of the whole religion thing. Now, if a coach, teacher, principal or anyone has reasons to suspect that a student is using, then yes, they should be tested. I dont agree with drugs being used for other than medical purposes. But I also belive that people have basic rights. The ones that say they agree with it. I wonder how big of a fit they would throw if out of the blue state troopers went up and knocked on there door and said if they wish to continue living there, they have to consent to a drug search of there home?
Drug testing here in Magoffin, All Athletes, Student Drivers, Facuilty, have been tested and If reasonable suspession is thought they are checked, If they refuse there is a letter mailed to the parents. I couldn't agree more, I rember when I was a freshman seeing a guy snort a pill in the back of my Math class, Made me sick and then when I was walking to my bus he ends up driving home. Made me sick, someoen could have really gotten hurt.
"Beef" Wrote:First off, YES you should be tested. I mean people get tested in the work place all the time.

And to answer your other question, Pikeville has been doing drug-testing ever since I was in high school..5+ years...and Pike County started last year I believe.

:thumb: Everyone should be tested!!
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Lets see, we have a right against searches.... so when drug testing is done, they search your body for drugs... and yes, driving impaired takes other peoples lives in your hands. But I dont think that playing basketball does, unless it was Shaq driving the lane, then yea, he could kill someone by hitting them. As far as me bing a liberal, nope, I just belive in the rights that the constitution gave us. Also, remember the reason we can bellyache like you say is because people before us fought for that right. If you would have served in the armed forces you might take your basic rights more serious than just something to fall back on when someone says something you dont like. I still stand behind what I said earlier, if there is reasonable suspision, then yes, you should get checked.... if not, there isnt any reason for it to be done. Are 60% of the teachers and principals and coaches going to be tested also? Think about the money that is going to be spend on the test. Does our school systems have that much extra money to throw around that could be used on other things instead?

Perhaps you need to reread what I said yes teachers, aids, bus drivers, will all be tested as well as 60% of student drivers, and sports teams and clubs. As far as pulling some one out because you suspect they are on drug is discrimination that is why it is random.
I used to think it was an invasion of privacy My point is simple the only people that tend to not want them are those who have something to hide.
now do you duty as a citizen . Run for board member, vote for a new one and get the policy changed.
Board meetings are every month, they are free and even have an open forum for parents, students, etc to express their feelings.

We are supposed to have a seperation of church and state. If its against your religion transfer your child to a private school.
as far as a know floyd co is just starting the program, and it appears to be working in the surrounding counties and i havent heard of any jackboot state nazi's goosestepping into anyone home.

As far as serving i was asked that question about mary jane in Beckly my good man, Im sure you stayed at the pagoda as well
I do like this topic it seems to have ggot some good discussion going.
I appreciate the religion comment but this is a district by district policy and eash one must deal with it.
and yes its a shame that tax money has to be spent on this but then if our elected officials would start busting people then perhaps we wouldn't have gotten to this point
"thetribe" Wrote:If you have nothing to hide, why worry about being tested?
BINGO! TongueoliceLig
I have one problem with the testing. If you aren't involved in extra curricular activities or you don't drive to school- you won't be tested. Perhaps it should be random testing of the entire student body.
I think students and everyone in the school system should be tested.
It's coming into effect at Prestonsburg Monday
I think so too WOW. Students, teachers, cooks, drivers, anyone.
Prestonsburg will be testing the entire student body?

I thought Floyd County was only testing employees and students who drive to school or are involved in exra curriculars.
but you know, it seems to me that the ones who dont play sports and such, that dont drive to school, this may be a sterotype and all, but arent the loners the ones most likely to be doing drugs? if it is so, then it seems they would test the ones who do not do extra stuff in school....

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