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A question about Obama
Ive been wondering this for awhile and wanted to get your all's ideas on this thought.

What will Obama do after he is President? Whether he gets re-elected or not, he is very young for a politician. Most Presidents just go on and write books and make money and live out their lives as a social icon. I just cant see Obama doing this. He believes, and his rabid supporters believe he is messiah like when it comes to politics, I cant see him putting down his political sword to tour and give political speeches, IMO, he will try and become a world leader of some sort, not saying NWO or anything like that, but head of the UN?
Beetle01 Wrote:Ive been wondering this for awhile and wanted to get your all's ideas on this thought.

What will Obama do after he is President? Whether he gets re-elected or not, he is very young for a politician. Most Presidents just go on and write books and make money and live out their lives as a social icon. I just cant see Obama doing this. He believes, and his rabid supporters believe he is messiah like when it comes to politics, I cant see him putting down his political sword to tour and give political speeches, IMO, he will try and become a world leader of some sort, not saying NWO or anything like that, but head of the UN?

You ever watched Left Behind. YOu Mentioned Messiah and Head Of The UN, Which made me think of nicolae carpathia. The Anti-Christ in the movie.

Any how. Unless something drastic happens in the next 3 years and the economy is getting back on track. then the next president will be a republican no matter who runs. Hopefully things change and hes able to overcome his mistakes and pull us out of this recession. But other wise, if he leaves presidency in the shape it is in now, then he will be writing books for the rest of his life.
Work on fulfilling his lifelong dream of playing in the NBA perhaps?
He has always talked about doing away with term limits. I think if re-elected he will make a huge effort to do away with Presidential term limits.
Beetle01 Wrote:He has always talked about doing away with term limits. I think if re-elected he will make a huge effort to do away with Presidential term limits.

You can't be serious.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Work on fulfilling his lifelong dream of playing in the NBA perhaps?

He does have a pretty good layup.:biggrin:
thecavemaster Wrote:You can't be serious.

It is something he has talked about. Do you deny that?
Unless Obama develops into a competent and effective president soon, the last thing he will need to worry about is term limits. The people will take care of limiting his terms and the current legal limit will never be reached. As much as Obama would like to take this nation down the path of Venezuela, it is not going to happen.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:He does have a pretty good layup.:biggrin:

Yeah, but he wont play a lick of defense. I will however give him credit for his ""Shake and Bake". It's all about me, me, me(or in this case "I","I","I").

He cant seem to understand there is no "I" in TEAM. Just listen to one of his speeches. It's all "I did this, I did that".
Beetle01 Wrote:It is something he has talked about. Do you deny that?

And, then again, maybe your are serious.
thecavemaster Wrote:And, then again, maybe your are serious.
Why not? When you combine an arrogant president with an ego that knows no bounds with a Democrat-controlled Congress intent on topping FDR in doling out federal dollars to tighten his grip on the presidency, anything is possible. The only thing missing is overwhelming popularity. If the economy recovers despite Obama's best efforts, then the popularity hurdle might become manageable.

Bills to eliminate term limits on the presidency have been introduced many times and several current members of Congress have introduced such bills. Democratic House Member Jose Serrano introduced such a bill last year. At least three other current members of Congress have introduced similar bills, some on multiple occasions. So the question is not as far fetched as you believe.

I personally do not believe that Americans would stand for a three or four term president again. Constitutional amendments take time to pass and a president would have to maintain very good poll numbers over a long period of time to get 3/4ths of the states to ratify the amendment.
Obama has mentioned it many times along with many people on his cabinet, and a few congressmen.

Just remember u heard it here first.

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