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South Carolina 68 - (1)Kentucky 62
Sports_Fan28 Wrote:I don't understand how anyone can be this positive about a loss. You shouldn't want to lose any games especially to a one player team like South Carolina, or should I say 4 player team when you include the officials. That was the worst called game I have ever seen in my life. I know people say you can't blame the refs, well I think thats crap. The officials controlled this game the whole way. Whenever Wall or Cousins had the ball they would get killed but nothing was called. However everytime Downey got the ball, if UK looked at them wrong there was a whistle. Like the inbounds play when Downey shot the ball and Liggins fell before Downey even got the shot off and then Downey fell after making the shot then the whistle blew, total bs. Downey did in fact travel when he went between the two defenders, again a no call. What really got to me other than Patterson being a no show again was Calipari not making a defensive adjustment. He said in tuesdays Lexington Herald that he would go to zone to stop Downey from getting inside, but yet he didnt do it. I didn't think UK's defense was all that bad, it was just the officials terrible calls that cost UK the game. Well that and no Patterson as usual and Dodson missing a wide open dunk, how the **** does that happen? There is no way UK should lose to a team that has one player doing everything by himself, especially a little 5-9 nothing like Downey. Not even the great Michael Jordan could beat teams by himself.
This game was a joke in every aspect, from coaching, to the officials, to Patterson and Bledsoe not showing up. The only players or I guess I should say player that came to play was Cousins who is in fact my favorite player of all, even over the "Great John Wall".

Agreed about the loss. As I said, it is what we get out of it. In no way does your team need a loss or want a loss but when the team plays this timid and cant finish around the basket we were looking to get beat on the road. When looking at the season as a whole, the games that we struggled in ALWAYS had that one guy that was carrying the team. This time we where not as fortunate to be at home with the crowd behind the team. Downey was a one man team and that seemed to be the one thing that this team can not guard.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Yea but he had 3 people jumping on his back and hacking him while nothing was being called? rRight. There was so many bull crap calls for downey i almost laughed at the inbounds play to him.

Cousins 9-17 27 pts, Add 10 more shot attempts.

Downey 9-27 i think? and god knows hows many bull crap calls. Am i blaming th egame son the refs? NO. We payed by far our worst game of the season and still only lost by 5-6 points. Tells you something huh? If that was a clean block they had on walls dunk attempt then there is something wrong. And Downey travels more than allen iverson. The reason the made the carry call.

I do have to agree with Wildcatk23 that the referees seemed to have a little trouble during that game. I think Kentucky responded greatly to these "questionable" calls. Instead of receiving technical fouls, they decided to respect the referees and play with as much effort as they could - which they definitely did by the way! :thumpsup:

It looked like the Kentucky players were a little nervous while the South Carolina players were cheering and high-fiving each other, so I would think that could be a factor as well. Once being an athlete myself, it definitely affected my game performance when I was nervous. Overall, great job for both teams! :thumpsup:
What I would like to know is, what constitutes an over the back call nowadays??? Ky got out rebounded and outscored terribly on second chance points. As for Downey, well he is short quick and luckier than a leprachaun. If I shot 30 shots and made 15 that would give me a minimum of 30 pts. So what he scored doesn't impress me much it's the fact that when he misses he gets a trip to the foul line. I'm not sure what the stats were but at the end the fouls were pretty close, however wall and bledsoe both had 4 fouls? Really??
Wall won't have to buy Downey a home, Downey can buy his own after he wins an Oscar for best actor.
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:What I would like to know is, what constitutes an over the back call nowadays??? Ky got out rebounded and outscored terribly on second chance points. As for Downey, well he is short quick and luckier than a leprachaun. If I shot 30 shots and made 15 that would give me a minimum of 30 pts. So what he scored doesn't impress me much it's the fact that when he misses he gets a trip to the foul line. I'm not sure what the stats were but at the end the fouls were pretty close, however wall and bledsoe both had 4 fouls? Really??
Wall won't have to buy Downey a home, Downey can buy his own after he wins an Oscar for best actor.

Completely agree. Some of the no call sent my remote through the wall. Like when he faked and split the two guys, took to plant steps and then ludged up the shot to go in. Or even the foul after the shot clock situation, when Liggins DID NOT even touch him and he falls to the ground and goes to the line for a 3 point play..... :redboxer: OH MY I cant talk about it.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:What I would like to know is, what constitutes an over the back call nowadays??? Ky got out rebounded and outscored terribly on second chance points. As for Downey, well he is short quick and luckier than a leprachaun. If I shot 30 shots and made 15 that would give me a minimum of 30 pts. So what he scored doesn't impress me much it's the fact that when he misses he gets a trip to the foul line. I'm not sure what the stats were but at the end the fouls were pretty close, however wall and bledsoe both had 4 fouls? Really??
Wall won't have to buy Downey a home, Downey can buy his own after he wins an Oscar for best actor.

yeah uk fouled like 4 times in the last minute so..thats where there fouls came in too...i thought it was a fairly good called game..i mean the teams that come to rupp get that too!:yawn: And yes downey will have his game at rupp i think..i think Uk wins that battle though
i believe it will be a different Story on February 25 when South Carolina Comes To Rupp Arena!!!!!

Go CATS!!!!
Strikeout King Wrote:i believe it will be a different Story on February 25 when South Carolina Comes To Rupp Arena!!!!!

Go CATS!!!!

agreed but downey gets his 25-30 still i think
theVILLE Wrote:DOWNEY IS THE MAN!!!BY THE WAY IVE WATCHED YOU PLAY I DONT THINK U CAN SCORE 50 ON UK!!!And he didnt double dribble and he didnt carry tonight! WAll is the one that walked:popcorn:
why r u even on here im pretty sure kentucky beat you all and this loss is going to help uk more than hurt...look out vandy its gonna be a diffrent team out there saturday...look for uk to bounce back in a big way..
Pay no attention my friend.
All I have to say is imagine if Wall took 30 shots per game, he would average atleast 45 ppg or so...

Out of downey's 29 attempts he only scored 20... The other 10 came from the foul line on bs foul calls... Wall needs to take control an shoot more, an our upper classmen need to grow a pair an play like we all know they can...

An isn't Downey 5'9 not 5'6???
kyr450 Wrote:All I have to say is imagine if Wall took 30 shots per game, he would average atleast 45 ppg or so...

Out of downey's 29 attempts he only scored 20... The other 10 came from the foul line on bs foul calls... Wall needs to take control an shoot more, an our upper classmen need to grow a pair an play like we all know they can...

An isn't Downey 5'9 not 5'6???

I agree downey should have scored more...and would have on any other night...UK is a ver great team and he had to score so much in order for them to have a chance...imagine if downey would have shot his normal %
theVILLE Wrote:I agree downey should have scored more...and would have on any other night...UK is a ver great team and he had to score so much in order for them to have a chance...imagine if downey would have shot his normal %

Yea an imagine if everyone for UK would have shot there averages??? If UK would have got all the bs lucky shots SC was throwing up to fall for them, this game would have been a completely different story... We have to have everyones 100% effort on every night, because we are getting every other teams 150% effort... If dont pick up our intensity, an get that killer instinct, we can forget about winning a national title this year... We are very capable of winning but we have to start playing like we deserve to be here...

On a side note I think this was a horrible officiated game... Wall all but got tackled several, several times, Dodson did get tackled on the fast break dunk he did make, Cousins an PPat got rode like horses all night long, an nothing ever got called, then on the other end Downey was going to the line on just about every shot attempt he took, that was the only reason he scored 30... SEC officals have been a disappointment to me so far this season...
figuratively speaking, say k-state beats kansas, which very well happen an I predict it will, Depaul some how upsets syracuse, Whats the chances UK stays at #1 if they beat Vandy??? Or do you think Nova would take over the #1 ranking since they are off until Tuesday??? Just a interesting scenario...

Personally I dont believe Nova would be worthy of the number one spot...
kyr450 Wrote:figuratively speaking, say k-state beats kansas, which very well happen an I predict it will, Depaul some how upsets syracuse, Whats the chances UK stays at #1 if they beat Vandy??? Or do you think Nova would take over the #1 ranking since they are off until Tuesday??? Just a interesting scenario...

Personally I dont believe Nova would be worthy of the number one spot...

I've been thinking about this as well. If Kansas St beats Kansas (which isn't out of the question as they beat Texas earlier), then we may keep it. It really depends on that Vandy game. If Kansas wins, I think they jump to 1. If they lose and we beat Vandy big time, I think we have a shot at staying 1 or going to at least 2.
Jerry_Damage01 Wrote:I've been thinking about this as well. If Kansas St beats Kansas (which isn't out of the question as they beat Texas earlier), then we may keep it. It really depends on that Vandy game. If Kansas wins, I think they jump to 1. If they lose and we beat Vandy big time, I think we have a shot at staying 1 or going to at least 2.

I'd loce to see UK only drop to #2 but because of their low RPI, I see them dropping to four. Syracuse and Villanova both have tremendously better RPI's than UK, Kansas only slightly better.

IMO, the top four based on the competition level they have played should be

1. Syracuse
2. Villanova
3. Kentucky
4. Kansas
kyr450 Wrote:Yea an imagine if everyone for UK would have shot there averages??? If UK would have got all the bs lucky shots SC was throwing up to fall for them, this game would have been a completely different story... We have to have everyones 100% effort on every night, because we are getting every other teams 150% effort... If dont pick up our intensity, an get that killer instinct, we can forget about winning a national title this year... We are very capable of winning but we have to start playing like we deserve to be here...

On a side note I think this was a horrible officiated game... Wall all but got tackled several, several times, Dodson did get tackled on the fast break dunk he did make, Cousins an PPat got rode like horses all night long, an nothing ever got called, then on the other end Downey was going to the line on just about every shot attempt he took, that was the only reason he scored 30... SEC officals have been a disappointment to me so far this season...

I don't agree with your comments about the officiating, that is sour grapes. Nobody on here has complained about Downey getting clubbed (which was blatent on every replay) of his last two drives to the basket. Yeah, UK didn't get some calls, but USC didn't get some either.

PPat geting rode like a horse? Yo have to be in the paint to get ridden like a horse, and PPat was very disappointing all night long in that respect.

Bottomline is UK played completely uninspired basketball. This is where you and I agree upon. If UK came out and played they are capable of, there would not be a debate of a team throwing up shots out of everywhere, or questioning officiating, and any other excuses that everyone wants to throw on this thread. UK did not play good basketball, flat out did not give the effort of a team that is ranked the #1 team in the country. If they would have played half as good against USC as they did against Arkansas, UK wins by double figures. But they didn't.

Instead of us making excuses as to why USC won, we should all be questioning why we all got cheated out of at least a decent performance from a great team. I'm possitive everyone agrees that UK is 10 times better than USC. If they would have played like they are 10 times better, USC could have still got the gifts from the officiating, threw up all the lucky shots, and UK would have still won. But UK did not play like a #1 team. The team that played the hardest won. It's that simple folks.
The fact is UK did not play to win this game. A few of my thoughts after this game are this.....After the game Miller had against Arkansas I thought he made have finally broke out but was dead wrong. How long does Coach Cal go with him in the starting lineup. I just don't think he id THAT guy yet. Why does Wall wait until the last few minutes of a game to take over? If you can break a defense down get to the basket, foul line or you teamates the ball then do it from the beginning. WHERE is Patterson? Is he not the upper classman on this team, a first team all american? Patterson has got to show up and want the ball. He stands in the corner waiting to fire up an open three and disappears from the game. And what happened to our defense? No one could guard Downey. The Kid is a very good player but UK is suppose to be loaded with NBA talent. Downey made our guys look like a joke including Mr. Wall. Defense is all about pride, heart, determination and attitude and except for Cuz no one in blue had any of that.

I congratulate Mr. Downey and the gamecocks because they really wanted this game. Hopefully UK regroups and comes out with a new fire and mission.
I would love to see a rematch of the 96 championship in the title game. That would be great.
^ Great post :Thumbs:
Colonel Kill Wrote:The fact is UK did not play to win this game. A few of my thoughts after this game are this.....After the game Miller had against Arkansas I thought he made have finally broke out but was dead wrong. How long does Coach Cal go with him in the starting lineup. I just don't think he id THAT guy yet. Why does Wall wait until the last few minutes of a game to take over? If you can break a defense down get to the basket, foul line or you teamates the ball then do it from the beginning. WHERE is Patterson? Is he not the upper classman on this team, a first team all american? Patterson has got to show up and want the ball. He stands in the corner waiting to fire up an open three and disappears from the game. And what happened to our defense? No one could guard Downey. The Kid is a very good player but UK is suppose to be loaded with NBA talent. Downey made our guys look like a joke including Mr. Wall. Defense is all about pride, heart, determination and attitude and except for Cuz no one in blue had any of that.

I congratulate Mr. Downey and the gamecocks because they really wanted this game. Hopefully UK regroups and comes out with a new fire and mission.

And this is an excellent post! :worthy:
Stardust Wrote:I don't agree with your comments about the officiating, that is sour grapes. Nobody on here has complained about Downey getting clubbed (which was blatent on every replay) of his last two drives to the basket. Yeah, UK didn't get some calls, but USC didn't get some either.

PPat geting rode like a horse? Yo have to be in the paint to get ridden like a horse, and PPat was very disappointing all night long in that respect.

Bottomline is UK played completely uninspired basketball. This is where you and I agree upon. If UK came out and played they are capable of, there would not be a debate of a team throwing up shots out of everywhere, or questioning officiating, and any other excuses that everyone wants to throw on this thread. UK did not play good basketball, flat out did not give the effort of a team that is ranked the #1 team in the country. If they would have played half as good against USC as they did against Arkansas, UK wins by double figures. But they didn't.

Instead of us making excuses as to why USC won, we should all be questioning why we all got cheated out of at least a decent performance from a great team. I'm possitive everyone agrees that UK is 10 times better than USC. If they would have played like they are 10 times better, USC could have still got the gifts from the officiating, threw up all the lucky shots, and UK would have still won. But UK did not play like a #1 team. The team that played the hardest won. It's that simple folks.

I still beleive the officiating was horrible but I totally 100% agree with what you are saying, we play like we did against arkansas, no team in the coutry will beat us...PERIOD... No matter how many lucky shots fall, an how bad the officating crew is...
Colonel Kill Wrote:The fact is UK did not play to win this game. A few of my thoughts after this game are this.....After the game Miller had against Arkansas I thought he made have finally broke out but was dead wrong. How long does Coach Cal go with him in the starting lineup. I just don't think he id THAT guy yet. Why does Wall wait until the last few minutes of a game to take over? If you can break a defense down get to the basket, foul line or you teamates the ball then do it from the beginning. WHERE is Patterson? Is he not the upper classman on this team, a first team all american? Patterson has got to show up and want the ball. He stands in the corner waiting to fire up an open three and disappears from the game. And what happened to our defense? No one could guard Downey. The Kid is a very good player but UK is suppose to be loaded with NBA talent. Downey made our guys look like a joke including Mr. Wall. Defense is all about pride, heart, determination and attitude and except for Cuz no one in blue had any of that.

I congratulate Mr. Downey and the gamecocks because they really wanted this game. Hopefully UK regroups and comes out with a new fire and mission.

My respects to you Colonel Kill, but KENTUCKY PUT IN A LOT OF EFFORT!!!!

About Miller, he did have a bad night. However, one bad game doesn't define a basketball player. Wait until the season is over to determine if he's a great player or not. Besides, Dodson and Harris struggled against South Carolina as well.

About Wall, he had a hard time as well, but face it. Who didn't have a bad game that day? Cousins was pretty much the only one. If you're criticizing Wall from a season standpoint, I wouldn't do this. He's being talked about as a national championship contender and tries his best to help his team.

About Patterson, I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees that he's probably the hardest worker on the team. By asking "WHERE is Patterson?", are you questioning his effort? He'd probably love to increase his stats and receive more NBA draft value. Keep in mind, you have Cousins, Orton, and Stevenson sharing minutes and stats with him. As long as Kentucky's winning, I'm sure he doesn't mind the lack of stats.

About defense against Devan Downey, who in the SEC can guard him? He's getting 22.4 points per game so far (By the way, he received 10 of his 30 points from his 10/11 free throw shooting.).

In summary, everyone on Kentucky's team looked nervous, meaning they played "stiff." As every coach knows, if you're players don't play loose, they usually lose. The reason Kentucky lost wasn't because of lack of effort; it was because of nervousness and playing the game at South Carolina. Once again, I have respect for you Colonel Kill, but I definitely think Kentucky put in a lot of effort in that game.
kyr450 Wrote:Yea an imagine if everyone for UK would have shot there averages??? If UK would have got all the bs lucky shots SC was throwing up to fall for them, this game would have been a completely different story... We have to have everyones 100% effort on every night, because we are getting every other teams 150% effort... If dont pick up our intensity, an get that killer instinct, we can forget about winning a national title this year... We are very capable of winning but we have to start playing like we deserve to be here...

On a side note I think this was a horrible officiated game... Wall all but got tackled several, several times, Dodson did get tackled on the fast break dunk he did make, Cousins an PPat got rode like horses all night long, an nothing ever got called, then on the other end Downey was going to the line on just about every shot attempt he took, that was the only reason he scored 30... SEC officals have been a disappointment to me so far this season...

Actually the shots SC made were wide open on the exception of downey..who makrd them every game! wall Dwoney took it to the hole alot more than wall and justshot 3 more freethrows...fouls were pretty even...And UK didnt want the win nearly as bad as SC did...
U.S.C. wanted it more,Imo. U. K. had no answer for the 5'9'' Downey. ''Someday you eat the bear, someday the bear eat you''.Agree, U.K. left it's game plan on the bus and the Gamecocks took advantage of it. The Cats will just have to play better against Vandy, or more of the same. Go Cats!!
Deathstar 80 Wrote:My respects to you Colonel Kill, but KENTUCKY PUT IN A LOT OF EFFORT!!!!

About Miller, he did have a bad night. However, one bad game doesn't define a basketball player. Wait until the season is over to determine if he's a great player or not. Besides, Dodson and Harris struggled against South Carolina as well.

About Wall, he had a hard time as well, but face it. Who didn't have a bad game that day? Cousins was pretty much the only one. If you're criticizing Wall from a season standpoint, I wouldn't do this. He's being talked about as a national championship contender and tries his best to help his team.

About Patterson, I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees that he's probably the hardest worker on the team. By asking "WHERE is Patterson?", are you questioning his effort? He'd probably love to increase his stats and receive more NBA draft value. Keep in mind, you have Cousins, Orton, and Stevenson sharing minutes and stats with him. As long as Kentucky's winning, I'm sure he doesn't mind the lack of stats.

About defense against Devan Downey, who in the SEC can guard him? He's getting 22.4 points per game so far (By the way, he received 10 of his 30 points from his 10/11 free throw shooting.).

In summary, everyone on Kentucky's team looked nervous, meaning they played "stiff." As every coach knows, if you're players don't play loose, they usually lose. The reason Kentucky lost wasn't because of lack of effort; it was because of nervousness and playing the game at South Carolina. Once again, I have respect for you Colonel Kill, but I definitely think Kentucky put in a lot of effort in that game.

I too respect your opinion DS, but I disagree that UK gave a lot of effort in this game. Here are some comments Coach Cal made about this game,Calipari called the Wildcats' loss a "collective effort" in which they got "out-hustled and out-coached on all fronts." He reserved the toughest criticism for himself.
Calipari said, who urged his team to use it as a teachable moment. "I kept telling everybody, 'We're going to get bit,'" he said. "'You're going to let somebody hang around that you're better than, and we're going to get bit.' That was that game."

Miller- I do agree that had a bad game 0 points 1 rebound 1 assist and 2 turnovers and 1 game does not define a player. I have said in many threads that this is the spot the Cats need someone to be consistent and I really hoped it would be Miller but to this point he is averaging 24 min per game 7 points 3 rebounds when Dodson averages the same in 15 min per game. I only question how long do you give Miller the starting role to be consistent before trying another player. Yet I also agree that no one else has really stepped up in that spot to be a consistent player.

Wall- I agree with you on Wall as he struggled in this game and am not criticizing him on the season. He shows at times how great he can be. Just like late in the game when he got to the rim when he wanted. I think he is a great player but he is a freshman and has a few things to learn about how to help his team. He gives 100% but when you are struggling at least get in the lane and get your teamates involved or pick it up of the defensive end. He had just 2 assist in this game and 4 to's and 1 steal. Like Downey, Wall should be unguardable in the SEC.

Patterson- he has been the hardest worker on the team except the last 3 games in he averages just 9 points per game in the last 3 down from 17 per game in the prior 17 games. He shot just 4 times in this game and the last 3 games his is 4-6, 2-9 and 2-4 from the field. So I guess I am questioning his efforts in the last 3 games. I have also heard Coach Cal say he wants him more invilved as well. He does share minutes but averages 32 per game, Cuz 21 min. Orton 13, Stevenson 9.

As for defense, you are right, nobody in the SEC has shown any ability to slow Downey but this is Kentucky, one of the best teams in the country with players like Wall, Bledsoe, Liggins, Miller that should be able to play some tough d on him. No one stepped up and said let me have him coach I'll stop him. No one that played him got down in a serious defensive stance to stay between Downey and the basket, they all stood up and tried to body him up and he just went around them. Clemson held Downey to 8 points 4 rebounds and 3 assist in 32 minutes of play so it can be done.

I aslo respect your summary of the game just disagree. I ask why would the top ranked team would look nervous and play stiff just because they are on the road at South Carolina playing an unranked team 11-8 (2-3 conference record) on their home floor. Does that mean we will be nervous and play stiff @ UT and Vandy or the rest of the SEC road. I am pretty sure they will play much better teams in the NCAA tourney away from home. I think the loss was the result of many players not playing their best and just did not see the effort I saw in other games like Arkansas, UConn, UNC. I thought they played a terrible game against Louisville but yet showed heart and guts and pulled it out. The Cats were out rebounded by the smaller USC team 44-40 with 20 offensive rebounds and UK had only 14 offensive rebounds. That desire just did not seem to be there in this game.
Its a good growing experience for uk
Colonel Kill Wrote:I aslo respect your summary of the game just disagree. I ask why would the top ranked team would look nervous and play stiff just because they are on the road at South Carolina playing an unranked team 11-8 (2-3 conference record) on their home floor. Does that mean we will be nervous and play stiff @ UT and Vandy or the rest of the SEC road. I am pretty sure they will play much better teams in the NCAA tourney away from home. I think the loss was the result of many players not playing their best and just did not see the effort I saw in other games like Arkansas, UConn, UNC. I thought they played a terrible game against Louisville but yet showed heart and guts and pulled it out. The Cats were out rebounded by the smaller USC team 44-40 with 20 offensive rebounds and UK had only 14 offensive rebounds. That desire just did not seem to be there in this game.

Keep in mind that within a year, Kentucky's three starting freshman went from playing in the small crowds of high school to playing in this intense game with the home crowd known to being so loud, there was one play where the referee blew his whistle and the players didn't hear him. So why could this top-ranked team be so nervous? It's a result of the expectations of being #1, having a target on you for being #1, and going to an intense crowd of 18,000 fans (I looked on ESPN.com, and it did say there were 18,000 fans there).

For all Kentucky fans, have less expectations on the Kentucky basketball players. Simply, let them play basketball.
back_in_black Wrote:Its a good growing experience for uk

Downey=No future in the NBA.
greenstuff22 Wrote:Downey=No future in the NBA.

So? And that makes him a bad college player? Just becasue Archie Griffin was a terrible Pro, does that no make him worthy of being maybe the greates college athlete ever? It makes zero sense to compare what type of Pro someone will be to disrespect their college ability.
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