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Brown Wins Massachusetts Senate Seat, Potentially Upending Obama Agenda
Well, I guess it's the sign of the times. You have a good arousing round or two with batman. Go to bed a get a good night's sleep . You weake in the morning, you anxiously log back on. You scan the previous night's action.Your look to your left. You look to your right. You look staight ahead, you look to the back. Everything now looks different. Well all I can say is what seems like to have happened in just a blink of an eye. Pooof, there went the neighborhood.
Please excuse the typos.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Kennedy was a liberal Democrat and you should simply man up and admit your mistake. You claimed that Kennedy was a conservative and Kennedy disagrees.
So, you are trying to tell us that W Bush was, in fact, a true conservative, simply by virtue of claiming to have been one? You are claiming that he didn't really run the deficit through the roof by spending worse than any Democrat in history before him?
Let's deal with facts, not with your wishes.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is impossible to win debates with somebody who refuses to admit mistakes.
Physician, heal thyself.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well, I guess it's the sign of the times. You have a good arousing round or two with batman. Go to bed a get a good night's sleep . You weake in the morning, you anxiously log back on. You scan the previous night's action.Your look to your left. You look to your right. You look staight ahead, you look to the back. Everything now looks different. Well all I can say is what seems like to have happened in just a blink of an eye. Pooof, there went the neighborhood.

And, "poof," there went the shredded paper... Kimbo the Clown... Anyway, why buzz in when others are arguing so vehemently?
thecavemaster Wrote:And, "poof," there went the shredded paper... Kimbo the Clown... Anyway, why buzz in when others are arguing so vehemently?

I guess we could all ask the same question with a "why are you sticking your busy body, pinko commie loving nose" in it. I dont think any of it pertained to you either, did it?? You ever think of that, SA???
Squid Wrote:So, you are trying to tell us that W Bush was, in fact, a true conservative, simply by virtue of claiming to have been one? You are claiming that he didn't really run the deficit through the roof by spending worse than any Democrat in history before him?
Let's deal with facts, not with your wishes.

Physician, heal thyself.
I have already acknowledged a mistake in this very thread, so good luck painting me with that brush. In stark contrast, I quoted JFK himself proudly proclaiming himself to be a liberal and yet you continue to argue that he was not a liberal, not a moderate, but a conservative! Kennedy was widely known as a conservative among his peers, his political friends, and his political enemies. You may label him whatever you wish but it will not change history.

You made the claim. I corrected your mistake and obviously (in my best Jack Nicholson voice), "You can't handle the truth!" :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have already acknowledged a mistake in this very thread, so good luck painting me with that brush.

[quote=Hoot Gibson]In stark contrast, I quoted JFK himself proudly proclaiming himself to be a liberal and yet you continue to argue that he was not a liberal, not a moderate, but a conservative!
Keep standing that strawman up. Sooner or later, you'll knock him down.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Kennedy was widely known as a conservative among his peers, his political friends, and his political enemies.
Well, I can't say that I blame you. You've finally realized the futility of your position, and now you're arguing my side of the debate. Don't think you're gonna pull a Bugs Bunny on me, and trick me into arguing your position.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:You may label him whatever you wish but it will not change history.
You are quite correct. That also goes for you. The fact that you want to try to paint him as a liberal will not change anything. His economic policies, his close ties to the military/industrial complex, and his support of the military (among other things) put him on the conservative side of the aisle. Not a raving, far right wingnut, but slightly to the right side of the aisle. Hey - if you don't like it, no problem. You might want to argue it with the political science professors and the historians. Then again, what do they know? After all, you have a copy of a speech he gave ...

Hoot Gibson Wrote:You made the claim. I corrected your mistake and obviously (in my best Jack Nicholson voice), "You can't handle the truth!" :lmao:
We've been over this, but I'll walk you through it again. I made the claim that JFK governed as a conservative Democrat. You jumped on that with both feet, and claimed that he was a liberal. I think a lot of people do not differentiate between a liberal and a Democrat, just as many people do not differentiate between a conservative and a Republican. Either way, conflating the two terms is a mistake.
Squid Wrote:[quote=Hoot Gibson] I have already acknowledged a mistake in this very thread, so good luck painting me with that brush.

Keep standing that strawman up. Sooner or later, you'll knock him down.

Well, I can't say that I blame you. You've finally realized the futility of your position, and now you're arguing my side of the debate. Don't think you're gonna pull a Bugs Bunny on me, and trick me into arguing your position.

You are quite correct. That also goes for you. The fact that you want to try to paint him as a liberal will not change anything. His economic policies, his close ties to the military/industrial complex, and his support of the military (among other things) put him on the conservative side of the aisle. Not a raving, far right wingnut, but slightly to the right side of the aisle. Hey - if you don't like it, no problem. You might want to argue it with the political science professors and the historians. Then again, what do they know? After all, you have a copy of a speech he gave ...

We've been over this, but I'll walk you through it again. I made the claim that JFK governed as a conservative Democrat. You jumped on that with both feet, and claimed that he was a liberal. I think a lot of people do not differentiate between a liberal and a Democrat, just as many people do not differentiate between a conservative and a Republican. Either way, conflating the two terms is a mistake.
Keep flailing away. Nobody is arguing that if you plucked JFK from his own time an plopped him down in 2010 he would be far to the right of any current Democratic senator and most likely he would waste no time switching parties.

However, the historical fact remains that Kennedy was widely considered a liberal in his own time and historical figures should always be considered within the context of the times during which they lived. Obviously, you are struggling to grasp that fact or you are just having a difficult time losing another debate. You should be used to losing by now because you certainly have had enough practice. :biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well, I guess it's the sign of the times. You have a good arousing round or two with batman. Go to bed a get a good night's sleep . You weake in the morning, you anxiously log back on. You scan the previous night's action.Your look to your left. You look to your right. You look staight ahead, you look to the back. Everything now looks different. Well all I can say is what seems like to have happened in just a blink of an eye. Pooof, there went the neighborhood.

I never thought I would read the two words "arousing" and "batman" in the same sentence from you Mr. Kimball. :eyeroll: lol
Joe Friday Wrote:I never thought I would read the two words "arousing" and "batman" in the same sentence from you Mr. Kimball. :eyeroll: lol
Yeah, well dont take it out of context. lol
Ladies and Gentlemen, and now, for your viewing and listening entertainment, I present the following video (you can start it at the 5:00 minute mark if you do not want to sit through the complete video):popcorn::

[ame=""]YouTube- Howard Dean is confused about Massachusetts. "Are voters crazy?"[/ame]

As the song goes, Let's get this party started...:party2:

[ame=""]YouTube- Howard Dean[/ame]


:Clap: A politician must be profoundly clueless to make Chris Matthews look smart. The exchange with Dean was Matthews' funniest since Zell Miller went ballistic on him and lamented the fact that dueling was no longer a legal option for dealing with Chris.
Beginning with the Brown victory on Tuesday, I do not remember a worse week for either political party than the disastrous week suffered by Democrats. Not only did Brown's victory stop the Democrats' attempt to nationalize health care, it sparked widespread finger pointing among the party, and made almost every liberal who appeared on TV to explain the loss look like fools.

Today the Supreme Court gutted the McCain-Feingold bill, which will level the playing field in November for Republicans. Democrats are extremely worried about the prospect of Republican candidates being as well financed as Democrats this fall. We shall see whose "message" sells the best when Americans are free to hear both sides' sales pitches in equal amounts.

To add insult to injury, today is the day when it became clear that liberals are even incapable of running a radio talk show network - if anyone had any doubts. Air America has filed bankruptcy and will be off the air tomorrow.

Finally, Obama's administration announced earlier this week that they still do not consider the Fox News Channel a legitimate news network. FNC's ratings have soared since Obama declared war on them. The ratings for Tuesday night's election coverage is in and it is more bad news for the White House.

[INDENT]8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor – 5,228,000 viewers (1,460,000) (2,512,000)
Campbell Brown – 1,308,000 viewers (380,000) (594,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 1,274,000 viewers (396,000) (667,000)
Bio: Bill Gates – 131,000 viewers (65,000) (101,000)
Nancy Grace – 768,000 viewers (269,000) (395,000)

9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) When Race Was Called (Hannity with Baier Announcing Election)
Hannity – 6,809,000 viewers (2,129,000) (3,381,000)
Larry King Live —1,671,000 viewers (506,000) (795,000)
Rachel Maddow Show —1,236,000 viewers (422,000) (615,000)
Buffett and Gates — 247,000 viewers (106,000) (124,000)
Joy Behar- 845,000 viewers (291,000) (429,000)

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On the Record w/ Greta—6,399,000 viewers (2,077,000) (3,319,000)
Anderson Cooper 360(10:00 – 10:30pm) — 1,508,000 viewers (564,000) (798,000)
Larry King Live (10:30 – 11:00pm) – 1,835,000 (536,000) (843,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 903,000 viewers (343,000) (461,000)
Inside the Mind of Google – 171,000 viewers (79,000) (78,000)
Nancy Grace –429,000 viewers (207,000) (264,000)[/INDENT]

This has been a great week to be a conservative and this is only Thursday!
POLITICS; Poly (multiple) Ticks (blood suckers)
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Redneck Wrote:POLITICS; Poly (multiple) Ticks (blood suckers)
True, but if you don't pay attention to the parasites they will suck your blood, grow fat, burst, and infect your entire system.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I guess we could all ask the same question with a "why are you sticking your busy body, pinko commie loving nose" in it. I dont think any of it pertained to you either, did it?? You ever think of that, SA???

You made a loving reference to "batman" in your earlier post, did you not? "pinko commie"? What? You seek to bring back the McCarthy era?
thecavemaster Wrote:You made a loving reference to "batman" in your earlier post, did you not? "pinko commie"? What? You seek to bring back the McCarthy era?

Well now if I ever do use the word "batman" you can be assured it is always used lovingly.

Yeah well, it kinda fits the bill. Wouldn't you agree?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well now if I ever do use the word "batman" you can be assured it is always used lovingly.

Yeah well, it kinda fits the bill. Wouldn't you agree?

Of course, you did use the word "batman." You should read even your own posts more slowly. I'm just gonna let you twist in the wind on this one, Kimba the Clown.
thecavemaster Wrote:Of course, you did use the word "batman." You should read even your own posts more slowly. I'm just gonna let you twist in the wind on this one, Kimba the Clown.

The only reference to the word batman was just making a statement that we had had a debate the previous night. Perhaps if you read them more slowly yourself, he might possibly comprehend their usage. I guess the wind blew your spit right back in your face. huh?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:The only reference to the word batman was just making a statement that we had had a debate the previous night. Perhaps if you read them more slowly yourself, he might possibly comprehend their usage. I guess the wind blew your spit right back in your face. huh?

What are we debating here? You referenced me in the post. I responded. So what? Let's move on.
thecavemaster Wrote:What are we debating here? You referenced me in the post. I responded. So what? Let's move on.

The reference was nothing that required a response. You're the one who seems to be insistent on making some kind of a deal out of it.

I agree, move on with it batman.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:The reference was nothing that required a response. You're the one who seems to be insistent on making some kind of a deal out of it.

I agree, move on with it batman.

Typical Kimball...
thecavemaster Wrote:Typical Kimball...

What do you mean "typical" ? Hey Bud, I cant help it your making yourself look like a dang fool. All one has to do is go back to post #31, and then chronologically read each ensuing post. Read them and then dispute it.:eyeroll:

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