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Why start a thread for every game in KY?
Creeker Wrote:While I agree with what most of you are saying about the posting of every individual game score on a given night, but when you start trying to tell people what they can/can't post (ie. you're not allowed to just say "good win", "congrats", etc...) then good luck keeping this site afloat. Just Saying...
I don't think that people are telling you what you can and what you can't post. It's just their opinion. I started this thread because I wanted to give my opinion and allow others to give theirs.

Hopefully the "people that make the final decision/owners" use this info to make this site better.
goodguy Wrote:I don't think that people are telling you what you can and what you can't post. It's just their opinion. I started this thread because I wanted to give my opinion and allow others to give theirs.

Hopefully the "people that make the final decision/owners" use this info to make this site better.
Oh no... by know means was I saying they were telling what you can and can't do, but that is what they were "suggesting" should be disallowed... just like disallowing the posting of every single game score.
I agree about the "Good Win" and "Congrats" posts when a poster is just blindly going into every thread that has a score just to post something.

I have posted "Congrats" in a thread but I truly thought it was a win worth congratulating. I only do this when I am familiar with the team or teams and feel that it is worthy of a "congratulations" or a comment about it being a "good" or "big" win. JMO
Right... and I have done the same. I may go in to a thread for Magoffin vs. Johnson Central and say congrats to MG just because I thought it was a good win for them, but I get what everyone is saying... If I went into everyone of these threads and said Congrats just to be saying... yes that is a little much.
Ring'Em Up Wrote:While I am making like my 2nd post in probably a month, due to this exact reason, I might as well throw my opinions in, as well. I very rarely even log in anymore because it is so boring to see a list of game threads of "Final!" or "Congrats!", with zero replies, or the only reply being the original poster padding his total by putting the box score as the 2nd post, when clearly it could have been put in the original post. Yeah, this whole problem ran some members off last year, while adding some new ones, which I really believe wasn't as much as a result of these millions of useless threads, as it was the general growth of the site.

It really urks me to see also, that people that this time last year who were "Well, I am jus trying to help" or "what can I do to make it better?" etc etc, are now "if you don't like it, I dont care" or "it's your problem if you don't like what I do," all because of a status change in their user name/title. Clearly that shows me that that is all they were after, and now that they have the privileges or title they wanted, they completely turned a 180 against everyone else who makes this board happen. The regular, casual posters.
I probably spent 2+ hours easily every single day on here the last 3 years, but over the last 6 months, I haven't spent 5 mins a day on here, due to the ridiculousness of some of these threads. You scroll down and see a game with like 6 replies and think "Wow, actually some discussion on these teams!" Only to be blindsided once again. I mean, does it really take 5 posts to put a final score, a congratulations, a box score and a news story about ONE game? From the SAME poster?

Now, I come to the site, check the baseball forum, and any forum that may have something recent about my 2 local high schools, and scan over the threads in pro sports for any MLB threads. I don't even go to the trouble of clicking one button to log on unless there is a thread that really, really draws my interest.
In short, this is one long time member who is completely turned off by this site anymore. Whether it be the craziness of all these posts, or the attitudes of newly appointed staff and their eagerness to show their new-found authority by closing threads prematurely (up to and including update threads when games are in progress, by the way), or just being rude in general now that they have the "Moderator" title or whatever it is. Really, is it necessary to put "final" in every update thread to justify closing it, even AFTER someone has put the final score? I would think people know the game is over and thus the reason for closing the thread when a final score is there. And, correct me if I am wrong, but during this whole deal last year, wasn't the whole idea of these one and two word posts such as "Congrats" or "Nice win" supposedly were to be frowned upon? I really think I recall a mod, staff, someone saying something to the sort of "if you have the time to click in a thread and post, please make an effort to put a thought or opinion, not just 'grats'."

In short, as bad as it hurts me to say it, lol, I spend more time on "the other site" now. The funniest thing, I dont even have an account there because "him" and all those people are so weird and uptight, but I jus look forward to the days of when they open the whole board up to everyone, and I read like ****. But it's not just me, believe me. I see long, long-time members, everyday posters who just dont post anymore. Many real life friends. And they tell me jus what I tell them when asked why I am not on much anymore.

I appreciate everything Q has done for the site and sports in the area in general. He took his idea and made it happen and it took off. I know he is a very busy man and has to put his trust in others to make sure they keep this sight flowing in a positive direction. And the majority have continued to do a great job at it and I appreciate that.

Edit: My apologies for going so long. In that little reply box, it's hard to see when you have typed so much. :biggrin:
After a post of this length, I am gonna be accused of being as boring as these multiple threads.

And yes, I know a visit to "The Box" is more than likely in my near future.:yikes:

Great post and one that is genuine and sincere. I have no issue with taking the shots and have no qualms with being the focal point of the discussion. I started all of this last year and took the hits for it then and have ZERO issue taking the hits this year. Your points are valid and very warranted.

I dare disagree with your comments that people have been driven away based on thread or post totals. I have seen activity on this site skyrocket. This site has grown to be so much more than what it was. That was an effort taken by few, while others wanted to keep the status quo and were happy with the limited amount of scope that this site was. The growth of this site was not a result of me, but I do take pride in that I pushed this site (and continue to do so). Now there is discussion, disagreement, and genuine dislike of posters from a far larger population that this site has ever seen. My challenge then was, don't knock those trying to help, find a way to make it better for all.

When I joined this site, it was due to the fact that it was intended to be a state-wide site. The effort to get it out to other areas of the state had grown stale. I find it funny how people want to now knock that the site has grown to a list of useless threads. That is an obvious indication that others, including staff members, don't want it to change from what it was. I went through all of this last year when it was said that it was rediculous to post threads that no one was reading. Then low and behold, the threads began getting "Views", which was an obvious indication someone was looking to see if there were any comments. Next thing you know, these threads that were getting no views, to views, started getting comments.

When I started this, there was no discussion about NKY Basketball (well, other than from me). NOW, People are hating on the poster who generates some of the best posts on this site, because he posts mostly about Holmes Basketball. The NKY posts are now getting to the point of what the EKY posts are, and that appears to be taboo to many. That's fine, those who "hate it", obviously didn't join for the "Bluegrass" site, they wanted the regional site. Instead, we have a tremendous following from NKY that post comments on almost all threads for NKY sports. We are getting more and more comments posted on areas in the Central part of the state, at least three times more than we have just a year ago.

I completely disagree with your comment that you inferred that I don't care, or it's your problem. I don't care, or it's your problem if you just want this site to only be a regional only site. That's not what this site is for. So don't misconstrue my comment becasue that is not accurate at all.

You stated that you spend more time on the "other site". You mean the other site that has a comment on virtually every singe game played in the state? You don't seem to have issue that the same games you comment on here that don't need to be on here, are on there. I guess the difference is that those threads have posts. Well, there we go. Isn't that what is wanted on this site. Are there regional separations for those threads. Nope. Seems like no one has issue with fighting through those threads without having to make a separation or segration.

Closing threads. Interesting, there were threads on here asking why threads are being closed. Putting a comment on the thread to say why it is being closed seemed to answer that question for others. Deleting posts. I dare say that no posts are deleted or edited that do not fall in line with the rules of the site. You have a question for the deletion, then ask why?

Staff Members don't ask to be a staff member. I dare say that any staff member that I know, including myself, has changed who they were after getting the privelage to be on staff. I can honestly say that I declined the first time I was asked if I had an interest to be a Staff Member because I did not want to change what I do, or because of the short tenure on the site. I was asked again, and honorably accepted. I shared my concern about how post totals, and previous history of pushing game threads would irk some. Well, I was honored with the opportunity regardless. The comments about how a member gets to be on staff was exactly why I declined interest.

As I said, I have no issue with taking the brunt of the comments. For me, the growth of the site is reward enough. I'm fairly confident that until we have discussion on every single thread, then I will take the brunt next year.

Stardust Wrote:Great post and one that is genuine and sincere. I have no issue with taking the shots and have no qualms with being the focal point of the discussion. I started all of this last year and took the hits for it then and have ZERO issue taking the hits this year. Your points are valid and very warranted.

I dare disagree with your comments that people have been driven away based on thread or post totals. I have seen activity on this site skyrocket. This site has grown to be so much more than what it was. That was an effort taken by few, while others wanted to keep the status quo and were happy with the limited amount of scope that this site was. The growth of this site was not a result of me, but I do take pride in that I pushed this site (and continue to do so). Now there is discussion, disagreement, and genuine dislike of posters from a far larger population that this site has ever seen. My challenge then was, don't knock those trying to help, find a way to make it better for all.

When I joined this site, it was due to the fact that it was intended to be a state-wide site. The effort to get it out to other areas of the state had grown stale. I find it funny how people want to now knock that the site has grown to a list of useless threads. That is an obvious indication that others, including staff members, don't want it to change from what it was. I went through all of this last year when it was said that it was rediculous to post threads that no one was reading. Then low and behold, the threads began getting "Views", which was an obvious indication someone was looking to see if there were any comments. Next thing you know, these threads that were getting no views, to views, started getting comments.

When I started this, there was no discussion about NKY Basketball (well, other than from me). NOW, People are hating on the poster who generates some of the best posts on this site, because he posts mostly about Holmes Basketball. The NKY posts are now getting to the point of what the EKY posts are, and that appears to be taboo to many. That's fine, those who "hate it", obviously didn't join for the "Bluegrass" site, they wanted the regional site. Instead, we have a tremendous following from NKY that post comments on almost all threads for NKY sports. We are getting more and more comments posted on areas in the Central part of the state, at least three times more than we have just a year ago.

I completely disagree with your comment that you inferred that I don't care, or it's your problem. I don't care, or it's your problem if you just want this site to only be a regional only site. That's not what this site is for. So don't misconstrue my comment becasue that is not accurate at all.

You stated that you spend more time on the "other site". You mean the other site that has a comment on virtually every singe game played in the state? You don't seem to have issue that the same games you comment on here that don't need to be on here, are on there. I guess the difference is that those threads have posts. Well, there we go. Isn't that what is wanted on this site. Are there regional separations for those threads. Nope. Seems like no one has issue with fighting through those threads without having to make a separation or segration.

Closing threads. Interesting, there were threads on here asking why threads are being closed. Putting a comment on the thread to say why it is being closed seemed to answer that question for others. Deleting posts. I dare say that no posts are deleted or edited that do not fall in line with the rules of the site. You have a question for the deletion, then ask why?

Staff Members don't ask to be a staff member. I dare say that any staff member that I know, including myself, has changed who they were after getting the privelage to be on staff. I can honestly say that I declined the first time I was asked if I had an interest to be a Staff Member because I did not want to change what I do, or because of the short tenure on the site. I was asked again, and honorably accepted. I shared my concern about how post totals, and previous history of pushing game threads would irk some. Well, I was honored with the opportunity regardless. The comments about how a member gets to be on staff was exactly why I declined interest.

As I said, I have no issue with taking the brunt of the comments. For me, the growth of the site is reward enough. I'm fairly confident that until we have discussion on every single thread, then I will take the brunt next year.


The dude posts more dealing with Shelby Valley negativity then he does anything dealing with Holmes. Even the higher up members are getting tired of him in the Valley threads eventhough he sad he was "trying" to stay out of them because of the trouble he causes. Sure, there's talk of NKY teams now due to him and you, but it really is drawing negativity towards EKY because he thinks it's all EKY knows is EKY basketball.
i can slow down and not post so many high school scores, if you would like???
PC_You_Know Wrote:The dude posts more dealing with Shelby Valley negativity then he does anything dealing with Holmes. Even the higher up members are getting tired of him in the Valley threads eventhough he sad he was "trying" to stay out of them because of the trouble he causes. Sure, there's talk of NKY teams now due to him and you, but it really is drawing negativity towards EKY because he thinks it's all EKY knows is EKY basketball.

I'm not sure I follow, what would make you think that his threads is drawing negativity towards EKY? I have read almost all the thread (as who wouldn't know that, right :biggrinSmile and have seen banter, fights and arguments.

Interesting that I just read another thread how someone said this site used to be about Opinions and Debate and now it has changed for the worse. But this is an example of people getting upset about Opinions and Debate.

I think it is great that people disagree and want to defend their Players, their school, or their Region. Actually, I love it. Isn't that one of the purposes of the site?

Isn't this thread exactly what this site should be for? I think it funny when people get their feelings hurt and then want to make it personal! That's the posters who are not open minded.

You and I have had our fun in disagreements, but I don't think you and I hold any ill will towards each other.

Good lord, last year, there was no Hate between Holmes fans and Shelby Valley Fans. Now people are getting upset about both sides being obstinate about those two schools, that then grows into an NKY and EKY debate! So, that's awesome! That's what this should be about.

Did everyone forget what we spent the entire winter last year reading. The hatred between Shelby Valley and Elliott County fans. Now that EC is having a down year, there is ZERO conversation between those two factions. Was it wrong for those two schools, from two different Regions to battle it out off the court too? NO!

As I have said, I have not changed one bit from the poster that I was when I started in 2008. I love a debate, and argument. Is that what everyone really wants? A site where we all have the same feelings about the exact same topics? If it's stupid or mundane, then it's not for you. But don't think it's not for someone else!
Strikeout King Wrote:i can slow down and not post so many high school scores, if you would like???

Why? I don't have an issue with it (I'm sure everyone just said -OBVIOUSLY :biggrinSmile

But I'll ask the question, why do you do it?

Do you get pounded with PM's telling you to stop? Do you get cursed out because of it?

Not sure about you, but I got it this time last year. I survived it, but had solid intentions.
In the idea of not having a page long quote/thread, this is in response to Dusty.

"I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you."

This was from your first post in this thread.
My point....this time last year when everyone was tired of the mess that the boards had become, you were saying "I apologize if it bothers people that I post so much, I am just trying to help the site grow, what can I do to help", etc. Now you just said you don't care if we like what you do or not. How is the bold part not saying you dont care what we think, and that it is our problem if we don't like it? I believe your comment was not misconstrued at all. The whole regional/statewide theory was not even being questioned. Only the matter of how it was defended by you this time last year, as compared to this year, now that you are in a position of administration you so "honorably" accepted.
My first post was not directed at one individual, as this post is neither, except for the opening reply, as you clearly disputed some of my opinions and thoughts in your reply. There were concerns directed at a broader, more general view than jus one member, but you took it upon yourself to assume it was all about you.

I could care less who is an admin, mod, whatever, or if someone reaches 1 million posts before I reach a thousand. I just know I am tired of opening up a thread in hopes of seeing something worthy of reading, and getting a "Congrats", a "Nice Win!", an "As predicted", or a "Wow." Congratulating a team in a post you have made discussing the game is fine. But to go into every game final and only post "Congrats"? I honestly would like to know why people do that? Thats no different than everyone "Gratz"ing Lebron in a post when he wins MVP or "Congrats Yankees" when they win the series, but not taking the time to offer any insight or opinion on why you congratulated them. Are these high school coaches, superstar athletes, etc, keeping track of how many strangers on a discussion board are offering their praises for a win or accomplishment?

Of course I want this site to grow. The core members/creators have worked dilligently to keep it alive and grow it each day. My concern is, or should I say "was", instead of alienating those already here by multiple dead posts that have proven over time to not produce any interest, why not create threads to the idea of "Awesome win by This team over That team" or "What's going on in the 3rd region?", or "Did anyone hear about the season So and So High is having this year?" or "Who are the teams to beat in the 10th this season?" I know threads such as that in the baseball forum actually have some good talk in them and then branch off into wider discussion of individual teams, players, etc. Much, much more productive at drawing interest than a list of 25 consecutive scores all with "Grats" and "Good job." At least it shows, whether hollow or not, a sense of genuine interest in the topic at hand.

I know my opinion doesn't matter on this whole deal. It won't make a difference, but I just thought it was the correct thread to voice my reasons as to why I no longer spend time on here and contribute like I used to, as well as other long time members, to maybe help keep from ruining what used to be an enjoyable sports outlet for someone else down the line.

P.S. I want in The Box. I am hungry for The Box. :Hungry:
As for this portion: "I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you."

I have to applaud you, this is good journalism to cut out the rest of the post that discusses the issues complaints that I went through and the appreciation that I had for what I personally did (Which doesn't mean squat to the overall health of this site, so it is not a pat on the back) to draw interest. By not refencing the preceeding comments, you can easily take my words from about and can construe them improperly. Which has happened. So when I say I don't care, it means that I had no issue's with those who chastised me for trying to make this site statewide. I would have done it all again (which I guess I am now). And I recognize that there are those who don't want the site to grow from what it was to what it is becoming (Broader than a single geographic region), and for those that is their issue to deal with, because it is not the direction or the intent that this site was built upon.

Your other points are all valid. You go into every thread just as I do. Hoping to see if there is something in there to post about. When there is nothing, then yes, I do post a kudo's. If someone adds a topic, then I will attempt to make a response. I think going back into post and putting box scores is extremely valuable. Putting that information may well draw interest, especially if there is a recognizable name, or someone has a big statistical night.

I'll ask, if you were on this site before more than you are now, then you are telling me that those very same topics that you posted in before are gone? I sure don't see that. I would disagree, and it is posted in another thread, that the original members are leaving because they don't like what the site has become.

What has it become? Again, I don't see less of the same conversations that we had from just one region, so it can't be that it those conversations have disappeared. Is it because now there is more discussion from all over that bothers people, knowing that it is no longer the one area site. I don't buy that there is less activity because there are multiple game score posts! As I said, if someone is a member on another site, just as many game threads are there. Difference - They are getting comments. I'll argue that the exact same things were said about non-posted game threads last year. The number of those are becoming fewer and fewer!
Stardust Wrote:Why? I don't have an issue with it (I'm sure everyone just said -OBVIOUSLY :biggrinSmile

But I'll ask the question, why do you do it?

Do you get pounded with PM's telling you to stop? Do you get cursed out because of it?

Not sure about you, but I got it this time last year. I survived it, but had solid intentions.

well because i have posted several final score threads that have went without getting replies.

i do it to try and get people from WKY to get on here. as far as i know we only have 1 from the western part of the state and thats UCFB.

nope haven't gotten any PM's like that
PC_You_Know Wrote:The dude posts more dealing with Shelby Valley negativity then he does anything dealing with Holmes. Even the higher up members are getting tired of him in the Valley threads eventhough he sad he was "trying" to stay out of them because of the trouble he causes. Sure, there's talk of NKY teams now due to him and you, but it really is drawing negativity towards EKY because he thinks it's all EKY knows is EKY basketball.

You are correct. He stays on Shelby Valley threads more than any.
Stardust Wrote:As for this portion: "I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you."

I have to applaud you, this is good journalism to cut out the rest of the post that discusses the issues complaints that I went through and the appreciation that I had for what I personally did (Which doesn't mean squat to the overall health of this site, so it is not a pat on the back) to draw interest. By not refencing the preceeding comments, you can easily take my words from about and can construe them improperly. Which has happened. So when I say I don't care, it means that I had no issue's with those who chastised me for trying to make this site statewide. I would have done it all again (which I guess I am now). And I recognize that there are those who don't want the site to grow from what it was to what it is becoming (Broader than a single geographic region), and for those that is their issue to deal with, because it is not the direction or the intent that this site was built upon.

Your other points are all valid. You go into every thread just as I do. Hoping to see if there is something in there to post about. When there is nothing, then yes, I do post a kudo's. If someone adds a topic, then I will attempt to make a response. I think going back into post and putting box scores is extremely valuable. Putting that information may well draw interest, especially if there is a recognizable name, or someone has a big statistical night.

I'll ask, if you were on this site before more than you are now, then you are telling me that those very same topics that you posted in before are gone? I sure don't see that. I would disagree, and it is posted in another thread, that the original members are leaving because they don't like what the site has become.

What has it become? Again, I don't see less of the same conversations that we had from just one region, so it can't be that it those conversations have disappeared. Is it because now there is more discussion from all over that bothers people, knowing that it is no longer the one area site. I don't buy that there is less activity because there are multiple game score posts! As I said, if someone is a member on another site, just as many game threads are there. Difference - They are getting comments. I'll argue that the exact same things were said about non-posted game threads last year. The number of those are becoming fewer and fewer!

to much on negative comments toward EKY. and that ****es me off.
Quote:I'll argue that the exact same things were said about non-posted game threads last year. The number of those are becoming fewer and fewer!

I don't know about last year but this year I disagree they are getting fewer and fewer it looks there are more and more with no comments.
There are 41 threads on the first two pages of this site that were started since yesterday that have no "replies" or one "reply" that says, "congrats" or "nice job" etc.
My opinion on the matter is this: I don't like seeing threads about teams that no one discusses or teams that don't even win 3 or 4 games a season. I read threads in our sports forums about teams that draw my interest. I've become a big fan of 7th region basketball lately and I'm probably more involved in those threads than I am with 15th region threads anymore and its mostly because no one wants to discuss basketball anymore in the EKY teams threads. Everyone wants to find a way to bicker with someone else and make it personal as someone mentioned above. That's not the way it used to be when I signed up 4 1/2 years ago. We discussed football, basketball, etc. We didn't get on here just to call someone a name because you disagreed with them. Only threads that have reasonable discussion in them anymore are the threads about the teams within' the golden triangle and you can usually find my opinion in there.

If someone is going to post scores, at least post scores that you know for a fact will draw interest. You start a thread about any top 20 team or a team that has been ranked at least once this season, the thread will get reasonable replies outside of someone saying "Congrats", etc. Find the teams that get hits from readers/members and make threads about them. Its what the people want to see. I'm not saying we abandon our EKY talk about the lesser teams, because those threads get hits. ****, Jenkins wins 2 games a season it seems, but their threads draw more interest than a lot of the better teams in the state and I like that.

BTW, why are so many referring to posts being deleted? When posts are deleted they are a violation of the sites rules or that specific member is intending to start trouble. We don't delete posts for the helluva it.
^ So then, we only post about schools that draw interest? Who are they? Last year, I posted score after score of NKY teams that got zero hits. I'm fairly confident that if I had asked anyone if those schools were relevant and deserved to continue getting zero hit after zero hit, everyone on here would have let's not post those games anymore. Now, those very same schools (games) that got zero hits is getting discussion! By who, those who are interested in them. I thought that is what this site is all about, discuss the topics you want to discuss, pass over those topics you don't want to discuss. And if we didn't post those games, then those games would not be posted on now!

So it's really the ingredient for growth to say that we only will create a thread for the schools that "WE" feel is relvent? Sound's like that is going backwards versus what has proven to be successful!

Everyone is wanting to make this sound like it's a bash about EKY. It's not a bash at all. This site was built in EKY which makes it very much rooted in EKY sports. That's not a issue, it's a fact and I in no way am trying to disuade or change that at all. But I have asked over and over, is this a statewide site an have been told over and over that it is. Then how do you expand the site into new regions. I've challenged everyone on this site, members and staf alike, on how to do that. I for one now one way that helped this site expand. Expanding was what I was told was a good thing, something to add to what was already established. It wasn't to take away, but to add, and it WORKED and will continue to as long as we don't start limiting ourselves!
goodguy Wrote:There are 41 threads on the first two pages of this site that were started since yesterday that have no "replies" or one "reply" that says, "congrats" or "nice job" etc.

When I reviewed last years, we were at 80+ that had the exact same thing. So you have helped me make my point. We have affected 50% of the exact same process we had last year. I appreciate you taking a look at this, it helped in trying to see if this process works or not.
Stardust Wrote:^ So then, we only post about schools that draw interest? Who are they? Last year, I posted score after score of NKY teams that got zero hits. I'm fairly confident that if I had asked anyone if those schools were relevant and deserved to continue getting zero hit after zero hit, everyone on here would have let's not post those games anymore. Now, those very same schools (games) that got zero hits is getting discussion! By who, those who are interested in them. I thought that is what this site is all about, discuss the topics you want to discuss, pass over those topics you don't want to discuss. And if we didn't post those games, then those games would not be posted on now!

So it's really the ingredient for growth to say that we only will create a thread for the schools that "WE" feel is relvent? Sound's like that is going backwards versus what has proven to be successful!

Everyone is wanting to make this sound like it's a bash about EKY. It's not a bash at all. This site was built in EKY which makes it very much rooted in EKY sports. That's not a issue, it's a fact and I in no way am trying to disuade or change that at all. But I have asked over and over, is this a statewide site an have been told over and over that it is. Then how do you expand the site into new regions. I've challenged everyone on this site, members and staf alike, on how to do that. I for one now one way that helped this site expand. Expanding was what I was told was a good thing, something to add to what was already established. It wasn't to take away, but to add, and it WORKED and will continue to as long as we don't start limiting ourselves!

When a thread is created about Ballard, Christian County, Bowling Green, GRC, Lexington Catholic, etc. they are discussed, correct? And its usually the same people who discuss it that have no relevancy to that particular school - Its true also.

If someone wants their school to be discussed then they start the topic, someone else shouldn't have to do it for them. We are an all Kentucky site (BLUEGRASSrivals) and that should be enough of an open invitation for someone from/or interested in Portland Christian (for example) to start a topic on.

I'm not saying that anyone is in the wrong, because we don't have a rule against someone creating a final score thread for every school in the commonwealth. But majority rules that we do not prefer to see every single final score. Maybe a sub-forum for final scores would work, although I'm not a fan of it.

SD, I'm not targeting you with my opinion, I respect yours.

Ring'Em Up Wrote:In the idea of not having a page long quote/thread, this is in response to Dusty.

"I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you."

This was from your first post in this thread.
My point....this time last year when everyone was tired of the mess that the boards had become, you were saying "I apologize if it bothers people that I post so much, I am just trying to help the site grow, what can I do to help", etc. Now you just said you don't care if we like what you do or not. How is the bold part not saying you dont care what we think, and that it is our problem if we don't like it? I believe your comment was not misconstrued at all. The whole regional/statewide theory was not even being questioned. Only the matter of how it was defended by you this time last year, as compared to this year, now that you are in a position of administration you so "honorably" accepted.
My first post was not directed at one individual, as this post is neither, except for the opening reply, as you clearly disputed some of my opinions and thoughts in your reply. There were concerns directed at a broader, more general view than jus one member, but you took it upon yourself to assume it was all about you.

I could care less who is an admin, mod, whatever, or if someone reaches 1 million posts before I reach a thousand. I just know I am tired of opening up a thread in hopes of seeing something worthy of reading, and getting a "Congrats", a "Nice Win!", an "As predicted", or a "Wow." Congratulating a team in a post you have made discussing the game is fine. But to go into every game final and only post "Congrats"? I honestly would like to know why people do that? Thats no different than everyone "Gratz"ing Lebron in a post when he wins MVP or "Congrats Yankees" when they win the series, but not taking the time to offer any insight or opinion on why you congratulated them. Are these high school coaches, superstar athletes, etc, keeping track of how many strangers on a discussion board are offering their praises for a win or accomplishment?

Of course I want this site to grow. The core members/creators have worked dilligently to keep it alive and grow it each day. My concern is, or should I say "was", instead of alienating those already here by multiple dead posts that have proven over time to not produce any interest, why not create threads to the idea of "Awesome win by This team over That team" or "What's going on in the 3rd region?", or "Did anyone hear about the season So and So High is having this year?" or "Who are the teams to beat in the 10th this season?" I know threads such as that in the baseball forum actually have some good talk in them and then branch off into wider discussion of individual teams, players, etc. Much, much more productive at drawing interest than a list of 25 consecutive scores all with "Grats" and "Good job." At least it shows, whether hollow or not, a sense of genuine interest in the topic at hand.

I know my opinion doesn't matter on this whole deal. It won't make a difference, but I just thought it was the correct thread to voice my reasons as to why I no longer spend time on here and contribute like I used to, as well as other long time members, to maybe help keep from ruining what used to be an enjoyable sports outlet for someone else down the line.

P.S. I want in The Box. I am hungry for The Box. :Hungry:
What we have heah, is a failya to camunicate.
^ I'm not taking anything negatively (from you or anyone else on here), so don't think I am challenging you, but challenging all of our ideas, including mine.

BCA, Holmes and Newport are not my schools! They started getting some discussion, and let's be honest, you are the one to start adding comments before anyone else. Now we have a half dozen posters that are dedicated to Holmes sports, not just basketball. They got on here and saw their school. We drew the NKY contingent, why? Not for the same reasons as me when I first joined, because there was nothing on this site about NKY schools. When the NKY poster got on here, where do you think they found the NKY score to post to - At the Bottom.

We are expanding into the middle of the state. We now have more than just EasternAlum who can speak about teams in the Louisville area. We have offered them something to talk about. I love TrinitySID and his posts for the Rocks games. I'm not saying it was because of seeing a score thread, I don't know what it was, but it was because there was something on here, agreed?

We all know that we need to somehow get into WKY. We are not going to get them if their is nothing on this site about that area. When will we get them? I don't have that answer, but I know that offering them nothing, we get nothing from them.

I'm open for the attacks on here. I'm fine for people telling me I am all wrong. I'm not concerned about people telling me I am wrong, that's OK, I get it at Home all the time as well. It's that passion that is making this a great thread! Right?
I hate to even say anything, but feel compelled to do so... Personally I don't care for all the posts of the individual scores of each and every game in the State, but it's really not that big a deal to skip over them and I typically just click on the "New Posts" link when I log in anyways. With that said, IMO, the posting of the individual scores and them getting 0 replies/posts is no different than someone going out and copying the latest headlines of every sports related news story across the nation and pasting them into a thread with a link to the story with 0 replies/posts to it. But, again, that's just my opinion and I am nothing more than a lowly "cheerleader"... :biggrin:
Stardust Wrote:^ I'm not taking anything negatively (from you or anyone else on here), so don't think I am challenging you, but challenging all of our ideas, including mine.

BCA, Holmes and Newport are not my schools! They started getting some discussion, and let's be honest, you are the one to start adding comments before anyone else. Now we have a half dozen posters that are dedicated to Holmes sports, not just basketball. They got on here and saw their school. We drew the NKY contingent, why? Not for the same reasons as me when I first joined, because there was nothing on this site about NKY schools. When the NKY poster got on here, where do you think they found the NKY score to post to - At the Bottom.

We are expanding into the middle of the state. We now have more than just EasternAlum who can speak about teams in the Louisville area. We have offered them something to talk about. I love TrinitySID and his posts for the Rocks games. I'm not saying it was because of seeing a score thread, I don't know what it was, but it was because there was something on here, agreed?

We all know that we need to somehow get into WKY. We are not going to get them if their is nothing on this site about that area. When will we get them? I don't have that answer, but I know that offering them nothing, we get nothing from them.

I'm open for the attacks on here. I'm fine for people telling me I am all wrong. I'm not concerned about people telling me I am wrong, that's OK, I get it at Home all the time as well. It's that passion that is making this a great thread! Right?

I realize that certain schools from NKY have more than a few posters on here discussing more than one sport, but don't you think if we dicuss schools that are from WKY that are successful we will work our way into getting more WKY members rather than discussing a school that wins 0-10 games a season? I'm not trying to belittle those schools, but chances are if we start discussing more schools like Bowling Green, Warren Central, Paducah Tilghman, Hopkinsville, Apollo, Christian County, etc. that more members from other schools will soon chime in as well.

I know I'm usually first to comment on a big upset or a win for a highly regarded team from another part of the state and that's simply because folks in those threads like to discuss basketball rather than someone from Knott or Perry County trying to bicker about who has the better gym or who has the best fan section.
Creeker Wrote:I hate to even say anything, but feel compelled to do so... Personally I don't care for all the posts of the individual scores of each and every game in the State, but it's really not that big a deal to skip over them and I typically just click on the "New Posts" link when I log in anyways. With that said, IMO, the posting of the individual scores and them getting 0 replies/posts is no different than someone going out and copying the latest headlines of every sports related news story across the nation and pasting them into a thread with a link to the story with 0 replies/posts to it. But, again, that's just my opinion and I am nothing more than a lowly "cheerleader"... :biggrin:

I think your referring to the RSS feeds that QQ has set up.
^ right... I know that someone is not manually coming on and posting these threads, but they are no less annoying than the page full of final scores threads. When I click on New Posts they show up just the same and fill the screen with a page full of new threads with 0 replies. Just saying...
Creeker Wrote:^ right... I know that someone is not manually coming on and posting these threads, but they are no less annoying than the page full of final scores threads. When I click on New Posts they show up just the same and fill the screen with a page full of new threads with 0 replies. Just saying...

QQs intentions with the RSS feeds is for those who see a breaking news one come through and if you want you can repost it. Its come in quite handy for me a few times. I think its easier seeing it on here rather than googling it.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I realize that certain schools from NKY have more than a few posters on here discussing more than one sport, but don't you think if we dicuss schools that are from WKY that are successful we will work our way into getting more WKY members rather than discussing a school that wins 0-10 games a season? I'm not trying to belittle those schools, but chances are if we start discussing more schools like Bowling Green, Warren Central, Paducah Tilghman, Hopkinsville, Apollo, Christian County, etc. that more members from other schools will soon chime in as well.

I know I'm usually first to comment on a big upset or a win for a highly regarded team from another part of the state and that's simply because folks in those threads like to discuss basketball rather than someone from Knott or Perry County trying to bicker about who has the better gym or who has the best fan section.

Only if we want posters from that school. I'm not here because my school is a top school in the state or a rocgnizable school to anyone outside of NKY.

I just went through scores with zero posts. We have several that are posted by posters who seem to have a name associated with their school. I appluad them for posting their school after everygame only to get zero hits game after game. That is a person who is not waiting for the score, they are posting it themself, but it is obviously of no interest to anyone else on here. I hope at some point those posters who are going against the grain get rewarded by having someone else share something with them. Is this person in the wrong for posting his school's sport, but getting ZERO replies? I'm reading on here that that is an irelevent score and should not be on here.

But I think we will defend him by saying, it's his school, so posting for your school is OK. Even though no one has an interest in his school's score, it is relevent whether any of us think so or not. So if we take it a step further, we don't want to discourage that member, but let's look at what we are saying in this thread, that member should only post scores that are relevent to everyone.

We can't say only post scores that are of interest can we?
BlackcatAlum Wrote:QQs intentions with the RSS feeds is for those who see a breaking news one come through and if you want you can repost it. Its come in quite handy for me a few times. I think its easier seeing it on here rather than googling it.

I'd recommend that something is put on that page to explain it better as well as make it a page that cannot be responded to. It's not clear in it's intent, especially to the new member.

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