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Why start a thread for every game in KY?
Why create a thread for every game in the state of KY? All this does is push the threads that people are interested in to the second page and they get forgotten about. I know that I never look at the second page, if I don't find anything I'm interested in on the front page, I don't post.

What are your opinions?
goodguy Wrote:Why create a thread for every game in the state of KY? All this does is push the threads that people are interested in to the second page and they get forgotten about. I know that I never look at the second page, if I don't find anything I'm interested in on the front page, I don't post.

What are your opinions?

To increase their posts, and upping their status. I agree with you.
The thoughts and opinions about the games would be a mess if we posted all the scores on one thread. It would be very confusing.
It's pretty annoying. I log off for a bit then log back on and can't find a thread I was monitoring bc it has been lost in a see of games I don't care about. People who do this, and it is usually one specific person, to up their post count an raise their status, even though they have above 1,000 posts. It's just annoying a bit, but something I look over. One less thing to gripe about.
Aslan Wrote:The thoughts and opinions about the games would be a mess if we posted all the scores on one thread. It would be very confusing.

good call. :novb:
Aslan Wrote:The thoughts and opinions about the games would be a mess if we posted all the scores on one thread. It would be very confusing.
I didn't mean put all the scores in one thread.
Looks like a few of us are racing to the finish line for something ???

Good thread and agree with several.
Because it may attract new people to the site. Someone from West KY may see a game thread about a Bowling Green game and want to comment on it. BAM! There you go.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Because it may attract new people to the site. Someone from West KY may see a game thread about a Bowling Green game and want to comment on it. BAM! There you go.

Exactly. thats why i do it. not to run up my post count or status but to try and get people from WKY on here so we can add more people.
It doesn't bother me to have lots of game threads.If they are threads people are discussing they will be on page one.If a lot of threads are being discussed it could be on page two until you post and move it back to page one but it isn't hard to find the thread.
..Lots of people are interested in their home school whether that be Hazard,Perry Co,Leslie Co. or wherever so they like to see games that affect them and discuss those.
Maybe post the threads by region? For example have a 1st region thread, a 16th region thread, a 10th, and so on.
LClion4life Wrote:Maybe post the threads by region? For example have a 1st region thread, a 16th region thread, a 10th, and so on.

I think this might be a good idea, the only downside being viewers are less likely to click on other regions and therefore lose sight of how schools are competing throughout the state easier. It's a minor thing, but it's a possibility.
PATS2011 Wrote:It's pretty annoying. I log off for a bit then log back on and can't find a thread I was monitoring bc it has been lost in a see of games I don't care about. People who do this, and it is usually one specific person, to up their post count an raise their status, even though they have above 1,000 posts. It's just annoying a bit, but something I look over. One less thing to gripe about.

Just click on this icon and it takes you to the threads you have posted in.

User CP
Looks like the the same things were said last year as well. This site has grown exponentially as a result of changing if from just a single region of the state's site. The Administrators established this site to be statrewide. It was not statewide.

Last year the effort was made to post for all 16 regions. Throughout the year, this site has added membership from all over. When I started in December of 2008, I was the only person posting about NKY Basketball. Now, we have just as much coverage about NKY Basketball by several new users as we do in EKY. Now, those folks who were used to the way it was are not happy with the way it is going?

Again, this is Bluegrass Rivals, Not EKYRivals or CKY Rivals, or NKY Rivals.

Instead of complaining about it, join the effort of advertising the site. If you think their are threads that don't pertain to you, then pass on by.

For those who want to make it about Post Count, so be it. I'll be the first to honestly say I don't care what anyone thinks about my activity, and I applaud those who have a similar activity. If you have an issue with it, then that is on you.

I respect the owner of this site and what he created. Check with him to see if he wants Millions of posts, or 100's of posts! If you can't be as active, don't hate on those who can be!
Stardust Wrote:Again, this is Bluegrass Rivals, Not EKYRivals or CKY Rivals, or NKY Rivals.

Instead of complaining about it, join the effort of advertising the site. If you think their are threads that don't pertain to you, then pass on by.
Very well said! At times, it almost seems as if someone posts from outside EKY they get hacked to death for making a comment. Seems that some folks need to help the growth of the site instead of hindering it.
Maybe it's because they want too talk about their favorite team!
Gold Charger Wrote:Just click on this icon and it takes you to the threads you have posted in.

User CP

I was going to say the same thing, GC. If you set your default to your User CP page, it will show all threads that you have subscribed to, regardless of what page they are on, or what forum (i.e. Girls' Basketball, Football, Boys' Basketball, etc.).

One thing, though. For some reason, I am having to manually subscribe to threads, rather than being defaulted to an automatic subscription when I post in a given thread.
It is becoming more aggrevation than it is worth to search through endless scores that nobody ever responds to. This is the reason that most people dont post.
Lucky7 Wrote:It is becoming more aggrevation than it is worth to search through endless scores that nobody ever responds to. This is the reason that most people dont post.

Agreed. We have some hoping to be mods and getting there post counts up may draw attention to themselves would be my guess. And this practice is getting people from Western Ky :please:
Overrated Wrote:good call. :novb:

I Like your Duck lol.:biggrin:
I'll be honest with you. As a long-standing member of this site, it has been gratifying to watch the site grow beyond the mountains and include new members. By adding new members from beyond the 14th, 15th & 16th regions, the site has grown in credibility. With that growth though, comes growing pains...For example:

I agree with other posters in this thread. I get tired of seeing 75 scoring threads with the majority of those being created by one member, who more than likely has never attended a Fulton City vs. Murray game, yet feels the need to create the thread because it's a final score. Unless you were at the game, or have a geniune interest in the outcome (ex: upset or suprising close, etc) then don't create the thread simply because you feel the score should be there. Trust me, if ppl want the scores bad enough, you'll go to the site and get'em. This site wasn't intended to be a source for "scores", it was intended to be a place that goes beyond the scores. If the game was great, close or an upset - then create the thread. But don't create a thread on a game just for the sake of doing it because all it does is clog up the front page. JMO.

After reading some of the post in this thread, I like the idea of creating sub-forums. Example: Click on Boys Basketball, then select from the following choices: Western KY, Central KY, Northern KY, Eastern KY Hoops. That gives each section of the state it's own distinct place on the site and would cut down on some of the aggravation I believe. Years ago, the Louisville Courier-Journal would break down different sections of the state's high school basketball teams with a half-page dedicated to a different region. It acted as a recap of the week's action and preview of what was to come soon. It's just a thought.

BTW: A high post count doesn't qualify anyone to become a moderator. It's about the content/opinion you bring to the table and how much responsibility and enthusiasm you bring for high school athletics.
While I am making like my 2nd post in probably a month, due to this exact reason, I might as well throw my opinions in, as well. I very rarely even log in anymore because it is so boring to see a list of game threads of "Final!" or "Congrats!", with zero replies, or the only reply being the original poster padding his total by putting the box score as the 2nd post, when clearly it could have been put in the original post. Yeah, this whole problem ran some members off last year, while adding some new ones, which I really believe wasn't as much as a result of these millions of useless threads, as it was the general growth of the site.

It really urks me to see also, that people that this time last year who were "Well, I am jus trying to help" or "what can I do to make it better?" etc etc, are now "if you don't like it, I dont care" or "it's your problem if you don't like what I do," all because of a status change in their user name/title. Clearly that shows me that that is all they were after, and now that they have the privileges or title they wanted, they completely turned a 180 against everyone else who makes this board happen. The regular, casual posters.
I probably spent 2+ hours easily every single day on here the last 3 years, but over the last 6 months, I haven't spent 5 mins a day on here, due to the ridiculousness of some of these threads. You scroll down and see a game with like 6 replies and think "Wow, actually some discussion on these teams!" Only to be blindsided once again. I mean, does it really take 5 posts to put a final score, a congratulations, a box score and a news story about ONE game? From the SAME poster?

Now, I come to the site, check the baseball forum, and any forum that may have something recent about my 2 local high schools, and scan over the threads in pro sports for any MLB threads. I don't even go to the trouble of clicking one button to log on unless there is a thread that really, really draws my interest.
In short, this is one long time member who is completely turned off by this site anymore. Whether it be the craziness of all these posts, or the attitudes of newly appointed staff and their eagerness to show their new-found authority by closing threads prematurely (up to and including update threads when games are in progress, by the way), or just being rude in general now that they have the "Moderator" title or whatever it is. Really, is it necessary to put "final" in every update thread to justify closing it, even AFTER someone has put the final score? I would think people know the game is over and thus the reason for closing the thread when a final score is there. And, correct me if I am wrong, but during this whole deal last year, wasn't the whole idea of these one and two word posts such as "Congrats" or "Nice win" supposedly were to be frowned upon? I really think I recall a mod, staff, someone saying something to the sort of "if you have the time to click in a thread and post, please make an effort to put a thought or opinion, not just 'grats'."

In short, as bad as it hurts me to say it, lol, I spend more time on "the other site" now. The funniest thing, I dont even have an account there because "him" and all those people are so weird and uptight, but I jus look forward to the days of when they open the whole board up to everyone, and I read like ****. But it's not just me, believe me. I see long, long-time members, everyday posters who just dont post anymore. Many real life friends. And they tell me jus what I tell them when asked why I am not on much anymore.

I appreciate everything Q has done for the site and sports in the area in general. He took his idea and made it happen and it took off. I know he is a very busy man and has to put his trust in others to make sure they keep this sight flowing in a positive direction. And the majority have continued to do a great job at it and I appreciate that.

Edit: My apologies for going so long. In that little reply box, it's hard to see when you have typed so much. :biggrin:
After a post of this length, I am gonna be accused of being as boring as these multiple threads.

And yes, I know a visit to "The Box" is more than likely in my near future.:yikes:
Ring'Em Up Wrote:While I am making like my 2nd post in probably a month, due to this exact reason, I might as well throw my opinions in, as well. I very rarely even log in anymore because it is so boring to see a list of game threads of "Final!" or "Congrats!", with zero replies, or the only reply being the original poster padding his total by putting the box score as the 2nd post, when clearly it could have been put in the original post. Yeah, this whole problem ran some members off last year, while adding some new ones, which I really believe wasn't as much as a result of these millions of useless threads, as it was the general growth of the site.

It really urks me to see also, that people that this time last year who were "Well, I am jus trying to help" or "what can I do to make it better?" etc etc, are now "if you don't like it, I dont care" or "it's your problem if you don't like what I do," all because of a status change in their user name/title. Clearly that shows me that that is all they were after, and now that they have the privileges or title they wanted, they completely turned a 180 against everyone else who makes this board happen. The regular, casual posters.
I probably spent 2+ hours easily every single day on here the last 3 years, but over the last 6 months, I haven't spent 5 mins a day on here, due to the ridiculousness of some of these threads. You scroll down and see a game with like 6 replies and think "Wow, actually some discussion on these teams!" Only to be blindsided once again. I mean, does it really take 5 posts to put a final score, a congratulations, a box score and a news story about ONE game? From the SAME poster?

Now, I come to the site, check the baseball forum, and any forum that may have something recent about my 2 local high schools, and scan over the threads in pro sports for any MLB threads. I don't even go to the trouble of clicking one button to log on unless there is a thread that really, really draws my interest.
In short, this is one long time member who is completely turned off by this site anymore. Whether it be the craziness of all these posts, or the attitudes of newly appointed staff and their eagerness to show their new-found authority by closing threads prematurely (up to and including update threads when games are in progress, by the way), or just being rude in general now that they have the "Moderator" title or whatever it is. Really, is it necessary to put "final" in every update thread to justify closing it, even AFTER someone has put the final score? I would think people know the game is over and thus the reason for closing the thread when a final score is there. And, correct me if I am wrong, but during this whole deal last year, wasn't the whole idea of these one and two word posts such as "Congrats" or "Nice win" supposedly were to be frowned upon? I really think I recall a mod, staff, someone saying something to the sort of "if you have the time to click in a thread and post, please make an effort to put a thought or opinion, not just 'grats'."

In short, as bad as it hurts me to say it, lol, I spend more time on "the other site" now. The funniest thing, I dont even have an account there because "him" and all those people are so weird and uptight, but I jus look forward to the days of when they open the whole board up to everyone, and I read like ****. But it's not just me, believe me. I see long, long-time members, everyday posters who just dont post anymore. Many real life friends. And they tell me jus what I tell them when asked why I am not on much anymore.

I appreciate everything Q has done for the site and sports in the area in general. He took his idea and made it happen and it took off. I know he is a very busy man and has to put his trust in others to make sure they keep this sight flowing in a positive direction. And the majority have continued to do a great job at it and I appreciate that.

Edit: My apologies for going so long. In that little reply box, it's hard to see when you have typed so much. :biggrin:
After a post of this length, I am gonna be accused of being as boring as these multiple threads.

And yes, I know a visit to "The Box" is more than likely in my near future.:yikes:

Straight from the heart. i wounder if this post will be deleted?
Ring'Em Up Wrote:While I am making like my 2nd post in probably a month, due to this exact reason, I might as well throw my opinions in, as well. I very rarely even log in anymore because it is so boring to see a list of game threads of "Final!" or "Congrats!", with zero replies, or the only reply being the original poster padding his total by putting the box score as the 2nd post, when clearly it could have been put in the original post. Yeah, this whole problem ran some members off last year, while adding some new ones, which I really believe wasn't as much as a result of these millions of useless threads, as it was the general growth of the site.

It really urks me to see also, that people that this time last year who were "Well, I am jus trying to help" or "what can I do to make it better?" etc etc, are now "if you don't like it, I dont care" or "it's your problem if you don't like what I do," all because of a status change in their user name/title. Clearly that shows me that that is all they were after, and now that they have the privileges or title they wanted, they completely turned a 180 against everyone else who makes this board happen. The regular, casual posters.
I probably spent 2+ hours easily every single day on here the last 3 years, but over the last 6 months, I haven't spent 5 mins a day on here, due to the ridiculousness of some of these threads. You scroll down and see a game with like 6 replies and think "Wow, actually some discussion on these teams!" Only to be blindsided once again. I mean, does it really take 5 posts to put a final score, a congratulations, a box score and a news story about ONE game? From the SAME poster?

Now, I come to the site, check the baseball forum, and any forum that may have something recent about my 2 local high schools, and scan over the threads in pro sports for any MLB threads. I don't even go to the trouble of clicking one button to log on unless there is a thread that really, really draws my interest.
In short, this is one long time member who is completely turned off by this site anymore. Whether it be the craziness of all these posts, or the attitudes of newly appointed staff and their eagerness to show their new-found authority by closing threads prematurely (up to and including update threads when games are in progress, by the way), or just being rude in general now that they have the "Moderator" title or whatever it is. Really, is it necessary to put "final" in every update thread to justify closing it, even AFTER someone has put the final score? I would think people know the game is over and thus the reason for closing the thread when a final score is there. And, correct me if I am wrong, but during this whole deal last year, wasn't the whole idea of these one and two word posts such as "Congrats" or "Nice win" supposedly were to be frowned upon? I really think I recall a mod, staff, someone saying something to the sort of "if you have the time to click in a thread and post, please make an effort to put a thought or opinion, not just 'grats'."

In short, as bad as it hurts me to say it, lol, I spend more time on "the other site" now. The funniest thing, I dont even have an account there because "him" and all those people are so weird and uptight, but I jus look forward to the days of when they open the whole board up to everyone, and I read like ****. But it's not just me, believe me. I see long, long-time members, everyday posters who just dont post anymore. Many real life friends. And they tell me jus what I tell them when asked why I am not on much anymore.

I appreciate everything Q has done for the site and sports in the area in general. He took his idea and made it happen and it took off. I know he is a very busy man and has to put his trust in others to make sure they keep this sight flowing in a positive direction. And the majority have continued to do a great job at it and I appreciate that.

Edit: My apologies for going so long. In that little reply box, it's hard to see when you have typed so much. :biggrin:
After a post of this length, I am gonna be accused of being as boring as these multiple threads.

And yes, I know a visit to "The Box" is more than likely in my near future.:yikes:

It's post like this full of true opinion and honesty that helped to build this site in the first place. If your post is deleted, then my post should be deleted as well. :Thumbs:
jammin' jamey Wrote:I'll be honest with you. As a long-standing member of this site, it has been gratifying to watch the site grow beyond the mountains and include new members. By adding new members from beyond the 14th, 15th & 16th regions, the site has grown in credibility. With that growth though, comes growing pains...For example:

I agree with other posters in this thread. I get tired of seeing 75 scoring threads with the majority of those being created by one member, who more than likely has never attended a Fulton City vs. Murray game, yet feels the need to create the thread because it's a final score. Unless you were at the game, or have a geniune interest in the outcome (ex: upset or suprising close, etc) then don't create the thread simply because you feel the score should be there. Trust me, if ppl want the scores bad enough, you'll go to the site and get'em. This site wasn't intended to be a source for "scores", it was intended to be a place that goes beyond the scores. If the game was great, close or an upset - then create the thread. But don't create a thread on a game just for the sake of doing it because all it does is clog up the front page. JMO.

After reading some of the post in this thread, I like the idea of creating sub-forums. Example: Click on Boys Basketball, then select from the following choices: Western KY, Central KY, Northern KY, Eastern KY Hoops. That gives each section of the state it's own distinct place on the site and would cut down on some of the aggravation I believe. Years ago, the Louisville Courier-Journal would break down different sections of the state's high school basketball teams with a half-page dedicated to a different region. It acted as a recap of the week's action and preview of what was to come soon. It's just a thought.

BTW: A high post count doesn't qualify anyone to become a moderator. It's about the content/opinion you bring to the table and how much responsibility and enthusiasm you bring for high school athletics.

As a new member, not from the mountain area as indicated by my name, I too agree that it gets old looking at the multitude of scores posted on games and if I see that I will many times look elsewhere for good game and player discussions.

I agree that the KHSAA site is the place to go for scores and this is the place to voice opinions!

And for what it's worth, please don't comment "good win" on a regular season win over an opponent that you should beat most nights. IMO those comments are reserved for the upset or big out of state win! I hate checking a thread beause there is a new post only to see "good win" when (e.g. Scott Co beats Sayre)
While I agree with what most of you are saying about the posting of every individual game score on a given night, but when you start trying to tell people what they can/can't post (ie. you're not allowed to just say "good win", "congrats", etc...) then good luck keeping this site afloat. Just Saying...
I agree with jammin jamey, Ring Em up, and also Creeker. Sometimes you just got to take the good with the bad. I don't like going to a thread and just seeing a congrats or good win, but I guess some posters want to leave a positive comment, which there is nothing wrong with. I personally don't like baller4life making random/retarded comments about JBS going to win region or something, when its not a JBS thread. But unfortunately we gotta deal with it Big Grin
loubballfan Wrote:As a new member, not from the mountain area as indicated by my name, I too agree that it gets old looking at the multitude of scores posted on games and if I see that I will many times look elsewhere for good game and player discussions.

I agree that the KHSAA site is the place to go for scores and this is the place to voice opinions!

And for what it's worth, please don't comment "good win" on a regular season win over an opponent that you should beat most nights. IMO those comments are reserved for the upset or big out of state win! I hate checking a thread beause there is a new post only to see "good win" when (e.g. Scott Co beats Sayre)

What? You didn't think that was a "Big Win!" when the public, 7-3, region favorite, beat down the private, fortunate to field a team 2-7 squad that is 200 miles from you and more than likely you couldn't name the city in which the school is located?

And look everyone^^^. It's one of the newer members, from the most populated area in the state, who, no matter how many mods want to believe, obviously wasn't drawn to the site via word of the never-ending scroll of scores and empty praises.

As you said, we look forward to seeing new replies, because we assume we will learn about the players, or what happened in the game, or some form of new information that we didn't know before. It used to be like that here. You could open almost every thread with 20 replies in it, take 5 minutes to read that one topic, and come out like you knew something more about that team or players or area, than you did beforehand.
Now more times than not, unless it is a rivalry, or a post-season or tourney game, best of luck having any kind of discussion.
Aslan Wrote:I agree with jammin jamey, Ring Em up, and also Creeker. Sometimes you just got to take the good with the bad. I don't like going to a thread and just seeing a congrats or good win, but I guess some posters want to leave a positive comment, which there is nothing wrong with. I personally don't like baller4life making random/retarded comments about JBS going to win region or something, when its not a JBS thread. But unfortunately we gotta deal with it Big Grin

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