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Perry Co. Central 2010
i heard Coach Browne isnt coming back. Does anybody know if he is and why?
Big deal, now we won't run a screen every other play. Don't get me wrong I love coach Brown and he treated me like a son when i played for him, but his play calling is'nt great and his attitude about being here gets worse every year.
I think you need to refer to the Madison Central thread for further information.
If Browne does leave im curious as to see what Coach Prey can do with the team.
You think Coach Prey will get the position if Coach Browne leaves?:popcorn:
kymom Wrote:You think Coach Prey will get the position if Coach Browne leaves?:popcorn:

I dont think Coach prey would want it he has a good job.
Something bad would have to happen for Coach Browne not to get the Madison job.
Once again, PCC is stuck wondering what Browne will do, will he leave for Madison Central or will he keep looking for the next job and leave PCC when he thinks it's good for him? I told everyone on this board a couple of years back that Browne is in it for Browne not the kids of PCC... I don't know when the administration and principal at PCC is going to realize this and make a change before Browne makes the change. I'm all for coaches wanting to move up in the coaching ranks, but when Browne is constantly out looking for the next job and not caring about the kids and what impact it will have on them, then enough is enough.....
Ok Navajo4life why did you run off to Shelby county for??????????? Maybe you should apply for the job since you care so much about the kids of Perry County. I would be willing to bet the farm that you probably have better facilities and higher paid assistants at Shelby West Middle as compared to Perry Central Highs coaching staff.

One question though, why wouldnt anyone want to get a higher paying job with better facilities, probably more kids focusing on football than hoops, better area to live in as compared to the Hazard area? Theres nothing wrong with anyone wanting to do better for themselves. Big Al Holland left Perry Central didnt he?? He may of not got along with JPA but he also left for the Money and a easier job. I dont know how it could of got much easier though.

Didnt ole blood and guts Bill Dixon leave MC Napier to go to Hazard?????? I remember Bill used to say he'd rather die than be a Bulldog didnt he Navajo4life. Bill left for the Money and a better job.

The GREAT Harold Combs left MC Napier to go to a better more high paying job at Knott County as the superintendent didnt he? This idiot really cared a lot about the kids didnt he? Hahahahah.

And back to Browne, he is the only football coach at Perry County Central. No assistants work there. He has to do everything on his own pretty much. Perry doesnt pay their assisants hardly anything as compared to the other schools in Class 5A football. Money talks guys. You know it does. There arent a lot of knowledgeable people going to do something to get paid peanuts.

Perry's facilities are a joke. Looks like a decent middle school football field. The football field is in a bad location. If it was beside the school, the kids could walk over during school and do lifting and conditioning and would not have to bum rides to the field. The stadium will barely seat 500 people.

Perry Central might as well still be MC Napier in terms of player numbers. I remember standing near Prestonsburgs sideline when their coaches were bragging about having the lead on a 5A school. Well Perry ended up winning the game and I told a couple of their coaches that they just got beat pretty much by MC Napier and not a 5A school. There still hardly isnt any kids from RW Combs Elementary, Viper, and the Leatherwood area playing football. Perry still gets the same kids that MC Napier got, nothing has changed.

I dont know how in the **** Perry County Central got a guy like Bert Browne in the first place. If Perry would of shelled out some more money for some quality assistants and got a new field, Perry would become an above average 5A team. Until then, Perry will always be a basketball school.

If Browne wants to better himself by leaving, I dont blame him a bit. You only go around once in life. He dont owe anyone anything here in Perry County anything. We were lucky to have him here as long as we have.
Preach on Brother:****happe If it isn't round it is'nt real. Why don't you apply if the job if it comes open? There is no desire to change the program whatever you may hear. Admin knew when Browne came he would not stay. From what I undrstand no one held a gun to Brownes head to make him take the job in the first place and then he came back again; he knew what he was getting into. So cry for someone else.:Sad04:
Nobody is crying. I just type like 100 words a minute.
ball4life Wrote:Something bad would have to happen for Coach Browne not to get the Madison job.

Madison Central must be in bad shape. Good Ole Boy is the only way in.
I'm not saying anything bad about Bert Browne, I think he's a great football coach and has done a lot for PCC. I don't know why you think I'm getting paid the big bucks down here in Shelby County, but I for one would be happy to apply for the job at PCC if it comes available and I have told a lot of people that... I would love a shot to be a head coach at that school and try and make it a successful program. I think that Harold Combs left to go to Knott County was not because of money, Mr. Combs did not need the money, it was a lot more underlying factors that led him to KCC... As for Bill Dixon, I have no idea why he went to Hazard and I have no idea why Al left PCC for Hazard, I was not around the program or up in that area when these things took place. All I know is the here and now and what I hear from people back home... I know that Coach Browne has done a great job and now he's wanting to leave, nobody is saying that he cannot better himself in his career, but let's be honest, he's been looking to leave for a very long time and the right situation has never came up... I don't know what he's getting paid or his assistants, but I don't think that as coaches, we go into coaching for the money, if you do, then you're in the wrong business....
[quote=warmachine] I would be willing to bet the farm that you probably have better facilities and higher paid assistants at Shelby West Middle as compared to Perry Central Highs coaching staff.

Perry doesnt pay their assisants hardly anything as compared to the other schools in Class 5A football. Money talks guys. You know it does. There arent a lot of knowledgeable people going to do something to get paid peanuts.


Ok the bold portion made me laugh. West Middle is not exactly the pilar of football facilities by any means. If they get to use MLC's facilities of course that will change but you are giving West WAY too much credit for what they have.

The 2nd part is most coaches are knowledgeable people getting paid peanuts. This KY HS football. It is not college, AL, TX, and the likes where coaches can make large amounts of money. Guys coach because they want to coach and not because of the money. If money is a factor in coaching then you do not need to be in coaching. The time investment I think is a little different but money should be a nonissue.
Some school districts pay big money for their head coaches.......They make big money and then many districts find high paying jobs for spouses, etc. I do not believe for a minute that high school coaches are not paid sufficiently
lean&mean Wrote:Some school districts pay big money for their head coaches.......They make big money and then many districts find high paying jobs for spouses, etc. I do not believe for a minute that high school coaches are not paid sufficiently

Name them then. Name the district, coach and the salary that they are making which translates to big money. Coaches salaries/stipends are open record. Maybe we should define what equals out to big money in the first place. As far as the last sentence I can tell you do not coach. Unless you define sufficient as exceptable. I coached my first year for free because I wanted to coach. I was worth more than $0.00 though.
I can tell you right now that I don't make SQUAT at coaching at West Middle and have not asked to be paid while coaching at West Middle. I coach because I love being around kids and teaching them about the Greatest Game that was invented and that's FOOTBALL... I did not go into it with expectations of getting paid bunches of money, I'm in it for the kids and trying to teach some DISCIPLINE and FUNDAMENTALS of Football... That's all. Barrel is correct, if you think that the facilities at West Middle are better than PCC, then come down here and let me show you around our facility....
Coach Browne gets paid a pretty good pay check for coaching. Middle school dont get paid alot I will agree with you on that which is wrong becuase that is where they need to be taught. The Madison job will pay 70,000+. That is not a bad job. Why else would so many people want it. I dont care what they say about having players they are looking at it for the money. That is what makes the world go around.I dont know what PCC pays but i would bet it isnt that bad. I would like to wish Bert Browne the best in what ever his choice maybe.
barrel Wrote:Name them then. Name the district, coach and the salary that they are making which translates to big money. Coaches salaries/stipends are open record. Maybe we should define what equals out to big money in the first place. As far as the last sentence I can tell you do not coach. Unless you define sufficient as exceptable. I coached my first year for free because I wanted to coach. I was worth more than $0.00 though.

Look at any of the coaches (head) in Letcher County. Look at their job titles and then look for spouses. Same is true in Pike, Perry counties along with Hazard Independent. Think Al Holland works for free. As far as coaching, you are right, I no longer coach. I have coached for free and one year was even paid $1,500. Since you are being so uppity I want you to know that the word is acceptable, exceptable is from the root word except, completely different meaning..........:redboxer:
lean&mean Wrote:Look at any of the coaches (head) in Letcher County. Look at their job titles and then look for spouses. Same is true in Pike, Perry counties along with Hazard Independent. Think Al Holland works for free. As far as coaching, you are right, I no longer coach. I have coached for free and one year was even paid $1,500. Since you are being so uppity I want you to know that the word is acceptable, exceptable is from the root word except, completely different meaning..........:redboxer:

I’m glad we have and English teacher on board. HHHaaaa hee haaa Fact is men coach football for (hopefully) the love of the game and to expose young men to the feeling of success and long life lessons they teach along the way. But fact is that school districts like businesses offer more pay or incentives to their coaches for their expertise and commitment. Those school districts and businesses that believe in this practice are more likely to become successful. Fact! :closed:
Some coaches do have well paying jobs within the system such as the AD but that is not their coaching pay. It is not like guys are getting paid 30,000.00 as coaching pay. A guy might make 70,000.00 but only 10,000.00 of that is HC coaching pay with the rest of the staff in the 3-5,000.00.
Rest of staff looks about right.........Look at what 25% of their regular pay is. Plus benefits
And what is their regular jobs?
Teacher, first and for most. Please tell me you know that.
Again, if Madison Central is going to pay Bert Browne 70,000 to just coach Football, then by all means, take that job in a heartbeat. But, I can about guarantee you, that 70,000 is not just coaching football, it's his teaching salary along with a few other things....

I think that we're missing the point, I'm not saying that Bert cannot and should not take another job, I'm just saying that PCC has been going through this whole dance routine for the last few years and it seems it's getting old each and every year.... I have NO DOUBT that Bert will be very successful at Madison Central and will do great things there, but the kids at PCC deserve the same opportunities that the kids at Madison Central are going to have with someone that WANTS TO BE AT THEIR SCHOOL>>>>>>
Nobody is every going to want to be the Head Football Coach there because everything there is second fiddle to boys basketball. Look at PCC's Gym and look at PCC's Football Field. What nut would want to coach football at that place when they put all their funding into 6'0 kids that have hopes to play basketball in college when thats probably never going to happen. Football is the way out of the mountains for the kids around here. Nothing against the mountains though because I love them. To much emphasis placed on Hoops all over Eastern Kentucky.
That did not effect the kid from Breathitt County that has signed his LOI with UT... I know Channing is a great athlete, but if Breathitt can send a kid to D-1, so can a lot of other schools in Eastern Kentucky..... I guess I just have high hopes for that football program and with the number of kids that are walking down the hallways each day,they could be really good....
Navajo4life Wrote:That did not effect the kid from Breathitt County that has signed his LOI with UT... I know Channing is a great athlete, but if Breathitt can send a kid to D-1, so can a lot of other schools in Eastern Kentucky..... I guess I just have high hopes for that football program and with the number of kids that are walking down the hallways each day,they could be really good....

Exactly. Check the history of Breathitt football versus Breathitt basketball. Check the football facilities versus the basketball facilities at Breathitt.

Breathitt is a FOOTBALL school. PCC is a basketball school.

In saying that, I'd be willing to be PCC has produced more division 1 football players the last 15 years than they have division 1 basketball players.
warmachine Wrote:Nobody is every going to want to be the Head Football Coach there because everything there is second fiddle to boys basketball. Look at PCC's Gym and look at PCC's Football Field. What nut would want to coach football at that place when they put all their funding into 6'0 kids that have hopes to play basketball in college when thats probably never going to happen. Football is the way out of the mountains for the kids around here. Nothing against the mountains though because I love them. To much emphasis placed on Hoops all over Eastern Kentucky.

They are moving Dennis C. Wooton and building Perry a new Field.

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