01-02-2010, 11:33 PM
The elbow from Samardo occurs around the 6:35 mark in the second half, I am still working on finding a link that will show it though.
01-02-2010, 11:48 PM
BlackcatFootball Wrote:The elbow from Samardo occurs around the 6:35 mark in the second half, I am still working on finding a link that will show it though.
Was it a blow to the face??I think it has to be above the shoulders to be considered flagrant..not sure though...
01-03-2010, 12:09 AM
theVILLE Wrote:I dont know what the spread was last year but whatever it was im sure it was...I look forward to next year now!!!!!
Next year? Maybe we meet agian in the big dance, the committee seems to like this matchup.
01-03-2010, 12:14 AM
sstack Wrote:Next year? Maybe we meet agian in the big dance, the committee seems to like this matchup.
I agree with you sstack, I could easily see this as a potential match-up in March
01-03-2010, 12:23 AM
Stardust Wrote:Wall takes over when he needed to!
I know Wall is the key to this team and is amazing to watch, But you do not seem to want to give Cousins any credit. I posted in the pregame post, that he might be the key to the game and you posted he could foul out in the first min. of the game and it would not matter. I have to disagree, I think he is a tremendous talent (still makes freshmen mistakes), and was a big factor in this game. However, I due agree with you that without Wall taking over at the end of the game, I do not know if UK pulls it out. Maybe Wall is having so much fun, that he will decide to stick around for another year at UK (we can all dream can't we?).
01-03-2010, 12:24 AM
With UK being a 1 seed and UofL being a 9.
01-03-2010, 12:25 AM
15-0, way to close out the non-conf. portion of our schedule, now it's time to blaze a trail through the SEC...Go Cats!
01-03-2010, 12:27 AM
LClion4life Wrote:With UK being a 1 seed and UofL being a 9.
I was thinking it would be a first round game for the Cats

01-03-2010, 12:38 AM
Cats played pretty good and pulled off the win..Go Cats!
01-03-2010, 12:54 AM
A much more talented but inexperienced UK team won today. If UK meets Louisville again this season, it will no longer be an inexperienced team meeting the Cards. A rematch at the end of the season would get ugly fast.
01-03-2010, 01:00 AM
peyton siva = highly overrated. he couldnt play his way out of a paper bag.
but anyway, i love cousins, its about time UK got someone that will get rough and let other teams and people know that he is the baddest man on the floor. i like to see someone get rough and show some physical play. physical players make great nba players.
but anyway, i love cousins, its about time UK got someone that will get rough and let other teams and people know that he is the baddest man on the floor. i like to see someone get rough and show some physical play. physical players make great nba players.
01-03-2010, 01:10 AM
UK all the way baby!!!
01-03-2010, 01:17 AM
Rick Pitino is a great defensive minded coach. Louisville forced several UK turnovers, but IMO, UK still played better defense than the Cards. Patterson & Cousins dominated down low as Swopshire, Jennings, Buckles, and Samuels couldn't do anything with either. Our freshman guards played like freshman in the 1st half, but improved their play in the 2nd. IMO, had UK shot their normal percentage from the free throw line and from the 3-point line, UK would have won by 15+. But olé Ricky P had a good gameplan.
As for the Cousins elbow, I saw a knee to the head from Swopshire. Cousins overreacted and elbowed Swopshire. Both players should have been ejected, but that's JMO. I've seen a lot of UL fans complain about the Cats playing like thugs; Yeah, we did, but so did the Cards. Its a rivalry, thats the way their suppose to be played - with emotion.
As for the Cousins elbow, I saw a knee to the head from Swopshire. Cousins overreacted and elbowed Swopshire. Both players should have been ejected, but that's JMO. I've seen a lot of UL fans complain about the Cats playing like thugs; Yeah, we did, but so did the Cards. Its a rivalry, thats the way their suppose to be played - with emotion.
01-03-2010, 01:35 AM
1. People also are overlooking that Swopshire's retaliation was a closed fist punch (albeit a weak one). Swopshire gave a knee to the head, Cousins gave a forearm to the dome, Swopshire gave a closed fist punch to the stomach. If Cousins deserved an ejection...Swopshire deserved it more for both starting the tussel and giving the final blow.
2. UL played excellent defense.. if they can duplicate the defensive effort in the Big East they can all cause all sorts of problems, especially with the B-East not having the dangerous outside shooting teams that they usually have.
3. For as much credit as UL deserves for their gritty effort to come back and make it competitive...Kentucky also equally hurt themselves with POOR free throw shooting, touch foulson the perimeter to send UL to the line, and costly turnovers.
4. What this game came down to was three things:
A) UK's stars won the game. Wall made plays. Cousins and Patterson made Samuels looks softer than the Snuggles Drier Sheet Bear, and Bledsoe made clutch plays and free throws.
B) UL dug too deep of a hole early with their poor shot selection and shooting. They made a valiant effort, but the energy expanded to get back into the game was too much.
C) Both teams took about 10 minutes to "play their game". They were playing off of emotion and UK was fortunate to be the beneficiary early on due to superior talent.
5. UK is the deeper, more talented, and more explosive team. I think on any given night, on any given court, UK is consistently 7-12 points better.
2. UL played excellent defense.. if they can duplicate the defensive effort in the Big East they can all cause all sorts of problems, especially with the B-East not having the dangerous outside shooting teams that they usually have.
3. For as much credit as UL deserves for their gritty effort to come back and make it competitive...Kentucky also equally hurt themselves with POOR free throw shooting, touch foulson the perimeter to send UL to the line, and costly turnovers.
4. What this game came down to was three things:
A) UK's stars won the game. Wall made plays. Cousins and Patterson made Samuels looks softer than the Snuggles Drier Sheet Bear, and Bledsoe made clutch plays and free throws.
B) UL dug too deep of a hole early with their poor shot selection and shooting. They made a valiant effort, but the energy expanded to get back into the game was too much.
C) Both teams took about 10 minutes to "play their game". They were playing off of emotion and UK was fortunate to be the beneficiary early on due to superior talent.
5. UK is the deeper, more talented, and more explosive team. I think on any given night, on any given court, UK is consistently 7-12 points better.
01-03-2010, 01:46 AM
From this game we found out:
1. Louisville cannot beat UK this year, even if they meet again.
2. Peyton Siva is NOWHERE near the talent level of John Wall, I don't care how much practice you miss, Nate Robinson missed a month of play and came back last night and scored 40.
3. As much as people want to talk about UK's attitude problems...Louisville may want to check themselves too. You knee someone, then get hit by an elbow, that makes you get up and throw a punch? I thought we were playing basketball?
1. Louisville cannot beat UK this year, even if they meet again.
2. Peyton Siva is NOWHERE near the talent level of John Wall, I don't care how much practice you miss, Nate Robinson missed a month of play and came back last night and scored 40.
3. As much as people want to talk about UK's attitude problems...Louisville may want to check themselves too. You knee someone, then get hit by an elbow, that makes you get up and throw a punch? I thought we were playing basketball?
01-03-2010, 01:47 AM
Good win for the Cats
01-03-2010, 02:13 AM
Cousins = Greatness
01-03-2010, 02:27 AM
^ He can be. When he channels his head on the game, he is a beast. Too often he is wearing his "Rasheed Wallace" pajama's which is going to cost him someday if he doesn't get it together. His stupid act in the first minute of the game could have cost his team the victory. Had the ref's ruled his elbow an ejectionable action, I don't know that UK wins this game. He is a stud, but he is also a headcase that is in complete contrast to one of the classiest UK players of all time PPat.
01-03-2010, 03:16 AM
Like I said in the update thread, I really can't believe a lot of you guys thought this was going to be a blowout.
01-03-2010, 04:41 AM
This Kentucky team is lite years ahead of Louisville IMO. Louisville has no inside game and that is going to kill them this entire season and I have said it from the beginning of the year. Losing last years graduating class was the demise of their program and I do not forsea them coming out of this funk for a while. There is to much turmoil surrounding Pitino and scruity from the fans. I really think the deciding factor in the whole Cousins not being ejected was the knee to the head. Honestly I do not see why the knee was necissary to be raised and that is what saved big cuz. If he does leave this game I think this UK team still wins. At times last night Bledsoe looked phenominal and at times he looked bad. I think this was an entire group effort yesterday by the Cats and this time IT WAS ON THE DEFENSIVE end which is nice to see. This Kentucky team is probably a 10+ better team 8 our of 10 nights. Louisville will continue to take their lumps this year, as I see it right now they will get beat by UCONN and CUSE probably split with NOVA. Marquette will probley be a split and maybe WVU as well. Does not look to bright for Pitino and company.
01-03-2010, 04:50 AM
theVILLE Wrote:Yeah had he been ejected like he was suppose to the game could been alot different
Yea and if Laettner would have been ejected in 92, like he should have been...Ky could very possibly have 8 titles to their name right now....but its all water under the bridge now.
01-03-2010, 04:52 AM
krebs play any?
01-03-2010, 05:16 AM
01-03-2010, 05:18 AM
theVILLE Wrote:Samardos was part of his natural movement though...Rubbing somebodys head in the floor is not natural
If that was part of his natural movement then he should go ge checked out by the team doc......I dont hink anybody's arm should jerk back like his did. Poor Patterson what luck he must have being in that unlucky spot just as his elbow decided to have one of its fit.
01-03-2010, 09:29 AM
Stardust Wrote:^ He can be. When he channels his head on the game, he is a beast. Too often he is wearing his "Rasheed Wallace" pajama's which is going to cost him someday if he doesn't get it together. His stupid act in the first minute of the game could have cost his team the victory. Had the ref's ruled his elbow an ejectionable action, I don't know that UK wins this game. He is a stud, but he is also a headcase that is in complete contrast to one of the classiest UK players of all time PPat.+1 :Thumbs:
01-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Here's the knee-to-the-head picture again.
Natural reaction or not, if someone kicks me in the head, I would probably retaliate as well. Given the previous happenings in the game, everyone was on edge.
[Image: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-...0779_n.jpg]
Natural reaction or not, if someone kicks me in the head, I would probably retaliate as well. Given the previous happenings in the game, everyone was on edge.
[Image: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-...0779_n.jpg]
01-03-2010, 12:24 PM
ComfortEagle Wrote:Here's the knee-to-the-head picture again.In watching the video, it is not obvious to me that the knee to the head was deliberate - but there was no question that Cousins' action was. I hold my breath every time that Cousins goes to the floor for a loose ball because this is not the first time that he has failed to stop when the whistle blew.
Natural reaction or not, if someone kicks me in the head, I would probably retaliate as well. Given the previous happenings in the game, everyone was on edge.
[Image: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-...0779_n.jpg]
Cousins is a great talent and I love the effort that he brings to the game but Calipari needs to get it through this young man's head that he is going to cost himself lots of money down the road if he does not cut out the cheap shots.
Yesterday's top college basketball story should have been how Wall and Cousins led the 'Cats to the win. Instead, the story was about how Wall led the team to the win and Cousins dodged an ejection. His elbow overshadowed one of his best games of the season - and in a nationally televised rivalry game.
01-03-2010, 12:31 PM
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In watching the video, it is not obvious to me that the knee to the head was deliberate - but there was no question that Cousins' action was. I hold my breath every time that Cousins goes to the floor for a loose ball because this is not the first time that he has failed to stop when the whistle blew.
Cousins is a great talent and I love the effort that he brings to the game but Calipari needs to get it through this young man's head that he is going to cost himself lots of money down the road if he does not cut out the cheap shots.
Yesterday's top college basketball story should have been how Wall and Cousins led the 'Cats to the win. Instead, the story was about how Wall led the team to the win and Cousins dodged an ejection. His elbow overshadowed one of his best games of the season - and in a nationally televised rivalry game.
Top story should have been more like Swopshire gets ejected a minute in for a knee and punch to Cousins, and because of it, UK routes Louisville.
01-03-2010, 12:43 PM
PC_You_Know Wrote:Top story should have been more like Swopshire gets ejected a minute in for a knee and punch to Cousins, and because of it, UK routes Louisville.I don't think most UK fans see it that way and the announcers and the referees did not see it that way either after watching replays repeatedly. There is no room for thuggery at UK and Cousins needs to learn that lesson quickly. If we condone intentional forearms to the head in a held ball situation, then UK fans will need to stop hating Christian Laetner for the "stomp" and I am not quite ready to do that. :biggrin:
01-03-2010, 01:26 PM
IMO, if Cal doesn't stop Cousins' thug behavior, UK athletics should.
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