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Hyper and bored...WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!!
hey 15th lol
hey football!!
what ya into 15th
I reckon I am going to bed ill tlak to ya tomorrow goodngiht 15th
goodnight football
whats up anyone still on?
Hey is anyone talking??? lol
Lalalala....I'm one is talking...on here OR on msn...
Everyone is Lazy tonight.
I think lazy would be an under statement
LoL yeah really....
I can't believe the site has been so slow this past week with the playoffs going on.
I figure it'd be running over with posts....
Well I'm going to get off here and go to sleep... goodnight!
GOODNIGHT sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite
goodnight DT

Hey everybody!!!!
hey 15th I guess ill be everybody tonight
do ya like my avatar?
yea.. that's a very pretty dog football
i'm here always
thanks u 15th
CAMPER do u like my avatar too LOL
Hey do you all like the song PAPA WAS A ROLLIN STONE? I am lsitening to it so I figured I would ask...I like it but the INTRO lasts too long I think
I like your avatar too! But you got offline before I was able to answer.
My bad TC I thought you was busy or something I didnt know
Nope not really busy. I was just watching the Fresh Prince
nuttin like fresh prince
I miss Saved By the Bell
not the young version when they was in 8th grade but I miss the college years and when they was in high school
My favorite was probably when they had the earthquake and MRS B. had her baby in the elevator......I really liked that episode
Saved by the Bell stills comes on int eh mornings sometime. Not sure what time, I'll try to find out for you. I still watch Boy Meets World and Full House all the time.
yea full hosue lol
whats ya fav. episode of saved by the bell AND yes it does come on at 8 I think on TBS if im not mistaken
i still watch full house too
well guys I am gonna head to bed actaully lay in bed and watch espn til i fall asleep
football05 Wrote:thanks u 15th
CAMPER do u like my avatar too LOL

yeah its great i would hate to meet that thing in a dark alley Smile

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