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No Churchgoing Christmas for the First Family

As even the twice a year Christains prepare for services over the next 24 hours at least one family isn't. Just an FYI
Wow! I'm not saying it should be required, they are open to whatever practice they wish, but wow. I will assume that this is the first ever President to not partake?
Not a surprise, I believe they have only been to church once since Obama was elected. Its not my place to question someones faith, cause I know I dont always do the right things. However, attending Rev. Wrights church for 20+ years, and then never going once elected, even though it was a part of the campaign, Obama was a proclaimed Christian. His actions can definitely raise eyebrows. Luckily we will only have to put up with this for one term.
Beetle01 Wrote:Not a surprise, I believe they have only been to church once since Obama was elected. Its not my place to question someones faith, cause I know I dont always do the right things. However, attending Rev. Wrights church for 20+ years, and then never going once elected, even though it was a part of the campaign, Obama was a proclaimed Christian. His actions can definitely raise eyebrows. Luckily we will only have to put up with this for one term.
per the story They've been to church 3 times since he took office.
Does Evergreen Chapel at Camp David not count? Let's face it: for some of you guys, Obama can't take a pee without it having socialist content or the like. Here's a standing offer for November 2012: a gift certificate to the restaurant in Lexington of choice: my bet: Obama wins a second term.
Ill take that bet Cavemaster, about 75% of the people I know who voted for Obama, while it is just a small portion, regret it and already will not vote for him. Id say he will lose close to 10% of the votes he had first go around. There wont be nearly as much excitement and stuff surrounding him the second time around. So lower number of voters, there will be an increase in voters against Obama hitting the poles in my opinion.

I just dont see it. Unless he really turns things around he is not going to be in for a second term. He will then just go on and run the UN, take over the world, and force us to do whatever he wants anyways which was his plan from the get go. Tongue
I don't like him! But, I'm not going to judge his Christianity based on whether he goes to church or not on Christmas Sunda. My point earlier was that this has to be a first.
thecavemaster Wrote:Does Evergreen Chapel at Camp David not count? Let's face it: for some of you guys, Obama can't take a pee without it having socialist content or the like. Here's a standing offer for November 2012: a gift certificate to the restaurant in Lexington of choice: my bet: Obama wins a second term.

Is that what he is doing???????
thecavemaster Wrote:Does Evergreen Chapel at Camp David not count? Let's face it: for some of you guys, Obama can't take a pee without it having socialist content or the like. Here's a standing offer for November 2012: a gift certificate to the restaurant in Lexington of choice: my bet: Obama wins a second term.
Well lookie who just crawled out of their hole in the ground!!!!!

Can you buy stuff like that with food stamps now?
thecavemaster Wrote:Does Evergreen Chapel at Camp David not count? Let's face it: for some of you guys, Obama can't take a pee without it having socialist content or the like. Here's a standing offer for November 2012: a gift certificate to the restaurant in Lexington of choice: my bet: Obama wins a second term.

Uh, Isn't that what you call a Marxist?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Uh, Isn't that what you call a Marxist?

In all honesty, I am a fan of Karl Marx. He predicted the downfall of capitalism and it resembles what we are going through now. If his perception of society was correct then communism would be the way to go. I don't have a problem with sharing my money if everyone was equal. However we are not all equal. We have people that are leaches on society and take advantage of any program in place. They drain our resources with no reguard to others. In our society we are not all equally productive human beings doing fullfilling jobs. Given economic freedom we all wouldn't fill the need to contribute. Thats why communist economies doesn't work. The government ends up with all the power and we still have "haves and have nots." However we can learn the downfalls of capitalism from Marx and apply them to our economy in order to save it. Quit flooding our markets, quit demanding lower prices at the expense of our wages, and quit living on credit outsides of our means. There is more to life than consuming.
Beetle01 Wrote:Not a surprise, I believe they have only been to church once since Obama was elected. Its not my place to question someones faith, cause I know I dont always do the right things. However, attending Rev. Wrights church for 20+ years, and then never going once elected, even though it was a part of the campaign, Obama was a proclaimed Christian. His actions can definitely raise eyebrows. Luckily we will only have to put up with this for one term.

I agree on the fact that President Obama will be a one termer as I will not vote for him. I do have one request for Republicans. Do not nominate the "thrilla from Wasilla" for GOP nomination. There are plenty of more qualified presidential candidates out there. Do not follow up one mistake with another as she will be the Republican version of Obama.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well lookie who just crawled out of their hole in the ground!!!!!

Can you buy stuff like that with food stamps now?

I don't think so. I'll just use regular money, if that's ok with you.
Beetle01 Wrote:Ill take that bet Cavemaster, about 75% of the people I know who voted for Obama, while it is just a small portion, regret it and already will not vote for him. Id say he will lose close to 10% of the votes he had first go around. There wont be nearly as much excitement and stuff surrounding him the second time around. So lower number of voters, there will be an increase in voters against Obama hitting the poles in my opinion.

I just dont see it. Unless he really turns things around he is not going to be in for a second term. He will then just go on and run the UN, take over the world, and force us to do whatever he wants anyways which was his plan from the get go. Tongue

How has your life changed, specifically, since Obama took office? What is it that you can't do that you were doing two years ago? I don't mind political disagreement, but this whole "take over the world" stuff... come on, man.
Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, why should our president offend a few million voters? Obama joined a church for political reasons and the Rev. Wright and his congregation served their purpose - but a Christian church is no longer needed to further Obama's political career. So, under the bus it goes!
It is scary that so many Americans have such a poor understanding of Marxism and capitalism. Tens of millions of human being have been slaughtered in this century in the name of communism and yet their are still American citizens who claim to admire Karl Marx. How many communist countries must fail before our own citizen recognize the danger that communists and socialists represent to our own freedom and our standard of living?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is scary that so many Americans have such a poor understanding of Marxism and capitalism. Tens of millions of human being have been slaughtered in this century in the name of communism and yet their are still American citizens who claim to admire Karl Marx. How many communist countries must fail before our own citizen recognize the danger that communists and socialists represent to our own freedom and our standard of living?

How many people through the years have been slaughtered in the name of christianity?
TheRealVille Wrote:How many people through the years have been slaughtered in the name of christianity?
Bad analogy. Christianity is not a political system. It is hard to understand why so many of my fellow Americans are opposed to the economic and personal liberty that have made this country the envy of the world.

Make a list of countries with communist governments that build fences to imprison their own citizens.

Now do the same for democratic governments with capitalist economic systems.

Which list is longer?
.... But anyhow, this thread is about Obama and the first family not going to church.....
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, why should our president offend a few million voters? Obama joined a church for political reasons and the Rev. Wright and his congregation served their purpose - but a Christian church is no longer needed to further Obama's political career. So, under the bus it goes!

Good points, Rev. Wright and his congregation helped Obama move up the ranks in Illinois politics. Obama then distanced himself from Wright and his church after he realized they were no longer beneficial to his campaign. Wright said himself that Obama probably won't contact him until he is in his second term or out of office altogether.
TheRealVille Wrote:How many people through the years have been slaughtered in the name of christianity?
or Islam
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is scary that so many Americans have such a poor understanding of Marxism and capitalism. Tens of millions of human being have been slaughtered in this century in the name of communism and yet their are still American citizens who claim to admire Karl Marx. How many communist countries must fail before our own citizen recognize the danger that communists and socialists represent to our own freedom and our standard of living?

Your talking about communism as a form of government. Theres a slight difference in that and a communist economy. Just like capitalism is our economy not our government.
Matman Wrote:Your talking about communism as a form of government. Theres a slight difference in that and a communist economy. Just like capitalism is our economy not our government.
In practice, communist governments must use force to impose their evil agendas. That is why any free association of people, including churches and unions (government thug unions like SEIU are tolerated) are not welcomed in communist societies. Communism does not tolerate dissent because free thinking individuals who are allowed to freely associate with other free-thinkers will not voluntarily allow the yoke of communism to be placed over their collective soldiers.

To avoid making another totally off topic post - my point is Obama is not a religious man and he never has been. Religion to Obama is a tool to be used when it serves his purpose. If his popularity continues to plunge, you will see Obama and his family select a "mainstream" new Christian church with a diverse congregation and you will be treated to weekly sights of them attending church with Bibles in tow.
Old School Wrote:Good points, Rev. Wright and his congregation helped Obama move up the ranks in Illinois politics. Obama then distanced himself from Wright and his church after he realized they were no longer beneficial to his campaign. Wright said himself that Obama probably won't contact him until he is in his second term or out of office altogether.

Obama was a member of that congregation for 20 years and then all of a sudden conveniently couldn't remember anything that "The Rev." ever said. haha
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is scary that so many Americans have such a poor understanding of Marxism and capitalism. Tens of millions of human being have been slaughtered in this century in the name of communism and yet their are still American citizens who claim to admire Karl Marx. How many communist countries must fail before our own citizen recognize the danger that communists and socialists represent to our own freedom and our standard of living?

I just wonder how many of those are currently serving in the Obama administration?
The people Obama has surrounded himself with is why I have no doubts about his agenda. Just take a look at his cabinet and other close officials he has a appointed, its a wide array of Marxist loving Dbags.

Our entire political system needs a complete flush out the next few elections, there are so many terrible politicians on both sides its amazing we even still exist as a nation.
thecavemaster Wrote:Does Evergreen Chapel at Camp David not count? Let's face it: for some of you guys, Obama can't take a pee without it having socialist content or the like. Here's a standing offer for November 2012: a gift certificate to the restaurant in Lexington of choice: my bet: Obama wins a second term.

There's not a problem with the church at Camp David. My question is does he ever attend services at Evergreen Chapel? Anyone can say they attend a particular church, but if they don't attend church (any church) on a regular basis then why bother.
Beetle01 Wrote:The people Obama has surrounded himself with is why I have no doubts about his agenda. Just take a look at his cabinet and other close officials he has a appointed, its a wide array of Marxist loving Dbags.

Our entire political system needs a complete flush out the next few elections, there are so many terrible politicians on both sides its amazing we even still exist as a nation.

I seems like whenever a honorable person is elected, they soon become corrupted by the system.
Evergreen Chapel at Camp David counts.
Men cannot look upon the heart, thus, any argument suggesting Obama has no religion but a desire to win elections is speculative at best.
This whole thread is ugly, dark- hearted nonsense.
I am fine with his not attending. Better not to attend than to go for "political reasons" and be a hypocrite!

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