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Luke Salmons CJ Coach of the Year all classes
Amazing honor from his peers! Corier journal coach of the year for all classes! Not bad your 2nd year ever as a head coach. He's in pretty good company. Congrats to our kids too!
congrats Coach Salmons this is well deserved, Kudos to him and all of the coaching staff
Congrats Coach. You did one heck of a job this year and were very deserving. :Thumbs:
Congrats Coach Salmons
Did he get bonus points for the Bell Co. game?.....LOL
What's that supposed to mean Kosar?
Just think its comical, when a team has to be escorted out by the police and then the coach allows them to destroy the lockerroom after the game, that he is coach of the year. Without the dancing after wins, disrespect of eevery team they played and obvious lack of team control, I might not feel this way.
[quote=Kosar]Just think its comical, when a team has to be escorted out by the police and then the coach allows them to destroy the lockerroom after the game, that he is coach of the year. Without the dancing after wins, disrespect of eevery team they played and obvious lack of team control, I might not feel this way.Kosar your a joke LC sure bell beat them but no other team they played came close arent you a boyd guy
coach5050 Wrote:[quote=Kosar]Just think its comical, when a team has to be escorted out by the police and then the coach allows them to destroy the lockerroom after the game, that he is coach of the year. Without the dancing after wins, disrespect of eevery team they played and obvious lack of team control, I might not feel this way.Kosar your a joke LC sure bell beat them but no other team they played came close arent you a boyd guy

No other team came close? If im not mistaking they beat us 36-30. With us playing a horrible Defensive game. Check your facts dude.
A. Ray #5

are u sayin that we didnt have a bad defensive day either cause obviously we did if u let U guys put up 30 points on us.
You all need to quit your'e whinning and give credit where credit is due! Didn't your mother ever teach you that if you don't have nothing good to say don't say nothing at all? Good job coach!
Hotshot Wrote:You all need to quit your'e whinning and give credit where credit is due! Didn't your mother ever teach you that if you don't have nothing good to say don't say nothing at all? Good job coach!
My thoughts exactly HOTSHOT, most of you guys should check yourself, not to mention your grammar, prior to posting. If you cant compliment a coach for doing an outstanding job without bashing him publicly, then stay off BGR and take your threads to the barbershop!!!!!! IMO there is another coach down US 23 that could/should have won this award at Prestonsburg, John Derossett. 13-1 losing to Desales in Semi-finals.
GOLDFISH115 Wrote:My thoughts exactly HOTSHOT, most of you guys should check yourself, not to mention your grammar, prior to posting. If you cant compliment a coach for doing an outstanding job without bashing him publicly, then stay off BGR and take your threads to the barbershop!!!!!! IMO there is another coach down US 23 that could/should have won this award at Prestonsburg, John Derossett. 13-1 losing to Desales in Semi-finals.
Last I checked, this board is for people to give opinions, and I gave mine. Sorry if I feel that teaching kids class is just as important as wins and loses. I guess people in Louisa dont feel the same way. Im not suprised LC has never been known for having alot of class.
Kosar Wrote:Last I checked, this board is for people to give opinions, and I gave mine. Sorry if I feel that teaching kids class is just as important as wins and loses. I guess people in Louisa dont feel the same way. Im not suprised LC has never been known for having alot of class.

And the world is flat and all dogs have fleas!
Kosar you and your classlessness aren't worth my time. You represent your program well. I'm sure they really appreciate your loud mouth. Congrats to coach Salmons for being recognized by your fellow coaches....guys that don't have tunnel vision and know what you accomplished as a coach!
If "Kosar's" accusations are accurate, then he has the right to say just about anything he wants on here. Just because we might not agree with him\her does not give us the right to censor him\her. If the Coach and his teams behaved as "Kosar" said they did, he and they deserve to be outed IMO. If the COY has merit, should the holder not be expected to handle themselves in a respectable manner? I am not agreeing or disagreeing with "Kosar" on this, just saying that he has the right to say what he wants without people being closed minded and trying to censor him. This happens a lot on this site and needs to be monitored IMO.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Quote:Last I checked, this board is for people to give opinions, and I gave mine. Sorry if I feel that teaching kids class is just as important as wins and loses. I guess people in Louisa dont feel the same way. Im not suprised LC has never been known for having alot of class.

the truth is the truth IMO. IMO I dont think he was coach of the year the players reflect the coach and they may have went from win less to almost a regional title and with just one loss, but that award is for an overall character and sportsmanship evaluation of a coach and I think the team was lacking a little in both catagories.

Didn't want to make any body mad but my honest opinion these are the two that should have battled it out for coach of the year
Jay Cobb of Somerset
Larry French of Boyle County and don't forget Tom Larkey of Harlan County
BigBlueBobcatFan Wrote:the truth is the truth IMO. IMO I dont think he was coach of the year the players reflect the coach and they may have went from win less to almost a regional title and with just one loss, but that award is for an overall character and sportsmanship evaluation of a coach and I think the team was lacking a little in both catagories.

Didn't want to make any body mad but my honest opinion these are the two that should have battled it out for coach of the year
Jay Cobb of Somerset
Larry French of Boyle County and don't forget Tom Larkey of Harlan County
Jay Cobb resigned before the season started. Not sure the name of his replacement, but he did a great job.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Kosar gives you one side of the story. The award was voted by coaches who know what's going on not biased fans. Congrats to coach Salmons. It was a great year for eastern ky coaches! Hager, derosett, matntey, Hilton too name a few others.
bulldog42 Wrote:Kosar gives you one side of the story. The award was voted by coaches who know what's going on not biased fans. Congrats to coach Salmons. It was a great year for eastern ky coaches! Hager, derosett, matntey, Hilton too name a few others.
Is what he was saying false?
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:Is what he was saying false?

I erased what I was going to say because I have more class than to let loose on a program because of a couple of posters that are classless. If you want to talk about what happened at the Bell Co game then PM me and I'll be more than happy one on one. You can listen to a poster from a rival school that has never spoken the 1st word to Coach Salmons or seen what he does for his kids. That poster can hide behind a fake name with no accountability and shoot his mouth off because he thinks he's in a safe place. Coach Salmons tried out for the NY Giants OLine so I would definatly hide behind a fake name too if I was going to attack his character.
Those with a brain smart enough not to go that route can look at the honor his peers gave him. You think if he didn't have class etc that they would give him such an honor even when his team didn't get as far as a lot of coaches? That's what his peers say.
Here's what I say. I've been coaching for 13 years now. I've coached against schools like Trinity, St X, Highlands, Cov Cath, Belfry, Russell, Bell, PBurg, Sheldon Clark etc. I've been around a lot of great coaches and I've won a state championship. I have respect for coaches because I know what they do everyday not just on Fri nights.
Coach Salmons took a group of kids that one 1 game over two years. They were beaten and battered both mentally+physically. He got them to buy into working harder than they have ever worked. He taught them not to quit or turn your back on others when times are tough. The kids leaving his program are prepared for life and know how to handle adveristy. They circle up every day after practice and give thanks to God. They know in tough times to lean on God/family and friends. They are also mentally tough as ****! He has taken a program that was beaten down to the lowest point it's ever been and put it back among the elite in Eastern KY. It took some swagger to do that. Do we wish the PA announcer hadn't flipped on the music after the Knox game to a song the kids were having fun in the lockeroom to. Heck yeh. The kids had been beaten down for 2 years. It was something that should have been done in the lockeroom and a lesson learned. I can assure you Lawrence Co has A LOT of respect for Knox Central and I think the people from Knox know that or at least the ones I've talked to do. As for the Bell incident 2 SR's were thrown out of the last game of their life. One on a totally phantom call that was caught on film. There are two sides to that story. The kids from LC were wrong and the adults from Bell Co were wrong. Coach Salmons was not in the lockeroom when the two kids tore it up. It was a sad sad situation for the LC program and one we have moved on from. The kids were handled and the lockeroom was taken care of. The knew they were wrong and maned up to take the punishment. We love them and hope everybody learned from that ordeal. I think anybody thrown out of their last game ever would be pretty emotional and you don't know the battles they have had in life so I wouldn't be too quick to judge. They will both be better people from the whole ordeal 10 years down the road. It too was a lesson learned for those kids.
There have been people on here that want to attack the character of Coach Salmons (all from Bell Co). I have been around a lot of coaches. I have not been around a Coach that works any harder than Luke in the off season. I also have not been around a coach that tries any harder to help open the eyes of his kids about God. He has been a very positive influence in my life and many others. He works his kids hard and demands they play the game hard. I'm sure glad he's here!
The people reading about Coach Salmons and our program can listen to a rival poster that hides behind a fake name then bashes the Coach or you can look at what his PEERS have said along with somebody that has spent a lot of time around him!

Blake Preece (not everybody has to hide!)
bulldog42 Wrote:I erased what I was going to say because I have more class than to let loose on a program because of a couple of posters that are classless. If you want to talk about what happened at the Bell Co game then PM me and I'll be more than happy one on one. You can listen to a poster from a rival school that has never spoken the 1st word to Coach Salmons or seen what he does for his kids. That poster can hide behind a fake name with no accountability and shoot his mouth off because he thinks he's in a safe place. Coach Salmons tried out for the NY Giants OLine so I would definatly hide behind a fake name too if I was going to attack his character.Those with a brain smart enough not to go that route can look at the honor his peers gave him. You think if he didn't have class etc that they would give him such an honor even when his team didn't get as far as a lot of coaches? That's what his peers say.
Here's what I say. I've been coaching for 13 years now. I've coached against schools like Trinity, St X, Highlands, Cov Cath, Belfry, Russell, Bell, PBurg, Sheldon Clark etc. I've been around a lot of great coaches and I've won a state championship. I have respect for coaches because I know what they do everyday not just on Fri nights.
Coach Salmons took a group of kids that one 1 game over two years. They were beaten and battered both mentally+physically. He got them to buy into working harder than they have ever worked. He taught them not to quit or turn your back on others when times are tough. The kids leaving his program are prepared for life and know how to handle adveristy. They circle up every day after practice and give thanks to God. They know in tough times to lean on God/family and friends. They are also mentally tough as ****! He has taken a program that was beaten down to the lowest point it's ever been and put it back among the elite in Eastern KY. It took some swagger to do that. Do we wish the PA announcer hadn't flipped on the music after the Knox game to a song the kids were having fun in the lockeroom to. Heck yeh. The kids had been beaten down for 2 years. It was something that should have been done in the lockeroom and a lesson learned. I can assure you Lawrence Co has A LOT of respect for Knox Central and I think the people from Knox know that or at least the ones I've talked to do. As for the Bell incident 2 SR's were thrown out of the last game of their life. One on a totally phantom call that was caught on film. There are two sides to that story. The kids from LC were wrong and the adults from Bell Co were wrong. Coach Salmons was not in the lockeroom when the two kids tore it up. It was a sad sad situation for the LC program and one we have moved on from. The kids were handled and the lockeroom was taken care of. The knew they were wrong and maned up to take the punishment. We love them and hope everybody learned from that ordeal. I think anybody thrown out of their last game ever would be pretty emotional and you don't know the battles they have had in life so I wouldn't be too quick to judge. They will both be better people from the whole ordeal 10 years down the road. It too was a lesson learned for those kids.
There have been people on here that want to attack the character of Coach Salmons (all from Bell Co). I have been around a lot of coaches. I have not been around a Coach that works any harder than Luke in the off season. I also have not been around a coach that tries any harder to help open the eyes of his kids about God. He has been a very positive influence in my life and many others. He works his kids hard and demands they play the game hard. I'm sure glad he's here!
The people reading about Coach Salmons and our program can listen to a rival poster that hides behind a fake name then bashes the Coach or you can look at what his PEERS have said along with somebody that has spent a lot of time around him!

Blake Preece (not everybody has to hide!)
LOL, I see where the boys get it..Turn things to a physical fight when things are rough. Classy. I have stated nothing on here that isnt true. You guys know it, If you like your kids dancing, taunting, trash talking, fighting, getting ejected, being taken out by the police, destroying locker rooms etc. Then congrats, You have the Coach of the year.
Voted by his peers! You and your lack of class mean nothing to his peers!
[SIZE=2]There is no greater honor then to be excepted by your peers. They are the ones that knows what it takes to be the best at what you do because every one of them are striving to reach the same honor and reignition. Congratulation coach Sammons i am very proud you are a part of the Dawg Family. And Thank you coach Preece for all ways being their for the kids and taking up for this GREAT program here in Louisa. I am looking forward to 2010
Dawg Family Wrote:[SIZE=2]There is no greater honor then to be excepted by your peers. They are the ones that knows what it takes to be the best at what you do because every one of them are striving to reach the same honor and reignition. Congratulation coach Sammons i am very proud you are a part of the Dawg Family. And Thank you coach Preece for all ways being their for the kids and taking up for this GREAT program here in Louisa. I am looking forward to 2010
Thank you all! It took a special group of high character people to have the turnaround we did. That goes from Luke to the guys doing things behind the scenes. It goes from the upperclassmen to the Sr's that graduated the last couple of years and not only stuck together but taught the younger kids how to work hard. We've had a lot of great parent suport and suport from the whole town. It's been a lot of fun building the foundation again!
Those kids shouldve known and been taught by there coach to not even think about flipping fans off. UNCLASSY.
Aren't you the guy from around Greenup Co that talked so much smack in the Russell 2010 thread?
Kosar Wrote:Just think its comical, when a team has to be escorted out by the police and then the coach allows them to destroy the lockerroom after the game, that he is coach of the year. Without the dancing after wins, disrespect of eevery team they played and obvious lack of team control, I might not feel this way.

I totally agree with you!
I think it's comical that none of you have ever spoken the first word with him yet you get on a public message board and attack his character with ZERO accountability. Thank God the coaches know him and what he's about.
I've said 1,000 times on here what two kids did was wrong. They know they were wrong, accepted their punishment and have moved on. There is a lot to the story that I'm not getting into on here where adults from Bell Co are just as guilty as the 2 kids. They are human and made a big mistake after being tossed from the last game of their life. One of them got tossed for nothing. Their emotions got the best of them and they lost it. They both knew they were wrong...have apologized...suffered the consequences and we've moved on. If there was a dead horse award then you guys have beat it. Congrats on once again ruining another positive thread with your holier than thou attitude.
Once again congrats to Coach Salmons from your peers (the people who have actually had conversations with you opposed to those that have never spoken a word to you).

To bad the mods don't control the people who live to ruin threads. That's why ************** will always be a better board than this one. ZERO accountability on this board.

Congrats to the other coaches in the area. It was a great year for coaches in Eastern KY. Pburg, SC, SV, JC, LCC, Somerset, Pulaski and Bell to name a few.

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