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Does anyone have any glitches for Madden o6
Does anyone have any glitches for Madden 06 of ps2, I am tired of all those cheater, someone please help me out if you can.
What do you mean cheaters? Are you mad b/c you lose Smile
I dont care to lose, but when you dont catch a ball all game and you have neg. yards rushing and they block every other punt yea it seems to piss me off. You can tell the one that cheat.
Are you talking about online then? Or against the computer?
If you press X 3 times, L1, R1, L1, Square, Square, Triangle it makes you run 100,000,000 mph.

Just playing bat, I don't know any. Sorry.

Try searching for modding tricks in the Madden 06 forums perhaps on or something to the sort.
Thanks tribe it might work, nothing else has, and beef i am talking about online.
Oh..ok...I thought that you were talking about against bad....yeah some of those guys probably know how to cheat. :boo:
This has brought me to quit playing online unless it's against people I know.
Yea, but i do give a go just to try and find someone that does not cheat.
I havent heard of any glitches for it.
Crickey, she remembered it!

By far the best gaming site on the net, combining with gamespot, but loading faster it's the better of the two. You can go to the main page, and search for Madden '06 in the top right, then got to the 'Codes & Secrets' section of the game. You could also ask around on the message board.

By the way, if you have gameshark or action replay you could really tear some people up online! It's like having a modded xbox on live :Thumbs:

Oh, but I disapprove of cheaters.
The glitches is for online play only, thats what i am looking for.
Well, get an action replay or gameshark, I'm fairly sure they work online.

Just because I disapprove doesn't mean you can't do it, I don't even have my PS2 hooked up.
people who care to much about thier rank have ruined online gaming, But if they didn't have the rank what would be the point to play its a double edged sword.

I hate cheaters all together, people who cheat just ruins my experience so if you just get matched up with a cheater just quit lets them get no satisfaciton, or just say good game after wards just to get them mad.
I really hate cheaters to!
YEAH CHEATERS ARE STUPID DOnt take it away is a cheater
That is the problems on line, thats why i want the glitches, to shove it back in there face. I do know one glitch, when you go to kick off select kick middle also turn off chat, then when the kick meter starts to come up hold down x button along with l2 button until the kick meter goes away, it wont let you kick, they will call a time out, just repeat the steps and then dont touch anything, it will take sometime, so just lay dopwn your controller and wait for them to quit and take the loss.

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