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Funny must read
Found this on the web. Thought it was quite funny.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But the Cats are so delightful.
And the Louisville fans should know.
Ten-and-oh, ten-and-oh, ten-and-oh.

They're showing no sign of stopping.
Two thousand wins we'll soon be topping.
While beating every top-ten foe,
Ten-and-oh, ten-and-oh,ten-and-oh.

When the Cards fin'lly come to town,
How they'll hate getting run off the court
Then as they load on the bus
They'll think about how they fell short.

The Louisville season is dying,
and their fans will all start crying.
But the record of the CATS, although,
ten-and-oh, ten-and-oh,ten-and-oh
I seen this a few days ago. iposted the first line in one of my post the other day./
my fiance txted this to me earlier isnt she the best lol
Love it! I think it will be in my head for a while, but what a great song.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
that is awesome
I would love to know who the genius was that thought of this brilliant tune?!
freakin awesome

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