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NCAA Basketball 10
Just got an update on the rankings issue from the NCAA BB Community Manager:

As some of you have run into already with NCAA Basketball 10 the information coming out of this week’s dynamic update is incorrect. The development team are aware of this issue and are working on fixing this right away. When I get additional information regarding when the fix will be out then I will let all of you know.
Ill have it in the morning.
CardinalAlum Wrote:Ill have it in the morning.

Supposed to be getting it tomorrow as well. If enough is interested we should try to start a BGR tourney like last year.
Reanimate Wrote:Supposed to be getting it tomorrow as well. If enough is interested we should try to start a BGR tourney like last year.
Yeah and no one should be allowed to use uk because almost everyone here is a UK fan.
GOREDDEVILS Wrote:Yeah and no one should be allowed to use uk because almost everyone here is a UK fan.

Yea, thats what I was gonna say. Everyone is gonna want to be UK, so we will just exclude them from being picked.
I guess one thing should be asked. For those who have it and or getting it, what system u playing on lol.. Im'a 360 user
UPDATE 2 - The issue with the Top 25 has been resolved. Re-download the Dynamic Update to get the correct Top 25.
I have ncaa basketball 10 for ps3.
Ill have it for the 360
I have been thinking about getting this game (360). I usually tire of sports games quickly though.
GOREDDEVILS Wrote:I have ncaa basketball 10 for ps3.

I should be getting it for ps3 soon
Haven't bought this one yet, I'm going to though. Loved last years.
When will the rosters be available to download?
king360 Wrote:When will the rosters be available to download?

They already are
king360 Wrote:When will the rosters be available to download?
Searching for NCAA Basketball 10 rosters? Look no further! Follow the instructions below for your console of choice:

Go to Online - My NCAA Online - EA Locker - Media Center - Hit SQUARE and Search for the File Name below:

ncaaStrategies - File contains all named players and coaches, no edits made.
(Will be in lockers of ncaaStrategies & cdj) File made by members of Operation Sports with missing players and corrections made by cdj.

Go to Online - My NCAA Online - EA Locker - Media Center - Hit X and Search for the File Name below:

OS COACHES NAMES FULL VER 2 - File contains all named players and coaches, no edits made.
(Will be in locker of ACEMAB194) File made by members of Operation Sports.
I played a few online at my friends house. And I have a question. Does everybody you play launch 3's all day? Im serious, every online match, they just shoot 3's, and most of em go in...
Reanimate Wrote:I played a few online at my friends house. And I have a question. Does everybody you play launch 3's all day? Im serious, every online match, they just shoot 3's, and most of em go in...
Yes I make sure i stay with the guy with the ball as they switch and then time the shot and jump to get a hand in their face and they miss.
From what I did play, its gonna be a fun game. I dont want to just shoot 3's all game like everyone else. I like actually learning the plays and executing them. Way more fun for me.
Reanimate Wrote:From what I did play, its gonna be a fun game. I dont want to just shoot 3's all game like everyone else. I like actually learning the plays and executing them. Way more fun for me.
Yeah and people who can play good defense will smash those people who jack up 3s everytime. I actually use the dribble drive and man to man d and it seems pretty effective with Kentucky's talent.
I was Texas the few games I played. I wanted to be Kentucky, but everyone said once my opponent saw I picked UK, they would just back out.
I had a pretty epic game with someone using Michigan State. I had John Wall with 72 points... amazing how he can make all thoese threes.
Real Badman Wrote:I had a pretty epic game with someone using Michigan State. I had John Wall with 72 points... amazing how he can make all thoese threes.

haha wow.. Bet that dude was ****ed!
No lol he won, it sucked so bad lol. My D is godawful on that game.
I just played as Kentucky against Louisville, and I must say, its unfair how good UK is! I beat the life outta U of L. Kentucky has so many scoring options on this game, its not even funny.
If anybody wants to play, add me. GT is Reanimat3
If anyone (on the 360) is interested in joining whats shaping up to be a great league, go here sign up, leave ur gamertag and what team u want to be. League starts right after christmas, so practice up. The dude said there going to be a website for it and everything.
it be pretty sweet if you didnt already have UK lol.
Real Badman Wrote:it be pretty sweet if you didnt already have UK lol.

I actually lucked out on that one. I had Texas, but the UK guy never gave his Gamertag, so I seized the opportunity lol

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