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Al Gore.......Earth's Interior is Millions of Degree's
DevilsWin Wrote:I think the Republican party only pretends to stand for these things because they're wedge issues. Perfect for pitting us against each other.

Sending troops to war with the weapons they have instead of the weapons they need is the Republican way. That's how Paul Wolfowitz Donald Rumsfeld and **** Cheney did it. They wrote the book on Conservative military philosophy as well as presiding over its implementation for the last 40 years. Starting wars and using your troops for every little police matter isn't the definition of strong support for the military.

Supporting the military means giving them the equipment they need and the time they need when they are asked to deploy overseas for our protection.

You can't just put a rush job on a battle plan like Old School would like.

Supporting the troops also means supporting pay raises for the military.
Support the troops means making sure that the troops get THE BEST medical care in the country. Not just good health care. They deserve The Best. Not another tragedy like the one that happened at Walter Reed while W was in charge.

So don't kid yourself.

I stopped reading your post after your first ignorant sentence.
DevilsWin Wrote:I think the Republican party only pretends to stand for these things because they're wedge issues. Perfect for pitting us against each other.

Sending troops to war with the weapons they have instead of the weapons they need is the Republican way. That's how Paul Wolfowitz Donald Rumsfeld and **** Cheney did it. They wrote the book on Conservative military philosophy as well as presiding over its implementation for the last 40 years. Starting wars and using your troops for every little police matter isn't the definition of strong support for the military.

Supporting the military means giving them the equipment they need and the time they need when they are asked to deploy overseas for our protection.

You can't just put a rush job on a battle plan like Old School would like.

Supporting the troops also means supporting pay raises for the military.
Support the troops means making sure that the troops get THE BEST medical care in the country. Not just good health care. They deserve The Best. Not another tragedy like the one that happened at Walter Reed while W was in charge.

So don't kid yourself.
How does any of this relate to Al Gore's ignorance about basic scientific facts and the subjects about which he writes and lectures? Like Obama, Gore was part of an administration that failed to adequately support its military - treating it as a social laboratory and canceling advanced weapons programs that minimize American war casualities.

I support paying our military well but good pay rates are of no use to a dead Marine. Canceling long term development of advanced weapons research and development is not supporting our troops. Allowing our enemies to close the technological gap will place our troops at greater risk.

Finally, Obama's indecisiveness and use of the military as a back drop for photo-ops is not supporting the troops.

[INDENT]Obama to the Troops: 'You Guys Make a Pretty Good Photo Op'

Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time), and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cell phones to snap pictures.

"You guys make a pretty good photo op," the president said.[/INDENT]
jetpilot Wrote:I stopped reading your post after your first ignorant sentence.

Are you suggesting that political parties are above pushing an issue to gain leverage with voters? Even though the individual members don't feel that strongly about the issue? I don't really think you are, lest your recoiling at "ignorance" is a boomerang.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How does any of this relate to Al Gore's ignorance about basic scientific facts and the subjects about which he writes and lectures? Like Obama, Gore was part of an administration that failed to adequately support its military - treating it as a social laboratory and canceling advanced weapons programs that minimize American war casualities.

I support paying our military well but good pay rates are of no use to a dead Marine. Canceling long term development of advanced weapons research and development is not supporting our troops. Allowing our enemies to close the technological gap will place our troops at greater risk.

Finally, Obama's indecisiveness and use of the military as a back drop for photo-ops is not supporting the troops.
[INDENT]Obama to the Troops: 'You Guys Make a Pretty Good Photo Op'

Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time), and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cell phones to snap pictures.

"You guys make a pretty good photo op," the president said.
So now he can't make a joke? You got to be kiddin me.
Amun-Ra Wrote:So now he can't make a joke? You got to be kiddin me.

What, these unbiased mouthpieces of thought not their own don't like Obama, or anything he does? I'm shocked.
Amun-Ra Wrote:So now he can't make a joke? You got to be kiddin me.
Good comedy requires that the punch line contains a grain of truth. I think that there was a little too much truth for comfort in Obama's crack about the troops making a good photo-op. Why do you think Obama chose to deliver his prime time speech on his long overdue decision on additional troops for Afghanistan from West Point?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good comedy requires that the punch line contains a grain of truth. I think that there was a little too much truth for comfort in Obama's crack about the troops making a good photo-op. Why do you think Obama chose to deliver his prime time speech on his long overdue decision on additional troops for Afghanistan from West Point?

By your cynicism, Hoot, Bush II was a fraud when he declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq donned in flight gear on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. On a larger field, was Robert Kennedy a fraud when the press took pictures of him with the dirt-poor people of Kentucky and West Virginia? or did he really care about them? about economic justice? Or, does all your "a little too much truth for comfort" suggest you have that rarest of ability: to see into the hearts and motives of other men and women?
thecavemaster Wrote:
By your cynicism, Hoot, Bush II was a fraud when he declared "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq donned in flight gear on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. On a larger field, was Robert Kennedy a fraud when the press took pictures of him with the dirt-poor people of Kentucky and West Virginia? or did he really care about them? about economic justice? Or, does all your "a little too much truth for comfort" suggest you have that rarest of ability: to see into the hearts and motives of other men and women?
The only time the Kennedy brothers visited eastern Kentucky was when they needed a backdrop for a speech on poverty. They had no other reason for traveling to the head of Muddy Gut Hollow with a camera crew.

As for Bush, I will leave it for others to defend his actions. Bush made many mistakes and one of his biggest ones was buying into the global warming hoax near the end of his second term.

Any comments about the thread topic...i.e, Gore's obvious lack of knowledge about a simple geologic fact? How does a self-proclaimed expert on alternative sources of energy miss the temperature of the earth's core by many magnitudes? I dispute Gore's claims about his role in "creating" the internet but I want to make sure this bozo gets full credit for perpetrating one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The only time the Kennedy brothers visited eastern Kentucky was when they needed a backdrop for a speech on poverty. They had no other reason for traveling to the head of Muddy Gut Hollow with a camera crew.

As for Bush, I will leave it for others to defend his actions. Bush made many mistakes and one of his biggest ones was buying into the global warming hoax near the end of his second term.

Any comments about the thread topic...i.e, Gore's obvious lack of knowledge about a simple geologic fact? How does a self-proclaimed expert on alternative sources of energy miss the temperature of the earth's core by many magnitudes? I dispute Gore's claims about his role in "creating" the internet but I want to make sure this bozo gets full credit for perpetrating one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world.

A man smart enough to create the internet, certainly would be smart enough to know that Global Warming is a real threat, and not just something for him to build a company around:eyeroll:
DevilsWin Wrote:I think the Republican party only pretends to stand for these things because they're wedge issues. Perfect for pitting us against each other.

Sending troops to war with the weapons they have instead of the weapons they need is the Republican way. That's how Paul Wolfowitz Donald Rumsfeld and **** Cheney did it. They wrote the book on Conservative military philosophy as well as presiding over its implementation for the last 40 years. Starting wars and using your troops for every little police matter isn't the definition of strong support for the military.

Supporting the military means giving them the equipment they need and the time they need when they are asked to deploy overseas for our protection.

You can't just put a rush job on a battle plan like Old School would like.

Supporting the troops also means supporting pay raises for the military.
Support the troops means making sure that the troops get THE BEST medical care in the country. Not just good health care. They deserve The Best. Not another tragedy like the one that happened at Walter Reed while W was in charge.

So don't kid yourself.

I don't expect anyone (especially Barry) to hastily plan a battle, but 2 years is a little much don't you think?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The only time the Kennedy brothers visited eastern Kentucky was when they needed a backdrop for a speech on poverty. They had no other reason for traveling to the head of Muddy Gut Hollow with a camera crew.

As for Bush, I will leave it for others to defend his actions. Bush made many mistakes and one of his biggest ones was buying into the global warming hoax near the end of his second term.

Any comments about the thread topic...i.e, Gore's obvious lack of knowledge about a simple geologic fact? How does a self-proclaimed expert on alternative sources of energy miss the temperature of the earth's core by many magnitudes? I dispute Gore's claims about his role in "creating" the internet but I want to make sure this bozo gets full credit for perpetrating one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the world.

Gore's knowledge of climate trends is not that of a scientist, but of an advocate. I would say the same for his expertise in alternative energy. I find it hard to believe that your thought process is that human society can spew chemicals and gases into the atmosphere, into the ecosystem, with impunity and cause only a negligible impact. And we need to believe this so as to keep the socialists from gaining control? Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul....
thecavemaster Wrote:Gore's knowledge of climate trends is not that of a scientist, but of an advocate. I would say the same for his expertise in alternative energy. I find it hard to believe that your thought process is that human society can spew chemicals and gases into the atmosphere, into the ecosystem, with impunity and cause only a negligible impact. And we need to believe this so as to keep the socialists from gaining control? Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul....
Maybe you would find my opinions easier to believe if you stopped deliberately mischaracterising them. I never have and never will state that "human society can spew chemicals and gases into the atmosphere, into the ecosystem, with impunity and cause only negligible impact" nor have I made any statement remotely resembling such a characterization.

Why do you repeatedly mix CO2 emissions with the release of toxins into the air and water in "global warming" threads? Has it become impossible to engage in an honest debate on this subject?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Maybe you would find my opinions easier to believe if you stopped deliberately mischaracterising them. I never have and never will state that "human society can spew chemicals and gases into the atmosphere, into the ecosystem, with impunity and cause only negligible impact" nor have I made any statement remotely resembling such a characterization.

Why do you repeatedly mix CO2 emissions with the release of toxins into the air and water in "global warming" threads? Has it become impossible to engage in an honest debate on this subject?

You believe the rise in CO2 levels is not man made. Is that correct? My belief is that you can't flood living systems with toxins or naturally occurring elements in toxic amounts and escape consequences. And, the higher the level of the toxin or the natural element at toxic levels, the more far reaching and severe the consequences. That's what I'm saying.
thecavemaster Wrote:You believe the rise in CO2 levels is not man made. Is that correct? My belief is that you can't flood living systems with toxins or naturally occurring elements in toxic amounts and escape consequences. And, the higher the level of the toxin or the natural element at toxic levels, the more far reaching and severe the consequences. That's what I'm saying.

I respect your belief, but I beleive you are wrong.
Stardust Wrote:I respect your belief, but I beleive you are wrong.

So, what about cig smoke? Does it harm the lung tissue?
thecavemaster Wrote:So, what about cig smoke? Does it harm the lung tissue?

Yep, but does nothing to the ozone layer
Stardust Wrote:Yep, but does nothing to the ozone layer

Is the ozone a living or dead system? Static or changing?
It is changing, but has been changing for 1K's of years. Just as the earths axis changes (not by man), so does the earths atmosphere.
Stardust Wrote:It is changing, but has been changing for 1K's of years. Just as the earths axis changes (not by man), so does the earths atmosphere.

It is not that I don't believe in naturally occuring, systemic changes in and upon the earth. I do, of course. However, I find it odd that one could believe the massive shifts produced by the Industrial Revolution, exploding human population, etc. would have no impact within and upon those changes. I find that incredible, really.
thecavemaster Wrote:It is not that I don't believe in naturally occuring, systemic changes in and upon the earth. I do, of course. However, I find it odd that one could believe the massive shifts produced by the Industrial Revolution, exploding human population, etc. would have no impact within and upon those changes. I find that incredible, really.

Man is powerful, but I just don't believe that powerful. Nature has always had it's own schedule, and regardless of what man has done, Mother Natures natural manner beats us every time.
Stardust Wrote:Man is powerful, but I just don't believe that powerful. Nature has always had it's own schedule, and regardless of what man has done, Mother Natures natural manner beats us every time.

Human beings created coal slurry ponds, like the ones that "break" and flood areas with sludge and toxins. That's not nature. Human beings clear cut mountainside areas in South America and create the conditions for tragic mud slides that happen. I don't take your point, per se.
thecavemaster Wrote:Human beings created coal slurry ponds, like the ones that "break" and flood areas with sludge and toxins. That's not nature. Human beings clear cut mountainside areas in South America and create the conditions for tragic mud slides that happen. I don't take your point, per se.

Let's stay on topic of what I have been talking about. Global warming? Un-uh, not MAN MADE!
You had a great point in one of the threads when you were talking about High Blood pressure, clogging of the arteries, etc... all brought on by ourselves (man made). I also made the point that death happen all the time of natural circumstances, that have nothing to do with man made actions. Some things are man made, others are not. We, I do not beleive, have affected the ozone level and global warming.
thecavemaster Wrote:You believe the rise in CO2 levels is not man made. Is that correct? My belief is that you can't flood living systems with toxins or naturally occurring elements in toxic amounts and escape consequences. And, the higher the level of the toxin or the natural element at toxic levels, the more far reaching and severe the consequences. That's what I'm saying.
If you had been reading my responses to your posts, then you would have noticed that I have already answered your question multiple times. There is no need to repeat the question or the answer again.

One reason that you are struggling to make a cogent point in this debate is that you insist on talking about toxins and none of the major greenhouse gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, are toxic.

Repeatedly bringing toxins into a global warming discussion is nonsensical and simply draws attention to your fundamental lack of understanding of this issue. I suggest that you rearm yourself with some relevant facts and return to the fray when you are better prepared.

Better yet, read some of the recently leaked information from the Hadley Climate Center with an open mind and climb aboard the global warming skeptic bandwagon, which is filling up quickly and building up a head of (coal-fired) steam! Big Grin
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If you had been reading my responses to your posts, then you would have noticed that I have already answered your question multiple times. There is no need to repeat the question or the answer again.

One reason that you are struggling to make a cogent point in this debate is that you insist on talking about toxins and none of the major greenhouse gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, are toxic.

Repeatedly bringing toxins into a global warming discussion is nonsensical and simply draws attention to your fundamental lack of understanding of this issue. I suggest that you rearm yourself with some relevant facts and return to the fray when you are better prepared.

Better yet, read some of the recently leaked information from the Hadley Climate Center with an open mind and climb aboard the global warming skeptic bandwagon, which is filling up quickly and building up a head of (coal-fired) steam! Big Grin

Oxygen is not toxic, unless its levels are too high. A human being can die from over oxygenation. The fact that the gases are not toxic in and of themselves does not speak to the issue I am suggesting. Living systems exist upon delicate balances. Non-toxic can become toxic if that balance is disturbed.
DevilsWin Wrote:I think the Republican party only pretends to stand for these things because they're wedge issues. Perfect for pitting us against each other.

Sending troops to war with the weapons they have instead of the weapons they need is the Republican way. That's how Paul Wolfowitz Donald Rumsfeld and **** Cheney did it. They wrote the book on Conservative military philosophy as well as presiding over its implementation for the last 40 years. Starting wars and using your troops for every little police matter isn't the definition of strong support for the military.

Supporting the military means giving them the equipment they need and the time they need when they are asked to deploy overseas for our protection.

You can't just put a rush job on a battle plan like Old School would like.

Supporting the troops also means supporting pay raises for the military.
Support the troops means making sure that the troops get THE BEST medical care in the country. Not just good health care. They deserve The Best. Not another tragedy like the one that happened at Walter Reed while W was in charge.

So don't kid yourself.

Right-on. We need Obamacare so every american can get what our soldiers got at Walter Reed.
^ lol
Rooster Cogburn Wrote:Right-on. We need Obamacare so every american can get what our soldiers got at Walter Reed.
Whatever there, chickenhawk cockburn!
[ame=""]YouTube- Al Gore reads his Global Warming Poem to CNN Reporter[/ame]


Please remain seated for the duration of the reading of this poem. Possibility of breaking a hip through hysterical laughter!!!
Stardust Wrote:We, I do not believe, have affected the ozone level and global warming.
You really don't believe that all of the cars and factories and everythign else that burns fossil fuels adds extra CO2 to the atmosphere? Without humans where would have all of that extea came from?

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