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KBA Preseason Showcase
Does anyone have scores from this event at Rupp yesterday?
I was told by a friend that attended that Larue Co. beat Southwestern 41-37.

They said Southwestern was ahead by a couple of points with about 5 minutes to play. Coach Schulz then subbed in some younger players the last few minutes to allow them the experience of playing at Rupp. If this is true I think the coach needs to be commended for putting his players above winning in a scrmmage game.

I am interested in the Clay Co. McCreary Central score. Any word on how Watts did?
I heard Whitley County won 70-45 over East Jessamine.
I heard Pendleton Co beat Barbourville by 18.
Thanks folks! I don't know a score, but Bracken beat Bluegrass United by 12.
Buckhorn beat Carroll Co. by around 10 I believe.
I was told incorrectly the SW and Larue Co. score. It was actually Larue 47 Southwestern 44. ( I am gonna have to fire my informant)

Lexington Christian and South Laurel played to a 58 58 tie.

McCreary Central defeated Clay Co. 54 to 48

All low scoring games. I guess shooting in a big areana hurts the shooting percentages.

I will say shooting in a big arena never bothered my shot any, I could miss them in an arena, just as well as I could miss them in my home gym.:biggrin:

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