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Derrick Rose ACT Exam
A lot has been made about the Derrick Rose ACT exam and the controversy surrounding him, the person who took, the NCAA Clearinghouse, Memphis and Coach Cal's knowledge of this.

I have been able to recover the exam that was completed by Derrick, and I just don't understand what all the controversy is all about. After reviewing this, it is clear to me that he (or the person who took the test for him) was completely prepared for the next level of education.







Star, im starting to believe we're in the same email circle! haha
:thatsfunn Good find Sdust.
It was hardwork - lol
Still my favorite is the one expand on (a+b)
No, there is an elephant in the way. LMAO
Personally find X was my favorite. LOL I can't believe someone would do this. Very funny stuff.
Stardust, the official reason that he was ruled inelegible after he was cleared was because they had some doubts and so mailed a letter to his previous mailing address (mom's house), we all know most parents don't open their mail. He was given a certain time period, about 10 days, to respond and did not. First of all, I don't know how long it took for him to find out about the letter. Second, he was on the road during some of that time period, and third, they knew where he was, and it wasn't at Mommy's. If they wanted to find him, they knew where to look. It is a travesty, that USC still says they haven't reached a decision on the O.J. Mayo fiasco. They said they are trying to get concret evidence that Mayo was paid to come to USC by Floyd, and don't even get me started about their cheating football team, which they have the evidence against Reggie Bush, delete games, take away championships. Heck no! It is not like they don't have any witnesses to what Bush did.
This right here shows the partiality between powerhouse programs and ones that are not. These were appeals, ones that were overturned and ones that were not. You be the judge if the NCAA is screwing over the smaller schools and their athletes.
http://www.newsok.c om/other-ncaa-appeal s/article/3412769?cu stom_click=pod_headl ine_osu-sports
All of those were hilarious. I ran across the site one night that shows papers, tests, etc. by students that have these type of answers on them. I can't remember the address but if I run across it again, I'll post because it's too funny. It includes these plus hundreds more.

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