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Lawrence County 19 - Knox Central 0
William Muney Wrote:Yes Preacher you reminded me I would like to apolgize to Mr. Roark. He did nothing out of the way and I support him for defending our players.

I wasn't going to say anything on here because this is getting ridiculous but.........After the game I was standing in the endzone waiting to congratulate my nephew when he came off the field. Your Mr. Roark was walking by and yelled out to enjoy it tonight because we were going to get our &*&^$% knocked off next week.......did I mention all of the little kids that were running around playing there? That to me is just very poor behavior by anyone, especially someone that is an employee of the school system.
What is wrong with having a little fun. I hope we get to play KC again next year. I don't think Coach would take it easy on you next time. I thought the KC/BELL/Rock district was suppose to be tough? They look pretty soft to me.
TrueDawg Wrote:What is wrong with having a little fun. I hope we get to play KC again next year. I don't think Coach would take it easy on you next time. I thought the KC/BELL/Rock district was suppose to be tough? They look pretty soft to me.

Another wall hanger. You guys never learn. The video was the best.
Yes KC fans our starters did not shake hands after the game and this was because the coach told them not to the reason is because of the stuff that was going on the field at the end of the game. I was amazed at our guy's keeping thier cool and I am sure the coach wasn't wanting to push the limits. We had to do the same at the boyd co game. Sorry if you guy's thought this was classless but we all know that we can't afford to lose anyone over the kind of junk KC was pulling. If this had been a regular season game I am sure you all would have seen some different stuff going on because they would have been half the team ejected because these boys just don't take that stuff. Thats why I am very proud of this team this shows how far they have come as a team. And as for the after game stuff on the field this really had nothing to do with KC this was just our boys having fun they do this stuff in the locker room all the time. IF KC coach would have taken his team on off the field LC would have still did this because it wasn't nothing towards KC it's just the thing they do. As for the fans running thier mouth well we all have them but IMO a hand full out of over 4000 fans doesn't represent our over all fan base. But I'm sure you all have them to. With all this said I am sure you all really don't care but thats the story on the hand shaking thing.
all day jay Wrote:LC WASN'T TAUNTING ANYBODY!!! All of you knox fans haven't seen the video of Lc dancing to that same song in the locker room, therefore you would not know why they were dancing to it after the game.
Also, to me, knox was acting classless...if u want to call LC classless for running out the clock and Kc not being able to tackle James, you might want to think about the play before when a D lineman pulled our center's helmet off and hit him with it. You are obviously not looking at the whole game, just an instance of it.
Finally, the coaching staff didn't want the starters to shake hand because they were afraid that there might be a fight, BECAUSE OF THE ACTIONS OF THE KC PLAYERS THE LAST FEW MINUTES OF THE GAME. If you want to call LC classless, you might want to look at the actions of your own team.
I'll leave you with a question... What is wrong with LC celebrating an undefeated season, after a winless one last year, especially after everybody said they wouldn't win because they were slow and played a weak schedule, and making it to the regional championship game?


I would like to jump in here and say something from a third party view...we got the film from your coaching staff, and we gave them a copy of our game against just from what I have read and now from what your(LC) film showed you are lucky to have won this game period...Knox played a below average game, than what they normally do...but that said you guys deserved to win..Now to the classless stuff after the your players and fans in the will see what the K.C. people are talking about..I hope you guys don't run into them next year..They lose 2 starters period...but knowing Coach Mills he would probably show class and take a knee...So come on up to LOG MTN.. we will knock the pretty little blonde out of you and say hello to our JV ...mid-3rd qrt....see ya soon ......................................................................................
Still Classless. That is not a thing to do in HS football.
This is several times I have heard that this was something they do in the lockeroom. It should have been done in the lockerroom. No place for that on the field!
William Muney Wrote:Still Classless. That is not a thing to do in HS football.

Ripping an opposing player's helmet off and hitting him in the face with it is pretty classless too!
That is 1 player. The incident with the team and coaches being involved in the "performance" is what is disgraceful.

They had a good win, with some lucky breaks along the way but no means do they need to show up the other team.
Paul Crewe Wrote:Another wall hanger. You guys never learn. The video was the best.

If they didn't want to see it they should have taken their kids off the field. Nobody forced them and their fans to stand around and watch. The game was over they were free to leave. Some of you guys are on here talkin about it and WERE NOT EVEN THERE!! N
Dawg days! Wrote:If they didn't want to see it they should have taken their kids off the field. Nobody forced them and their fans to stand around and watch. The game was over they were free to leave. Some of you guys are on here talkin about it and WERE NOT EVEN THERE!! N

Sorry, everyone has now seen this. Bush league! We do know what we are talking about. We are talking about LC actions after the game and all I here is what KC done.
LC was wrong. NO words or arguements will change that.
19-0 You better come with more than that.:biggrin:
LC could have scored much more. Bell will find out soon enough.
They scored with seconds left. They scored all they could.
William Muney Wrote:LC was wrong. NO words or arguements will change that.

I've read post after post from you bashing LC. You ran your mouth before the game and now after. Don't you ever get tired of being so miserable? Let it go KM...
TrueDawg Wrote:LC could have scored much more. Bell will find out soon enough.

Were you even at the game!!! Scored late with just a few seconds. What, did they not try on the other possesions?
LC was the better team I said that. The behavior after the game was outragous.
lcgrad2002 Wrote:I'm not sure they would be nice if they did. They deserve it.
You REALLY should have special celebration this week. Because after Friday night you will have nothing to celebrate. Maybe you all can get that 19-0 win you are so proud of (biggest win in school history as they say) out on TV and watch it over and over. Then -you can all practice that dance together? Please put THAT on youtube too.

OK... sarcasm off. Here is my real thought about LC - great football players with a team story fit for a great after school TV special. Winless Team goes Big starring .50 cent and Tim Tebow or something like that. It will be a great money maker. But until that happens here is the point - when you are blessed to win you have a responsibility to win right. LC will not get to learn that this year. They are done winning.

As for 76 slamming grabbing the kids facemask I must say this: be careful calling numbers and names out on public boards. This young man is a personal friend of my family. He has worked hard to be the amazing athlete that he is. I know the story behind what he did as I was on the sideline. To put it mildly, he was provoked. You can't do what that kid did and not expect retaliation.

And as for these tracks you all keeping talking about, we are now off them. You put us off them - congrats. You beat a good team without their best o-lineman. Now enjoy the spanking that our neighbors are about to unLeash on you. Watch how they win and learn from it. Shake their starters hands for they likely will add another ring to those fingers. Maybe some of that class will rub off.
Paul Crewe Wrote:Another wall hanger. You guys never learn. The video was the best.
Oh for love of all that is holy I pray you get to play us next year. We lose 3. You lose 15. The anger of that night will fuel the training from now til then. The spanking you will take Friday night will make you forget what is coming if you see KC in 2010. PLEASE, may we be BLESSED to play LC next year!!
Ok so you can say whatever you want to and I can't. Your full of crap buddy I'll save whatever I want to, and the only way that kid was provoked was by getting his team's butt kicked 19-0. So there is no movie needed we know how to win and we are back to the way it used to be. I believe LC has won way more games than Knox Central ever. Thanks once you guys can beat us than we can talk. You guys can't beat us and get over it. I don't care who you are or who your friends with,we won the game fair and square get over it.I'm done replying to this thread it's over I'm not going to read this anymore.
Yeah there buddy we lose 15 seniors but will have 15 again next year thanks get your facts right.
William Muney Wrote:LC was the better team I said that. The behavior after the game was outragous.

Can anyone answer me just one question? I have posted it I know at least 3 times and nobody will comment.

Why did they have a team meeting on the 30-35 yard line right after the game? If the didn't want to see us celebrate why didn't they go back to their locker room? Their fans we not held at gunpoint and made to watch us enjoy the moment.

Could somebody comment?
do they have a video of what happened after the game
logmountainboy64 Wrote:do they have a video of what happened after the game

I was there. Can you answer my question? I'm not trying to be a smart a** I'm just curious why...
Yes it's posted on the Lawrence & Bell Tread watch it and tell us if you see anyone pointing or doing anything toward KC team. But either way people will think what they want and yes most likely these team could meet next year and hopfully have another good game. But for now we have at least 1 more week of football and this game is history.
Dawg days! Wrote:Can anyone answer me just one question? I have posted it I know at least 3 times and nobody will comment.

Why did they have a team meeting on the 30-35 yard line right after the game? If the didn't want to see us celebrate why didn't they go back to their locker room? Their fans we not held at gunpoint and made to watch us enjoy the moment.

Could somebody comment?
I will answer your question. Teams, win or lose, customarily meet on opposite ends of the field to have a few words with family before going to the locker rooms. This is the case at every game I have attended. THAT is why the CELEBRATION was classless. It was taunting...
Lazer Sports Show Wrote:Yeah there buddy we lose 15 seniors but will have 15 again next year thanks get your facts right.
My facts are straight. I commented on the number we lose vs the number you lose. May LC be blessed to have another great season so we can face off again. I can't wait.
They stayed to learn how to be a great team. Even the fans stayed and watched everybody dance. They may have stayed also to watch their leader get carried out. They should have hid their tales to the parking lot after getting blowed out. LC just played with them, could have scored at will but didnt need to after seeing the D was not going to let them score.
logmountainboy64 Wrote:do they have a video of what happened after the game

Football1 Wrote:I will answer your question. Teams, win or lose, customarily meet on opposite ends of the field to have a few words with family before going to the locker rooms. This is the case at every game I have attended. THAT is why the CELEBRATION was classless. It was taunting...

I guess that's your opinion and I've got mine. It just sounds to me like people upset because they lost. We can point fingers all day. Did you guys see anything your players were doing? I'm guessing not...

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